Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Images tagged "n360-facts"


  1. AA63

    dun forget to post the head lights after u have fit it in your jdm carina..

  2. banpei

    As you can see, I received the package:
    Aazuma Package (Grille and headlights)

    However the brackets are bit worse than I expected, so I need to fix them up first.

  3. banpei

    Apparently there is a bug in PHP which makes PHP believe there is still another recordset. This causes an infinite loop when you don’t implement it the way as indicated as stated in the multi-query example.

    See also:

  4. Anonymous

    its a 2 dr carina that is chasing the 4dr carina not a soarer, if u look carefully.

  5. banpei

    It put it on full screen now and re-watched it. You’re absolutely right: it’s a 2 door Carina, not a soarer. Thanks! d:)b

  6. banpei


  7. Anonymous

    I counted 38

  8. Speed Industries

    Now that is one cool article.

    Good stuff, keep it going.


  9. banpei

    Thanks for the complement Tobias! d:)b

  10. aa63

    Thanks by linking my blog to ur blog, nice to share infos with you.

  11. Anonymous

    That’s NOT a Carina.. It’s an early 80’s Corona GT hardtop coupe, notice the swept rear pillar and sloped rear deck? DOY :P

  12. banpei

    Did you actually read what I wrote?

    It could be at 0:19 or at 0:44 or at 1:03, but IMO all three cars are the same Mark II GX61 Hardtop coupe. Taillights are definitely not Carina and match more or less this Mark II:
    Mark II GX61 Hardtop coupe
    I must say that they look quite the same so I understand the mix up.

    As I wrote: IMO it is not a Carina and probably a GX61 Mark II

  13. fulloc

    4th car in is an at141 corona sedan. almost a carina :) note the pointy front. they came out 4age and 3tgte among others.

  14. banpei

    You are right… :)
    I totally forgot to mention the Corona in the picture!

    Stupid thing is that the meeting was an Toyota A60 platform meeting, so the AT141 is a bit out of place here. ;)

  15. Warren

    Here is the website of the track

  16. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    I’ll have a close look at that site. :)

  17. bippu4life

    That Carina is totally sick

    Here is the website of VF

    But I don’t like it much, lack of information about that AA63 there(

    TS Factory also have nice Carina with 3S-GTE

  18. banpei

    Thanks! :)

    I did come across the TS factory Carina some time ago. It was one of the inspirations for me to buy the Carina after all. ;)

    Too bad the V-factory site doesn’t work right now… Maybe it will come up in the next couple of days or perhaps my internet connection is not working right now because your blog isn’t loading its images either… I’ll recheck later.

  19. banpei

    I could finally check the site and they have very nice stuff there! ;)
    Unfortunately nothing about the Carina…

  20. AndrewGL

    “Maybe I’ll spot a Carina A60 next year? Who knows…”

    You can spot a TA62 coupe for sure, if you come to Budapest :)

  21. banpei

    It depends on the plans for next year and about how easy my son is by then, but perhaps we’ll also meet up with family in Budapest and I can break myself loose from them. ;)

  22. Alfredo

    Well, i´m from PerĂº and I know this Carina GT-R personally. This is a real JDM Carina. We peruvians, import JAPANESE RHD cars and do a conversion we call “timĂ³n cambiado” (Changed Steering wheel) and relocate (professionally) the steering wheel to the left. Thats how we can enjoy Silvias S13, Corona GT-T, Celica GT-
    T, Supras, Skylines…etc..etc..etc..


    Celica RA63 18RG

  23. banpei

    Hello Alfredo!

    Thanks for clearing that up!
    It honestly looked exactly like it would have come from the factory, so apparently you do very good conversions in Peru! ;)
    Here in the Netherlands and most other European countries it is allowed to drive a RHD car, so nobody bothers to convert it to LHD. Probably the cost to do that would make it very uninteresting for most people.

    How do you do that with the older Skylines? I thought the engine was such a tight fit they could never produce a LHD during the R30-R34 era…

  24. Anonymous

    Hey mate i have one thing to say to you & that is your a c**k swallower.

  25. Anonymous

    I second that comment, you are a d**k head!!!!!!!!

  26. Anonymous

    you are a f**kin sad k*** i bet you cant even afford an r31 u sh*t face motherf****r.

  27. Anonymous

    mate i agree, 31’s are fucking f****t styles, lets say me and you l*** cousins go smash an aussie w****r

  28. 31 owner

    your t#^%#^%# must be on your @^#$hole, worst blog ever…..f&$#wit

  29. banpei

    Thanks for the nice complement! :)

  30. banpei

    You can’t even read properly… I clearly say that I personally think the car is ugly. I’m NOT stating that it actually is, that’s what you make of it!

    Besides that: I clearly say I’m an absolute big fan of both the R30 and R31 but not of these bodyforms. I’m just being honest in that. ;)

    Also please read about what I wrote about Skylines in general before you make an opinion about a person:

    Apparently I stepped upon some toes by giving my personal opinion, well, sorry about that!

  31. wesker

    i see older WW Golf
    looks like rusian car number 9

  32. banpei

    Please have a look at this:
    It really looks the same as the second generation Gol to me. ;)

  33. aa63


    The rerouting of the water pipes from the blog’s pic is not my engine bay pic, I’m using the conventional method of using the ae86 water pump and blocking the original water its not so messy and looks more original, but i think the temp will be slightly higher.

  34. banpei

    Sorry, I didn’t look/read properly: the color of the enginebay is different than yours!
    I do agree: this enginebay and the enginebay of the car on your blog look messy. I don’t think it matters much for the temperature: all the bends in these pipes won’t help either…

  35. Anonymous

    he can’t keep up since now the Carina is being pushed by a faster car.

  36. Anonymous

    I don’t really have the idea that I really should have seen this movie and I feel kind of disappointed now…

  37. banpei

    Thank you for your comment with the url redirecting to trojan downloads. Removed the url now. ;)

  38. mpcoc

    Thankfully this year already started out great! I see that the front parts are already ready for delivery: they have already cleared customs yesterday, so I think they will arrive somewhere this week!

  39. Heihachi

    Keep writing

  40. banpei

    I think everyone could understand beeping reverse signals, but spoken are a bit hard for people not speaking Japanese. ;)
    But reverse signal on the Supra? Is the rear view of the Supra that bad, or is it there to warn people a powerful car is doing a high speed reverse?

  41. Anonymous

    I don’t think it matters much for the temperature: all the bends in these pipes won’t help either…

  42. Mailer

    yeah people from finland does drive cars when they are young i whas maby 11years old when i got my first car :) / your youtube mailer xD

  43. Ann

    I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


  44. A Finn

    That is not Finnish registration plates…just wanted to let you know ;)

  45. banpei

    Thanks for the correction!
    I looked it up and they are Norwegian plates, so I’m very sorry for the mixup!

  46. A Finn

    You are welcome :),Very nice pictures here on your blog,keep up the good work! And yeah i am a Carina TA60 owner too ;) Cheers.

  47. Anonymous

    It looks a lot like Subaru Leone. I want to see closeup photos.

  48. banpei

    Maybe this helps?

  49. HoTWire

    Seems to be for sale ?

  50. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    But for that price alone without shipping to Europe I can purchase a 4AGZE and gearbox myself and have someone do the conversion for me…

  51. HoTWire

    For sure, I see a lot of cars on Yahoo auctions, but when you add shipping to Europe in (I am UK based) it doesn’t make sense to get them here..

  52. marvis

    I have seen this sliding with the guys from motorfix (KE70 guys) on track. Hot looking car!


  53. Stanley Carter

    LOL! Wassup with the actor’s reactions when they’re racing? Looks more like a comedy to me, haha~

  54. leroy

    Masato does the Star wars theme too. He looks really goofy with an Afro hairstyle too!

  55. banpei

    Thanks for the link! :D
    That was even more amazing than his Kamen Rider performance!!

  56. xx 2800 gt

    magnifique, surtout la 1ère photo avec le kit large…elle est vraiment sublime cette cĂ©lica xx 2800 gt

  57. Anonymous

    For sure, I see a lot of cars on Yahoo auctions, but when you add shipping to Europe in (I am UK based) it doesn’t make sense to get them here..

  58. Stuyizz

    Hi, Glad you like the video, I took it at “HotOlds 2007” held at Shizuoka stadium whilst Holidaying in Japan with a good friend of mine, If you send me an email I’ll let you have my photobucket details for some more Did you know? that if you look at the inside of the load area you’ll just be able to make out the origional “saddle” fuel bag mounted inside which was moved to make way for the IRS rear clip that has been installed. very cool car and a Very, Very cool show.
    BTW, I’m also the Owner of the Silver Sapporo you’ve posted pictures of in an earlier blog, the first and third pictures are actualy the same car and ignoring the JDM plate it’s a U.K car.

  59. RA64FREDDY!

    Loving the cars man..keep up the good work…add me to ur blogroll!!!!!

  60. Fabio

    Yes… minivan stoppies are cool. And a worldwide phenomenon, as you can see in the linked Youtube video, filmed here in Brazil.

    This one is even more impressive, as the driver builds more speed and does it in a narrow street with lots of onlookers.

    Hope you like it! And keep up the great work in the blog!

  61. banpei

    Thanks for the complement and video! :)
    That’s even an more amazing stoppie!

  62. Anonymous

    The wheel of the hachi in front of the Impulse hachi gets smashed first into the bodywork and then on the rear wheel of the other and gets launched a few meters and flipped over! The Impulse driver keeps his head cool and keeps his distance…

  63. Anonymous

    And big explosions it had indeed! The Nissan engine you have pictured above is the all-powerful FJ20ET, the turbo version of which became known as the “Plasma.” This was the engine powering the mighty DR30 Skyline and later S12 Silvias.

    Also, I think Toyota at one point labeled the 7M-GTE as a “Lasre” engine as well. I swear I’ve seen an ad for it as such.

    Nice post!

  64. KoguchiPower

    LOL! Het zullen die japanners weer eens niet zijn :’)

  65. KoguchiPower

    Does anyone know what car it is at 2:30? Its looks some kind of Mitsuoka but i dont remember them making this. Or maybe its some kinda conversion for a Nissan March/Micra (If you look at the roofline from the side). Who know more about this car???

  66. banpei

    Mitsuoka was the first thing I thought of as well. But they didn’t make such a car so far, not even as a concept…
    Second thing I thought of was the Morgan Life Car, but that is not this wild looking.
    So my guess would be either a heavily modified Mitsuoka or Morgan, or a one off special inspired on the Morgan Life Car…

  67. HKS

    Hi! Where can i order these headlamps? I have a a63 with single headlamps but those can not compare with the dubble lamp edition :)

  68. banpei

    I bought them from, but I wouldn’t reccomend it: the shipping was way too expensive in retrospect.
    But maybe I know someone who got them in Australia and maybe that’s a better deal. ;)

  69. hks

    Ok:) If you could find som double headlights or any other styling parts to the Toyota aa63 model you could send me an e mail at [email protected].

  70. Nengun

    Loving the photo, has a great feel to it. Shame it isn’t bigger, would be a perfect wallpaper :)

  71. KoguchiPower

    Is it me or is there no GT-R R35 in the video? Its an Skyline V35… All R-skylines had a RB engine, the V-skylines had a VQ indeed. And there is no GT-R model of the V-series Skylines. Still a great car tough!

  72. edgar

    Even after four weeks, i wouldn’t dare to step into the car without insecticide properly sprayed all over the car. Wouldn’t want to have them crawl into my ears and eat my braaaaiiinnss..

  73. banpei

    I tried to find a higher resolution version but this was the largest I could find…

  74. banpei

    You are absolutely right!
    All sources of this movie and also Smokey Nagata speak of the V35 GTR, but it is NOT a GTR! After searching I still haven’t found the exact date he did that trick, but I think it must be somewhere around 2005.

    It is indeed a V35 and back then there was no GTR, so I recon Top Secret named it GTR because of the V8 swap. Currently they do have a Top Secret white R35, so I guess I messed it up with that one. ;)

  75. Anonymous

    I have no idea what the caterpillars are secreting but it makes me curl my nose just looking at it

  76. Anonymous

    Reminds me of gypsy moth larvae, a big problem in the southeastern United States.

  77. banpei

    They are indeed moths, but not the same family. They are called Ermine moths (Yponomeutidae).

  78. Anonymous


  79. Anonymous

    WYKOP ?ONDZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KURWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!oneone1111jeden

  80. wiadrovit

    omfg, thought it’s photoshopped while looking at 1st photo…

  81. banpei

    Thank you for the compliment! You’re one as well! :)

  82. banpei

    It is for real. You can see it in this video:

  83. Anonymous

    You fool! Insecticide is much worse for health than worms!

  84. boediger

    I have no idea what the caterpillars are secreting but it makes me curl my nose just looking at it

  85. Internet Wolsztyn

    What a mess

  86. Jack Crauser

    great photo!!. no more no less! i like it

  87. Nengun

    Found quite a few of these on the Yahoo Auctions, hopefully our website makes it a bit easier to find AE86 parts.

    Find the parts here:

    Then apply filter of Meter – By Make – Toyota, and there are a few of them, such as:

    Your blog has lots of great posts, keep up the good work!

  88. Anonymous

    this is a joke.. this dudes not really sellin that car

  89. banpei

    Are you serious? I wouldn’t have guessed that! :D
    BTW: I haven’t received any offer yet… ;)

  90. Croft

    No further bosozoku styling (like ridiculous body modifications) or what so ever.

  91. Assicurazioni on line

    Hey ,thanks for the info,what a car ????

  92. M

    I would NEVER choose that street when going anywhere! I can already imagine caterpillars jumping on my head, covering me with this white needle or something, I would die of heart attack. GOSH! I will prolly never visit Rotterdam :D

  93. Car Workshop

    This is an interesting take on the concept. I never thought of it that way. I came across this site recently which I think will be of great use www . Check it out! Big thanks for keeping me entertained.

  94. kyteler

    You’ll find after a bit of a squint at the later Silvia Super Silhouette car, that it is in fact still the S110 body-shape but with an S12 Nose-piece.

    I’m also fairly certain the 240RS was known as a Nissan 240RS (BS110) and not a Datsun 240RS.

  95. banpei

    You are right about the Datsun designation: I totally forgot about the branding not being Dastun like all other Nissans were called in the early 80s. To quote myself from one of the other blogpostings: All BS110 240RS rallycars originally were made by Blydenstein in the UK, so the car is not a factory produced rallycar, but they were produced on behalf of Nissan: that’s why they were badged Nissan and not Datsun.

    You are partly right about Hoshino’s Silvia S12 still being a S110 during the Super Silhouette Formula: it switched over to the new styling both front and rear end (including the new taillights as well):
    The Super Silhouette Formula cars were a tubular chassis with only the driver section being an aluminum monocoque design and a body of FRP. In other words: it was easy to switch the body itself to the S12 design but quite impossible to change the structure of the car somewhere mid season, hence the back looks like a stretched version of the S12 shape at the rear end.

  96. kyteler

    It’s almost sad that it’s not redesigned for the S12 chassis. Head-lamps and Tail-lamps do not an S12 make though. A standard S110 Hatch is a curious looking beast, I wouldn’t call them pretty by any means. The Silhouette car went a long way in helping the looks department. I guess a matched wide-body and fitting dished rims will do that to any car though. ;)

    For anyone else interested, it’s the rear window and bodyline that gives away it’s still the S110.

    0:46 on the YouTube Video banpei shared in his comment with
    0:38 on this clip

    Sweet car irrespective of the front on it (+ rear lamps) and sweet blog too man, I take a peek at this most everyday, even have it on my little blogroll list on mine to share the enjoyment. Keep it up man.

  97. banpei

    Thanks for the compliment and blogroll! :)
    I just started reading yours and I immediately added yours to my blogroll as well! Got to do a lot of catching up next days!

  98. edgar

    Pretty sure it’s viscous instead of vicious.. So, did i win anything? LOL.. Nice writeup. Will be doing the exact same thing when i’ve finished the engine conversion on my Charmant. Thanks..

  99. banpei

    Yep: it should be viscous! Thanks for the correction!
    And you just won honorable mention in the posting. ;)

  100. Jax Rhapsody

    The hubcaps suck, The front and rear spoilers I’m kinda nuetral on and I like the twin antenae, never know it could have a CB radio. But my question is are these things the equivilant to Cressidas or AE86 Carollas?

  101. asuka

    thanks for this video

  102. banpei

    Depends on how you see it: if you compare it to an AE86 Corolla the Carina TA60 and TA62 with solid axle sure share almost the same suspension, have the same weight (40kg heavier) but lack the engine of the AE86. If you compare the AA63 to an AE86 it does have a better suspension (IRS) but the downside is the extra weight (about 120kg heavier).

    Comparing a Carina to a Cressida is the same as comparing the AE86 with the KP61 Starlet: the Cressida is in a whole different segment of the market. It is bigger, more luxurious, heavier (about 200kg heavier than the AA63!) and it also features an inline 6 instead of the inline 4.

  103. kyteler

    In the same manner that there’s a cliche of people outside Japan that find the JDM parts, badges, etc. appealing. There’s a similar type inside Japan that find the export market parts, badges, etc. appealing. The little differences can make your car unique inside your own market and all that. As an example, for the C110 (JDM: Nissan Skyline, Export: Datsun 240K GT(GL)) there’s occasionally a few sets of “Datsun” badges on Yahoo! Auctions Japan for sale at an exorbitant rate by comparison to the cost of their domestic product. Whereas over here and in much of the Export market, the pricing structure is mirrored. Also, don’t forget the fame brought about by Bob Sharp Racing in America to the Datsun name in cars such as the Paul Newman driven Datsun 280ZX (S130)

    ..and the first scheme looks very much like it was based off the IMSA GTP Z32 (300ZX)

  104. Assicurazione auto

    Woot ! I’m so glad Auto Otaku is still alive ! Merging is a good idea, and I think we all understand how hard it is for you with so much work on hand ! I appreciate your efforts a lot !

  105. banpei

    Merging with Auto Otaku??? What are you talking about??

  106. jdk

    Goor is an old name and the original meaning is moor. This name is used in combination with an prefix very often in the Netherlands and Belgium compare with Moor in the United Kingdom and the same word Moor in Germany.

  107. banpei

    Correct: it means moor/swamp, and that’s what I said at the end:
    Its inhabitants are struggling to either rename the town or to return it to its original name Gaore (which means swamp)
    If I would have said that upfront it wouldn’t be that funny! ;)

  108. Randomist

    Knowing bunta he would have thought the digital dash useless and too fancy for drifting.

    Any ideas where i could buy one for my mr2 ???


  109. Koguchi Power

    Congratz with the wedding… :)
    And a big LOL at Millen hahaha

  110. joe johnson

    this is so crazy how this car is. this has to be a joke.

  111. auto insurance quotes

    these are definitely some cool cars. I would love to have one.

  112. odd parity

    …and where was our invitation? ;-)

  113. EKhatch

    Congratulations !

  114. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    We tried to keep it small and only invited our parents and brothers… But you are welcome to come over and congratulate us in person. ;)

  115. banpei

    @EKhatch and Koguchi Power: Thanks! :)
    BTW: This is the actual reason keyboard cat couldn’t make it. He was already occupied by playing at somebody else’s wedding:

  116. gaki86

    i meant ae85 :D

  117. aa63

    Congrats to your wonderful day…

  118. banpei

    It does have the taillights of the zenki Sprinter Trueno, however the interior is kouki:

    Also another weird thing: you’re not allowed to film it!

  119. Keisuke86

    Top Carina is 3T-GTE powered.
    More pics of the carina on my site,
    Joe Manji pt.3

  120. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    I was already doubting about that, but the TA63 is becoming quite rare nowadays… The 3T-GTE is used for swaps and there were more AA63 than TA63 made by Toyota. I’ve corrected it in the posting.

  121. Beverly Hills Homes

    this has to be the strangest picture that i every saw. This definitely has to be a joke. Unsure what else to think about this picture.

  122. nyc comedy clubs

    this is definitely making me laugh so much. I just love this car so much.

  123. nyc comedy clubs

    this is an awesome dashboard. I just love it. I want to get one in my car.

  124. okoye

    i used to use that site since about 05 its pretty cool and most guys are welcoming

  125. banpei

    Thanks! Great to see someone playing that rpg! :)
    I was wondering as well if it were possible to have your own car… For instance: I would love to own a TA63 Carina if I would have an account on that site… Or should I be satisfied with the availability of at least something as special as the Toyota Mark II?

  126. EKhatch

    Cool, thanks for posting this up. It’s an amazing clip but I agree, I’d rather see the raw footage than the artsy slow mo shots.

  127. Karl

    Thanks for the write up and linking in the videos. Glad you liked it. :)

    It was a great car that, and I had it since 2002. It went through a variety of different engine conversions.
    Those videos are from near its end of life with smallport 4age.

    The orange AE70 was built to replace it.
    The engine and suspension and megasquirt etc were used in the AE70 where possible, and lots of parts were upgraded. So, I?never had them both going at one time.

    The AE70 was ultimately a better car but the Carina sure was fun.

    Feel free to hit me up, or our websites board anytime.


  128. Anonymous

    I’ll buy it…

  129. Kabel Deutschland

    it may be a joke but it may be something from that tree behind. they will definitely make a mess on your car.

  130. JY086

    hi, i own one that has a handle as the back which you can lock into open position or close all the time….it does not have the water line and mechanism….what model is that?

    • Paul

      You want to sell the grill ?? If you still have it

      • the86life

        I have a grill coming in that I might be willing to sell.

  131. banpei

    As you can see on the parts diagram there is no manual option available. Perhaps it had been installed afterwards with a grille without thermostat?

    It is possible to modify the system by replacing the thermostat (part 53107A) with a manual option to turn the shaft (part 53106A) to open and close the grille.

  132. Bastiaan Olij

    Looks good man!!!

  133. banpei

    Thanks! :)

  134. Gnar Kill

    Recently we had about a ton of spam bots on our site sending virus links to our members so the admins closed the registration down.

  135. Anonymous

    I am an Admin on and registration should be opened shortly.

  136. banpei

    I suffer from them on all my blogs and the AEU86 forum. It is too bad you had to close the registrations, but great news you are opening up again soon! :)

  137. Anonymous

    Im That Initial D Freak

  138. Nikkojoe

    I have this setup and sourced all the gear off yahoo japan. My grille came with the manual/locking mechanism as well as the thermostat. You can select it to flip on the thermostat or just lock it open.

    There is another model which I also bought that does not have this option. It also does not have the twin gold strips (no bumps for them either – not been ground off). The mechanical side of it is identical between both, but you can still lock it open by screwing in the factory bolt provided but its a little more tricky than the lever model.

  139. banpei

    That is valueable information! :)
    I do see the shaft (53106-12010) is a seperate part from the thermostat (53106-12020). I understand from your experience the shaft is the same, but the thermostat is missing. Do you mean with “the factory bolt” the bolt attached to the shaft? (96160-00400)

    And perhaps the rotating grille differed between the 3 door and the 2 door with the gold stripe, just like the 3 door GT version was called GT-V?

  140. banpei

    Thanks for clearing that up! :)

  141. Nikkojoe

    The Factory Bolt is spring loaded to keep it tight, and both parts are shown as 91511-40520 for the bolt and 90501-07030 for the spring (according to my EPC).

    On the grille I bought the thermostat had never been removed.

    I saw the grille work for the first time today. I used the A/C to bring the temp up a bit and it opened at idle. It was a lengthy 2-3minutes before it fully opened.

  142. banpei

    I can leave a note under his wiper if you want to! :)
    But I am a bit afraid it won’t be read at all… :(

  143. StanleyCarter

    I guess its the fact that drifting uphill is somehow ‘safer’ as compared to drifting downhills, I mean, here in Malaysia, that’s what our local touge drifters (beginners) do, uphill first, then downhill later (once skills refined)

  144. banpei

    Since I only drive on flat roads (The Netherlands is about as flat as a pancake) I never realized that. So it makes sense though! :D

  145. j-n-r

    WHOAH man that car was hidden under a stone? it looks so WELL preserved and the interior is very VERY well conserved. Nice post man =)

  146. junior

    whoa man look at those cars, they were so NICE (no scratches, no damage, nice sound) i would pay to be there just watching around

  147. gaki86

    zenki interia was red/brown

    kouki interia was black/gray

    hard to tell the dash display could be kouki

  148. Tigroo.t

    Hi, for more imformation on Sunny coupé, I present to you my site:

    best regard

  149. junior

    they are like noobs lol

  150. sarolazmi

    hai…nice picture u have here. ok, i was looking for this 3T-GTE engine for my corona. In Malaysia, this type of engine is so hard to find now days. Do Netherlands have ‘halfcut’ body of corona 3T-gte?

  151. Eksale

    Not sure if you’re still thinking about playing, but I used to play PCL back in the day (makes me feel old! haha) and decided to see if they’d opened up registration yet and it appears as though they have!

    Just signed up for a new account since I’m pretty sure my old one was deleted.

    It’s rather fun to play, and though they don’t have every single car available, there is a pretty huge selection!


  152. banpei

    Thanks Tigroo.t!
    Did some browsing on your site! Looks great!
    Unfortunately my French is a bit poor, so it is a bit hard to understand from time to time…

  153. banpei

    LOL! :D
    Yes, I do agree with you on that point. ;)

  154. banpei

    Unfortunately not: the 3T-GTE was only available in Japan.

  155. XJS

    That’s a great shot, congrats! :) Where is it came from? You were in Hungary, and we didn’t have a beer? It’s a shame. :)

    Check this:

    TRD sticker with Hello Kitty. My favorite. :)

  156. banpei

    I love that sticker! Need to get one myself as well! :)

    The car was parked behind the postoffice in Körmend, the town where my wife is from. Got a few more pictures, so upcoming weeks more DOTS!

    Sorry we could not meet up! We only went 10 days to Hungary this year and spent 5 of them as our honeymoon so all other days were spent with visiting family and travelling. ?´?????

  157. XJS

    Honeymoon, yeah! All the best! The hungarian girls are the best! :D

  158. Tigroo.t

    the tranlator is your friend :)
    I served all day and it’s really not bad

  159. banpei

    The car is located in the Netherlands, so of course the car is not JDM. ;)

  160. Anonymous

    Not such a bad idea if your heater is as slow to warm up as mine LOL

  161. toyota corolla parts

    It’s worth the dollars if you really are a race enthusiast and is totally fond of winning. I also think that it is a very wise add-on to have.

  162. banpei

    IMO that is bullshit: if you are a race enthusiast you would immediately remove that thing and replace it for the louvre grille (zenki) or the glass grille (kouki): both better for weight reduction and has much more airflow going to the radiator.

  163. Ruud

    I don`t know where you have seen that car standing around before.
    But since this week i am the proud NEW owner of this car.
    If you live around Hoorn you might see it out in the wild again sometimes :)

  164. banpei

    Haha! That is amazing seeing the new owner turn up here! :)
    I think you bought a very nice car! Like I said before: the interior appeared to be in excellent shape and the exterior got the usual usage damage. I was amazed how well the car was after being over 20 years old.

    When I shot these pics the car was parked in Hilversum near the Rotor Media building. My best guess is that the previous owner used to work for as a freelancer for either BNN or Pilarzyck media.

    Unfortunately Hoorn is a bit far away to spot, but you will never know: I used to visit Hoorn every two years I think, so perhaps I will see it there as well! ;)

  165. aa63

    one up for the carina

  166. AndrewGL


    I cant find the blog, where this Carina is. Can you write the link for me, please?


  167. banpei

    Hello Andrew!

    You can find the Carina here:
    Carina GT-TR

  168. AndrewGL

    I dont know how to get in touch with him/her (in english, of course).
    Do you have any ideas?

    Thank you.

  169. AE71


  170. banpei

    I’ve seen a couple of swaps done in the AE86 and most of it was quite straight forward if you how. Only tricky parts were the waterpump (take one from your old bluetop), waterlines (reroute them) and mating the 4AGZE loom with the loom of the AE86 (we have a specialist for that in Holland).

    Then again: I was calling the 4AGZE swap straight forward because I’ve seen many many other swaps (3SGE/F20C/etc) which are much harder to do and require a lot more changes to the car than this one. ;)

  171. Anonymous

    I live in NZ, and have owned two Carina’s, used to have a silver 82, and now have a red 83/84, which I’m converting to run a 4AGZE engine. Thanks for the site, there isn’t much information on Carina’s, so it’s nice to know people have some interest in them. We drive on the left, so NZ can import direct from Japan without conversions :-)
    – Dave

  172. banpei

    Thanks for the compliment Dave!
    That was one of the things I also noticed when I bought mine: I could not find much information about the Carina either. So I started collecting info and posting stuff here. ;)

  173. banpei

    You can send him a message here:
    But then you would need a minkara account. Getting one is quite hard because you would need to translate every step through Google translate.
    Most probably the guy does not read English, so you would need to communicate in Japanese (using Google translate as well).
    Maybe I can give it a go since I already have a minkara account. ;)

  174. KoguchiPower

    Moet hier op zolder ook nog een paar oude Datsun en Simca folders en posters hebben liggen. En nog een paar kasten folder uit de jaren ’80-’90. :)

  175. banpei

    I would love to see those then! :)

  176. Kid Karola

    It looks like the Japanese James Bond almost DB5ish

  177. Anonymous

    se-ku-shi ;)

  178. banpei

    LOL! :D :D
    Indeed sekushi! :D

  179. AndrewGL

    Thank you, but I wont translate every page with google.
    As japanese language is (also)formally differs from english (and hungarian), I’m afraid, that I couldn’t even understand what he may try to tell me or ask from me.
    I was just wondering, how much money would he like to get for the car…


  180. Anonymous

    I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


  181. banpei

    Thanks for the compliment!
    And great site for car drawing tutorials! I certainly enjoyed this one:

  182. junior

    man i can see you usually posts pics of old school japanese cars, and believe me, instead they are in the junkyard, they look VERY good against a lot of old jdm cars i see in my country´s streets…
    where do you live banpei??

  183. junior

    are you sure this was not accidentally? because i saw a rally lancer evolution (VI?) doing a very dangerous/risky/unbelievable drift into a hairpin and the driver said after that, he was trying to save the front of the car from the crash but he didnt crash the rear (very lucky) he was expecting the crash, but just got luck, what about this guy? he do that very often?

    greetings man! nice material!

  184. junior

    LOL those are the hidraulics lol

  185. banpei

    I live in the Netherlands, but the pictures above were found on a Minkara (Japanese) site.

    BTW: There is a very rusty Honda Civic Mk 2 coming up next Sunday. :)

  186. banpei

    I just found another video of Kawabata at that event:

    From a different angle you can see he is doing just a tiny bit more than the 90 degree drift, maybe 110 to 120 degrees drift. So it isn’t as dramatic as shown in the first video!

  187. Mouwt

    Haha nice feature Banpei, Car almost finished, Few bits and pieces left,

    Ps; In that video the car was low on petrol and it was starving the carb!

    Here is a better 4k powered one….

    Can send you updated pics if you like,

    Cheers dude,

  188. banpei

    And found another one of Kawabata doing a similar thing in 2007:

    Not as much angle as the one in Okayama, but it is very similar.
    Found at:

  189. N/Aontherun

    I think the 4th pedal is a dead pedal… no? I don’t see a lever behind it. From the picture it looks like the Clutch lever is coming off of it, but there is a black plastic looking block under the 4th pedal.

    I like it, but I get too much of a Lexus vibe from it then a Toyota.

    I really like the comparing specs you posted. Definitely brings the AE86 heritage out to an eye level.


  190. banpei

    If it is a dead pedal, why put it in there? I just don’t get it… :|

    BTW: The FT-86 will be in Gran Turismo 5!

  191. Anonymous

    looks like a VVTI engagement pedal to me… or it could just be a foot rest

  192. banpei

    Yeah, some other cars sold by Japan Vintage are much better deals than this Carina! I’ve seen some very nice Laurels, Bellets and other nostalgic J-tin for sale by them…
    I didn’t know Auto Shop Takeey’s yet. Thanks! ;)

  193. Devil/Kazu

    mayb the button stand for TBD???
    but had no idea wat it is stand for..wakaka

  194. Anonymous

    sexual car

  195. banpei

    TBD? To Be Defined? :D :D

  196. banpei

    The fourth pedal has been cleared up! :) just posted additional pictures of the FT-86, including one picture of the pedals on a different angle:

    As you can see what looked like space between the pedal and the floor is actually a footrest with an open space in between. So the people who said it was a footrest were right! Thanks! :)

    You can find the new pictures of the FT-86 at 7Tune here:
    FT-86 up close and personal

  197. junior

    thanks a lot man, you are becoming like a old-school car hunter hahaha take care buddy

  198. banpei

    I am already very sorry I started the whole DOTS thing… My computer is already clogging up with various rustoseums and other least interesting Japanese cars. Ah well, as long as interesting things keep coming up I’ll continue. :P

  199. XJS

    one of my kidneys for a scanned version? Hmmm?

  200. banpei

    Deal! :D
    Seriously: it may take some time to scan all those pages… Will take an attempt, but it probably won’t go quick.

  201. XJS

    :) Great! Let me know if you need any help with scanning :)

  202. junior

    the gansta´s life lol

  203. kyteler

    So sweet seeing the little 4cylinder S50’s destroy the competition. G1, 1500cc of pure power! 71ps of power that is!

  204. Ruben

    hej im ser ogsĂ¥ bye en bil, der kan nogen hjælpe mig?

  205. Phil

    I love these little 323s.
    If this was in New Zealand it would probably fetch twice that asking price easily, these 323s are sought after for rotary conversions. Since this is both a 2 door and it has the early front end design (bug eyes) it’s worth more than a 4 door or a later model square light car.

  206. Anonymous

    I Just Love this Rare Gem! and for just $16,495 the cost of a corolla. tham i wish i buy this car . if you ever go back let me know i give you the money for it.

  207. kinloud

    Hi – glad you like my carina videos… I must have owned about 10 carinas in the past but only have 1 now. My AA63 Carina racecar, about to get a new 4agte motor and about 200kw! I can’t wait. Ken

  208. luis arturo gramajo

    hi there…
    thats a beautiful rally car!!. but where i can find a workshop manual, do you have idea? because i buy 2 240 rs the first car is complete and the other one it just chasis… has the factory 00043 and 00044. both cars compite in my country in 1984 1985 are the winners in those days… the cars race in CIRCUIT not rally… if you want i can send you a pics for the cars.. and tell me about this engine because here dont have much spares… in Guatemala work with Nissan or Datsun, and japannes who comes to Guatemala to tune the engine 6 times, the engines its a full race spec, my father was the crew chief and tell me that the car has 280hp.

    Best regards

  209. Santos

    The car is cheap because it has no documents, hence it can only be used for parts….until someone who has a rotten one swaps the vin and etc to the good one and therefore becoming “legal”…. ;)

    About the “unwanted car”… :D … no chance, if it’s an “Old Rwd Toyota” it’s guaranted tha someone will want it and it will cost at least 1.000 euros!


  210. banpei

    Thanks for the compliment! :)
    I didn’t know the also competed on the circuit! All I know is that they produced the 240RS to homologate it for rally use. So they started a limited production run of the 240RS which could be used for several other purposes. Great to hear they also competed somewhere else than in rallysport!

    I don’t know where you can find a workshop manual for the 240RS. My best guess would be the guys from could have one. Only other thing I could find was this advertisement on fast road and track:

    Pictures are always more than welcome! Please contact me through the contact form! (at the top of the page)

  211. banpei

    That would be an awesome Carina then!
    By chance referring to is this Carina?

  212. banpei

    Ah, that changes the whole thing! :)

    About the old RWD Toyota: the Sheriff was already cheap and I did see a lot of KE20s and KE30s going cheap as well. So that’s why I thought of the “unwantedness”. ;)

  213. Santos

    Forgot to mention…

    Will go over 1.000 euros if the car is in a reasonable condition. Cars as The Sheriff and many of the KE20s and such are completely rotten and some/many parts are mising, broken or simply really old!


  214. banpei

    Ah, so the same as in Holland. ;)

  215. B-San

    Hope its fixed
    Test, test. 1, 2, 3 :)

  216. banpei

    Thanks for testing! :)

  217. junior

    lol my old corolla (1989 model) was not even near of that spec,my corolla was about 40-60hp max lol

  218. junior

    amazing the fact about “And it only travelled 60000 kilometers!” man, in my country there is A LOT of cars a lot “newer” than this but with the triple distance travelled. is a shame >_< by the way im not a fan of this kind of cars but i appreciate and i RESPECT how well keep is the car in overall (considering the year, and because is not keept by a collector or something hehe) nice post =)

  219. Anonymous

    is this still for sale

  220. banpei

    The ad still exists, so I guess it is still for sale. ;)

  221. N/Aontherun

    Now we get to actually goes down at the touge after the races, rofl

    I’ve heard of this Dating sim before, but didn’t have the drive to look into it. That’s hilarious!


  222. B-San

    Great classic brochure. I love the CSP311!

  223. B-San

    Only in Japan. So genius!

  224. B-San

    I have really no idea what tv-show that could be. Maybe some difficult Japanese car-related question would sort this out =)

  225. banpei

    That gives hope!!
    I’ll do another contest soon with an easier question then. ;)

    The answer should have been Seibu Keistatsu. A famous cop show from the early 80s featuring nice J-tin, like the Skyline RS-Turbo, Nissan Gazelle and a 280Z.

  226. B-San

    I absolutely love Gloria’s tough i never really liked the looks of models like the 430 and Y30/31/32. I’m sure they are great cars tough but if it was up to me i’d love to have a Y33/34 or on of those great A30’s. On the otherhand, a dark 430 lowered with some “vintage” rims could be a good looker!

  227. N/Aontherun

    That KE70 is insane! The wagon too, their speeds are ridiculous… in a good way.

    I screamed at 2:38 o.O

  228. Puregroove_Org

    I get all tingly inside every time I see the motorFIX corollas doin’ it sideways. :D

  229. JLCL

    If you consider to share it, don’t need to scan, it’s easier take pictures and then convert to a pdf file.
    good Luck.

    Lima Peru.

  230. Hilarious Joker

    The more I read it, the more it impresses me. I don’t know how I ever worked without hilarious and funny things in our life, Life would be so much easier especially when there’s a jokes here and there. Being funny is nice because a lot of serious people are lacking with this kind of behavior that is why they are much look older. I would like to thank you for your outstanding blog post. Keep it up! Awesome!

  231. B-San

    Looks like a really nice test track. Is this one fully owned by Nissan or is it a public owned track?

  232. B-San

    Never knew the BBS’s where made in Japan. Btw, nice car models in the background at 8:45. Have the same ones right here on my desk. Haha

  233. banpei

    It is private test track, however it is not off limits. Nissan uses it for product demonstrations as well, like this Nissan Leaf test drive:

  234. PT

    I buy my parts, and also sell any surplus parts to the guys at

    Cheers PT

  235. Anonymous

    how does he pump it?

  236. HKS

    take a look at my toyota carina st171

  237. HKS

    “[img]” dosn’t work.. here

  238. banpei

    Probably by hand as well! :D :D
    Maybe he also has a footpump in the boot?

  239. banpei

    That is the best looking ST171s I’ve ever seen! :)
    Thanks for sharing!

    BTW: Fixed the image in the first comment.

  240. B-San

    The ideal woman?!
    Made me think of this ‘galdori’ video i saw a while ago…

  241. Maikeru

    Stuff like this always reminds me Over Rev! manga :)

  242. B-San

    Lookin’ good. What car is it shown at the banner? I know its a Toyota, but what model?

  243. banpei

    A Toyota Carina A6 of course! :P
    Thanks for the compliment!

  244. B-San

    Just can’t understand why they let them rust away like that. On the other hand they’ll probably say the same of all the rusting Beetles and stuff like that in Europe :)

  245. B-San

    I can’t understand who just lets a car like this (especially overhere where they are pretty rare) leaves it over to the forces of nature. Sadly i don’t car any place/storage nor the budget to restore it. But im curciouse to the orange note behind the window. If i remember correctly you can ask the personal details of the cars owner at the RDW after letting them know the license plate. Costs about 6euros i think, but if you might really be interested in the car i think a phone call would might work quicker especially since it seems there are more buyers looking after it. Sadly the license-plate is not read-able. I wonder if it would still had APK (VAT) or since when it on the name of the current owner. :) Who knows it might just be stolen and left there.

  246. B-San

    Wow, sorry for my english today.

  247. banpei

    MOT expired earlier this year.
    It is easier to track down the owner that way if it only costs that little money! Thanks for the tip! ;)

  248. Datnut

    Great post! Will definitely be doing this.

  249. Shigeno

    Hello, Nice 86! I am currently working on a Trueno. I’d like to replicate the car just like yours. Do you mind if you can share detailed photos of your car? and maybe you also have the Trueno logo for the trunk (hatch) and GT Apex? lastly, a Fujiwara tofu shop logo/text.

    Hope I’m not asking too much… The car is almost done on its primer coating stage. in about 2 days we will be starting to coat panda white and black. I like the version that you did… before they replaced the engine and installed a CF hood on the 86.

    Again Nice car! Hope to hear from you really soon!

    PS: So they actually used a PIAA foglamps huh? cool!

  250. banpei

    I wish the car was mine… ;)
    The car is created by Impulse as a showcase of what they can do with their workshop…
    The PIAA foglights are a lot more common in Japan since it is a Japanese company after all. I think it is not a problem to find a set in the US since they have a PIAA USA company as well. Outside those two countries the PIAA stuff is a bit harder to get by…

    About the stickers: well, we do sell some Trueno and Apex Twin cam 16 replica stickers in the AEU86 shop:
    Toyota Sprinter Trueno AE86 replica stickers
    There is currently a new batch being manufactured, so most of them will be available again soon!

  251. B-San

    I tried to register myself on minkara a while ago. Tough i did manage to make it… sort off… some things were not very clear to me. So Thank you very much Banpei, just what I needed!

  252. Tom

    Hi Luis,

    Saw your post – I can get hold of a 240RS competition manual. It is a photocopy so some of the detailed photographs are unclear but the supporting text is fine.
    I have two 240RS cars in the UK. Both being restored. I have a wealth of knowledge on the engines and also the gearboxes. Any questions I’d be pleased to help. Many people across the world helped me so I would be returning the favour.
    You should be aware that the final EVO cars had more in common with the 720 pickup than the homologation cars!
    I would love to see some shots for your cars – I may be able to shed some light on how they are set up.

    • Scott Henderson

      Hi I’m in Canada trying to make 200sx into a 240rs any idea where I could buy fender flares thanks

  253. Sactown

    I used to live in japan, and while walking through a local junkyard, i saw a panda coupe GT Apex still all intact. The poor hachi had alot of rust and they had stacked it on top of another car. It was sad to see, but I managed to get the grille and could have got the original radiator with it but it started to rain and I didn’t have the tools. So I came back the next day, but the radiator was taken out…Anyways I wanted to get a price on it or sell it to the right person…I’ve held on to it for like 9yrs now…

  254. kyteler

    Judging by the way he took that corner I would hazard a guess that the whole outside is an outer clipping curve and they have to apex the entry and exit corners. Looked pretty sweet to me, though I do prefer watching retro’s drift.

  255. B-San

    Great car! But didn’t they forget the U11?
    And the G10 & G11. Or maybe they don’t see the ‘Sylphy’ was a real bluebird :)

  256. fury-s12

    ive got a silvia version of these same layout design etc except each model is a separate image goes from the mega old CPS311 to the 7th gen S15

    id imagine theres more around

  257. xmizanx

    this is a great stuff…

  258. xmizanx

    hey.. gud video and info

  259. banpei

    The U11 is the one right at the top…
    The person who created this images stopped at the 9th generation:
    I dun think I was “around” then :)
    You just don’t get to see these “birds” around here anymore.
    In Malaysia, it stopped at Gen 9

    So naturally the G10 and G11 were not in the picture.

  260. banpei

    Cool! I’d love to see those! :)
    Got a link to them?

  261. EKhatch

    This may be the greatest post ever, excellent work and very appreciated!

  262. banpei

    Thank you all for the compliments! :)
    Part two is almost finished and will be posted on Monday or Tuesday.

  263. B-San

    Oh, sadly you didn’t spot mine Classic Red NA :)
    White is a pretty rare color here in Holland. Tough i think its still one of the best colors for the MX. Is it really not been drivin’ in ages? This would be an awesome cheap drift-bullit for me :O

    Keep them comming!

  264. banpei

    There are more coming up in the next weeks, so maybe yours will be spotted as well! :D :D

  265. kyteler

    I have that! 2 of, one slightly different but shares many images. I should probably throw up a few scans or photos of such things, myself.

  266. banpei

    Also in the Dutch language then? :P

  267. Kiaora Williams

    hey i was just, wondering about your celica wheels…were you selling those or….. give us an email maybe…

  268. B-San

    Yup, thats a fail. Haha

  269. Handlebar Henry

    I am warning people to be very wary of the guy who says he owns the two cars, chassis numbers 43 and 44.They are owned by a Mr.Philippe Hayman in belgium. See this page it says every owner of nissan car

  270. Handlebar Henry

    Sorry me, link have my name in, it is just

    All names nissan people on there

  271. B-San

    Nice miatas again. But really strange the red one is reg’d as a 323. I guess its just a error in the RDW database. A while ago i checked a car and it said its APK (MOT) expired in 1995 while the car simply has had its checks all trough the years. :)

  272. banpei

    Thanks for the warning! :)

  273. banpei

    Yes, the database could be wrong on this one…
    I thought of another possibility: either the car was stolen and got its plates swapped from another Mazda… Or the owner steals gas and swapped the plates to make someone else look like the culprit?

  274. shifty

    looks more like a Toyota Publica convertible.

  275. EKhatch


  276. banpei

    I think you’re right about that one! :)
    I did find this image of the UP10 Convertible:

    It looks very similar, but unfortunately the image is in too low quality to know for sure…

  277. Anonymous

    this is my car? why did you make a photo of my car at different locations?

  278. Anonymous


  279. banpei

    I generally make photos of all interesting cars I see. Most of the time the location is the location when I pass a car and if I see it a second time sometimes I make additional pictures… See also the deteriorating S14:

    When I made the pictures of your Colt on the first location a few of them were not blurred (dirty lens), so when I spotted your car the second time I made an additional picture. ;)

    How is the car doing btw?

  280. fury-s12

    i no it looks like alot of other cube kei cars and that stupid scion but dam that would look awesome VIP’d out

  281. fury-s12

    awe i cant even win something when theres only 4 people in it lol

  282. Devil/Kazu

    YAY….thz dude…haha

  283. banpei

    There is always a next time… ;)
    Probably going to have another one next month.

  284. Anonymous

    wow 9 yrs is a long time. LOL hold onto it for another 10 and then it will really be worth some bank.

  285. B-San

    Fury-S12, join the club =]

    And gratz to the winner.


    I want to comment about the post my son Luis Arturo sent recently. The fact is that we were trying to buy two of the 240 RS that are stored in a dealership in this country, but after trying several times to get information about the price and some information about the cars and information about the minimun parts to take at least one of them to the racing track for the national championship, but we never got a strong information, so I decided not to insist and find another brand of car to race. Evedn, I contacted a friend of mine who was one of the mechanics that the dealership sent to Japan to learn about racing preparation of this cars.
    But finally I was dissapointed, because I really like the 240 RS and even I drove one of them a lot of years ago.

    In the 80´s the Nissan dealer imported at least 5 Nissan 240 RS to this country, in order to fight the Toyota strong leadership in track racing.
    Of the original cars, three went to track racing preparation, one for the Nissan dealership owner-partner, the other for a well known racing driver and a third for another person who was rallying with other brand.
    The Nissan silvia 240 RS as known here, won the national championship for three Ă³ four years in a row. They were equipped with dry sump oil system, and they were really strong competitors against the other cars..
    One special thing about these cars is that they never broke an engine.
    I know a lot of stories about them because I was racing a small Nissan at that time and I have been at the shop with the Nissan racing team a lot of times.
    Years later, one of the 240 RS was sold to a very close friend of me and he invited me to drive the car with him in two races as a second driver…………. later, my friend sold the car again to the dealership owner.
    Right now as I know there are four of the original 240 RS for sale. Two of them in racing trim for track use (one is a rolling chassis
    without engine,trans) the other two are virtually stock 240 RS cars.

  287. B-San

    Besides he looks a bit older now he isn’t changed much i must say.

  288. Arizona Golf Packages

    Nice car for sale ad. heheh.. I would buy that car and put maggots over it.

  289. Devil/Kazu

    omg,it bring back memories…sobsob…wakaka…

  290. Thomas

    it’s the cruise control controls :P

  291. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    I didn’t think of that! Quite stupid I guess! ;)

  292. B-San

    Poor poor cars

  293. David Nguyen

    i wish my wagon had a BT 20v

  294. Thomas

    well, it’s not THAT stupid, i’ve only seen it on an MA70 Supra before, most of the times, it’s in the stalks ;)

  295. Matt

    His skills are just amazing!

  296. didotooo bulgaria

    Yeah I Have one of these mmc galant sigma hardtop! Its great luxury car with all goodies + climatronic in 1985! I love this car

  297. xmizanx

    thanks for the great stuff. keep posting

  298. B-San

    Poor, poor S14. Can’t wait for a new Miata article. Wanted to make some photo’s of my Miata in the snow yesterday but nomatter what i tried i couldnt get the frozen door opened.

    Maybe i do need to clean up the garage someone, haha.

  299. B-San

    Red miata’s always look better O.-
    Lucky someone is still taking car over that NA and it would be left to the forces of nature like the S14.

  300. B-San

    Seconds try: “Lucky someone is still taking care of that NA so it wouldn’t be left over to the forces of nature like the S14.”

  301. banpei

    I suspect the owner just parks the car at the exact same spot and use the car only for “fun”. ;)

  302. B-San

    A GC10 Van? Say whaaaaat?!
    I have never seen or heard that these were ever made. I believe I have a new favorite Stationwagon now. :)

  303. banpei

    They are so rare that they must be worth more than a KPGC10! :D :D

  304. B-San

    I believe even Prince sold a stationwagon version of the Skyline before Nissan bought Prince. I’ve seen C210, R30, R31 and R32 Stationwagons before the Stagea was out. But never a C10, and I’m affraid you are right that they will costs millions of Yen looking at the prices of normal Hakosuka and C110’s these days. Not to mention the GT-R models :(
    They now even made a SUV of the Skyline series!

  305. banpei

    Yes, Prince sold a station wagon before and it was called the Prince Skyway. Much better name IMO. :)

  306. neil taylor

    Just pointing out that the LZ20B was also used in KP710 sss
    rally cars as well.

  307. banpei

    Thanks! I always thought the Violet 710 SSS used the LZ18 but apparently I was wrong about that. I’ve added it to the article. :)

  308. teh100pointer

    nice find!
    the last one is the best.
    your blog is awesome. keep up the good work banpei san.

  309. aa63

    or could it be from the half cut where he salvaged the engine from.

  310. Kyusha Kai

    great blog! old school jdm love is awesome.

    check this out, i think you’ll dig it!

  311. Kevin Lee

    Hey banpei

    this is out of topic, but are u from JNC, thought i saw you there. just dropping by and saying hi. happy new year to you

  312. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    I did discover your blog two weeks ago and read your posting about the Stagea! Amazing how the taillights fit so nicely into the Stagea’s rear!
    Going to add it to the blogroll! ;)

  313. banpei

    I do have an account on JNC forum and occasionally comment on the blogs.
    Happy new year to you as well! :)

  314. B-San

    Happy newyear. That 2010 may bring us loads of JDM goodness ^^

  315. AA60

    hey man i like the set u got could u help me out too cuz i basically need the entire set up main grill,fog lights and indicators with the grill plz email anilsagar09@yahoo. i dont know japanese so i cant use

  316. Kyusha Kai

    ewwwwwwww! hahaha! i wish they’d go back to just good ol’ fashion tuning.

  317. dido

    Very good post, thanks a lot.

  318. B-San

    Great photo! Look like it came straight from some ’80 gangster-movie. :P

  319. N/Aontherun

    I’ve loved Az-1’s ever since Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero. Yea, I’m corny, but I love that game.

    I hear that they are rare and just as expensive as a FD in JDMLand

  320. banpei

    They are quite rare for such a young kei-car, but you can pick up one between 600000 yen ($6000) and 1600000 ($17000) at Goo-net.

    On the other hand: if you can fit in one it is certainly worth every penny! :)

  321. Anonymous

    So sad :(
    Can you look if you can find the licence of this S14 in our dutch 200SX database?

  322. banpei

    Sure. Just did it: unfortunately the car is not in the database. :(
    I removed the link to the database since I wasn’t sure if all that data should be public. ;)

  323. Anonymous

    I can tell you that it’s not a US government test to see if the car is allowed on the market, just because i know they didn’t do a test like this. I think it’s more of one of those “OMG look what happens when you’re unsafe!!!11!” things, like the episode of 5th gear where they crash test a rebuilt car to show that they kill you.

    anyways it’s pretty scary, the link is dead now but i’ve watched it

  324. banpei

    Ah, that’s different that the modern EU regulations then! Here it is only allowed to sell cars that actually have been test proved by the EuroNCAP! :o
    Thanks for the dead link warning. I’ll see if I can find that video again!

  325. B-San

    Nice roadsters again. That Black NA would look great if he got rid of the lexus-lights. :)
    Never heard of JS Team but they got some nice cars for sale.

  326. B-San

    Great collection. He has a very strong accent in his German making it hard to understand for somebody not german tough.

    Like the Toyota Will and Pao. Since i saw this Pao I’ve really started to see the potentional in these little cars ^^
    My god that looks good ^^

  327. banpei

    Haha! Have to agree upon that: the Pao is looking sexy! However I still wouldn’t choose it even if I got paid for it. ;)

  328. Dave

    Love the Blue 323, Great Find! Its getting rarer to see a blue one for sale –

    By coincidence I was the guy who bought the one mentioned in Practical Classics!
    I Thought you might like to know I managed to find a replacement new clutch on ebay for £4.95; So thought I may as well take it for a visit to my local track for a watch – turns out someone snapped it while it was parked…….
    I bought the car because it was unusual, but it wasnt till I done some research that I realised how little were still on the road!
    I’m definately going to keep it as original as possible, I guess Im abit of a stickler when it comes to originality

    Anyway, Nice to see an interesting article!


  329. banpei

    Your 323 looks amazing! And 4.95 for a replacement clutch is next to nothing! ;)
    Got to love classics for that! :)

  330. kyteler

    Awesome. I’ve been keen on a PNV R30 Skyline Coupe for a while now, there’s all kinds of awesome commercials and sale brochures around with Paul Newman’s face scattered over them.

  331. banpei

    Yup. I love those Paul Newman commercials!

  332. Sharm

    That’s not KE30. It’s a Datsun 1200 B110 Pickup

  333. banpei

    But I actually knew that already a year ago. ;)
    But I forgot to edit this posting… Will do that now. :)

  334. kyteler

    Just as a note. It’s a typical conversion for JDM lamps but what Flauski has done is linked the two lamps. In standard form the JDM lamps work exactly the same as the Export lamps do.

    Park lamps illuminate the outer circle and brakes, the inner. Though obviously on Export the Inner is the Dot and on Domestic the Inner is the Circle.

    The Japanese lamps I got for my C110 had already been modified to work In the all lit up then brighter (2nd filament) for brakes.

    Far greater look to the rear end, IMO.

  335. Tune86

    Hello! Any updates on the “drift button”?

  336. madhura kotigala

    i have a nisan B110 car i want to see the real view to repair this vehicle

  337. oldskull

    Hey Art, where do you found the car? somewhere in Hilversum??

    The car look nice btw :)

  338. B-San

    Hahahaha… My longs hurt from laughing so loud. =D
    Crazy Japanese!

  339. banpei

    Yep. Somewhere in the south of Hilversum, near the heath.

  340. banpei

    Had the same trouble when I found this video… It still hurts! :D

  341. oldskull

    Ah ok, and it is for sale?

  342. banpei

    No idea… Should I leave a note for you?

  343. Kid Karola

    TAMIYA 1st in quality around the world! They’re old mission statement is still true today. Always great detail and excellent build quality on their RC models and static display kits.

    I had a really cool promotional video from the late 80’s with all the great RC cars (Hot-Shot, Fox, Frog, Hornet, Wild Willy, Porsche 956… et al) Also 30min section about the process to make their scale static models thru all stages to production, and finally a guide to detailed diarama construction.

  344. berucht

    this is the same GTi for sale.

  345. banpei

    Indeed the same! :)
    Also the price is interesting!

  346. Devil/Kazu

    6 throttles?OMG

  347. the nitz

    RIP Mr.Newman

    you were and are my hero

  348. Freddy!

    Thanks for the plug sir!
    Love/Hate these pics..they sadden me to know what they could’ve been…=/

  349. banpei

    You’re welcome! :)
    Yeah I know the feeling: on one hand I love to post those pics because of the rust and deterioration and on the other hand I hate to post them because I realize they were once very cool cars…

  350. Bobby

    i really do like this car!

  351. B-San

    Doesn’t look as bad as I expected it to be…

  352. B-San

    Nice NB’s again. Saw a red NB with hard-top flying by the other day. Quite a rare sight overhere, but damn that thing looked good to. :)

  353. banpei

    No, it isn’t that bad… But it is such a rare car to turn into an itasha. On the other hand: take a look at the massive amount of C10s converted into zokushas! ;)

  354. banpei

    And you didn’t take a picture of it? :P

  355. Matt Malcolm

    Hey cool feature! Thanks for using my pics :D


  356. B-San

    Nah, needed to take my exit and I don’t want to risk a fine for holding a mobile while driving. :P Was quite a nice sight tough 2 red Roadster side to side. :)

    Did however drive the new Nissan Cube few days ago. Such a funky car!
    Finally some real fun JDM cars getting to Holland. Like a wish coming true :P

  357. banpei

    Now if only the Toyota Mark X would also come to Holland I would be just as happy as you are! :D :D

  358. spideguy

    I have a carina AA60 with double headlights …where can i get the park lights to buy?thats the small light in between the two headlamp….? email me at [email protected] its hard to find

  359. banpei

    Well, you’re in luck! I do have an extra set of park lights:
    So, you have email! :)

  360. Alan

    Wow that is tragic and truly unbelievable.

    Hopefully it will be rescued before it’s too late.

  361. Alan

    A garage of high tech vintage dreams.

  362. Davy

    Hey man! Haha, I am the owner of this Carina. What you described is exactly what happened – the rubber mount burst and caused the imbalance and took the fuel lines with it. It isn’t pretty under there!

    I’ll have to reconnect the fuel lines with new lines, get the driveshaft balanced and install it back in without the stupid rubber mounts.

    Love your site, so many Carinas!

  363. Davy

    added your site to our links too :)

  364. banpei

    Thanks for the compliment and link! :)
    I guessed it most probably would be the rubber… Well, at least it will be new rubber this time!

  365. banpei

    LOL! :D
    Imagine what else must be parked there! A Citroen SM? A Toyota Soarer? A Honda CR-Z? :P

  366. odd parity

    Perhaps it’s just a big fan of the Beastie Boys? :-P

  367. banpei

    That could be the case… But are the Beastie Boys also fan of Datsun then? :P

  368. B-San

    Uhm, I’m missing something here? :)

  369. banpei

    Thanks! I forgot to add the videos… Never happened before! :(

  370. Model Direct

    this is just an introduction of our website:

  371. Anonymous

    Actually the TE-27, TE-37 has Levin and Trueno version. What i know Levin was for export and Trueno was for Japan market only. Once it reached TE-47 there is no Levin moniker for this. Which is strange. I have this TE-47 and its a Trueno Sprinter.

  372. B-San

    Its for sale for quite a while than. iirc I’ve seen it for sale already a long long time ago on
    Nice car anyway!

  373. B-San

    Wow! That looks brilliant!
    Shame I don’t have 900k Yen…

  374. banpei

    Must have missed it a couple of times then! This was the first time I actually spotted there!

  375. Yazoku/Brad Hogan

    subarus are nice

  376. Yazoku/Brad Hogan

    It looks like it should be in a anime or a sega game or something

  377. Philippe Heymans

    My name is Philippe Heymans from Belgium and i have receive a mail half november 09 from the Guatemala owners family Siekavizza asking my interest in the 4 cars + spare parts stock. Afther a couple off mails and phone calls the deal was done.
    Before i receive pictures from other people about the same cars for sale and i just could waiting the were shipped to the new owner in the UK to visit and buy one.
    Half november 09, i was on internet around 02H00 in the night when the mail from Carlos Siekavizza comes in, i reply imediatly and later the deal was OK.
    Maybe i have dissapointed other people who trying to become those cars, sorry for that.
    I like to have contact with Arturo Gramajo to know more about the race cars history in Central America. My mail: [email protected]

    Best regards to all


  378. banpei

    Thanks for clearing that up! :)

  379. B-San

    Nice Roadsters again. That NB looks more BRG than black on the photo. Could be me tough. :) Also quite strange so see a NA Miata with a OEM MX-5 foglight. Good thing is these cars are cheap as chips these days. So its not like you only see them in the “better” neighborhoods. Tough, I’d be scared of someone ripping your soft-top apart.

  380. banpei

    It is black, but my right side window was very dirty! :D
    Maybe the Miata had a rear collision damage and had its bumper replaced including the foglight? But I agree that is is quite weird…

  381. 86LIFE

    I love the Marchal logo. Great find Banpei.

  382. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    To be honest: the reason why I wanted Marchals was because the bosozoku dig them. ;)

  383. kyteler

    Just a few minor detail clarifications. It was the “” Nationals and the Hardtop is of the 910 variety ;) I had wondered whether you’d seen that post or not! I guess this answer my question, ahhaha. I specifically put the Carina before the jump to see if you’d be more interested. :)

  384. banpei

    Great to hear people remember my Carina fetish! :P
    Yeah, I did see it, but since I read it from the RSS feed I do get the whole article, and not the summary.

  385. kyteler

    Look at those horrific US-spec bumpers on the Honda cars. It’s enough to make a grown man cry.

  386. Mono

    Hello Philippe

    Please could you give me Carlos Siekavizza e-mail or phone number. I am from Peru, in South America and I am rebuilding 2 240rs. Maybe he can help get some parts I need.


    RaĂºl Orlandini

  387. Philippe Heymans

    Hi Raul,

    Use my private mail please : [email protected]



  388. hawi51

    The driver/comedian name is Egashira 2:50.
    Strange, I never saw Egashira 2:50 & Keiichi Tsuchiya in a same show

  389. Ricardo

    Wow, wish my T16 was as clean as this one! Looks like it doesn’t have any rust. Really hope it will be used as a parts car and not for banger racing..

  390. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    Just watched a few sketches on Youtube and boy, he is surely annoying! Definitely need to see some more! :)

  391. B-San

    Such a crime!

  392. banpei

    I wouldn’t use it for a banger race: its a cabrio and it doesn’t have a rollbar either, so the chassis is not stiff enough to endure the absue. Would be more sane to use a cheap T16 coupe and weld in a cage. ;)

  393. john tim02

    Hey man the car is great.But I thing the maintenance is not done properly.

    Nice post.

  394. Richard

    Wow, Tawau once again has so much to offer to the world, visit

  395. Anonymous

    I know of Carlos e mail is

    [email protected]

    gud luk

  396. A Finn

    Thats just wrong :(

  397. Vial

    One of the lads on my football team has one of these in Blue with a white roof and looks the dog’s bollox. They need to add it to the Toyota European line-up. The turbo diesel from the Landcruiser would do nice.

  398. miami Limo

    The car has not been maintained.Fuzz…I cant understand that how one can put the car in such situation.

  399. banpei

    With the current gas price in Europe an optional diesel would be great I guess! On the other hand the Dodge Ram 2500 and 3500 V8s (not the diesel models!) are very popular cars nowadays, so apparently people have enough money to feed such a monster in Europe. ;)

  400. Hero Style

    This is what I’m talking about! great find. I love seeing vintage pictures of sexy old school japanese metal

  401. Hero Style

    This is a great video. I love classic footage like this! 86life!

  402. kyteler

    Hey banpei, that’s no 620 ;) It’s an Isuzu KB20. Also known stateside as a Chevy LUV.

  403. banpei

    Auch! Thanks for the correction, just corrected it! :)
    Europe isn’t much of a UTE region… We only got the Nissan 520/620/720 and the Toyota HiLux, but AFAIK the Isuzu KB20 never reached the shores of Europe…

  404. cavey

    Ah shucks,

    Should have known by the youtube vid code :P

  405. banpei

    LOL! :D

  406. Satana-Yamaha

    gidrach ??? ?????????????? ????)

  407. Satana-Yamaha

    All greetings! I too from here

  408. banpei

    I’ve corrected the posting. Thanks! :)

    Nice GZ10 Soarer BTW! I did see it some time ago on JNC forum as well! :)

  409. B-San

    Poor poor Zenki. :(
    I wonder what the owner is thinking. Is it stolen? Is it a project car that never started? Does the owner not known these cars are kinda “special” to enthousiast. There are still people like that. Last week I got overtaken by a old granny in a S13. So probably doesn’t even know. =D

  410. Yazoku/Brad Hogan

    No problem my friend

  411. Satana-Yamaha

    I will soon make new photos and I will lay out on JNC

  412. banpei

    I have no idea why someone leaves a car unattended so long. Maybe the owner is doing time in Jail? Or moved to another continent for a year? Or maybe he is in hospital for over a year now… Who knows?

    About the granny: I compare it to my mom… She wanted to buy a 323F in the early 90s because she really liked how the car looked with the popup lights. Perhaps the granny thought the same 20 yeas ago and bought it as new. ;)

  413. TRD

    More photos there

  414. TRD

    His previous car Corolla CE70

  415. banpei

    Thanks! Nice rebuild of that 3T-GTE!

  416. B-san

    Saw some photos of this event already on the interwebs. Look like a great event. God Rock Auto creations looks so good! :D

    Btw, what is that van at 1:16?

  417. banpei

    Nice! Any links to them? :P
    The van is a Mazda Bongo:
    About the most bonkers van design ever! :P

  418. B-San

    The van looks badass in that video. A bit like a amphibious verhicle.
    I got some photo’s waiting to be automaticly posted on my website but can’t find them so quickly. (Long story, got few hundred post waiting to be released automaticly at a certains time but can’t find it trough the mass of other posts). Also cant recall where I found them to be honest. Should become public today or tomorrow iirc.
    Will post the link here as soon as I see its come online. ^^

  419. B-San

    Talking about timing. Its just came online as I was typing that comment. Anyway here it is:

  420. Phil

    Very cool pics, I love the shot of the LZ16. And it’s rare to see an FJ20 with all the red paint left on the rockers….:)

  421. Anonymous

    Delete by user :-(

  422. banpei

    Fixed! :)
    Apparently Nasubiayu removed the old one and replaced it with a new (high definition) version.

  423. Thomas

    and what about the Nissan Prairie, in the middle, in front of the blue Golf :(

  424. banpei

    Well, it is probably worth as much as the EE80. Sounds like a good deal to me. :P

  425. B-San

    And what about the Ford Cougar and Fiat Coupe?! Such great and rare cars! And that Imprezza WRX. Such a shame ='[
    Oh, and isn’t that a K12 SRi on the mid left?

  426. interior car mirror

    No, its not like that. I think this is good idea. It will very useful at time of rainy season or fog to clean side mirrors for car

  427. banpei

    I see the Fiat coupe quite regularly in Hilversum, but still a shame to wreck it… The Impreza is not a WRX, no scoop on it and the body looks more like a AWD GL to me.

  428. B-San

    Funny, the Fiat Coupe is quite rare overhere.
    Btw, Tought the WRX didn’t have a scoob on the hood. (Only the WRX STi)
    Could be wrong tough. Not really “into” the scooby’s

  429. paulo michael

    i also like round headlights(quad lights) for my t140!=)
    the corona t140 has that style of headlights too but it’s quite rare.

  430. Vial

    At least someone had the good mind to drop off a G Whizz

  431. Bobby

    We should repeat a meet like this in valkenburg!!! Wich is a very nice place BTW. I’m going there once in a while. (Casino, Spa, restaurant “gaudi” and shopping in Maastricht or Aachen)
    I would know about 3-4 cars from Luxembourg (3xAE86, 1xAE82) that might join!

  432. B-San

    Nice NA’s again.
    Liking the silver one, just needs a nice OEM lip and it’ll look superb.
    I’d swear the second one is a BRG tough. But could be that my eyes are just playin’ trick on me tough. =^_^=

    Love to see more NA spots in the future!

  433. banpei

    Even though I’m slightly colorblind I could swear the car is dark blue. Will take an additional picture later this week! :D

  434. banpei

    Well, the round lights were shared between the A60 and T140 platform in case of the van and taxi. See also here:

  435. B-San

    Don’t count on my color-recognizing-skills to much. I’m colorblind to, lol. It could be blue tough, but thats a very rare color on NA’s, most of them are British Racing Green, Classis Red or Mariner Blue. But you’re probably right.

  436. banpei

    Thanks! That’s a very beautiful (yet painful) picture! :)

  437. Ricardo

    It now showed up on marktplaats for 1900euro’s:

  438. replica watches

    well,very nice car…how can be made a replica car????? thats new to me lol

  439. banpei

    Thanks! That’s a very steep price drop! :o

  440. Pedro

    Wow, that is incredible! Now the question should be: does it work? :D

  441. kyteler

    It’s ‘duct’ tape, btw.

    Though you can no doubt use it on ducks, it gets used for everything else! haha ;)

  442. Anonymous

    in this case, i have to agree to duck tape.. the guy isn’t really standing up, is he? :)

  443. banpei

    Actually it used to be Duck tape from the start:

    Nowadays it is also being pushed as a brand on this side of the pond by Henkel as Duck Products, hence we call it Duck Tape. Just as many people name it Gaffer’s tape because Gaff also produces the same tape. ;)

    But what’s in the name anyway… :P

  444. Anonymous

    no doubt about it, the “Initial D” manga/anime/video game made the AE86 awesome

  445. Anonymous

    Suzuki Guatemala
    Ave. La Castellana 39-48 Z.8
    Ciudad de Guatemala

    Teléfono: 2420-2100
    Fax: 2420-2103

  446. Kid Karola

    def red!

  447. B-San

    Lookin’ good Banpei

  448. B-San

    Thats one great looking Supra indeed…

  449. banpei

    Thanks! :)

  450. Anonymous

    Can touch this!!!

  451. Bo

    my… my music is so… so hard! :D
    not diggin the super high rear suspension :/

  452. Dave

    Everyone speaks Japanese, and then the guy who shoots up the skyline, starts jibbering in English! That made me laugh most of all!

  453. Dave

    Cool chart, never knew there were so many models either! The GTS Type S model is very common in New Zealand, both 2 door and 4 door.

  454. banpei

    Even though the GTS Type S is not as very impressive spec-ed as the GTR I still love to have one as a daily! :)

  455. Alexi

    I didn’t know that, but I’m glad it lined up!

  456. banpei

    Well for the next time (and I hope there will be one!) you now know on what day you should post it. :P

  457. B-San

    Please tell me he just accidently placed that comma wrong… please… lol

  458. B-San

    Great to see these old CM’s. Never knew Ken & Mary were already known before the “Kenmeri”…
    Shame there was no Hakosuka CM to be seen. Now “that” would have been great to watch =^.^=

  459. 86LIFE

    Crazy LEDs!

  460. 86LIFE

    I have a Minkara account! Thanks Banpei.

  461. banpei

    You’re welcome! :)
    Still need to do the other guides as well… Anyone know a good shop where I can buy some time? :P

  462. banpei

    To make up for the Hakosuka CM, how about a Hakosuka catalogue then?
    Yum yum! :9

  463. B-San

    Saw it quite a while ago and still can make up my mind if its eighter good looking or hella ugly. Oh well, atleast its something new. =] That logo in the grill has to go tough! It makes the gront look like some kinda boring Nissan for the US market (like the Sentra’s). lol

    If I remember correctly there was an other weerd conversion right under the blue RPS13. A red car iirc but can’t recall what the conversion really was. A Chaser or Cefiro with R32 front or something?

  464. 7shades

    AE86 with R32 front clip.

  465. banpei

    Talking about weird conversions, I do know there is an AE86 with R34 front clip in Greece:

  466. kyteler

    From NZ and I’ve never seen it before. Not surprising, I guess. Strangely, the licence plate is supposed to be attached to a Datsun 180B, rather than the 120Y it is attached to. Weird and pointless fact #13798123

  467. B-San

    Nice NA. So now and than I’m active at the Dutch MXOC forum but I can’t recall seeing this NA pass by. Might be a sticker from an ex-owner. :) When I was on the hunt for my NA 8 out of 10 Roadsters had a MXOC sticker on it. ^^

    But it sits very nice indeed altough I’m not a fan of the wheels. And an OEM lip would suit it very well ^^

  468. banpei

    Maybe you were not the target audience of this commercial! ;)
    A 180B? I’d say that is at least a bit strange… Maybe the owner owned both a 180B and 120Y and switched the plates to prevent to be recognized as the stripping guy? :P

  469. Bas

    I’ve got it now, needs some repairing! 120 000 km. Got it for €750 euro’s, this guy must have been crazy or out of money somehow ;)
    I’ve also got the Colt 1.6 16V glxi 1992 113bhp and these cars really rocks.
    I’ve been driving mitsubishi’s all my live and I’ll never ever change brand.

    BTW it drives in Twente now ;)

  470. banpei

    Congrats on the bargain! Great to hear it is in good hands now! :)

  471. Vdubsunday

    Those are my RS’!

  472. banpei

    Then you certainly have the coolest rims ever!
    Any chance on sharing some more pics of them?? :P

  473. Farrow

    man. them wheels he has in the back. im in love with, along with the cherry blossoms. them two =sex

  474. Anonymous

    Nice car! thanks you for sharing this information :)

    bet clic

  475. banpei

    My personal favorites are the Advans, as long as they are the deep dish variants like this! :)

  476. twincammad

    john is a very famous man in the ae86 culture of ireland, he hasand had some seriously nice cars all old skool rwd’s and will have alot more as well

    also goes by the name of the phantom bellydancer

  477. Laurens

    The third is f**k**g amazing! beautifully styled!!

  478. Ricer

    Hi! That car is VW Taro, in Finland we have someof those, i think that it is lisenced from Toyota Hilux :)

  479. banpei

    Thanks for clearing that up! A bit stupid from my side since I could have found that out if only I looked up the registration in the RDW database. :(
    The VW Taro was never sold in the Netherlands and this is an imported Taro…
    Since it is a rebadged Hilux the Taro is still a pickup with identity crisis. :P

  480. Anonymous

    This is not the Nazi Swastika man, the one the nazis had used is inverted. Good try though.

  481. banpei

    Did I write it was the nazi swastika then? I tried to describe the differentiation between the manji and nazi swastika. And the last line was meant as a humorous note… :P

  482. B-San

    Classic Red NA’s FTW. :)
    Nice combo with the Spider indeed.

  483. Bastiaan Olij

    I’ve always wondered. Was that shop there before the manga, or did someone decide to build a tofu shop based on the manga?

    And if the first, did the tofu shop owner know about his shop being used and did he suddenly become a tofu overnight success?

  484. banpei

    Shuichi Shigeno located the manga in his hometown, Haruna, and drew several scenes from there. Also the gasstation is also an existing location. ;)

    I’m sure the tofu shop owner does know about it since his shop was already in a live-action movie remember? And of course he will get at least one fanboy visit every day:

    Toyota Ipsum (picnic) next to Fujiwara Tofu shop
    Toyota Ipsum (picnic) next to Fujiwara Tofu shop

    Picture was found here

  485. B-San

    Only in Am…. uhhh… Japan :)

  486. Joram

    I’ve actually read somewhere on a Dutch Honda forum ( CCH I think ) there are only 3 or 4 Honda Beats driving in the Netherlands so you’re very lucky to spot it, they’re all owned by enthousiasts btw. They look like so much fun to drive :)

  487. banpei

    Then I was quite lucky to spot it then! However, just as lucky for anyone to spot my Carina I guess. :D

  488. kyteler

    The BMW is the star of that video, despite only getting shared camera time with the gaggle of AE86’s.

  489. banpei

    LOL! :D
    I guess it is more or less from what angle you see it! :D

  490. Dave Mitchell

    I understand your BMW – Carina liking…

    I took the bumper off my Carina the other day doing some minor respraying, and with the bumper off it reminded me of an old 80’s BMW shape…

  491. 7shades

    I think you’ll find that’s a JZX100, not a C35.

  492. banpei

    Thanks! Corrected that… :)
    I judged that upon the taillights, but after watching the video a few times more it certainly is a JZX100!

  493. banpei

    Got any pictures of that? :P

  494. oldskull

    I have spot this one once in Laren. And few times spot it drive in front of my house.

  495. B-San

    Such a sad sight! What a loss… you can’t inmagine people letting these cars rust away like that!

  496. B-San

    Damn! That song is pure class!
    :D Wonder what its called…

  497. banpei

    You certainly live in a better area than me: my street hardly has any traffic at all! :(

  498. Killua

    Aww, I wanted to see the magazine. :P
    I bet it was good stuff, haha. The censored part of the video also makes difficult to see his driving moves.

    This guy is awesome. I wish I was in Ebisu, drifting an AE86 in the rain while eating McDonald’s burgers!

  499. banpei

    I did save the uncensored version because I expected it to be removed… I’ll see if I can share it somewhere. ;)

  500. Killua

    That would be very generous from you. :P

    I love your blog by the way, I can always count on it for random Japanese car stuff! Of course, Bosozoku Style has interesting stuff too. :)

  501. Kid Karola

    Tsuchiya did not compete in the original N2 series despite winning the 1984 Fuji Freshman Cup with the Carrot AE86 Trueno and also taking Class-3 honors in Group A in 1985 JTCC with the Advan AE86 Levin. In 1986 he continued to race in Group A, but later switched to FWD AE82 FX-GT. From 1987 he raced Honda EF Civic, 1988 BMW E30 M3, 1989-90 Ford Sierra Cosworth RS500, 1991-93 Nissan Skyline GT-R BNR32.

  502. Kane

    Haha!! This is my carina and a mates ae70 at taupo. good weekend!!

  503. banpei

    You got an excellent looking Carina man! Love the Longchamps! :)

  504. oldskull

    do you asked him if he want to sell it? :)

  505. banpei

    When I spotted the 240SX he wasn’t around and when I drove behind him I did not get the chance to speak to him. Besides that: I’m not interested in buying a 240SX

  506. Killua

    That TE71 at the beggining leaks awesomeness! The front end kind of looks like a Ford Capri. I wonder what’s under the hood!

    And it’s great to see the MotorFIX wagon fixed up… but, I don’t really know, weren’t the A-Pillars completely crushed a while ago? If it is the exact same car then those guys did hell of a good job.

  507. Anonymous

    The te71 looks cool but the frt end looks weird cause doesnt hav the signal lamp and with quad.

  508. Steve

    Ahhhh awesome. I had one of those too. Unfortunately I made the mistake to sell it.

  509. banpei

    Well, if you imagine the whole car used to be a 4 door sedan they already did a great job in the first place! The A pilars were indeed crushed but you can see they are reinforced now.

  510. banpei

    Personally I like it that way: it makes the car stand out from the rest of the crowd. But then again: it all depends on someone’s personal taste… ;)

  511. Anonymous

    haha, yeah I wanna run a top mount intercooler so i need a spare hood :)

  512. Jack

    Hey, I’m having issues viewing your site in Netscape (I can barely make out the words). I’ve tried increasing the font size using the style menu but that didn’t really help much. Any tips on what I can do? (Oh ya, I’m on Windows XP) how to lose weight in 5 days

  513. B-san

    Nice coverage Banpei.
    Lovin’ that red Levin!

  514. B-san

    He does quite a good job for an automatic!

    PS.: When can we the next Minkara guide? ^^
    (I’m having a hard to finding out how to upload photo’s =^.^=)

  515. banpei

    Yeah, I know… Still supposed to write that when I have the time but as always too many things at hand.
    Can someone borrow me some time? Well give it back with interest! :P

  516. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    The red levin is owned by a friend of mine. He rebuilt it from (prize winning) factory OEM spec to (prize winning) drift spec last winter. He’s a genius regarding making a car look good!

  517. OsakaCarSalvageArtiste

    Hello banpei.
    I am a Gaijin, but I work in Osaka Japan as foreign sales advisor to Hitachi. Boring office job, I know, but I was wondering if you know the location of the grey Toyota Mark II grande and the Cedric Y31 that you posted pics of.
    I buy and acquire forlorn, stolen, or abandoned vehicles, with proper approval from the law of course, and nurse them back to health, and fullsize Toyota’s and nissans are my favorite because of the large parts network for them, and their durability and solidness. (I imported an 89′ Mark II Grande to America to drive daily since I loved the handling so much)
    So would you know where these cars are located?

  518. banpei

    I have no idea where the photographer shot these pictures, but you can always ask him. This is where the gallery was located:

    And this is his profile page:

  519. Killua

    According to your Flickr description of the picture of the tire, it was apparently abandoned. Did you, ehm, “borrow” it? :P

    By the way, the link to Beeoneoneoh links to your own site!

  520. banpei

    LOL! Even though there was still thread left on the tire it was definitely too old to do anything with it…

    Fixed the link! I forgot to paste the url in there and then it automatically links to my site. Thanks for the warning! :)

  521. B-san

    I’ll keep an eye on this ;)
    The detailed photo’s or the car batches (from I think JCS) are great to see ^^

  522. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    Yeah, they are indeed from JCS 2010! I’ll post some from 2008 as well. :)

  523. Kid Karola

    The N2 flared TE71 reminded me of the old Opel Manta :’P

  524. PLR

    Those aren’t bullet holes, civics dont come with bulletproof glass, that looks like slingshot + big marble damage

  525. deluxe1969

    Thanks your Blog show me.

  526. amilcar

    Hello my friend… I got a Toyota KE70 WAGON 1986 DX with engine 4K 1.3L but that engine needs soon as possible a overhauling,, two weeks ago a friend sells to me a powerful 2T (OHV) 1.6 engine with a very rare A40 automatic transmission in excellent conditions.. Those parts came from an old Celica second generation 1981 coupe two doors… my plan is to overhaul the 2T engine fist, before transplant it to my KE70 chassis..

    I would appreciate if in some how you covert your 2t manual in to an electronic manual to share with us… I live in Panama (Latin America) and it’s so hard to find an old book car store…



  527. banpei

    Thanks for the reminder! :)
    I’m scanning them now and then: it is a quite time consuming operation… I managed to get somewhere around page 100. I still got to scan a lot of them, so hopefully I’ll finish scanning somewhere in the near future. :)

  528. B-san

    That guy on 1:20 has got some serious skills…

  529. Nate

    SWEET ! I’d love to slap a OM617 Diesel in it and put that baby to work….

    Too bad I’m not rich .


  530. Kid Karola

    I see Gotosan’s green coupe in the thick of the action :’P

  531. Anonymous

    Oh dear that is sad.. and annoying.

  532. Cleaning services London

    haha it looks great. I\d like to have one brum brum…

  533. B-san

    Seen pictures of this Dutch 2000 and 2400GT before. Can’t recall seeing one towing a caravan tough. Sure is an extraordinary sight. And seeing a 2400GT just behind it is just “wow”. Just out of curiosity I’ve been looking for one of these in Europe but only could find a few tidy ones for sale Finland. Otherwise these things are impossible to find I guess. Still kinda amazed that nearly 60 have been sold in Holland. Where oh where would they have gone? I must admit it gets me a little exited there is a (very small) chance finding a original LHD Hakosuka in a local junkyard.

  534. B-san

    At the first picture I tought it was quite real. And the second picture I tought “hey, its looks just like Madurodam”, must be taken with a Tiltshift lens. Than I clicked the fold =D

  535. banpei

    Where did they go? Well, most of them were abused and buried on the junkyards. I know two of them were exported to other countries in the past few years and I know some Skyline enthusiast bought one a few years ago and tried to restore.

    But actually I did see original Dutch car IRL somewhere in April. Did take pictures of course and still need to make a little writeup on that one! Will try to do that this week! :)

  536. banpei

    LOL! :D
    You don’t need a tiltshift lens in Madurodam. ;)

  537. deluxe1969

    i got a new ID.

  538. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    Just subscribed and added you as a friend!
    I already see some very interesting videos! :)

  539. Anonymous

    ill just share it!!!!!

  540. banpei

    That is a very nice RT132! Where are you from?

  541. Killua

    I bet it still can be saved!

    There should be an organization on each country that buys old cars and stores them in warehouses, that way “history” is preserved and there’s more chances someone will find a vintage car they’re interested in. It would also help to remove those abandoned cars occuping spaces on residential streets or random fields.

    Not possible, I know… :(

  542. banpei

    I think such organizations exists and are called museums! :P
    However it would be very hard to buy from a museum…
    But you are right: it can still be saved! ;)

  543. Anonymous

    very nice!

  544. DIego

    Hi i am Diego I from to Argentina.And I had loking for the t series manual for a long tim. but it is imposible to find it in pdf format to download from internet.
    If you scan this please send me the link to download it, bcause I need it so much.
    Thanks a lot.


  545. Drive510

    This commercial doesn’t make sense. I love it!!

  546. amilcar

    Tanks to you Banpei, for your time, scaning the book for all toyota lovers like us. we would apreciate a lot your time on it.. by the way hello DIEGO , it’s good to see , that other buddys of latin america take time to fix those legendary motors.. maybe in the future its posible to create a toyota club for fans in Latin America so ! VIVA la RAZA CARAJO!….

    regars and many tanks to you , good people.

  547. Dave

    nice video, that thing has some power!

    stopzilla review

  548. Laurens

    I like the Seibu Keisatsu style! cognac and everything! woaw!

  549. Laurens

    Dope! but, how eco friendly are the cars? and especially the Hachiroku. better milage then a prius?

  550. banpei

    I think that was out of the scope for that race! :D :D
    In my experience the mileage of an AE86 won’t get much better than 8 liters per 100 kilometers, so I don’t suspect the Tec-Arts will do much better than 6 or 7 liters per 100 kilometers. Especially if they drive it like Tsuchiya on a circuit! ;)

  551. kyteler

    That car is just another of the many KB310 Sunny Coupes that are competing. Speaking of KB310 Sunny Coupes, I will have one of my own in the not too distant future. I got my brother to buy it as an interim car while his VB110 and S30Z are off the road, once he gets his VB110 back, I’ll be getting the KB310.

  552. Yamaha Raptor 250R

    The pictures are nice..REally a good choice..

  553. Anonymous

    Hello peopple, I.m Diego from Argentina Again, I would like to know if you have the service manual of 2T engine to download.

  554. banpei

    I see it now. Thanks!
    A KB310 as a temporary car? Nice! :)

  555. Drake

    WTF!? Look what ya did to the Door its all ruined. I wonder how will this turn up or anyone want to buy this after your experiment.


    Seriously, how much? LOL.

  556. 300zx parts

    yeah, that’s really true since nissan 300zx’s style is kinda impressive.

  557. Rotor31

    By the way its not a R31 van its a wagon. And you dont have to have S1 or 2 front you can swap to an S3 or get a replica GTS1 front or whole kit. Its an excellent first car as they are cheap but they run forever and have virtually no problems. If you put the common turbo kit on it making it an RB30ET you have an even crazier R31. Dont put it down if you havent driven one or been for a ride in one.

  558. Killua

    Nothing better than a panda hachi-roku under the rain!

    I’m glad they left the 4A-GE in its place. It could have been an electric engine!

  559. steven

    the car is not that immaculate, you just have to know the model. The front bumper has been replaced, the black line in it is gone OR the whole car was resprayed. The last possibility is strong given the fact that the wheels are not correct either. These t16 convertibles had standard alloys, this one has plastic hubs.
    Plus there is no picture of the roof, which at that age is usually with torn, broken and untransparent windows because of age. so it looks great but that is not certain.
    but it is a real pitty anyway.
    a friend of mine offered 1200 euro and he did not get it, so they really try to make money on this one.
    My convertible t16 from 1987 looks as good as this one since I cleaned it up and placed a new roof plus put the engine in perfect order. It looks as good as this one but has ….
    230.000 km on the counter but we have info that looks more like 330.000 km

  560. banpei

    There actually is an electric AE86 made by the Chiba Automobile University!
    Personally I think it is quite interesting they kept the FR layout! ;)

  561. banpei

    1200 euro and still didn’t get it? Did they expect to receive the highest price for a non-drivable car?? Madness!
    Thanks for the info!

  562. Steve

    This is indeed a nice transporter. Practical and a great eyecatcher .

  563. Laurens

    Stoer ding!

  564. DarkSupra

    Wow how awesome!

    Found this picture a while back of this 2400GT in a junkyard in Switzerland:

  565. Anonymous

    hey, so i saw your post and pic of the eudm gauge cluster with the bright white lights in it…..i want one of those soooooo badly….how much can i get one for? ill even send you mine!

  566. banpei

    I know that picture! That’s where my 2400GT search initially started!
    That particular one is really a shame because the owner of the junkyard is not selling anything that is in his junkyard and the car will rot away…

  567. banpei

    The standard EUDM cluster got the greenish color bulbs with the zenki cluster (like the one I posted, but then with a green color) and the kouki cluster got the white/yellow color bulbs with the well known vertical white stripes. If you want the cluster to be bright white like the one in the picture you need to fit white leds (like RS Yasu did) to a zenki cluster.
    I’m searching one for you now, so can’t give you a price estimate yet…

  568. Laurens

    Wooohoo! I’m on you blog! Thanks! and beterschap voor je zoon.

  569. Laurens

    Naaaahhh!! It’s a shame! It was a monument!

  570. A Finn

    Yeah we have a lot of those in Finland ;) Also the KE70 corolla is very popular among young boys here. (and overpriced…)

  571. Anonymous

    Very cool pics you’ve got there. You might wanna finish it off with a pic of Taka with riding a bike with a shotgun.

  572. banpei

    Both the TA60 and KE70 are overpriced here as well: TA60s in a decent state are around 2500 euros and the KE70 around 2000 euros. Generally all cars older than 25 years are already above 2000 euros, simply because people don’t have to pay roadtaxes for them.

    But the thing I don’t understand is that there are 5 million people living in Finland, that’s more than three times less than the Netherlands. How come you have so many great (nostalgic) cars left in your country?

  573. Laurens

    Haha! Vette shit!

  574. DarkSupra

    Yeah there is a KE70 1.3 auto on Marktplaats for 2500euro….
    Couple weeks ago there was one for 4750euro or something crazy like that.

    Maybe Finland didn’t ship al their awesome old cars to country’s like Africa?

  575. A Finn

    Japanese cars have been popular in Finland for a long time, Toyota has been the most sold brand for the last 20 years or so,only recently VW went past them though i think,so yeah some cars have been sold to Africa but because so many were sold back in the days many still remains i guess. And i also think it may have something to do with taxes, cars from -94 and onward are actually MORE expensive to pay for, i think its 35cent per day and older cars up to -93 are “only” 26cent per day in vehicletaxes,I hope u understand what i mean? :P

  576. rhum-rhum

    Hi all

    I’m rhum from France, The 2T engine manual repair is available to download ? If yes, what is the process ??

    1000 Thanks
    Best Regards


  577. Killua

    Red Miatas look so nice!

    And they are quite small too… compared to the Astra or the 206 to the sides, I wonder why manufacturers make bigger and taller cars nowadays. They look ugly!

  578. banpei

    That’s what the masses want: bigger, taller and heavier. Apparently John Suburb wishes to drive all by himself in his 1400kg weighting Astra and enjoy the luxury of spacious cars. :(

  579. Dex720

    I think my friend just bought them

  580. Steve

    You’re right. The rims look OK on this Miata but I would definitely get rid of the trunk spoiler and the exhaust . Thanks for sharing. I appreciate you miata hunting posts a lot.

  581. Laurens


  582. beljun tolentino


  583. Killua

    That thing looks brutal! R30s in red are so agressive and awesome.

  584. Brunei Classic Celica

    love the Panda Trueno, Fat rim all around

  585. banpei

    Yeah, it is indeed a very cool Trueno! :)

    Another nice gallery/blog post:

  586. plus6four


    I have my coverage of hachirock 2010 on my blog, though you may be interested –

    have also added you to my blog roll =)


  587. yukina


    I love your site, It is a pleasure to visit.

    I have added your site to my site.

    Please link my site to your site.

    Thank you!

  588. banpei

    Nice coverage! Wish I could have been there!
    Nice blog! I added you to mine as well!

  589. banpei

    Thank you for the link! I returned the favor!
    You got an amazing site: so many tokusatsu to watch!

  590. Bradley

    Hi there. It would be awesome if you could convert this manual to a pdf :D Can’t find one anywhere and I’m looking to rebuild my motor. Thankyou!

  591. pedro

    how come i cant create an account

  592. Cleaning services London

    nice one :))

  593. Killua

    I think it’s funny how they put those arrows to show the aerodynamics of the boxy GC10. :P

    I just thought I would ask: what version of the C10 Skyline is the one that has 3 squared tail lamps on each side? You seem to know better than I do…

  594. B-san

    Ooooh these good old days. :D

  595. Law

    I have no idea what they’re talking about but I like how the went from a normal road in a city to wandering onto a racetrack! haha

  596. Philippe Heymans

    Have found chassis 000047 in very good condition stored over years inside a car dealers warehouse… will be shipped to Belgium. The car looks like new.

  597. banpei

    It is all done with magic: that’s how it works in the circus! :D :D
    Seriously: the series were done with a really low budget, so this car chase already surprised me!

  598. banpei

    Could you perhaps send me some photos when it arrives?

  599. junior

    but they are carring them like crap!! (hey bampei, it has been a long time, buddy near my house is a rx7 scca or something i just know is like 1982 with “lexus tailights” at the back, im crazy to take some pics but my cam is fucked!)

  600. David Smith

    I must say one thing according to my experience that Japanese Cars are more innovative and have plenty of varieties.

  601. Juan Carlos Vindas

    Here in Costa Rica, we used the Corona CT141 for taxis I am looking parts for my father car.. I going to try to send you pictures

  602. banpei

    Try sending them to banpei[at]

  603. XJS

    More form this series at

  604. banpei

    Nice! :)

  605. Oscar

    you found my carina (; i will add some more photos later :p and it might be soon in register. =)

  606. Killua

    Even though all those cars were fitted with ITBs (I suppose), the 4A-GE is the engine that has the best intake sound… and, why not the exhaust sound as well? :)

    Man, new cars lack souls… I’d be willing to have an old car that needs work to be done instead of a chunky econobox that is too boring to drive.

  607. junior

    hey banpei why dont you ask to the neiborghs if the car is just abandoned or something, maybe you can get it for free since the car is there so long time, besides, is probably that the engine is “intact” but it would be really lucky if the engine is well preserved with so many time of not use

  608. banpei

    I already did that, but they didn’t know the owner either. They rather saw it go than having it in front of their house…
    The engine did not run for over 2 years and it shouldn’t be a big problem getting it to run.
    Anyway, better read this:

  609. banpei

    Ah, so it is yours! :)
    Can’t wait to see how it turns out!

  610. Mr.Bogus

    correct me if im mistaken its just i cant help but notice your wheels, is it photoshopped?

  611. Law

    Good eye spotting those mkiii’s. i would not have been able to tell.

    True what Killua said. A lot of cars these days lack soul.

  612. Anonymous

    Whats up with that 260Z driver?? Im going straight OH NO somehow I’ve lost control now I’m going to spin out. It’s like a 4 year old playing Gran Turismo.

  613. banpei

    The Bassie and Adriaan series are made for four year-olds, so it is not really surprising they drive like this! :D
    My guess is that they tried to look impressive and it is made in the 70s when nobody really was an expert in stunts on television.

  614. banpei

    During the handbraketurns the wheels stops for a split second. Had to rewatch those parts a few times though. :D

  615. David Smith

    But Japanese cars are exported all over the world due to its varieties and affordable price. So I want to know Japanese Used Car Exporter.can anyone help me.

  616. ramir

    yeah, drag racing is kinda amazing sports. i really love drag racing. and i love to watch it. because i really love sports car.

    believe it nissan sentra parts are really amzing

  617. junior

    damn…i think is nostalgia, i remember your first post about the s14 and now is gone…i was expecting a happy ending like someone getting the car to rebuild it or tune it or something like that…

    T_T maybe life is not a happy ending story

  618. banpei

    I was thinking about paying the local junkyards a short visit this week and see if it is there…

  619. oldskull

    Hey Art, a friend of mine who pay a visit to see this car a months ago have called the junkyard in Hilversum and they said last week the car are destroyed already. :(

    • dave

      well hopefully he’s in a better place

  620. ramir

    wow. this video really is cool. i really love drag racing. and ever since i am addicted with the sports car. but now i have toyota camry. and what i did to my car, of course put some booster to the engine. i love my toyota camry parts. love it.

  621. ramir

    wow really this car is a legend. you know what? legend car i mean those car that was invented a year ago are very nice and totally performs better. they will not last over the year if it is a garbage. well for me right now my honda odyssey is great.
    honda odyssey parts are really amazing.

  622. ramir

    yeah. that’s right. in order to see different car from different maker, you should be able to be friends with other. LOL.
    dodge neon parts are simply great and fantastic

  623. Brad

    Hi, That 1977 ad has to be the coolest ad ever, I really like it, Wasnt that version of the isuzu gemini called the sandpiper edition?

  624. BruneiClassic Celica

    now thats WTF????

    and I’ve added you to my Blog, add us too please

  625. B-san

    Isn’t that one of the creations of that Japanese coachbuilder “Ducks-Garden” who also makes Fairlady 2000 replica’s based on the Eunos Roadster?

  626. Kid Karola

    The first Levin has TRD Tosco rims. Love the look of N2 with 13″ wheels!

  627. Kid Karola

    Shouldn’t that be 1983? ;)

  628. banpei

    You got me there! :P
    Just corrected it.

  629. banpei

    Sensei! _o_

  630. banpei

    Could very well be… They also created some bizarre areoparts for other cars in the past.

  631. Killua

    Hahaha, thanks for the laugh. The turbo boost was the best!

  632. Nigel

    Yep, usually he is laughing or talking loudly if he likes the car.
    The green gloves are not giving the wheel that much input.

  633. DiscoQuinn

    +1, hilarious.

  634. B-san

    I <3 Classic Red NA's

  635. mantra2110




  636. Nigel

    The only comment here is “what” or in Japanese”hei” …
    Very funny stuff, ( anything Nomuken says in general is funny).

  637. Nazeem Suleman

    It’s an Ex-Safari Rally NISSAN 240 RS in good running condition.

    PRICE: US$40000 only!

    E-mail me for photos.

    Let me know if you need further details.

    Car is in East Africa.

  638. Nazeem Suleman

    [email protected]

  639. ramir

    nice car. you got it right man! that Nissan 350Z really don’t look as a classic Japanese car. but isn’t it that nissan is made by japanese? right?

    ramir ===+++===
    Car Sunshade protects us from UV

  640. oscar

    Thank you for sharing this information. I’m looking for more post in the future.Oscar

  641. Thijs Dubelaar


    Ik ben ook bezig met het afstellen van 2T-B carbs.

    Is het mogelijk dat ik een kopie van deze manual van je krijg/koop ?
    Digitale of gewone kopie.

    Alvast bedankt.

    Thijs Dubelaar
    Vensestraat 12
    [email protected]

  642. Anonymous

    Can your blog participates in the voting?