Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Images tagged "gemini-pf50"


  1. AA63

    dun forget to post the head lights after u have fit it in your jdm carina..

  2. banpei

    As you can see, I received the package:
    Aazuma Package (Grille and headlights)

    However the brackets are bit worse than I expected, so I need to fix them up first.

  3. banpei

    Apparently there is a bug in PHP which makes PHP believe there is still another recordset. This causes an infinite loop when you don’t implement it the way as indicated as stated in the multi-query example.

    See also:

  4. Anonymous

    its a 2 dr carina that is chasing the 4dr carina not a soarer, if u look carefully.

  5. banpei

    It put it on full screen now and re-watched it. You’re absolutely right: it’s a 2 door Carina, not a soarer. Thanks! d:)b

  6. banpei


  7. Anonymous

    I counted 38

  8. Speed Industries

    Now that is one cool article.

    Good stuff, keep it going.


  9. banpei

    Thanks for the complement Tobias! d:)b

  10. aa63

    Thanks by linking my blog to ur blog, nice to share infos with you.

  11. Anonymous

    That’s NOT a Carina.. It’s an early 80’s Corona GT hardtop coupe, notice the swept rear pillar and sloped rear deck? DOY :P

  12. banpei

    Did you actually read what I wrote?

    It could be at 0:19 or at 0:44 or at 1:03, but IMO all three cars are the same Mark II GX61 Hardtop coupe. Taillights are definitely not Carina and match more or less this Mark II:
    Mark II GX61 Hardtop coupe
    I must say that they look quite the same so I understand the mix up.

    As I wrote: IMO it is not a Carina and probably a GX61 Mark II

  13. fulloc

    4th car in is an at141 corona sedan. almost a carina :) note the pointy front. they came out 4age and 3tgte among others.

  14. banpei

    You are right… :)
    I totally forgot to mention the Corona in the picture!

    Stupid thing is that the meeting was an Toyota A60 platform meeting, so the AT141 is a bit out of place here. ;)

  15. Warren

    Here is the website of the track

  16. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    I’ll have a close look at that site. :)

  17. bippu4life

    That Carina is totally sick

    Here is the website of VF

    But I don’t like it much, lack of information about that AA63 there(

    TS Factory also have nice Carina with 3S-GTE

  18. banpei

    Thanks! :)

    I did come across the TS factory Carina some time ago. It was one of the inspirations for me to buy the Carina after all. ;)

    Too bad the V-factory site doesn’t work right now… Maybe it will come up in the next couple of days or perhaps my internet connection is not working right now because your blog isn’t loading its images either… I’ll recheck later.

  19. banpei

    I could finally check the site and they have very nice stuff there! ;)
    Unfortunately nothing about the Carina…

  20. AndrewGL

    “Maybe I’ll spot a Carina A60 next year? Who knows…”

    You can spot a TA62 coupe for sure, if you come to Budapest :)

  21. banpei

    It depends on the plans for next year and about how easy my son is by then, but perhaps we’ll also meet up with family in Budapest and I can break myself loose from them. ;)

  22. Alfredo

    Well, i´m from Perú and I know this Carina GT-R personally. This is a real JDM Carina. We peruvians, import JAPANESE RHD cars and do a conversion we call “timón cambiado” (Changed Steering wheel) and relocate (professionally) the steering wheel to the left. Thats how we can enjoy Silvias S13, Corona GT-T, Celica GT-
    T, Supras, Skylines…etc..etc..etc..


    Celica RA63 18RG

  23. banpei

    Hello Alfredo!

    Thanks for clearing that up!
    It honestly looked exactly like it would have come from the factory, so apparently you do very good conversions in Peru! ;)
    Here in the Netherlands and most other European countries it is allowed to drive a RHD car, so nobody bothers to convert it to LHD. Probably the cost to do that would make it very uninteresting for most people.

    How do you do that with the older Skylines? I thought the engine was such a tight fit they could never produce a LHD during the R30-R34 era…

  24. Anonymous

    Hey mate i have one thing to say to you & that is your a c**k swallower.

  25. Anonymous

    I second that comment, you are a d**k head!!!!!!!!

  26. Anonymous

    you are a f**kin sad k*** i bet you cant even afford an r31 u sh*t face motherf****r.

  27. Anonymous

    mate i agree, 31’s are fucking f****t styles, lets say me and you l*** cousins go smash an aussie w****r

  28. 31 owner

    your t#^%#^%# must be on your @^#$hole, worst blog ever…..f&$#wit

  29. banpei

    Thanks for the nice complement! :)

  30. banpei

    You can’t even read properly… I clearly say that I personally think the car is ugly. I’m NOT stating that it actually is, that’s what you make of it!

    Besides that: I clearly say I’m an absolute big fan of both the R30 and R31 but not of these bodyforms. I’m just being honest in that. ;)

    Also please read about what I wrote about Skylines in general before you make an opinion about a person:

    Apparently I stepped upon some toes by giving my personal opinion, well, sorry about that!

  31. wesker

    i see older WW Golf
    looks like rusian car number 9

  32. banpei

    Please have a look at this:
    It really looks the same as the second generation Gol to me. ;)

  33. aa63


    The rerouting of the water pipes from the blog’s pic is not my engine bay pic, I’m using the conventional method of using the ae86 water pump and blocking the original water its not so messy and looks more original, but i think the temp will be slightly higher.

  34. banpei

    Sorry, I didn’t look/read properly: the color of the enginebay is different than yours!
    I do agree: this enginebay and the enginebay of the car on your blog look messy. I don’t think it matters much for the temperature: all the bends in these pipes won’t help either…

  35. Anonymous

    he can’t keep up since now the Carina is being pushed by a faster car.

  36. Anonymous

    I don’t really have the idea that I really should have seen this movie and I feel kind of disappointed now…

  37. banpei

    Thank you for your comment with the url redirecting to trojan downloads. Removed the url now. ;)

  38. mpcoc

    Thankfully this year already started out great! I see that the front parts are already ready for delivery: they have already cleared customs yesterday, so I think they will arrive somewhere this week!

  39. Heihachi

    Keep writing

  40. banpei

    I think everyone could understand beeping reverse signals, but spoken are a bit hard for people not speaking Japanese. ;)
    But reverse signal on the Supra? Is the rear view of the Supra that bad, or is it there to warn people a powerful car is doing a high speed reverse?

  41. Anonymous

    I don’t think it matters much for the temperature: all the bends in these pipes won’t help either…

  42. Mailer

    yeah people from finland does drive cars when they are young i whas maby 11years old when i got my first car :) / your youtube mailer xD

  43. Ann

    I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


  44. A Finn

    That is not Finnish registration plates…just wanted to let you know ;)

  45. banpei

    Thanks for the correction!
    I looked it up and they are Norwegian plates, so I’m very sorry for the mixup!

  46. A Finn

    You are welcome :),Very nice pictures here on your blog,keep up the good work! And yeah i am a Carina TA60 owner too ;) Cheers.

  47. Anonymous

    It looks a lot like Subaru Leone. I want to see closeup photos.

  48. banpei

    Maybe this helps?

  49. HoTWire

    Seems to be for sale ?

  50. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    But for that price alone without shipping to Europe I can purchase a 4AGZE and gearbox myself and have someone do the conversion for me…

  51. HoTWire

    For sure, I see a lot of cars on Yahoo auctions, but when you add shipping to Europe in (I am UK based) it doesn’t make sense to get them here..

  52. marvis

    I have seen this sliding with the guys from motorfix (KE70 guys) on track. Hot looking car!


  53. Stanley Carter

    LOL! Wassup with the actor’s reactions when they’re racing? Looks more like a comedy to me, haha~

  54. leroy

    Masato does the Star wars theme too. He looks really goofy with an Afro hairstyle too!

  55. banpei

    Thanks for the link! :D
    That was even more amazing than his Kamen Rider performance!!

  56. xx 2800 gt

    magnifique, surtout la 1ère photo avec le kit large…elle est vraiment sublime cette célica xx 2800 gt

  57. Anonymous

    For sure, I see a lot of cars on Yahoo auctions, but when you add shipping to Europe in (I am UK based) it doesn’t make sense to get them here..

  58. Stuyizz

    Hi, Glad you like the video, I took it at “HotOlds 2007” held at Shizuoka stadium whilst Holidaying in Japan with a good friend of mine, If you send me an email I’ll let you have my photobucket details for some more Did you know? that if you look at the inside of the load area you’ll just be able to make out the origional “saddle” fuel bag mounted inside which was moved to make way for the IRS rear clip that has been installed. very cool car and a Very, Very cool show.
    BTW, I’m also the Owner of the Silver Sapporo you’ve posted pictures of in an earlier blog, the first and third pictures are actualy the same car and ignoring the JDM plate it’s a U.K car.

  59. RA64FREDDY!

    Loving the cars man..keep up the good work…add me to ur blogroll!!!!!

  60. Fabio

    Yes… minivan stoppies are cool. And a worldwide phenomenon, as you can see in the linked Youtube video, filmed here in Brazil.

    This one is even more impressive, as the driver builds more speed and does it in a narrow street with lots of onlookers.

    Hope you like it! And keep up the great work in the blog!

  61. banpei

    Thanks for the complement and video! :)
    That’s even an more amazing stoppie!

  62. Anonymous

    The wheel of the hachi in front of the Impulse hachi gets smashed first into the bodywork and then on the rear wheel of the other and gets launched a few meters and flipped over! The Impulse driver keeps his head cool and keeps his distance…

  63. Anonymous

    And big explosions it had indeed! The Nissan engine you have pictured above is the all-powerful FJ20ET, the turbo version of which became known as the “Plasma.” This was the engine powering the mighty DR30 Skyline and later S12 Silvias.

    Also, I think Toyota at one point labeled the 7M-GTE as a “Lasre” engine as well. I swear I’ve seen an ad for it as such.

    Nice post!

  64. KoguchiPower

    LOL! Het zullen die japanners weer eens niet zijn :’)

  65. KoguchiPower

    Does anyone know what car it is at 2:30? Its looks some kind of Mitsuoka but i dont remember them making this. Or maybe its some kinda conversion for a Nissan March/Micra (If you look at the roofline from the side). Who know more about this car???

  66. banpei

    Mitsuoka was the first thing I thought of as well. But they didn’t make such a car so far, not even as a concept…
    Second thing I thought of was the Morgan Life Car, but that is not this wild looking.
    So my guess would be either a heavily modified Mitsuoka or Morgan, or a one off special inspired on the Morgan Life Car…

  67. HKS

    Hi! Where can i order these headlamps? I have a a63 with single headlamps but those can not compare with the dubble lamp edition :)

  68. banpei

    I bought them from, but I wouldn’t reccomend it: the shipping was way too expensive in retrospect.
    But maybe I know someone who got them in Australia and maybe that’s a better deal. ;)

  69. hks

    Ok:) If you could find som double headlights or any other styling parts to the Toyota aa63 model you could send me an e mail at [email protected].

  70. Nengun

    Loving the photo, has a great feel to it. Shame it isn’t bigger, would be a perfect wallpaper :)

  71. KoguchiPower

    Is it me or is there no GT-R R35 in the video? Its an Skyline V35… All R-skylines had a RB engine, the V-skylines had a VQ indeed. And there is no GT-R model of the V-series Skylines. Still a great car tough!

  72. edgar

    Even after four weeks, i wouldn’t dare to step into the car without insecticide properly sprayed all over the car. Wouldn’t want to have them crawl into my ears and eat my braaaaiiinnss..

  73. banpei

    I tried to find a higher resolution version but this was the largest I could find…

  74. banpei

    You are absolutely right!
    All sources of this movie and also Smokey Nagata speak of the V35 GTR, but it is NOT a GTR! After searching I still haven’t found the exact date he did that trick, but I think it must be somewhere around 2005.

    It is indeed a V35 and back then there was no GTR, so I recon Top Secret named it GTR because of the V8 swap. Currently they do have a Top Secret white R35, so I guess I messed it up with that one. ;)

  75. Anonymous

    I have no idea what the caterpillars are secreting but it makes me curl my nose just looking at it

  76. Anonymous

    Reminds me of gypsy moth larvae, a big problem in the southeastern United States.

  77. banpei

    They are indeed moths, but not the same family. They are called Ermine moths (Yponomeutidae).

  78. Anonymous


  79. Anonymous

    WYKOP ?ONDZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KURWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!oneone1111jeden

  80. wiadrovit

    omfg, thought it’s photoshopped while looking at 1st photo…

  81. banpei

    Thank you for the compliment! You’re one as well! :)

  82. banpei

    It is for real. You can see it in this video:

  83. Anonymous

    You fool! Insecticide is much worse for health than worms!

  84. boediger

    I have no idea what the caterpillars are secreting but it makes me curl my nose just looking at it

  85. Internet Wolsztyn

    What a mess

  86. Jack Crauser

    great photo!!. no more no less! i like it

  87. Nengun

    Found quite a few of these on the Yahoo Auctions, hopefully our website makes it a bit easier to find AE86 parts.

    Find the parts here:

    Then apply filter of Meter – By Make – Toyota, and there are a few of them, such as:

    Your blog has lots of great posts, keep up the good work!

  88. Anonymous

    this is a joke.. this dudes not really sellin that car

  89. banpei

    Are you serious? I wouldn’t have guessed that! :D
    BTW: I haven’t received any offer yet… ;)

  90. Croft

    No further bosozoku styling (like ridiculous body modifications) or what so ever.

  91. Assicurazioni on line

    Hey ,thanks for the info,what a car ????

  92. M

    I would NEVER choose that street when going anywhere! I can already imagine caterpillars jumping on my head, covering me with this white needle or something, I would die of heart attack. GOSH! I will prolly never visit Rotterdam :D

  93. Car Workshop

    This is an interesting take on the concept. I never thought of it that way. I came across this site recently which I think will be of great use www . Check it out! Big thanks for keeping me entertained.

  94. kyteler

    You’ll find after a bit of a squint at the later Silvia Super Silhouette car, that it is in fact still the S110 body-shape but with an S12 Nose-piece.

    I’m also fairly certain the 240RS was known as a Nissan 240RS (BS110) and not a Datsun 240RS.

  95. banpei

    You are right about the Datsun designation: I totally forgot about the branding not being Dastun like all other Nissans were called in the early 80s. To quote myself from one of the other blogpostings: All BS110 240RS rallycars originally were made by Blydenstein in the UK, so the car is not a factory produced rallycar, but they were produced on behalf of Nissan: that’s why they were badged Nissan and not Datsun.

    You are partly right about Hoshino’s Silvia S12 still being a S110 during the Super Silhouette Formula: it switched over to the new styling both front and rear end (including the new taillights as well):
    The Super Silhouette Formula cars were a tubular chassis with only the driver section being an aluminum monocoque design and a body of FRP. In other words: it was easy to switch the body itself to the S12 design but quite impossible to change the structure of the car somewhere mid season, hence the back looks like a stretched version of the S12 shape at the rear end.

  96. kyteler

    It’s almost sad that it’s not redesigned for the S12 chassis. Head-lamps and Tail-lamps do not an S12 make though. A standard S110 Hatch is a curious looking beast, I wouldn’t call them pretty by any means. The Silhouette car went a long way in helping the looks department. I guess a matched wide-body and fitting dished rims will do that to any car though. ;)

    For anyone else interested, it’s the rear window and bodyline that gives away it’s still the S110.

    0:46 on the YouTube Video banpei shared in his comment with
    0:38 on this clip

    Sweet car irrespective of the front on it (+ rear lamps) and sweet blog too man, I take a peek at this most everyday, even have it on my little blogroll list on mine to share the enjoyment. Keep it up man.

  97. banpei

    Thanks for the compliment and blogroll! :)
    I just started reading yours and I immediately added yours to my blogroll as well! Got to do a lot of catching up next days!

  98. edgar

    Pretty sure it’s viscous instead of vicious.. So, did i win anything? LOL.. Nice writeup. Will be doing the exact same thing when i’ve finished the engine conversion on my Charmant. Thanks..

  99. banpei

    Yep: it should be viscous! Thanks for the correction!
    And you just won honorable mention in the posting. ;)

  100. Jax Rhapsody

    The hubcaps suck, The front and rear spoilers I’m kinda nuetral on and I like the twin antenae, never know it could have a CB radio. But my question is are these things the equivilant to Cressidas or AE86 Carollas?

  101. asuka

    thanks for this video

  102. banpei

    Depends on how you see it: if you compare it to an AE86 Corolla the Carina TA60 and TA62 with solid axle sure share almost the same suspension, have the same weight (40kg heavier) but lack the engine of the AE86. If you compare the AA63 to an AE86 it does have a better suspension (IRS) but the downside is the extra weight (about 120kg heavier).

    Comparing a Carina to a Cressida is the same as comparing the AE86 with the KP61 Starlet: the Cressida is in a whole different segment of the market. It is bigger, more luxurious, heavier (about 200kg heavier than the AA63!) and it also features an inline 6 instead of the inline 4.

  103. kyteler

    In the same manner that there’s a cliche of people outside Japan that find the JDM parts, badges, etc. appealing. There’s a similar type inside Japan that find the export market parts, badges, etc. appealing. The little differences can make your car unique inside your own market and all that. As an example, for the C110 (JDM: Nissan Skyline, Export: Datsun 240K GT(GL)) there’s occasionally a few sets of “Datsun” badges on Yahoo! Auctions Japan for sale at an exorbitant rate by comparison to the cost of their domestic product. Whereas over here and in much of the Export market, the pricing structure is mirrored. Also, don’t forget the fame brought about by Bob Sharp Racing in America to the Datsun name in cars such as the Paul Newman driven Datsun 280ZX (S130)

    ..and the first scheme looks very much like it was based off the IMSA GTP Z32 (300ZX)

  104. Assicurazione auto

    Woot ! I’m so glad Auto Otaku is still alive ! Merging is a good idea, and I think we all understand how hard it is for you with so much work on hand ! I appreciate your efforts a lot !

  105. banpei

    Merging with Auto Otaku??? What are you talking about??

  106. jdk

    Goor is an old name and the original meaning is moor. This name is used in combination with an prefix very often in the Netherlands and Belgium compare with Moor in the United Kingdom and the same word Moor in Germany.

  107. banpei

    Correct: it means moor/swamp, and that’s what I said at the end:
    Its inhabitants are struggling to either rename the town or to return it to its original name Gaore (which means swamp)
    If I would have said that upfront it wouldn’t be that funny! ;)

  108. Randomist

    Knowing bunta he would have thought the digital dash useless and too fancy for drifting.

    Any ideas where i could buy one for my mr2 ???


  109. Koguchi Power

    Congratz with the wedding… :)
    And a big LOL at Millen hahaha

  110. joe johnson

    this is so crazy how this car is. this has to be a joke.

  111. auto insurance quotes

    these are definitely some cool cars. I would love to have one.

  112. odd parity

    …and where was our invitation? ;-)

  113. EKhatch

    Congratulations !

  114. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    We tried to keep it small and only invited our parents and brothers… But you are welcome to come over and congratulate us in person. ;)

  115. banpei

    @EKhatch and Koguchi Power: Thanks! :)
    BTW: This is the actual reason keyboard cat couldn’t make it. He was already occupied by playing at somebody else’s wedding:

  116. gaki86

    i meant ae85 :D

  117. aa63

    Congrats to your wonderful day…

  118. banpei

    It does have the taillights of the zenki Sprinter Trueno, however the interior is kouki:

    Also another weird thing: you’re not allowed to film it!

  119. Keisuke86

    Top Carina is 3T-GTE powered.
    More pics of the carina on my site,
    Joe Manji pt.3

  120. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    I was already doubting about that, but the TA63 is becoming quite rare nowadays… The 3T-GTE is used for swaps and there were more AA63 than TA63 made by Toyota. I’ve corrected it in the posting.

  121. Beverly Hills Homes

    this has to be the strangest picture that i every saw. This definitely has to be a joke. Unsure what else to think about this picture.

  122. nyc comedy clubs

    this is definitely making me laugh so much. I just love this car so much.

  123. nyc comedy clubs

    this is an awesome dashboard. I just love it. I want to get one in my car.

  124. okoye

    i used to use that site since about 05 its pretty cool and most guys are welcoming

  125. banpei

    Thanks! Great to see someone playing that rpg! :)
    I was wondering as well if it were possible to have your own car… For instance: I would love to own a TA63 Carina if I would have an account on that site… Or should I be satisfied with the availability of at least something as special as the Toyota Mark II?

  126. EKhatch

    Cool, thanks for posting this up. It’s an amazing clip but I agree, I’d rather see the raw footage than the artsy slow mo shots.

  127. Karl

    Thanks for the write up and linking in the videos. Glad you liked it. :)

    It was a great car that, and I had it since 2002. It went through a variety of different engine conversions.
    Those videos are from near its end of life with smallport 4age.

    The orange AE70 was built to replace it.
    The engine and suspension and megasquirt etc were used in the AE70 where possible, and lots of parts were upgraded. So, I?never had them both going at one time.

    The AE70 was ultimately a better car but the Carina sure was fun.

    Feel free to hit me up, or our websites board anytime.


  128. Anonymous

    I’ll buy it…

  129. Kabel Deutschland

    it may be a joke but it may be something from that tree behind. they will definitely make a mess on your car.

  130. JY086

    hi, i own one that has a handle as the back which you can lock into open position or close all the time….it does not have the water line and mechanism….what model is that?

    • Paul

      You want to sell the grill ?? If you still have it

      • the86life

        I have a grill coming in that I might be willing to sell.

  131. banpei

    As you can see on the parts diagram there is no manual option available. Perhaps it had been installed afterwards with a grille without thermostat?

    It is possible to modify the system by replacing the thermostat (part 53107A) with a manual option to turn the shaft (part 53106A) to open and close the grille.

  132. Bastiaan Olij

    Looks good man!!!

  133. banpei

    Thanks! :)

  134. Gnar Kill

    Recently we had about a ton of spam bots on our site sending virus links to our members so the admins closed the registration down.

  135. Anonymous

    I am an Admin on and registration should be opened shortly.

  136. banpei

    I suffer from them on all my blogs and the AEU86 forum. It is too bad you had to close the registrations, but great news you are opening up again soon! :)

  137. Anonymous

    Im That Initial D Freak

  138. Nikkojoe

    I have this setup and sourced all the gear off yahoo japan. My grille came with the manual/locking mechanism as well as the thermostat. You can select it to flip on the thermostat or just lock it open.

    There is another model which I also bought that does not have this option. It also does not have the twin gold strips (no bumps for them either – not been ground off). The mechanical side of it is identical between both, but you can still lock it open by screwing in the factory bolt provided but its a little more tricky than the lever model.

  139. banpei

    That is valueable information! :)
    I do see the shaft (53106-12010) is a seperate part from the thermostat (53106-12020). I understand from your experience the shaft is the same, but the thermostat is missing. Do you mean with “the factory bolt” the bolt attached to the shaft? (96160-00400)

    And perhaps the rotating grille differed between the 3 door and the 2 door with the gold stripe, just like the 3 door GT version was called GT-V?

  140. banpei

    Thanks for clearing that up! :)

  141. Nikkojoe

    The Factory Bolt is spring loaded to keep it tight, and both parts are shown as 91511-40520 for the bolt and 90501-07030 for the spring (according to my EPC).

    On the grille I bought the thermostat had never been removed.

    I saw the grille work for the first time today. I used the A/C to bring the temp up a bit and it opened at idle. It was a lengthy 2-3minutes before it fully opened.

  142. banpei

    I can leave a note under his wiper if you want to! :)
    But I am a bit afraid it won’t be read at all… :(

  143. StanleyCarter

    I guess its the fact that drifting uphill is somehow ‘safer’ as compared to drifting downhills, I mean, here in Malaysia, that’s what our local touge drifters (beginners) do, uphill first, then downhill later (once skills refined)

  144. banpei

    Since I only drive on flat roads (The Netherlands is about as flat as a pancake) I never realized that. So it makes sense though! :D

  145. j-n-r

    WHOAH man that car was hidden under a stone? it looks so WELL preserved and the interior is very VERY well conserved. Nice post man =)

  146. junior

    whoa man look at those cars, they were so NICE (no scratches, no damage, nice sound) i would pay to be there just watching around

  147. gaki86

    zenki interia was red/brown

    kouki interia was black/gray

    hard to tell the dash display could be kouki

  148. Tigroo.t

    Hi, for more imformation on Sunny coupé, I present to you my site:

    best regard

  149. junior

    they are like noobs lol

  150. sarolazmi

    hai…nice picture u have here. ok, i was looking for this 3T-GTE engine for my corona. In Malaysia, this type of engine is so hard to find now days. Do Netherlands have ‘halfcut’ body of corona 3T-gte?

  151. Eksale

    Not sure if you’re still thinking about playing, but I used to play PCL back in the day (makes me feel old! haha) and decided to see if they’d opened up registration yet and it appears as though they have!

    Just signed up for a new account since I’m pretty sure my old one was deleted.

    It’s rather fun to play, and though they don’t have every single car available, there is a pretty huge selection!


  152. banpei

    Thanks Tigroo.t!
    Did some browsing on your site! Looks great!
    Unfortunately my French is a bit poor, so it is a bit hard to understand from time to time…

  153. banpei

    LOL! :D
    Yes, I do agree with you on that point. ;)

  154. banpei

    Unfortunately not: the 3T-GTE was only available in Japan.

  155. XJS

    That’s a great shot, congrats! :) Where is it came from? You were in Hungary, and we didn’t have a beer? It’s a shame. :)

    Check this:

    TRD sticker with Hello Kitty. My favorite. :)

  156. banpei

    I love that sticker! Need to get one myself as well! :)

    The car was parked behind the postoffice in Körmend, the town where my wife is from. Got a few more pictures, so upcoming weeks more DOTS!

    Sorry we could not meet up! We only went 10 days to Hungary this year and spent 5 of them as our honeymoon so all other days were spent with visiting family and travelling. ?´?????

  157. XJS

    Honeymoon, yeah! All the best! The hungarian girls are the best! :D

  158. Tigroo.t

    the tranlator is your friend :)
    I served all day and it’s really not bad

  159. banpei

    The car is located in the Netherlands, so of course the car is not JDM. ;)

  160. Anonymous

    Not such a bad idea if your heater is as slow to warm up as mine LOL

  161. toyota corolla parts

    It’s worth the dollars if you really are a race enthusiast and is totally fond of winning. I also think that it is a very wise add-on to have.

  162. banpei

    IMO that is bullshit: if you are a race enthusiast you would immediately remove that thing and replace it for the louvre grille (zenki) or the glass grille (kouki): both better for weight reduction and has much more airflow going to the radiator.

  163. Ruud

    I don`t know where you have seen that car standing around before.
    But since this week i am the proud NEW owner of this car.
    If you live around Hoorn you might see it out in the wild again sometimes :)

  164. banpei

    Haha! That is amazing seeing the new owner turn up here! :)
    I think you bought a very nice car! Like I said before: the interior appeared to be in excellent shape and the exterior got the usual usage damage. I was amazed how well the car was after being over 20 years old.

    When I shot these pics the car was parked in Hilversum near the Rotor Media building. My best guess is that the previous owner used to work for as a freelancer for either BNN or Pilarzyck media.

    Unfortunately Hoorn is a bit far away to spot, but you will never know: I used to visit Hoorn every two years I think, so perhaps I will see it there as well! ;)

  165. aa63

    one up for the carina

  166. AndrewGL


    I cant find the blog, where this Carina is. Can you write the link for me, please?


  167. banpei

    Hello Andrew!

    You can find the Carina here:
    Carina GT-TR

  168. AndrewGL

    I dont know how to get in touch with him/her (in english, of course).
    Do you have any ideas?

    Thank you.

  169. AE71


  170. banpei

    I’ve seen a couple of swaps done in the AE86 and most of it was quite straight forward if you how. Only tricky parts were the waterpump (take one from your old bluetop), waterlines (reroute them) and mating the 4AGZE loom with the loom of the AE86 (we have a specialist for that in Holland).

    Then again: I was calling the 4AGZE swap straight forward because I’ve seen many many other swaps (3SGE/F20C/etc) which are much harder to do and require a lot more changes to the car than this one. ;)

  171. Anonymous

    I live in NZ, and have owned two Carina’s, used to have a silver 82, and now have a red 83/84, which I’m converting to run a 4AGZE engine. Thanks for the site, there isn’t much information on Carina’s, so it’s nice to know people have some interest in them. We drive on the left, so NZ can import direct from Japan without conversions :-)
    – Dave

  172. banpei

    Thanks for the compliment Dave!
    That was one of the things I also noticed when I bought mine: I could not find much information about the Carina either. So I started collecting info and posting stuff here. ;)

  173. banpei

    You can send him a message here:
    But then you would need a minkara account. Getting one is quite hard because you would need to translate every step through Google translate.
    Most probably the guy does not read English, so you would need to communicate in Japanese (using Google translate as well).
    Maybe I can give it a go since I already have a minkara account. ;)

  174. KoguchiPower

    Moet hier op zolder ook nog een paar oude Datsun en Simca folders en posters hebben liggen. En nog een paar kasten folder uit de jaren ’80-’90. :)

  175. banpei

    I would love to see those then! :)

  176. Kid Karola

    It looks like the Japanese James Bond almost DB5ish

  177. Anonymous

    se-ku-shi ;)

  178. banpei

    LOL! :D :D
    Indeed sekushi! :D

  179. AndrewGL

    Thank you, but I wont translate every page with google.
    As japanese language is (also)formally differs from english (and hungarian), I’m afraid, that I couldn’t even understand what he may try to tell me or ask from me.
    I was just wondering, how much money would he like to get for the car…


  180. Anonymous

    I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


  181. banpei

    Thanks for the compliment!
    And great site for car drawing tutorials! I certainly enjoyed this one:

  182. junior

    man i can see you usually posts pics of old school japanese cars, and believe me, instead they are in the junkyard, they look VERY good against a lot of old jdm cars i see in my country´s streets…
    where do you live banpei??

  183. junior

    are you sure this was not accidentally? because i saw a rally lancer evolution (VI?) doing a very dangerous/risky/unbelievable drift into a hairpin and the driver said after that, he was trying to save the front of the car from the crash but he didnt crash the rear (very lucky) he was expecting the crash, but just got luck, what about this guy? he do that very often?

    greetings man! nice material!

  184. junior

    LOL those are the hidraulics lol

  185. banpei

    I live in the Netherlands, but the pictures above were found on a Minkara (Japanese) site.

    BTW: There is a very rusty Honda Civic Mk 2 coming up next Sunday. :)

  186. banpei

    I just found another video of Kawabata at that event:

    From a different angle you can see he is doing just a tiny bit more than the 90 degree drift, maybe 110 to 120 degrees drift. So it isn’t as dramatic as shown in the first video!

  187. Mouwt

    Haha nice feature Banpei, Car almost finished, Few bits and pieces left,

    Ps; In that video the car was low on petrol and it was starving the carb!

    Here is a better 4k powered one….

    Can send you updated pics if you like,

    Cheers dude,

  188. banpei

    And found another one of Kawabata doing a similar thing in 2007:

    Not as much angle as the one in Okayama, but it is very similar.
    Found at:

  189. N/Aontherun

    I think the 4th pedal is a dead pedal… no? I don’t see a lever behind it. From the picture it looks like the Clutch lever is coming off of it, but there is a black plastic looking block under the 4th pedal.

    I like it, but I get too much of a Lexus vibe from it then a Toyota.

    I really like the comparing specs you posted. Definitely brings the AE86 heritage out to an eye level.


  190. banpei

    If it is a dead pedal, why put it in there? I just don’t get it… :|

    BTW: The FT-86 will be in Gran Turismo 5!

  191. Anonymous

    looks like a VVTI engagement pedal to me… or it could just be a foot rest

  192. banpei

    Yeah, some other cars sold by Japan Vintage are much better deals than this Carina! I’ve seen some very nice Laurels, Bellets and other nostalgic J-tin for sale by them…
    I didn’t know Auto Shop Takeey’s yet. Thanks! ;)

  193. Devil/Kazu

    mayb the button stand for TBD???
    but had no idea wat it is stand for..wakaka

  194. Anonymous

    sexual car

  195. banpei

    TBD? To Be Defined? :D :D

  196. banpei

    The fourth pedal has been cleared up! :) just posted additional pictures of the FT-86, including one picture of the pedals on a different angle:

    As you can see what looked like space between the pedal and the floor is actually a footrest with an open space in between. So the people who said it was a footrest were right! Thanks! :)

    You can find the new pictures of the FT-86 at 7Tune here:
    FT-86 up close and personal

  197. junior

    thanks a lot man, you are becoming like a old-school car hunter hahaha take care buddy

  198. banpei

    I am already very sorry I started the whole DOTS thing… My computer is already clogging up with various rustoseums and other least interesting Japanese cars. Ah well, as long as interesting things keep coming up I’ll continue. :P

  199. XJS

    one of my kidneys for a scanned version? Hmmm?

  200. banpei

    Deal! :D
    Seriously: it may take some time to scan all those pages… Will take an attempt, but it probably won’t go quick.

  201. XJS

    :) Great! Let me know if you need any help with scanning :)

  202. junior

    the gansta´s life lol

  203. kyteler

    So sweet seeing the little 4cylinder S50’s destroy the competition. G1, 1500cc of pure power! 71ps of power that is!

  204. Ruben

    hej im ser også bye en bil, der kan nogen hjælpe mig?

  205. Phil

    I love these little 323s.
    If this was in New Zealand it would probably fetch twice that asking price easily, these 323s are sought after for rotary conversions. Since this is both a 2 door and it has the early front end design (bug eyes) it’s worth more than a 4 door or a later model square light car.

  206. Anonymous

    I Just Love this Rare Gem! and for just $16,495 the cost of a corolla. tham i wish i buy this car . if you ever go back let me know i give you the money for it.

  207. kinloud

    Hi – glad you like my carina videos… I must have owned about 10 carinas in the past but only have 1 now. My AA63 Carina racecar, about to get a new 4agte motor and about 200kw! I can’t wait. Ken

  208. luis arturo gramajo

    hi there…
    thats a beautiful rally car!!. but where i can find a workshop manual, do you have idea? because i buy 2 240 rs the first car is complete and the other one it just chasis… has the factory 00043 and 00044. both cars compite in my country in 1984 1985 are the winners in those days… the cars race in CIRCUIT not rally… if you want i can send you a pics for the cars.. and tell me about this engine because here dont have much spares… in Guatemala work with Nissan or Datsun, and japannes who comes to Guatemala to tune the engine 6 times, the engines its a full race spec, my father was the crew chief and tell me that the car has 280hp.

    Best regards

  209. Santos

    The car is cheap because it has no documents, hence it can only be used for parts….until someone who has a rotten one swaps the vin and etc to the good one and therefore becoming “legal”…. ;)

    About the “unwanted car”… :D … no chance, if it’s an “Old Rwd Toyota” it’s guaranted tha someone will want it and it will cost at least 1.000 euros!


  210. banpei

    Thanks for the compliment! :)
    I didn’t know the also competed on the circuit! All I know is that they produced the 240RS to homologate it for rally use. So they started a limited production run of the 240RS which could be used for several other purposes. Great to hear they also competed somewhere else than in rallysport!

    I don’t know where you can find a workshop manual for the 240RS. My best guess would be the guys from could have one. Only other thing I could find was this advertisement on fast road and track:

    Pictures are always more than welcome! Please contact me through the contact form! (at the top of the page)

  211. banpei

    That would be an awesome Carina then!
    By chance referring to is this Carina?

  212. banpei

    Ah, that changes the whole thing! :)

    About the old RWD Toyota: the Sheriff was already cheap and I did see a lot of KE20s and KE30s going cheap as well. So that’s why I thought of the “unwantedness”. ;)

  213. Santos

    Forgot to mention…

    Will go over 1.000 euros if the car is in a reasonable condition. Cars as The Sheriff and many of the KE20s and such are completely rotten and some/many parts are mising, broken or simply really old!


  214. banpei

    Ah, so the same as in Holland. ;)

  215. B-San

    Hope its fixed
    Test, test. 1, 2, 3 :)

  216. banpei

    Thanks for testing! :)

  217. junior

    lol my old corolla (1989 model) was not even near of that spec,my corolla was about 40-60hp max lol

  218. junior

    amazing the fact about “And it only travelled 60000 kilometers!” man, in my country there is A LOT of cars a lot “newer” than this but with the triple distance travelled. is a shame >_< by the way im not a fan of this kind of cars but i appreciate and i RESPECT how well keep is the car in overall (considering the year, and because is not keept by a collector or something hehe) nice post =)

  219. Anonymous

    is this still for sale

  220. banpei

    The ad still exists, so I guess it is still for sale. ;)

  221. N/Aontherun

    Now we get to actually goes down at the touge after the races, rofl

    I’ve heard of this Dating sim before, but didn’t have the drive to look into it. That’s hilarious!


  222. B-San

    Great classic brochure. I love the CSP311!

  223. B-San

    Only in Japan. So genius!

  224. B-San

    I have really no idea what tv-show that could be. Maybe some difficult Japanese car-related question would sort this out =)

  225. banpei

    That gives hope!!
    I’ll do another contest soon with an easier question then. ;)

    The answer should have been Seibu Keistatsu. A famous cop show from the early 80s featuring nice J-tin, like the Skyline RS-Turbo, Nissan Gazelle and a 280Z.

  226. B-San

    I absolutely love Gloria’s tough i never really liked the looks of models like the 430 and Y30/31/32. I’m sure they are great cars tough but if it was up to me i’d love to have a Y33/34 or on of those great A30’s. On the otherhand, a dark 430 lowered with some “vintage” rims could be a good looker!

  227. N/Aontherun

    That KE70 is insane! The wagon too, their speeds are ridiculous… in a good way.

    I screamed at 2:38 o.O

  228. Puregroove_Org

    I get all tingly inside every time I see the motorFIX corollas doin’ it sideways. :D

  229. JLCL

    If you consider to share it, don’t need to scan, it’s easier take pictures and then convert to a pdf file.
    good Luck.

    Lima Peru.

  230. Hilarious Joker

    The more I read it, the more it impresses me. I don’t know how I ever worked without hilarious and funny things in our life, Life would be so much easier especially when there’s a jokes here and there. Being funny is nice because a lot of serious people are lacking with this kind of behavior that is why they are much look older. I would like to thank you for your outstanding blog post. Keep it up! Awesome!

  231. B-San

    Looks like a really nice test track. Is this one fully owned by Nissan or is it a public owned track?

  232. B-San

    Never knew the BBS’s where made in Japan. Btw, nice car models in the background at 8:45. Have the same ones right here on my desk. Haha

  233. banpei

    It is private test track, however it is not off limits. Nissan uses it for product demonstrations as well, like this Nissan Leaf test drive:

  234. PT

    I buy my parts, and also sell any surplus parts to the guys at

    Cheers PT

  235. Anonymous

    how does he pump it?

  236. HKS

    take a look at my toyota carina st171

  237. HKS

    “[img]” dosn’t work.. here

  238. banpei

    Probably by hand as well! :D :D
    Maybe he also has a footpump in the boot?

  239. banpei

    That is the best looking ST171s I’ve ever seen! :)
    Thanks for sharing!

    BTW: Fixed the image in the first comment.

  240. B-San

    The ideal woman?!
    Made me think of this ‘galdori’ video i saw a while ago…

  241. Maikeru

    Stuff like this always reminds me Over Rev! manga :)

  242. B-San

    Lookin’ good. What car is it shown at the banner? I know its a Toyota, but what model?

  243. banpei

    A Toyota Carina A6 of course! :P
    Thanks for the compliment!

  244. B-San

    Just can’t understand why they let them rust away like that. On the other hand they’ll probably say the same of all the rusting Beetles and stuff like that in Europe :)

  245. B-San

    I can’t understand who just lets a car like this (especially overhere where they are pretty rare) leaves it over to the forces of nature. Sadly i don’t car any place/storage nor the budget to restore it. But im curciouse to the orange note behind the window. If i remember correctly you can ask the personal details of the cars owner at the RDW after letting them know the license plate. Costs about 6euros i think, but if you might really be interested in the car i think a phone call would might work quicker especially since it seems there are more buyers looking after it. Sadly the license-plate is not read-able. I wonder if it would still had APK (VAT) or since when it on the name of the current owner. :) Who knows it might just be stolen and left there.

  246. B-San

    Wow, sorry for my english today.

  247. banpei

    MOT expired earlier this year.
    It is easier to track down the owner that way if it only costs that little money! Thanks for the tip! ;)

  248. Datnut

    Great post! Will definitely be doing this.

  249. Shigeno

    Hello, Nice 86! I am currently working on a Trueno. I’d like to replicate the car just like yours. Do you mind if you can share detailed photos of your car? and maybe you also have the Trueno logo for the trunk (hatch) and GT Apex? lastly, a Fujiwara tofu shop logo/text.

    Hope I’m not asking too much… The car is almost done on its primer coating stage. in about 2 days we will be starting to coat panda white and black. I like the version that you did… before they replaced the engine and installed a CF hood on the 86.

    Again Nice car! Hope to hear from you really soon!

    PS: So they actually used a PIAA foglamps huh? cool!

  250. banpei

    I wish the car was mine… ;)
    The car is created by Impulse as a showcase of what they can do with their workshop…
    The PIAA foglights are a lot more common in Japan since it is a Japanese company after all. I think it is not a problem to find a set in the US since they have a PIAA USA company as well. Outside those two countries the PIAA stuff is a bit harder to get by…

    About the stickers: well, we do sell some Trueno and Apex Twin cam 16 replica stickers in the AEU86 shop:
    Toyota Sprinter Trueno AE86 replica stickers
    There is currently a new batch being manufactured, so most of them will be available again soon!

  251. B-San

    I tried to register myself on minkara a while ago. Tough i did manage to make it… sort off… some things were not very clear to me. So Thank you very much Banpei, just what I needed!

  252. Tom

    Hi Luis,

    Saw your post – I can get hold of a 240RS competition manual. It is a photocopy so some of the detailed photographs are unclear but the supporting text is fine.
    I have two 240RS cars in the UK. Both being restored. I have a wealth of knowledge on the engines and also the gearboxes. Any questions I’d be pleased to help. Many people across the world helped me so I would be returning the favour.
    You should be aware that the final EVO cars had more in common with the 720 pickup than the homologation cars!
    I would love to see some shots for your cars – I may be able to shed some light on how they are set up.

    • Scott Henderson

      Hi I’m in Canada trying to make 200sx into a 240rs any idea where I could buy fender flares thanks

  253. Sactown

    I used to live in japan, and while walking through a local junkyard, i saw a panda coupe GT Apex still all intact. The poor hachi had alot of rust and they had stacked it on top of another car. It was sad to see, but I managed to get the grille and could have got the original radiator with it but it started to rain and I didn’t have the tools. So I came back the next day, but the radiator was taken out…Anyways I wanted to get a price on it or sell it to the right person…I’ve held on to it for like 9yrs now…

  254. kyteler

    Judging by the way he took that corner I would hazard a guess that the whole outside is an outer clipping curve and they have to apex the entry and exit corners. Looked pretty sweet to me, though I do prefer watching retro’s drift.

  255. B-San

    Great car! But didn’t they forget the U11?
    And the G10 & G11. Or maybe they don’t see the ‘Sylphy’ was a real bluebird :)

  256. fury-s12

    ive got a silvia version of these same layout design etc except each model is a separate image goes from the mega old CPS311 to the 7th gen S15

    id imagine theres more around

  257. xmizanx

    this is a great stuff…

  258. xmizanx

    hey.. gud video and info

  259. banpei

    The U11 is the one right at the top…
    The person who created this images stopped at the 9th generation:
    I dun think I was “around” then :)
    You just don’t get to see these “birds” around here anymore.
    In Malaysia, it stopped at Gen 9

    So naturally the G10 and G11 were not in the picture.

  260. banpei

    Cool! I’d love to see those! :)
    Got a link to them?

  261. EKhatch

    This may be the greatest post ever, excellent work and very appreciated!

  262. banpei

    Thank you all for the compliments! :)
    Part two is almost finished and will be posted on Monday or Tuesday.

  263. B-San

    Oh, sadly you didn’t spot mine Classic Red NA :)
    White is a pretty rare color here in Holland. Tough i think its still one of the best colors for the MX. Is it really not been drivin’ in ages? This would be an awesome cheap drift-bullit for me :O

    Keep them comming!

  264. banpei

    There are more coming up in the next weeks, so maybe yours will be spotted as well! :D :D

  265. kyteler

    I have that! 2 of, one slightly different but shares many images. I should probably throw up a few scans or photos of such things, myself.

  266. banpei

    Also in the Dutch language then? :P

  267. Kiaora Williams

    hey i was just, wondering about your celica wheels…were you selling those or….. give us an email maybe…

  268. B-San

    Yup, thats a fail. Haha

  269. Handlebar Henry

    I am warning people to be very wary of the guy who says he owns the two cars, chassis numbers 43 and 44.They are owned by a Mr.Philippe Hayman in belgium. See this page it says every owner of nissan car

  270. Handlebar Henry

    Sorry me, link have my name in, it is just

    All names nissan people on there

  271. B-San

    Nice miatas again. But really strange the red one is reg’d as a 323. I guess its just a error in the RDW database. A while ago i checked a car and it said its APK (MOT) expired in 1995 while the car simply has had its checks all trough the years. :)

  272. banpei

    Thanks for the warning! :)

  273. banpei

    Yes, the database could be wrong on this one…
    I thought of another possibility: either the car was stolen and got its plates swapped from another Mazda… Or the owner steals gas and swapped the plates to make someone else look like the culprit?

  274. shifty

    looks more like a Toyota Publica convertible.

  275. EKhatch


  276. banpei

    I think you’re right about that one! :)
    I did find this image of the UP10 Convertible:

    It looks very similar, but unfortunately the image is in too low quality to know for sure…

  277. Anonymous

    this is my car? why did you make a photo of my car at different locations?

  278. Anonymous


  279. banpei

    I generally make photos of all interesting cars I see. Most of the time the location is the location when I pass a car and if I see it a second time sometimes I make additional pictures… See also the deteriorating S14:

    When I made the pictures of your Colt on the first location a few of them were not blurred (dirty lens), so when I spotted your car the second time I made an additional picture. ;)

    How is the car doing btw?

  280. fury-s12

    i no it looks like alot of other cube kei cars and that stupid scion but dam that would look awesome VIP’d out

  281. fury-s12

    awe i cant even win something when theres only 4 people in it lol

  282. Devil/Kazu

    YAY….thz dude…haha

  283. banpei

    There is always a next time… ;)
    Probably going to have another one next month.

  284. Anonymous

    wow 9 yrs is a long time. LOL hold onto it for another 10 and then it will really be worth some bank.

  285. B-San

    Fury-S12, join the club =]

    And gratz to the winner.


    I want to comment about the post my son Luis Arturo sent recently. The fact is that we were trying to buy two of the 240 RS that are stored in a dealership in this country, but after trying several times to get information about the price and some information about the cars and information about the minimun parts to take at least one of them to the racing track for the national championship, but we never got a strong information, so I decided not to insist and find another brand of car to race. Evedn, I contacted a friend of mine who was one of the mechanics that the dealership sent to Japan to learn about racing preparation of this cars.
    But finally I was dissapointed, because I really like the 240 RS and even I drove one of them a lot of years ago.

    In the 80´s the Nissan dealer imported at least 5 Nissan 240 RS to this country, in order to fight the Toyota strong leadership in track racing.
    Of the original cars, three went to track racing preparation, one for the Nissan dealership owner-partner, the other for a well known racing driver and a third for another person who was rallying with other brand.
    The Nissan silvia 240 RS as known here, won the national championship for three ó four years in a row. They were equipped with dry sump oil system, and they were really strong competitors against the other cars..
    One special thing about these cars is that they never broke an engine.
    I know a lot of stories about them because I was racing a small Nissan at that time and I have been at the shop with the Nissan racing team a lot of times.
    Years later, one of the 240 RS was sold to a very close friend of me and he invited me to drive the car with him in two races as a second driver…………. later, my friend sold the car again to the dealership owner.
    Right now as I know there are four of the original 240 RS for sale. Two of them in racing trim for track use (one is a rolling chassis
    without engine,trans) the other two are virtually stock 240 RS cars.

  287. B-San

    Besides he looks a bit older now he isn’t changed much i must say.

  288. Arizona Golf Packages

    Nice car for sale ad. heheh.. I would buy that car and put maggots over it.

  289. Devil/Kazu

    omg,it bring back memories…sobsob…wakaka…

  290. Thomas

    it’s the cruise control controls :P

  291. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    I didn’t think of that! Quite stupid I guess! ;)

  292. B-San

    Poor poor cars

  293. David Nguyen

    i wish my wagon had a BT 20v

  294. Thomas

    well, it’s not THAT stupid, i’ve only seen it on an MA70 Supra before, most of the times, it’s in the stalks ;)

  295. Matt

    His skills are just amazing!

  296. didotooo bulgaria

    Yeah I Have one of these mmc galant sigma hardtop! Its great luxury car with all goodies + climatronic in 1985! I love this car

  297. xmizanx

    thanks for the great stuff. keep posting

  298. B-San

    Poor, poor S14. Can’t wait for a new Miata article. Wanted to make some photo’s of my Miata in the snow yesterday but nomatter what i tried i couldnt get the frozen door opened.

    Maybe i do need to clean up the garage someone, haha.

  299. B-San

    Red miata’s always look better O.-
    Lucky someone is still taking car over that NA and it would be left to the forces of nature like the S14.

  300. B-San

    Seconds try: “Lucky someone is still taking care of that NA so it wouldn’t be left over to the forces of nature like the S14.”

  301. banpei

    I suspect the owner just parks the car at the exact same spot and use the car only for “fun”. ;)

  302. B-San

    A GC10 Van? Say whaaaaat?!
    I have never seen or heard that these were ever made. I believe I have a new favorite Stationwagon now. :)

  303. banpei

    They are so rare that they must be worth more than a KPGC10! :D :D

  304. B-San

    I believe even Prince sold a stationwagon version of the Skyline before Nissan bought Prince. I’ve seen C210, R30, R31 and R32 Stationwagons before the Stagea was out. But never a C10, and I’m affraid you are right that they will costs millions of Yen looking at the prices of normal Hakosuka and C110’s these days. Not to mention the GT-R models :(
    They now even made a SUV of the Skyline series!

  305. banpei

    Yes, Prince sold a station wagon before and it was called the Prince Skyway. Much better name IMO. :)

  306. neil taylor

    Just pointing out that the LZ20B was also used in KP710 sss
    rally cars as well.

  307. banpei

    Thanks! I always thought the Violet 710 SSS used the LZ18 but apparently I was wrong about that. I’ve added it to the article. :)

  308. teh100pointer

    nice find!
    the last one is the best.
    your blog is awesome. keep up the good work banpei san.

  309. aa63

    or could it be from the half cut where he salvaged the engine from.

  310. Kyusha Kai

    great blog! old school jdm love is awesome.

    check this out, i think you’ll dig it!

  311. Kevin Lee

    Hey banpei

    this is out of topic, but are u from JNC, thought i saw you there. just dropping by and saying hi. happy new year to you

  312. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    I did discover your blog two weeks ago and read your posting about the Stagea! Amazing how the taillights fit so nicely into the Stagea’s rear!
    Going to add it to the blogroll! ;)

  313. banpei

    I do have an account on JNC forum and occasionally comment on the blogs.
    Happy new year to you as well! :)

  314. B-San

    Happy newyear. That 2010 may bring us loads of JDM goodness ^^

  315. AA60

    hey man i like the set u got could u help me out too cuz i basically need the entire set up main grill,fog lights and indicators with the grill plz email anilsagar09@yahoo. i dont know japanese so i cant use

  316. Kyusha Kai

    ewwwwwwww! hahaha! i wish they’d go back to just good ol’ fashion tuning.

  317. dido

    Very good post, thanks a lot.

  318. B-San

    Great photo! Look like it came straight from some ’80 gangster-movie. :P

  319. N/Aontherun

    I’ve loved Az-1’s ever since Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero. Yea, I’m corny, but I love that game.

    I hear that they are rare and just as expensive as a FD in JDMLand

  320. banpei

    They are quite rare for such a young kei-car, but you can pick up one between 600000 yen ($6000) and 1600000 ($17000) at Goo-net.

    On the other hand: if you can fit in one it is certainly worth every penny! :)

  321. Anonymous

    So sad :(
    Can you look if you can find the licence of this S14 in our dutch 200SX database?

  322. banpei

    Sure. Just did it: unfortunately the car is not in the database. :(
    I removed the link to the database since I wasn’t sure if all that data should be public. ;)

  323. Anonymous

    I can tell you that it’s not a US government test to see if the car is allowed on the market, just because i know they didn’t do a test like this. I think it’s more of one of those “OMG look what happens when you’re unsafe!!!11!” things, like the episode of 5th gear where they crash test a rebuilt car to show that they kill you.

    anyways it’s pretty scary, the link is dead now but i’ve watched it

  324. banpei

    Ah, that’s different that the modern EU regulations then! Here it is only allowed to sell cars that actually have been test proved by the EuroNCAP! :o
    Thanks for the dead link warning. I’ll see if I can find that video again!

  325. B-San

    Nice roadsters again. That Black NA would look great if he got rid of the lexus-lights. :)
    Never heard of JS Team but they got some nice cars for sale.

  326. B-San

    Great collection. He has a very strong accent in his German making it hard to understand for somebody not german tough.

    Like the Toyota Will and Pao. Since i saw this Pao I’ve really started to see the potentional in these little cars ^^
    My god that looks good ^^

  327. banpei

    Haha! Have to agree upon that: the Pao is looking sexy! However I still wouldn’t choose it even if I got paid for it. ;)

  328. Dave

    Love the Blue 323, Great Find! Its getting rarer to see a blue one for sale –

    By coincidence I was the guy who bought the one mentioned in Practical Classics!
    I Thought you might like to know I managed to find a replacement new clutch on ebay for £4.95; So thought I may as well take it for a visit to my local track for a watch – turns out someone snapped it while it was parked…….
    I bought the car because it was unusual, but it wasnt till I done some research that I realised how little were still on the road!
    I’m definately going to keep it as original as possible, I guess Im abit of a stickler when it comes to originality

    Anyway, Nice to see an interesting article!


  329. banpei

    Your 323 looks amazing! And 4.95 for a replacement clutch is next to nothing! ;)
    Got to love classics for that! :)

  330. kyteler

    Awesome. I’ve been keen on a PNV R30 Skyline Coupe for a while now, there’s all kinds of awesome commercials and sale brochures around with Paul Newman’s face scattered over them.

  331. banpei

    Yup. I love those Paul Newman commercials!

  332. Sharm

    That’s not KE30. It’s a Datsun 1200 B110 Pickup

  333. banpei

    But I actually knew that already a year ago. ;)
    But I forgot to edit this posting… Will do that now. :)

  334. kyteler

    Just as a note. It’s a typical conversion for JDM lamps but what Flauski has done is linked the two lamps. In standard form the JDM lamps work exactly the same as the Export lamps do.

    Park lamps illuminate the outer circle and brakes, the inner. Though obviously on Export the Inner is the Dot and on Domestic the Inner is the Circle.

    The Japanese lamps I got for my C110 had already been modified to work In the all lit up then brighter (2nd filament) for brakes.

    Far greater look to the rear end, IMO.

  335. Tune86

    Hello! Any updates on the “drift button”?

  336. madhura kotigala

    i have a nisan B110 car i want to see the real view to repair this vehicle

  337. oldskull

    Hey Art, where do you found the car? somewhere in Hilversum??

    The car look nice btw :)

  338. B-San

    Hahahaha… My longs hurt from laughing so loud. =D
    Crazy Japanese!

  339. banpei

    Yep. Somewhere in the south of Hilversum, near the heath.

  340. banpei

    Had the same trouble when I found this video… It still hurts! :D

  341. oldskull

    Ah ok, and it is for sale?

  342. banpei

    No idea… Should I leave a note for you?

  343. Kid Karola

    TAMIYA 1st in quality around the world! They’re old mission statement is still true today. Always great detail and excellent build quality on their RC models and static display kits.

    I had a really cool promotional video from the late 80’s with all the great RC cars (Hot-Shot, Fox, Frog, Hornet, Wild Willy, Porsche 956… et al) Also 30min section about the process to make their scale static models thru all stages to production, and finally a guide to detailed diarama construction.

  344. berucht

    this is the same GTi for sale.

  345. banpei

    Indeed the same! :)
    Also the price is interesting!

  346. Devil/Kazu

    6 throttles?OMG

  347. the nitz

    RIP Mr.Newman

    you were and are my hero

  348. Freddy!

    Thanks for the plug sir!
    Love/Hate these pics..they sadden me to know what they could’ve been…=/

  349. banpei

    You’re welcome! :)
    Yeah I know the feeling: on one hand I love to post those pics because of the rust and deterioration and on the other hand I hate to post them because I realize they were once very cool cars…

  350. Bobby

    i really do like this car!

  351. B-San

    Doesn’t look as bad as I expected it to be…

  352. B-San

    Nice NB’s again. Saw a red NB with hard-top flying by the other day. Quite a rare sight overhere, but damn that thing looked good to. :)

  353. banpei

    No, it isn’t that bad… But it is such a rare car to turn into an itasha. On the other hand: take a look at the massive amount of C10s converted into zokushas! ;)

  354. banpei

    And you didn’t take a picture of it? :P

  355. Matt Malcolm

    Hey cool feature! Thanks for using my pics :D


  356. B-San

    Nah, needed to take my exit and I don’t want to risk a fine for holding a mobile while driving. :P Was quite a nice sight tough 2 red Roadster side to side. :)

    Did however drive the new Nissan Cube few days ago. Such a funky car!
    Finally some real fun JDM cars getting to Holland. Like a wish coming true :P

  357. banpei

    Now if only the Toyota Mark X would also come to Holland I would be just as happy as you are! :D :D

  358. spideguy

    I have a carina AA60 with double headlights …where can i get the park lights to buy?thats the small light in between the two headlamp….? email me at [email protected] its hard to find

  359. banpei

    Well, you’re in luck! I do have an extra set of park lights:
    So, you have email! :)

  360. Alan

    Wow that is tragic and truly unbelievable.

    Hopefully it will be rescued before it’s too late.

  361. Alan

    A garage of high tech vintage dreams.

  362. Davy

    Hey man! Haha, I am the owner of this Carina. What you described is exactly what happened – the rubber mount burst and caused the imbalance and took the fuel lines with it. It isn’t pretty under there!

    I’ll have to reconnect the fuel lines with new lines, get the driveshaft balanced and install it back in without the stupid rubber mounts.

    Love your site, so many Carinas!

  363. Davy

    added your site to our links too :)

  364. banpei

    Thanks for the compliment and link! :)
    I guessed it most probably would be the rubber… Well, at least it will be new rubber this time!

  365. banpei

    LOL! :D
    Imagine what else must be parked there! A Citroen SM? A Toyota Soarer? A Honda CR-Z? :P

  366. odd parity

    Perhaps it’s just a big fan of the Beastie Boys? :-P

  367. banpei

    That could be the case… But are the Beastie Boys also fan of Datsun then? :P

  368. B-San

    Uhm, I’m missing something here? :)

  369. banpei

    Thanks! I forgot to add the videos… Never happened before! :(

  370. Model Direct

    this is just an introduction of our website:

  371. Anonymous

    Actually the TE-27, TE-37 has Levin and Trueno version. What i know Levin was for export and Trueno was for Japan market only. Once it reached TE-47 there is no Levin moniker for this. Which is strange. I have this TE-47 and its a Trueno Sprinter.

  372. B-San

    Its for sale for quite a while than. iirc I’ve seen it for sale already a long long time ago on
    Nice car anyway!

  373. B-San

    Wow! That looks brilliant!
    Shame I don’t have 900k Yen…

  374. banpei

    Must have missed it a couple of times then! This was the first time I actually spotted there!

  375. Yazoku/Brad Hogan

    subarus are nice

  376. Yazoku/Brad Hogan

    It looks like it should be in a anime or a sega game or something

  377. Philippe Heymans

    My name is Philippe Heymans from Belgium and i have receive a mail half november 09 from the Guatemala owners family Siekavizza asking my interest in the 4 cars + spare parts stock. Afther a couple off mails and phone calls the deal was done.
    Before i receive pictures from other people about the same cars for sale and i just could waiting the were shipped to the new owner in the UK to visit and buy one.
    Half november 09, i was on internet around 02H00 in the night when the mail from Carlos Siekavizza comes in, i reply imediatly and later the deal was OK.
    Maybe i have dissapointed other people who trying to become those cars, sorry for that.
    I like to have contact with Arturo Gramajo to know more about the race cars history in Central America. My mail: [email protected]

    Best regards to all


  378. banpei

    Thanks for clearing that up! :)

  379. B-San

    Nice Roadsters again. That NB looks more BRG than black on the photo. Could be me tough. :) Also quite strange so see a NA Miata with a OEM MX-5 foglight. Good thing is these cars are cheap as chips these days. So its not like you only see them in the “better” neighborhoods. Tough, I’d be scared of someone ripping your soft-top apart.

  380. banpei

    It is black, but my right side window was very dirty! :D
    Maybe the Miata had a rear collision damage and had its bumper replaced including the foglight? But I agree that is is quite weird…

  381. 86LIFE

    I love the Marchal logo. Great find Banpei.

  382. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    To be honest: the reason why I wanted Marchals was because the bosozoku dig them. ;)

  383. kyteler

    Just a few minor detail clarifications. It was the “” Nationals and the Hardtop is of the 910 variety ;) I had wondered whether you’d seen that post or not! I guess this answer my question, ahhaha. I specifically put the Carina before the jump to see if you’d be more interested. :)

  384. banpei

    Great to hear people remember my Carina fetish! :P
    Yeah, I did see it, but since I read it from the RSS feed I do get the whole article, and not the summary.

  385. kyteler

    Look at those horrific US-spec bumpers on the Honda cars. It’s enough to make a grown man cry.

  386. Mono

    Hello Philippe

    Please could you give me Carlos Siekavizza e-mail or phone number. I am from Peru, in South America and I am rebuilding 2 240rs. Maybe he can help get some parts I need.


    Raúl Orlandini

  387. Philippe Heymans

    Hi Raul,

    Use my private mail please : [email protected]



  388. hawi51

    The driver/comedian name is Egashira 2:50.
    Strange, I never saw Egashira 2:50 & Keiichi Tsuchiya in a same show

  389. Ricardo

    Wow, wish my T16 was as clean as this one! Looks like it doesn’t have any rust. Really hope it will be used as a parts car and not for banger racing..

  390. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    Just watched a few sketches on Youtube and boy, he is surely annoying! Definitely need to see some more! :)

  391. B-San

    Such a crime!

  392. banpei

    I wouldn’t use it for a banger race: its a cabrio and it doesn’t have a rollbar either, so the chassis is not stiff enough to endure the absue. Would be more sane to use a cheap T16 coupe and weld in a cage. ;)

  393. john tim02

    Hey man the car is great.But I thing the maintenance is not done properly.

    Nice post.

  394. Richard

    Wow, Tawau once again has so much to offer to the world, visit

  395. Anonymous

    I know of Carlos e mail is

    [email protected]

    gud luk

  396. A Finn

    Thats just wrong :(

  397. Vial

    One of the lads on my football team has one of these in Blue with a white roof and looks the dog’s bollox. They need to add it to the Toyota European line-up. The turbo diesel from the Landcruiser would do nice.

  398. miami Limo

    The car has not been maintained.Fuzz…I cant understand that how one can put the car in such situation.

  399. banpei

    With the current gas price in Europe an optional diesel would be great I guess! On the other hand the Dodge Ram 2500 and 3500 V8s (not the diesel models!) are very popular cars nowadays, so apparently people have enough money to feed such a monster in Europe. ;)

  400. Hero Style

    This is what I’m talking about! great find. I love seeing vintage pictures of sexy old school japanese metal

  401. Hero Style

    This is a great video. I love classic footage like this! 86life!

  402. kyteler

    Hey banpei, that’s no 620 ;) It’s an Isuzu KB20. Also known stateside as a Chevy LUV.

  403. banpei

    Auch! Thanks for the correction, just corrected it! :)
    Europe isn’t much of a UTE region… We only got the Nissan 520/620/720 and the Toyota HiLux, but AFAIK the Isuzu KB20 never reached the shores of Europe…

  404. cavey

    Ah shucks,

    Should have known by the youtube vid code :P

  405. banpei

    LOL! :D

  406. Satana-Yamaha

    gidrach ??? ?????????????? ????)

  407. Satana-Yamaha

    All greetings! I too from here

  408. banpei

    I’ve corrected the posting. Thanks! :)

    Nice GZ10 Soarer BTW! I did see it some time ago on JNC forum as well! :)

  409. B-San

    Poor poor Zenki. :(
    I wonder what the owner is thinking. Is it stolen? Is it a project car that never started? Does the owner not known these cars are kinda “special” to enthousiast. There are still people like that. Last week I got overtaken by a old granny in a S13. So probably doesn’t even know. =D

  410. Yazoku/Brad Hogan

    No problem my friend

  411. Satana-Yamaha

    I will soon make new photos and I will lay out on JNC

  412. banpei

    I have no idea why someone leaves a car unattended so long. Maybe the owner is doing time in Jail? Or moved to another continent for a year? Or maybe he is in hospital for over a year now… Who knows?

    About the granny: I compare it to my mom… She wanted to buy a 323F in the early 90s because she really liked how the car looked with the popup lights. Perhaps the granny thought the same 20 yeas ago and bought it as new. ;)

  413. TRD

    More photos there

  414. TRD

    His previous car Corolla CE70

  415. banpei

    Thanks! Nice rebuild of that 3T-GTE!

  416. B-san

    Saw some photos of this event already on the interwebs. Look like a great event. God Rock Auto creations looks so good! :D

    Btw, what is that van at 1:16?

  417. banpei

    Nice! Any links to them? :P
    The van is a Mazda Bongo:
    About the most bonkers van design ever! :P

  418. B-San

    The van looks badass in that video. A bit like a amphibious verhicle.
    I got some photo’s waiting to be automaticly posted on my website but can’t find them so quickly. (Long story, got few hundred post waiting to be released automaticly at a certains time but can’t find it trough the mass of other posts). Also cant recall where I found them to be honest. Should become public today or tomorrow iirc.
    Will post the link here as soon as I see its come online. ^^

  419. B-San

    Talking about timing. Its just came online as I was typing that comment. Anyway here it is:

  420. Phil

    Very cool pics, I love the shot of the LZ16. And it’s rare to see an FJ20 with all the red paint left on the rockers….:)

  421. Anonymous

    Delete by user :-(

  422. banpei

    Fixed! :)
    Apparently Nasubiayu removed the old one and replaced it with a new (high definition) version.

  423. Thomas

    and what about the Nissan Prairie, in the middle, in front of the blue Golf :(

  424. banpei

    Well, it is probably worth as much as the EE80. Sounds like a good deal to me. :P

  425. B-San

    And what about the Ford Cougar and Fiat Coupe?! Such great and rare cars! And that Imprezza WRX. Such a shame ='[
    Oh, and isn’t that a K12 SRi on the mid left?

  426. interior car mirror

    No, its not like that. I think this is good idea. It will very useful at time of rainy season or fog to clean side mirrors for car

  427. banpei

    I see the Fiat coupe quite regularly in Hilversum, but still a shame to wreck it… The Impreza is not a WRX, no scoop on it and the body looks more like a AWD GL to me.

  428. B-San

    Funny, the Fiat Coupe is quite rare overhere.
    Btw, Tought the WRX didn’t have a scoob on the hood. (Only the WRX STi)
    Could be wrong tough. Not really “into” the scooby’s

  429. paulo michael

    i also like round headlights(quad lights) for my t140!=)
    the corona t140 has that style of headlights too but it’s quite rare.

  430. Vial

    At least someone had the good mind to drop off a G Whizz

  431. Bobby

    We should repeat a meet like this in valkenburg!!! Wich is a very nice place BTW. I’m going there once in a while. (Casino, Spa, restaurant “gaudi” and shopping in Maastricht or Aachen)
    I would know about 3-4 cars from Luxembourg (3xAE86, 1xAE82) that might join!

  432. B-San

    Nice NA’s again.
    Liking the silver one, just needs a nice OEM lip and it’ll look superb.
    I’d swear the second one is a BRG tough. But could be that my eyes are just playin’ trick on me tough. =^_^=

    Love to see more NA spots in the future!

  433. banpei

    Even though I’m slightly colorblind I could swear the car is dark blue. Will take an additional picture later this week! :D

  434. banpei

    Well, the round lights were shared between the A60 and T140 platform in case of the van and taxi. See also here:

  435. B-San

    Don’t count on my color-recognizing-skills to much. I’m colorblind to, lol. It could be blue tough, but thats a very rare color on NA’s, most of them are British Racing Green, Classis Red or Mariner Blue. But you’re probably right.

  436. banpei

    Thanks! That’s a very beautiful (yet painful) picture! :)

  437. Ricardo

    It now showed up on marktplaats for 1900euro’s:

  438. replica watches

    well,very nice car…how can be made a replica car????? thats new to me lol

  439. banpei

    Thanks! That’s a very steep price drop! :o

  440. Pedro

    Wow, that is incredible! Now the question should be: does it work? :D

  441. kyteler

    It’s ‘duct’ tape, btw.

    Though you can no doubt use it on ducks, it gets used for everything else! haha ;)

  442. Anonymous

    in this case, i have to agree to duck tape.. the guy isn’t really standing up, is he? :)

  443. banpei

    Actually it used to be Duck tape from the start:

    Nowadays it is also being pushed as a brand on this side of the pond by Henkel as Duck Products, hence we call it Duck Tape. Just as many people name it Gaffer’s tape because Gaff also produces the same tape. ;)

    But what’s in the name anyway… :P

  444. Anonymous

    no doubt about it, the “Initial D” manga/anime/video game made the AE86 awesome

  445. Anonymous

    Suzuki Guatemala
    Ave. La Castellana 39-48 Z.8
    Ciudad de Guatemala

    Teléfono: 2420-2100
    Fax: 2420-2103

  446. Kid Karola

    def red!

  447. B-San

    Lookin’ good Banpei

  448. B-San

    Thats one great looking Supra indeed…

  449. banpei

    Thanks! :)

  450. Anonymous

    Can touch this!!!

  451. Bo

    my… my music is so… so hard! :D
    not diggin the super high rear suspension :/

  452. Dave

    Everyone speaks Japanese, and then the guy who shoots up the skyline, starts jibbering in English! That made me laugh most of all!

  453. Dave

    Cool chart, never knew there were so many models either! The GTS Type S model is very common in New Zealand, both 2 door and 4 door.

  454. banpei

    Even though the GTS Type S is not as very impressive spec-ed as the GTR I still love to have one as a daily! :)

  455. Alexi

    I didn’t know that, but I’m glad it lined up!

  456. banpei

    Well for the next time (and I hope there will be one!) you now know on what day you should post it. :P

  457. B-San

    Please tell me he just accidently placed that comma wrong… please… lol

  458. B-San

    Great to see these old CM’s. Never knew Ken & Mary were already known before the “Kenmeri”…
    Shame there was no Hakosuka CM to be seen. Now “that” would have been great to watch =^.^=

  459. 86LIFE

    Crazy LEDs!

  460. 86LIFE

    I have a Minkara account! Thanks Banpei.

  461. banpei

    You’re welcome! :)
    Still need to do the other guides as well… Anyone know a good shop where I can buy some time? :P

  462. banpei

    To make up for the Hakosuka CM, how about a Hakosuka catalogue then?
    Yum yum! :9

  463. B-San

    Saw it quite a while ago and still can make up my mind if its eighter good looking or hella ugly. Oh well, atleast its something new. =] That logo in the grill has to go tough! It makes the gront look like some kinda boring Nissan for the US market (like the Sentra’s). lol

    If I remember correctly there was an other weerd conversion right under the blue RPS13. A red car iirc but can’t recall what the conversion really was. A Chaser or Cefiro with R32 front or something?

  464. 7shades

    AE86 with R32 front clip.

  465. banpei

    Talking about weird conversions, I do know there is an AE86 with R34 front clip in Greece:

  466. kyteler

    From NZ and I’ve never seen it before. Not surprising, I guess. Strangely, the licence plate is supposed to be attached to a Datsun 180B, rather than the 120Y it is attached to. Weird and pointless fact #13798123

  467. B-San

    Nice NA. So now and than I’m active at the Dutch MXOC forum but I can’t recall seeing this NA pass by. Might be a sticker from an ex-owner. :) When I was on the hunt for my NA 8 out of 10 Roadsters had a MXOC sticker on it. ^^

    But it sits very nice indeed altough I’m not a fan of the wheels. And an OEM lip would suit it very well ^^

  468. banpei

    Maybe you were not the target audience of this commercial! ;)
    A 180B? I’d say that is at least a bit strange… Maybe the owner owned both a 180B and 120Y and switched the plates to prevent to be recognized as the stripping guy? :P

  469. Bas

    I’ve got it now, needs some repairing! 120 000 km. Got it for €750 euro’s, this guy must have been crazy or out of money somehow ;)
    I’ve also got the Colt 1.6 16V glxi 1992 113bhp and these cars really rocks.
    I’ve been driving mitsubishi’s all my live and I’ll never ever change brand.

    BTW it drives in Twente now ;)

  470. banpei

    Congrats on the bargain! Great to hear it is in good hands now! :)

  471. Vdubsunday

    Those are my RS’!

  472. banpei

    Then you certainly have the coolest rims ever!
    Any chance on sharing some more pics of them?? :P

  473. Farrow

    man. them wheels he has in the back. im in love with, along with the cherry blossoms. them two =sex

  474. Anonymous

    Nice car! thanks you for sharing this information :)

    bet clic

  475. banpei

    My personal favorites are the Advans, as long as they are the deep dish variants like this! :)

  476. twincammad

    john is a very famous man in the ae86 culture of ireland, he hasand had some seriously nice cars all old skool rwd’s and will have alot more as well

    also goes by the name of the phantom bellydancer

  477. Laurens

    The third is f**k**g amazing! beautifully styled!!

  478. Ricer

    Hi! That car is VW Taro, in Finland we have someof those, i think that it is lisenced from Toyota Hilux :)

  479. banpei

    Thanks for clearing that up! A bit stupid from my side since I could have found that out if only I looked up the registration in the RDW database. :(
    The VW Taro was never sold in the Netherlands and this is an imported Taro…
    Since it is a rebadged Hilux the Taro is still a pickup with identity crisis. :P

  480. Anonymous

    This is not the Nazi Swastika man, the one the nazis had used is inverted. Good try though.

  481. banpei

    Did I write it was the nazi swastika then? I tried to describe the differentiation between the manji and nazi swastika. And the last line was meant as a humorous note… :P

  482. B-San

    Classic Red NA’s FTW. :)
    Nice combo with the Spider indeed.

  483. Bastiaan Olij

    I’ve always wondered. Was that shop there before the manga, or did someone decide to build a tofu shop based on the manga?

    And if the first, did the tofu shop owner know about his shop being used and did he suddenly become a tofu overnight success?

  484. banpei

    Shuichi Shigeno located the manga in his hometown, Haruna, and drew several scenes from there. Also the gasstation is also an existing location. ;)

    I’m sure the tofu shop owner does know about it since his shop was already in a live-action movie remember? And of course he will get at least one fanboy visit every day:

    Toyota Ipsum (picnic) next to Fujiwara Tofu shop
    Toyota Ipsum (picnic) next to Fujiwara Tofu shop

    Picture was found here

  485. B-San

    Only in Am…. uhhh… Japan :)

  486. Joram

    I’ve actually read somewhere on a Dutch Honda forum ( CCH I think ) there are only 3 or 4 Honda Beats driving in the Netherlands so you’re very lucky to spot it, they’re all owned by enthousiasts btw. They look like so much fun to drive :)

  487. banpei

    Then I was quite lucky to spot it then! However, just as lucky for anyone to spot my Carina I guess. :D

  488. kyteler

    The BMW is the star of that video, despite only getting shared camera time with the gaggle of AE86’s.

  489. banpei

    LOL! :D
    I guess it is more or less from what angle you see it! :D

  490. Dave Mitchell

    I understand your BMW – Carina liking…

    I took the bumper off my Carina the other day doing some minor respraying, and with the bumper off it reminded me of an old 80’s BMW shape…

  491. 7shades

    I think you’ll find that’s a JZX100, not a C35.

  492. banpei

    Thanks! Corrected that… :)
    I judged that upon the taillights, but after watching the video a few times more it certainly is a JZX100!

  493. banpei

    Got any pictures of that? :P

  494. oldskull

    I have spot this one once in Laren. And few times spot it drive in front of my house.

  495. B-San

    Such a sad sight! What a loss… you can’t inmagine people letting these cars rust away like that!

  496. B-San

    Damn! That song is pure class!
    :D Wonder what its called…

  497. banpei

    You certainly live in a better area than me: my street hardly has any traffic at all! :(

  498. Killua

    Aww, I wanted to see the magazine. :P
    I bet it was good stuff, haha. The censored part of the video also makes difficult to see his driving moves.

    This guy is awesome. I wish I was in Ebisu, drifting an AE86 in the rain while eating McDonald’s burgers!

  499. banpei

    I did save the uncensored version because I expected it to be removed… I’ll see if I can share it somewhere. ;)

  500. Killua

    That would be very generous from you. :P

    I love your blog by the way, I can always count on it for random Japanese car stuff! Of course, Bosozoku Style has interesting stuff too. :)

  501. Kid Karola

    Tsuchiya did not compete in the original N2 series despite winning the 1984 Fuji Freshman Cup with the Carrot AE86 Trueno and also taking Class-3 honors in Group A in 1985 JTCC with the Advan AE86 Levin. In 1986 he continued to race in Group A, but later switched to FWD AE82 FX-GT. From 1987 he raced Honda EF Civic, 1988 BMW E30 M3, 1989-90 Ford Sierra Cosworth RS500, 1991-93 Nissan Skyline GT-R BNR32.

  502. Kane

    Haha!! This is my carina and a mates ae70 at taupo. good weekend!!

  503. banpei

    You got an excellent looking Carina man! Love the Longchamps! :)

  504. oldskull

    do you asked him if he want to sell it? :)

  505. banpei

    When I spotted the 240SX he wasn’t around and when I drove behind him I did not get the chance to speak to him. Besides that: I’m not interested in buying a 240SX

  506. Killua

    That TE71 at the beggining leaks awesomeness! The front end kind of looks like a Ford Capri. I wonder what’s under the hood!

    And it’s great to see the MotorFIX wagon fixed up… but, I don’t really know, weren’t the A-Pillars completely crushed a while ago? If it is the exact same car then those guys did hell of a good job.

  507. Anonymous

    The te71 looks cool but the frt end looks weird cause doesnt hav the signal lamp and with quad.

  508. Steve

    Ahhhh awesome. I had one of those too. Unfortunately I made the mistake to sell it.

  509. banpei

    Well, if you imagine the whole car used to be a 4 door sedan they already did a great job in the first place! The A pilars were indeed crushed but you can see they are reinforced now.

  510. banpei

    Personally I like it that way: it makes the car stand out from the rest of the crowd. But then again: it all depends on someone’s personal taste… ;)

  511. Anonymous

    haha, yeah I wanna run a top mount intercooler so i need a spare hood :)

  512. Jack

    Hey, I’m having issues viewing your site in Netscape (I can barely make out the words). I’ve tried increasing the font size using the style menu but that didn’t really help much. Any tips on what I can do? (Oh ya, I’m on Windows XP) how to lose weight in 5 days

  513. B-san

    Nice coverage Banpei.
    Lovin’ that red Levin!

  514. B-san

    He does quite a good job for an automatic!

    PS.: When can we the next Minkara guide? ^^
    (I’m having a hard to finding out how to upload photo’s =^.^=)

  515. banpei

    Yeah, I know… Still supposed to write that when I have the time but as always too many things at hand.
    Can someone borrow me some time? Well give it back with interest! :P

  516. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    The red levin is owned by a friend of mine. He rebuilt it from (prize winning) factory OEM spec to (prize winning) drift spec last winter. He’s a genius regarding making a car look good!

  517. OsakaCarSalvageArtiste

    Hello banpei.
    I am a Gaijin, but I work in Osaka Japan as foreign sales advisor to Hitachi. Boring office job, I know, but I was wondering if you know the location of the grey Toyota Mark II grande and the Cedric Y31 that you posted pics of.
    I buy and acquire forlorn, stolen, or abandoned vehicles, with proper approval from the law of course, and nurse them back to health, and fullsize Toyota’s and nissans are my favorite because of the large parts network for them, and their durability and solidness. (I imported an 89′ Mark II Grande to America to drive daily since I loved the handling so much)
    So would you know where these cars are located?

  518. banpei

    I have no idea where the photographer shot these pictures, but you can always ask him. This is where the gallery was located:

    And this is his profile page:

  519. Killua

    According to your Flickr description of the picture of the tire, it was apparently abandoned. Did you, ehm, “borrow” it? :P

    By the way, the link to Beeoneoneoh links to your own site!

  520. banpei

    LOL! Even though there was still thread left on the tire it was definitely too old to do anything with it…

    Fixed the link! I forgot to paste the url in there and then it automatically links to my site. Thanks for the warning! :)

  521. B-san

    I’ll keep an eye on this ;)
    The detailed photo’s or the car batches (from I think JCS) are great to see ^^

  522. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    Yeah, they are indeed from JCS 2010! I’ll post some from 2008 as well. :)

  523. Kid Karola

    The N2 flared TE71 reminded me of the old Opel Manta :’P

  524. PLR

    Those aren’t bullet holes, civics dont come with bulletproof glass, that looks like slingshot + big marble damage

  525. deluxe1969

    Thanks your Blog show me.

  526. amilcar

    Hello my friend… I got a Toyota KE70 WAGON 1986 DX with engine 4K 1.3L but that engine needs soon as possible a overhauling,, two weeks ago a friend sells to me a powerful 2T (OHV) 1.6 engine with a very rare A40 automatic transmission in excellent conditions.. Those parts came from an old Celica second generation 1981 coupe two doors… my plan is to overhaul the 2T engine fist, before transplant it to my KE70 chassis..

    I would appreciate if in some how you covert your 2t manual in to an electronic manual to share with us… I live in Panama (Latin America) and it’s so hard to find an old book car store…



  527. banpei

    Thanks for the reminder! :)
    I’m scanning them now and then: it is a quite time consuming operation… I managed to get somewhere around page 100. I still got to scan a lot of them, so hopefully I’ll finish scanning somewhere in the near future. :)

  528. B-san

    That guy on 1:20 has got some serious skills…

  529. Nate

    SWEET ! I’d love to slap a OM617 Diesel in it and put that baby to work….

    Too bad I’m not rich .


  530. Kid Karola

    I see Gotosan’s green coupe in the thick of the action :’P

  531. Anonymous

    Oh dear that is sad.. and annoying.

  532. Cleaning services London

    haha it looks great. I\d like to have one brum brum…

  533. B-san

    Seen pictures of this Dutch 2000 and 2400GT before. Can’t recall seeing one towing a caravan tough. Sure is an extraordinary sight. And seeing a 2400GT just behind it is just “wow”. Just out of curiosity I’ve been looking for one of these in Europe but only could find a few tidy ones for sale Finland. Otherwise these things are impossible to find I guess. Still kinda amazed that nearly 60 have been sold in Holland. Where oh where would they have gone? I must admit it gets me a little exited there is a (very small) chance finding a original LHD Hakosuka in a local junkyard.

  534. B-san

    At the first picture I tought it was quite real. And the second picture I tought “hey, its looks just like Madurodam”, must be taken with a Tiltshift lens. Than I clicked the fold =D

  535. banpei

    Where did they go? Well, most of them were abused and buried on the junkyards. I know two of them were exported to other countries in the past few years and I know some Skyline enthusiast bought one a few years ago and tried to restore.

    But actually I did see original Dutch car IRL somewhere in April. Did take pictures of course and still need to make a little writeup on that one! Will try to do that this week! :)

  536. banpei

    LOL! :D
    You don’t need a tiltshift lens in Madurodam. ;)

  537. deluxe1969

    i got a new ID.

  538. banpei

    Thanks! :)
    Just subscribed and added you as a friend!
    I already see some very interesting videos! :)

  539. Anonymous

    ill just share it!!!!!

  540. banpei

    That is a very nice RT132! Where are you from?

  541. Killua

    I bet it still can be saved!

    There should be an organization on each country that buys old cars and stores them in warehouses, that way “history” is preserved and there’s more chances someone will find a vintage car they’re interested in. It would also help to remove those abandoned cars occuping spaces on residential streets or random fields.

    Not possible, I know… :(

  542. banpei

    I think such organizations exists and are called museums! :P
    However it would be very hard to buy from a museum…
    But you are right: it can still be saved! ;)

  543. Anonymous

    very nice!

  544. DIego

    Hi i am Diego I from to Argentina.And I had loking for the t series manual for a long tim. but it is imposible to find it in pdf format to download from internet.
    If you scan this please send me the link to download it, bcause I need it so much.
    Thanks a lot.


  545. Drive510

    This commercial doesn’t make sense. I love it!!

  546. amilcar

    Tanks to you Banpei, for your time, scaning the book for all toyota lovers like us. we would apreciate a lot your time on it.. by the way hello DIEGO , it’s good to see , that other buddys of latin america take time to fix those legendary motors.. maybe in the future its posible to create a toyota club for fans in Latin America so ! VIVA la RAZA CARAJO!….

    regars and many tanks to you , good people.

  547. Dave

    nice video, that thing has some power!

    stopzilla review

  548. Laurens

    I like the Seibu Keisatsu style! cognac and everything! woaw!

  549. Laurens

    Dope! but, how eco friendly are the cars? and especially the Hachiroku. better milage then a prius?

  550. banpei

    I think that was out of the scope for that race! :D :D
    In my experience the mileage of an AE86 won’t get much better than 8 liters per 100 kilometers, so I don’t suspect the Tec-Arts will do much better than 6 or 7 liters per 100 kilometers. Especially if they drive it like Tsuchiya on a circuit! ;)

  551. kyteler

    That car is just another of the many KB310 Sunny Coupes that are competing. Speaking of KB310 Sunny Coupes, I will have one of my own in the not too distant future. I got my brother to buy it as an interim car while his VB110 and S30Z are off the road, once he gets his VB110 back, I’ll be getting the KB310.

  552. Yamaha Raptor 250R

    The pictures are nice..REally a good choice..

  553. Anonymous

    Hello peopple, I.m Diego from Argentina Again, I would like to know if you have the service manual of 2T engine to download.

  554. banpei

    I see it now. Thanks!
    A KB310 as a temporary car? Nice! :)

  555. Drake

    WTF!? Look what ya did to the Door its all ruined. I wonder how will this turn up or anyone want to buy this after your experiment.


    Seriously, how much? LOL.

  556. 300zx parts

    yeah, that’s really true since nissan 300zx’s style is kinda impressive.

  557. Rotor31

    By the way its not a R31 van its a wagon. And you dont have to have S1 or 2 front you can swap to an S3 or get a replica GTS1 front or whole kit. Its an excellent first car as they are cheap but they run forever and have virtually no problems. If you put the common turbo kit on it making it an RB30ET you have an even crazier R31. Dont put it down if you havent driven one or been for a ride in one.

  558. Killua

    Nothing better than a panda hachi-roku under the rain!

    I’m glad they left the 4A-GE in its place. It could have been an electric engine!

  559. steven

    the car is not that immaculate, you just have to know the model. The front bumper has been replaced, the black line in it is gone OR the whole car was resprayed. The last possibility is strong given the fact that the wheels are not correct either. These t16 convertibles had standard alloys, this one has plastic hubs.
    Plus there is no picture of the roof, which at that age is usually with torn, broken and untransparent windows because of age. so it looks great but that is not certain.
    but it is a real pitty anyway.
    a friend of mine offered 1200 euro and he did not get it, so they really try to make money on this one.
    My convertible t16 from 1987 looks as good as this one since I cleaned it up and placed a new roof plus put the engine in perfect order. It looks as good as this one but has ….
    230.000 km on the counter but we have info that looks more like 330.000 km

  560. banpei

    There actually is an electric AE86 made by the Chiba Automobile University!
    Personally I think it is quite interesting they kept the FR layout! ;)

  561. banpei

    1200 euro and still didn’t get it? Did they expect to receive the highest price for a non-drivable car?? Madness!
    Thanks for the info!

  562. Steve

    This is indeed a nice transporter. Practical and a great eyecatcher .

  563. Laurens

    Stoer ding!

  564. DarkSupra

    Wow how awesome!

    Found this picture a while back of this 2400GT in a junkyard in Switzerland:

  565. Anonymous

    hey, so i saw your post and pic of the eudm gauge cluster with the bright white lights in it…..i want one of those soooooo badly….how much can i get one for? ill even send you mine!

  566. banpei

    I know that picture! That’s where my 2400GT search initially started!
    That particular one is really a shame because the owner of the junkyard is not selling anything that is in his junkyard and the car will rot away…

  567. banpei

    The standard EUDM cluster got the greenish color bulbs with the zenki cluster (like the one I posted, but then with a green color) and the kouki cluster got the white/yellow color bulbs with the well known vertical white stripes. If you want the cluster to be bright white like the one in the picture you need to fit white leds (like RS Yasu did) to a zenki cluster.
    I’m searching one for you now, so can’t give you a price estimate yet…

  568. Laurens

    Wooohoo! I’m on you blog! Thanks! and beterschap voor je zoon.

  569. Laurens

    Naaaahhh!! It’s a shame! It was a monument!

  570. A Finn

    Yeah we have a lot of those in Finland ;) Also the KE70 corolla is very popular among young boys here. (and overpriced…)

  571. Anonymous

    Very cool pics you’ve got there. You might wanna finish it off with a pic of Taka with riding a bike with a shotgun.

  572. banpei

    Both the TA60 and KE70 are overpriced here as well: TA60s in a decent state are around 2500 euros and the KE70 around 2000 euros. Generally all cars older than 25 years are already above 2000 euros, simply because people don’t have to pay roadtaxes for them.

    But the thing I don’t understand is that there are 5 million people living in Finland, that’s more than three times less than the Netherlands. How come you have so many great (nostalgic) cars left in your country?

  573. Laurens

    Haha! Vette shit!

  574. DarkSupra

    Yeah there is a KE70 1.3 auto on Marktplaats for 2500euro….
    Couple weeks ago there was one for 4750euro or something crazy like that.

    Maybe Finland didn’t ship al their awesome old cars to country’s like Africa?

  575. A Finn

    Japanese cars have been popular in Finland for a long time, Toyota has been the most sold brand for the last 20 years or so,only recently VW went past them though i think,so yeah some cars have been sold to Africa but because so many were sold back in the days many still remains i guess. And i also think it may have something to do with taxes, cars from -94 and onward are actually MORE expensive to pay for, i think its 35cent per day and older cars up to -93 are “only” 26cent per day in vehicletaxes,I hope u understand what i mean? :P

  576. rhum-rhum

    Hi all

    I’m rhum from France, The 2T engine manual repair is available to download ? If yes, what is the process ??

    1000 Thanks
    Best Regards


  577. Killua

    Red Miatas look so nice!

    And they are quite small too… compared to the Astra or the 206 to the sides, I wonder why manufacturers make bigger and taller cars nowadays. They look ugly!

  578. banpei

    That’s what the masses want: bigger, taller and heavier. Apparently John Suburb wishes to drive all by himself in his 1400kg weighting Astra and enjoy the luxury of spacious cars. :(

  579. Dex720

    I think my friend just bought them

  580. Steve

    You’re right. The rims look OK on this Miata but I would definitely get rid of the trunk spoiler and the exhaust . Thanks for sharing. I appreciate you miata hunting posts a lot.

  581. Laurens


  582. beljun tolentino


  583. Killua

    That thing looks brutal! R30s in red are so agressive and awesome.

  584. Brunei Classic Celica

    love the Panda Trueno, Fat rim all around

  585. banpei

    Yeah, it is indeed a very cool Trueno! :)

    Another nice gallery/blog post:

  586. plus6four


    I have my coverage of hachirock 2010 on my blog, though you may be interested –

    have also added you to my blog roll =)


  587. yukina


    I love your site, It is a pleasure to visit.

    I have added your site to my site.

    Please link my site to your site.

    Thank you!

  588. banpei

    Nice coverage! Wish I could have been there!
    Nice blog! I added you to mine as well!

  589. banpei

    Thank you for the link! I returned the favor!
    You got an amazing site: so many tokusatsu to watch!

  590. Bradley

    Hi there. It would be awesome if you could convert this manual to a pdf :D Can’t find one anywhere and I’m looking to rebuild my motor. Thankyou!

  591. pedro

    how come i cant create an account

  592. Cleaning services London

    nice one :))

  593. Killua

    I think it’s funny how they put those arrows to show the aerodynamics of the boxy GC10. :P

    I just thought I would ask: what version of the C10 Skyline is the one that has 3 squared tail lamps on each side? You seem to know better than I do…

  594. B-san

    Ooooh these good old days. :D

  595. Law

    I have no idea what they’re talking about but I like how the went from a normal road in a city to wandering onto a racetrack! haha

  596. Philippe Heymans

    Have found chassis 000047 in very good condition stored over years inside a car dealers warehouse… will be shipped to Belgium. The car looks like new.

  597. banpei

    It is all done with magic: that’s how it works in the circus! :D :D
    Seriously: the series were done with a really low budget, so this car chase already surprised me!

  598. banpei

    Could you perhaps send me some photos when it arrives?

  599. junior

    but they are carring them like crap!! (hey bampei, it has been a long time, buddy near my house is a rx7 scca or something i just know is like 1982 with “lexus tailights” at the back, im crazy to take some pics but my cam is fucked!)

  600. David Smith

    I must say one thing according to my experience that Japanese Cars are more innovative and have plenty of varieties.

  601. Juan Carlos Vindas

    Here in Costa Rica, we used the Corona CT141 for taxis I am looking parts for my father car.. I going to try to send you pictures

  602. banpei

    Try sending them to banpei[at]

  603. XJS

    More form this series at

  604. banpei

    Nice! :)

  605. Oscar

    you found my carina (; i will add some more photos later :p and it might be soon in register. =)

  606. Killua

    Even though all those cars were fitted with ITBs (I suppose), the 4A-GE is the engine that has the best intake sound… and, why not the exhaust sound as well? :)

    Man, new cars lack souls… I’d be willing to have an old car that needs work to be done instead of a chunky econobox that is too boring to drive.

  607. junior

    hey banpei why dont you ask to the neiborghs if the car is just abandoned or something, maybe you can get it for free since the car is there so long time, besides, is probably that the engine is “intact” but it would be really lucky if the engine is well preserved with so many time of not use

  608. banpei

    I already did that, but they didn’t know the owner either. They rather saw it go than having it in front of their house…
    The engine did not run for over 2 years and it shouldn’t be a big problem getting it to run.
    Anyway, better read this:

  609. banpei

    Ah, so it is yours! :)
    Can’t wait to see how it turns out!

  610. Mr.Bogus

    correct me if im mistaken its just i cant help but notice your wheels, is it photoshopped?

  611. Law

    Good eye spotting those mkiii’s. i would not have been able to tell.

    True what Killua said. A lot of cars these days lack soul.

  612. Anonymous

    Whats up with that 260Z driver?? Im going straight OH NO somehow I’ve lost control now I’m going to spin out. It’s like a 4 year old playing Gran Turismo.

  613. banpei

    The Bassie and Adriaan series are made for four year-olds, so it is not really surprising they drive like this! :D
    My guess is that they tried to look impressive and it is made in the 70s when nobody really was an expert in stunts on television.

  614. banpei

    During the handbraketurns the wheels stops for a split second. Had to rewatch those parts a few times though. :D

  615. David Smith

    But Japanese cars are exported all over the world due to its varieties and affordable price. So I want to know Japanese Used Car Exporter.can anyone help me.

  616. ramir

    yeah, drag racing is kinda amazing sports. i really love drag racing. and i love to watch it. because i really love sports car.

    believe it nissan sentra parts are really amzing

  617. junior

    damn…i think is nostalgia, i remember your first post about the s14 and now is gone…i was expecting a happy ending like someone getting the car to rebuild it or tune it or something like that…

    T_T maybe life is not a happy ending story

  618. banpei

    I was thinking about paying the local junkyards a short visit this week and see if it is there…

  619. oldskull

    Hey Art, a friend of mine who pay a visit to see this car a months ago have called the junkyard in Hilversum and they said last week the car are destroyed already. :(

    • dave

      well hopefully he’s in a better place

  620. ramir

    wow. this video really is cool. i really love drag racing. and ever since i am addicted with the sports car. but now i have toyota camry. and what i did to my car, of course put some booster to the engine. i love my toyota camry parts. love it.

  621. ramir

    wow really this car is a legend. you know what? legend car i mean those car that was invented a year ago are very nice and totally performs better. they will not last over the year if it is a garbage. well for me right now my honda odyssey is great.
    honda odyssey parts are really amazing.

  622. ramir

    yeah. that’s right. in order to see different car from different maker, you should be able to be friends with other. LOL.
    dodge neon parts are simply great and fantastic

  623. Brad

    Hi, That 1977 ad has to be the coolest ad ever, I really like it, Wasnt that version of the isuzu gemini called the sandpiper edition?

  624. BruneiClassic Celica

    now thats WTF????

    and I’ve added you to my Blog, add us too please

  625. B-san

    Isn’t that one of the creations of that Japanese coachbuilder “Ducks-Garden” who also makes Fairlady 2000 replica’s based on the Eunos Roadster?

  626. Kid Karola

    The first Levin has TRD Tosco rims. Love the look of N2 with 13″ wheels!

  627. Kid Karola

    Shouldn’t that be 1983? ;)

  628. banpei

    You got me there! :P
    Just corrected it.

  629. banpei

    Sensei! _o_

  630. banpei

    Could very well be… They also created some bizarre areoparts for other cars in the past.

  631. Killua

    Hahaha, thanks for the laugh. The turbo boost was the best!

  632. Nigel

    Yep, usually he is laughing or talking loudly if he likes the car.
    The green gloves are not giving the wheel that much input.

  633. DiscoQuinn

    +1, hilarious.

  634. B-san

    I <3 Classic Red NA's

  635. mantra2110




  636. Nigel

    The only comment here is “what” or in Japanese”hei” …
    Very funny stuff, ( anything Nomuken says in general is funny).

  637. Nazeem Suleman

    It’s an Ex-Safari Rally NISSAN 240 RS in good running condition.

    PRICE: US$40000 only!

    E-mail me for photos.

    Let me know if you need further details.

    Car is in East Africa.

  638. Nazeem Suleman

    [email protected]

  639. ramir

    nice car. you got it right man! that Nissan 350Z really don’t look as a classic Japanese car. but isn’t it that nissan is made by japanese? right?

    ramir ===+++===
    Car Sunshade protects us from UV

  640. oscar

    Thank you for sharing this information. I’m looking for more post in the future.Oscar

  641. Thijs Dubelaar


    Ik ben ook bezig met het afstellen van 2T-B carbs.

    Is het mogelijk dat ik een kopie van deze manual van je krijg/koop ?
    Digitale of gewone kopie.

    Alvast bedankt.

    Thijs Dubelaar
    Vensestraat 12
    [email protected]

  642. Anonymous

    Can your blog participates in the voting?

  643. banpei

    Dunno, there is no rule against it. Personally I’m not in favor of running both the award and the nomination. But if anyone nominates my blog I guess it could get nominated… :D

  644. Laurens

    Ernstig! Hoe kan je dat je auto aandoen!

  645. TRD

    This car is not dumped, and since 2008 it already has all 4 wheels.

    “My Nissan 1988. Pictures on 4 wheels not, but he has at all. But not yet fulfilled its direct functions. :)” (Google Translate)

  646. Nigel

    No car should be allowed to have that much adhesive on its paint.

  647. TRD

    There you can practice russian language trying to read diary of this car :)

  648. Killua

    I always liked R129 Mercedes-Benzes, but I didn’t know about this one. It’s quite a crazy car!

  649. Killua

    I think he needs a new suspension, hehe.

  650. banpei

    Thanks! Will try to. :P

  651. banpei

    Glad the Cedric wasn’t dumped at all! :)

  652. jason

    Sweet car!! I have a 97 and a 95, I am partially sponsored by punishment-racing so check them out somtime!!

  653. Killua

    I believe the spoiler is an OEM item. It’s good to see an Eclipse that hasn’t been riced or abused, because I think the design is very nice.

  654. ionutz

    its a great car….

  655. ramir

    wow, that is great. Mitsubishi thought to downsized Pajero would really create a great mini SUV. nice.think gonna love that SUV, if i had that, i gonna put a SUV Grille Guards to protect the front of my vehicle.

  656. mariaakerry

    Wow it looks lovely car i have scene in my favorite cartoon show.

  657. ozie

    i’ll go for Nissan

  658. khale

    I like Nissan more

  659. Nigel

    Four door goodness !!

  660. Anonymous

    Hahaha, how amazing! I was just looking for pics on google and I found this:)

    I bought the car from Ruud a few months ago. I’m busy replacing the heater core.

    I hope to fire it up this week!!!

    You can spot the car in near Maastricht (Limburg).

  661. banpei

    Funny to see how the car moves around in the Netherlands! :D
    Next time I’m near Maastricht I’ll keep my eyes open for it. :)

  662. Kid Karola

    Front lip looks to be from MR2 (AW11)

  663. banpei

    Could very well be. AW11 is 1666mm wide and the Carina 1650mm wide and that is nearer than the AE86. I’ll see if I can source one and see if it fits!

  664. YuZi

    lovin’ the Winter Style

  665. Anonymous

    Device on the roof would be better to remove …

  666. Nigel

    I am leaning towards summer.
    (Both are cool because it is a wagon (van).)

  667. Dave

    No, it’s cool cos it’s a Carina! :-D loving it. btw Art, my Carina 4AGZE conversion is almost complete!!! I’ll send you some pics when she’s running :-D

  668. Dave

    are they the original bumpers? cos they’re smaller than the all the other ‘rina bumpers I’ve seen.

  669. scott walker

    hi there thanks for your comment, he mazda should be out again next year prob miss he granite as i don get my licence back ill after, the mazda will have alot more power nextt season

  670. Nigel

    Air, solar power & mind power !!

  671. Dex720

    I personally prefer the steel wheels. Much neater.

  672. Dex720

    My friend found the same vehicle on an auction site. Way too expensive.

  673. B-san

    Great picture!
    I have a thing for red Hako’s =^o^=

  674. Rick RHD

    awesome blog mate! be sure to check mine out. i’m a huge fan of Japan, just like you!

  675. Killua

    There are a lot of chinese cars that are sold in my country, mostly models from Chery, Chang’an and Great Wall. But it would be nice if this car was imported now!

    Or even better: A chinese company buying the licence to make R32 Nissan Skylines. :D

  676. Killua

    I didn’t realize the S13 can look good in red. Cool licence plate too!

  677. Nigel

    There were 3 Starlets as well, great to see a video that old !

  678. banpei

    Why not have them build the R30 in license first? ;)

  679. banpei

    Thanks! Nice blog! :)

  680. Killua

    If we go that way, then I would also ask for some Hachi rokus! :)

    Oh, the list would be endless.

  681. Jack

    Thats my car, funny to see in on this page ;) and that spoiler is OEM.

  682. Jack

    The wheel are not nissan gt-r nismo lookalikes but Work emotions ;)

  683. Killua

    It was so rare to see brand new AE86s, RX-7s and even a Soarer drifting in such old videos. I even spotted a couple of EA-T Civics, a S30 Z, R30s… wow, there’s a lot to see there.

  684. oscar

    I’ve got to see for more updates in the future. Anyway, thanks for the info.Oscar

  685. Another finn

    The bodykit of that car is handmade from steel by some previous owner. I am not the owner but there’s a project topic of that car in finnish Toyota-club. The adress is but unfortunately there’s not much to see for the visitors.

    Those CAPTCHA questions are bit hard to answer :)

  686. banpei

    Great to see people coming here and recognizing their car! ;)
    Sorry for the wheel mixup. I’ve corrected it right away.

  687. banpei

    Thanks for the hint. I’ll definitely check out fintoys and see if I can find the topic.
    That bodykit is amazing, especially if it was handmade by steel. Can he do another one on my sedan? :P
    BTW: thanks for the captcha hint: I increased the difficulty to keep spammers away but apparently I went a bit too wild on that. ;)

  688. Amma

    i WANT THIS CAAAAAAAAAARS!!!!!! it hurts seeing this great cars rotting away

    how dare they let this cars rost away <.<

  689. Vadimulia

    its not Russian

  690. jotoa

    Sincerely, I think this is the most stupid cash back plan or whatever they call it.

    Most of the cars on the last photo are great.

    Here, in Portugal, 95% of them (except that Aixam-like car xD) would sell for a great price. I would take a hint you could sell anyone of them for at least the 2000 pounds.
    And the MR2 you could do some 9000€.

    Sad that some people don’t know what they have on their garage…

    I discovered your blog a few days ago and started reading it in the first post.
    You’ve made me wish (even more) go back to the 80’s.
    Thanks and congratulations for the job :D

  691. banpei

    Thanks! I’ve corrected it. :)

  692. banpei

    I agree: it is a waste of resources and the cars are definitely worth more. But i think the people using the cashback actually don’t care that much: all they want is to get rid of their old car for a reasonable price without any hassle. So receiving the cashback triggers them to sell it off for a way too low price.

    BTW: Thanks for the compliment! :)

  693. Nigel

    The fender mirrors add even more…Very nice.

  694. Nitro

    Yeap, it’s definitely VAZ 2105 with usual common VAZ 1500 engine inside. He just want to be JDM :)

  695. Nitro

    Not to mention, that it is LHD… ;)

  696. banpei

    You are sharp! I did not spot that one yet! :)

  697. Nigel

    I have seen this car race at the Molson Indy here in Canada.
    Now its the Toronto Indy.
    Very quick cars !!
    (Q107 is a local station).

  698. jotoa

    Question(sincerely, I still don’t understand): are these photos from your family album?

    Some of them are so nostalgic, that I wish their were on mine.


  699. banpei

    Most of them are not mine (however I did post one in the past that was mine). I generally find them scattered around the internet when I’m searching on Minkara and Yahoo blogs. The reason to post them is that it is amazing how similar those pictures all are. :)

  700. Alan

    Someone just sent me this link. Mine is the red series 3 pictured next to the white s2. I used to share your opinion on s2’s until I purchased a gts1 last year. Now I’ve grown to like them. They’re not a pretty car, but a very aggressive looking car when done up right. S2 pictured next to my car has since had a change of wheels, and is one of the better looking s2’s I’ve seen.

  701. B-san

    I like your Miata hunting reports. First NB looks really nice, the second NB is always parked in front of my school (carschool IVA in Driebergen) but not sure its from a student. Soft-top of the classic red is pretty rare. Never seen one with “side-windows” and these rims are a little bit to big for my liking. ^^

    Already waiting for the next Miata hunt ;)

  702. banpei

    The first NB is parked regularly on this spot and I’ve only spotted the second NB once.
    I agree with you regarding the big rims but that is, of course, a matter of taste. ;)

    BTW: Driebergen is quite near Hilversum, so it could very well be that the NB is from someone living in this area.

  703. Nigel

    Merry Christmas, hope you got some good stuff. (Or at least stuff you can use).

  704. Anonymous

    Hi, The pic shows a face-lifted 997.
    Best regards from Copenhagen, Bo

  705. banpei

    I’m not a Porsche expert, so I recognized it as a 997. I’ll correct it right away!
    Thanks! :)

  706. YuZi

    Am I the one who doesn’t understand? What’s pong?

  707. banpei

    Pong is an old arcade game from the early 70s that marked the beginning off the whole Arcade industry. Here is an example of the game:

  708. Tony Masao

    This is real 21059 with rotary engine. “The VAZ-21059 Car (first made in 1980) was powered by the two rotor VAZ-411M engine, and also the two rotor VAZ-4132 engine.
    Transmission was a 4 speed manual and the car had an optional extra fuel tank.”

  709. banpei

    Thanks Tony! Glad it isn’t a replica. But why the Banzai flag on the hood?
    BTW: Radicallylowcars is a great site! I did read it with great interest. :)

  710. Nigel

    Right out of a 70’s anime…(Maybe “Battle of the Planets”.)

  711. jotoa

    Greaaaat video :D

  712. Nigel

    Saw some Celica’s in there and a Starlet I think.
    Very cool to see this.

  713. jotoa

    Pretty cool front you have there :D

  714. Nigel

    The “Japan” looks like it is only parked there.
    The billet mask on the Crown is very cool.

  715. Maiko

    Hi! I’m also writing itasha blog like about itasha stickers, how to put it on my car….The process of creating itasha is also art.

  716. Anonymous

    Well.. Takumi’s Trueno is ’85.

  717. Anonymous

    The car is an Isuzu Bellett.

  718. OsakaCarSalvageArtiste

    The Japanese have a habit of throwing out perfectly good stuff, be it cars, bikes, or electronics. I dont buy umbrellas in Japan because so many just get left around on railings or just thrown aside.
    To see a beautiful F30 Leopard and most tragically, an MS125 CROWN, is horrible.
    Where are these old kaido gems?
    It would give me great pleasure to maybe get permission from the city or town where they are and bring them back to life.

  719. Thomas

    Als je die achterlichten zo wilt hebben, heb ik misschien wel iets voor je!
    Een soort stickerfolie met gaatjes. Fly Eyes noemen ze het in de UK (waar ik het vandaan heb).
    Je plakt het erop, en als je het niet bevalt, haal je het er gewoon weer af :)
    Lichtopbrengst leidt er ook niet onder.

  720. Arielis

    I think that it is a stamp on a T-shirt. Can we find this somewhere?

  721. banpei

    I found the source: it is Gabriel Tyler’s (Techno Toy Tuning) wife company who makes them:
    But their website is offline. :(
    I did find this:
    So at least a preview. ;)

  722. Nigel

    Starlets and 86’s on a shirt are cool…difficult to find cool shirts these days.

  723. Killua

    God… nothing can replace that raspy and high pitched 4A-GE sound. It just warms my soul.

    He must have been having a lot of fun!

  724. Fujimoto

    hi , i may look strange but were you born in japan or did you moved to japan ? i am thinking about doing the move someday but i would like to know about someones experience . we ear a lot of things about japan but are they all true ? anyway if you are interested in sharing your experience write me at [email protected]

  725. Standvirtual

    Take a look at Algarcar Standvirtual website.
    Thank you.

  726. AndrewGL

    Maybe they are the same as these?

    Found here:

  727. Anonymous

    DUMBASS. Takumi’s Trueno is an 86. thus the anime calls it “HachiRoku” meaning 86.. 85 is his friend’s car the “Hachi-Go”

    • anon

      actually your the “dumbass” the hachiroku reffers the the cars model, ae86 not the year, the hachiroku was made from 1983-1988 and the ae85 is the hachigo, the year of the car is not mentioned in initial d and this is an amazing remake of the car, so to op, nice eight six, wish i owned it.

  728. banpei

    I think he/she referred to the fact that the car is a ’85 model. The quote before the 85 meaning it is a 1985 model. ;)

  729. banpei

    It appears to be the same. I could find them listed as Zona Spoke 9. :)

  730. kyteler

    Just, wow.

  731. Nigel

    Ultraman would not be happy with that !

  732. Anonymous

    muahahahaha ! they cant be serious ! ahaha

  733. Dex720

    So much sadness.

  734. James Goldie

    The shape of my head is internet famous.

  735. banpei

    And it gets more famous every day! :P
    Nice to see you hanging around here!

  736. Anonymous

    how much will u sell for in aus dollars?

  737. banpei

    As you can see I’m not selling anything except the point I made that the AE86 is seriously overpriced. ;)

  738. Killua

    The roads of Tokyo are so clean and ordered. I love the random old cars appearing here and there!

  739. Anonymous

    hhahah demon camber

  740. Laurens

    Wauw! Hoe komen ze er echt op!

  741. Laurens

    Belachelijk vet!

  742. banpei

    No idea… But then again: there are plenty of nutcases making Hello Kitty shaped Oshisushi. :D

  743. B-san @ DamnJDM

    Poor Laurel. It really like these cars. They look so good low and on a nice pair of classic Japanese wheels (Equip 01’s or something along that line)

  744. banpei

    I totally agree.
    Imagine: these great cars once were sold in the Netherlands as well. Picture yourself driving such a car, lowered with some rare JDM wheels. And then realize all these Laurels rusted away in the same way as this sorry example.
    There is no love in this world… :(

  745. YuZi

    Do you know what these are officially called, and where to get them? Googling “Skyline Heart” doesn’t come up with anything.

  746. Orion

    Unsure what they’re actually called (“Skyline Heart” is as good a name as any), but you can buy them from the Rubber Soul webshop here:

  747. Anonymous


  748. banpei

    LOL! :D
    That’s exactly what it sounds like!

  749. Nigel

    Not very aerodynamic !!

  750. The Doctor

    this true though… when was the last time YOU saw one on the road? :P

  751. banpei

    I saw one on the road… But that was a marble stretch inside the Louwman Museum. :D :D
    Seriously: never. I really envy you! :P

  752. The Doctor

    i was cheating though, was coming back from Japan Classic Sunday, where this car was!
    Was great to see it irl, but seeing it driving past (and overtaking it again, to see it coming past again and again and again :P) was sooo much better!

  753. Cameron

    So sad to see that Honda Life languishing as well! Any better pictures of it?

  754. banpei

    Here is a picture of that Honda Life:
    But apart from that I could not find any additional pictures on that site…

  755. Killua

    I didn’t quite get this part: “At the end of the straight cars would dive into a banked corner which suddenly ended”. Does this mean that the track surface tilted a bit to the left and suddenly the big banked right corner showed up? Do you have any picture of this? I would like to know. :)

  756. banpei

    I think this video will explain it at 1:08:

    As you can see the S30 is going full speed through the banked corner, the banked corner suddenly becomes flat followed by a sharp right turn (and another left turn).

  757. Killua

    Ah, I can see it now. Must have been very challenging for the drivers.

    Thanks for the video, too. S30s roaring and blasting at high speed are always good to see.

  758. Anonymous

    Those guys are tough. Don’t mess with ’em.

  759. MUSTRD TE27

    Awesome! Finally get to see some video of these cars racing in their day. Can’t beleive I stumbled onto this site the day you post this.

  760. Anonymous

    i love toyota carina “1978”
    if any person have movie or photo from that send to me please
    email: [email protected]

  761. banpei

    Thanks! I think you were predestined to stumble on my blog on that particular day. :)

  762. Nigel

    Or how much of the engine is just on the drivers side of the firewall ??

  763. 73GTV

    Gee, I thought that I was the only person that also owns that magazine, plus June, July and August 1983 from my return tour at Kadena ABF, Okinawa Japan. Nice.

  764. banpei

    No idea. :D
    The person who placed the ad refused to answer my emails and I didn’t bother to call him back since I’m not interested in actually buying it. ;)

  765. Killua

    The engine is most probably a Rover V8 from a late 90s Range Rover. Not sure how popular those Rover engines are in the Netherlands, but they always find a way to get into small and crazy cars. :P

  766. DiscoQuinn

    That’s my silly shadow.

  767. banpei

    Good to see your shadow here as well! ;)

  768. B-san

    Quite a rare color for a NA6. The rust at the sill and around the wheelarches is a common Roadster problem but I have never seen even the boottruck rust like this. O.o
    This car really needs to get some love, but knowing that its currently imported it will probably be a project. :)

  769. kito_mike

    wow that’s worthy enough. is that rotating grilles still used by japanese cars today? i mean could that cheap car part for sale still on this days?

  770. odd parity

    I’m so sorry to hear that :-( Hopefully you didn’t lose too many pictures!

  771. Furry

    I wish i was born around 1950 LOL. There are not many cool cars nowadays. I would love to own a kpgc10 coupe.

  772. banpei

    Thanks Kjetil!
    I lost mainly the pictures I took at weddings and dissertations, but all those have been sent to the persons involved.

  773. jotoa

    This may look ‘inhuman’ from me, but the first thing I thought when I heard the news in the morning was what had happened to the cars that we often see in the events :S

  774. banpei

    Let’s hope most of them survived. :)

  775. Killua

    The tri-spoke Advans (?), color and side exhaust are a nice touch to this car. Definitely a different R30.

  776. Nigel

    A true track battle machine !!

  777. Killua

    I didn’t know this model of Carina existed. It looks pretty good, well executed and the color is great!

  778. The Doctor

    do you know the license plate of that car? My grandfather had an exact same version of that, but he sold it cheap, and i didn’t want it at that time (stupid me) and now it lives in the big scrapyard in the sky :( I know there’s a car with almost the same license plate still around :)

    Daimatic is a 2 speed automatic, which you still have to shift yourself, but without a clutch… so it’s a bit strange :D

  779. The Doctor

    dug in my archives, and here’s a pic of it, in all it’s glory…

    I want one in the same colour :D

  780. banpei

    This one starts with PK-89-, so it is not the one (almost) the same to your grandfathers car… But I can put a piece of paper under its windshield wiper if you want to…
    Clutch-pedal-less two speed? Sounds just as wicked as the clutch-handle-less Honda Cub. ;)

  781. Anonymous

    hi banpei, do you know where can I get that tail lamp?
    will it fit to any version of a60 coupe carina?

    thanks :)

  782. banpei

    As far as I know they fit both models, but you need to swap the license plate surrounding as well. They popup on Auctions Yahoo from time to time.
    Currently there are none for sale, but these two links may help you a bit:
    Search on “AA63” through tail lights on Auctions Yahoo
    Search on “TA63” through tail lights on Auctions Yahoo
    Search on “Carina” through tail lights on Auctions Yahoo

  783. Cameron

    Sadly, this car was never sold in the US in that form otherwise I’d own one!

  784. The Doctor

    Have you seen the Supra Database?
    You can check the reg there and see the history of the car (if it’s known)

  785. jotoa

    my father had one in white, then painted it yellow.

    that was a great car.

  786. banpei

    Unfortunately unknown…

  787. banpei

    I would love to own one. If the space in the rear would be a bit bigger I would consider using it as a family cruiser. ;)

  788. The Doctor

    you can mail photo’s and licence plate and it will be added to the database!

  789. Roman

    Hey Cheers for the mention in your blog Banpei!

    About the tail lights, they are from the facelift version of the 2 door carina, 1983 or 1984 onwards.

    The centre panel/license plate backing is the same either way, and the lights fit up with no modifications, just swap em straight over to any 2 door *A6* carina.

  790. Killua

    Long live GX71s!

  791. kyoto_jeep

    wow this is nice article about the show of honda odyssey parts. i love to have this one at my garage.

  792. kyoto_jeep

    lovely car. and lovely wheels. i just want to know if you know what is the function of flowtech headers. thanks.

  793. kyoto_jeep

    do yo know the hedman headers, i think this one has the part that you are looking. the exhaust. try to check this out if it is what you are looking.

  794. kyoto_jeep

    monroe shock absorbers.. that car which has been parked is kinda interesting to drive. i think i gonna enjoy driving that car. i wonder when a student like me can drive that car.

  795. makudori

    This is a Mazda Luce

  796. Killua

    Wow, it’s definitely rare. I just searched Google images and most pictures redirect to your site.

    How nice would it be if someone restored it and put a set of side draft carburetors in it. :D

  797. Derryl

    was hoping to meet you on monday night. glad you got to see some of the corollaness in norcal.

  798. banpei

    Thanks! A real shame I couldn’t make it on Monday. :(
    Well, hopefully my company will send me to the conference next year as well and I’ll be able to properly meet up! Didn’t mind the Infineon Raceway alternative though. ;)

  799. Derryl

    Yeah I would have been there but i have class in sf until 6:00 and by the time I got there it would have been well past 9:00 because of traffic. Glad you enjoyed it, til next time.

  800. unite tyre changing machine

    The easiest way to tell if is going to be a simple task or not is to look at the inside of the door,in the corner where the mirror is attached. If there is a small access panel normally a triangle shaped of plastic that is either screwed on or will simply pop off and snap back on.

  801. Anonymous

    I’ve got one too…But I don’t have the radiator…It’s for Sell, I’m thinking $300 just for the grille…The plastic Fog light version for the Levin go’s for $195 on Ebay…So If anyones interested, I’m in California….Holla…LOL…

  802. Teemu

    Never tought that a big ducktail could look so awesome in a carina sedan. My TA60 will someday be black and I have been looking for same styled rims so a “boso” ducktail would look badass in it. :)

  803. Killua

    It sounds so GOOD!

    I just can’t express in words how much I love that typical old car noise, with the movement of the valves heard through the carburetor and that special whine that some transmissions have. Oh, I also wish they revved it to the redline… at least once; if the engine is in good shape it shouldn’t happen anything serious.

  804. oldskull

    deze corolla staat toch bij amstelhoek?


  805. banpei

    Klopt. :)

  806. The Doctor

    that sounds almost as cool as my 2T-G does atm! :P
    When it’s back from carshow it’s at atm, i’ll make a similar vid :D

  807. oldskull

    Ach ok… trouwens ik heb nog wat fotos voor je blog :) zal eens naar jouw email opsturen

  808. JLall

    ebay ebay ebay !

  809. banpei

    Nice! Would love to hear it personally as well! :)

  810. banpei

    Graag! Je weet mijn adres. ;)

  811. The Doctor

    so you’re kinda inviting yourself for a little drive? :P
    Well it’s all done and back on the road, so we will meet again and then i’ll take you for a spin :)

  812. BKH808

    Looks exactly like my daily!

  813. 555jay

    Just sayin’.

  814. B-san

    Something like this??? haha


  815. Benjamin Mårtensson

    (Note that the distributor has been relocated (transverse 4A engines have them located at the back))

    How did u relocate the distributor??? thanx for answer

  816. Kath

    I am starting love itasha too. I want to give up my toyota car just to have one of these cars.

  817. banpei

    Yeah, I was secretly inviting myself! :P
    So I definitely take that invitation with both hands! :)

  818. banpei

    Exactly that one! Didn’t know Damn JDM already had one! Thanks!

  819. banpei

    It is not mine, but you can see the car features a relocated distributor next to the firewall. There are several kits to do this, but also a direct ignition system (like MDI Direct Ignition) would solve this problem.

  820. B-san

    I just created it as a quick example.. but we are already working one shirt like this a while (a SR20, VR38 and RB26 version) but it takes allot of time making them compatible for a decent printed t-shirt. We don’t have any of these engine shirt for sale yet, but quite like the idea of an S20 shirt so we’ll go work on it. This was just a quick photoshop. ;)

  821. The Doctor

    in the mean time i’ve uploaded a vid to my youtube account ;)

  822. Edgar

    The fact that his AE86 is a LHD version reaaaally helped him a lot on this conversion. RHD AE86 will have those brake and clutch hydraulics fouling that big-ass intake plenum.

  823. Laurens

    I must say I was really hoping for some more AE86’s. They are all over in Japan, I guess.

  824. The Doctor

    hey! i recognize those wheels! :D

  825. banpei

    No shit! :D

  826. banpei

    Yup. On the other hand us LHD users have great difficulties with aftermarket JDM exhaust headers… He had to have one created from scratch. :(

  827. BuffetBoss

    Dude, ur in sf?? Stop by bobs donuts tonight….

  828. john1212

    What is it exactly car or a shark..Is it easy to ride with such a long extension in front of car.. But overall looks nice and unique..thanks for sharing..
    Cars for sale

  829. Laurens


  830. Laurens


  831. Killua

    Mako from Initial D! That’s the first thing I thought.

  832. Killua

    Mako from Initial D! That’s the first thing I tought.

  833. Nikos Kolas

    hi Tom
    are you Tom Murphy??

  834. neal

    Just stumbled onto your blog – We have this T – but unfortunately not on a black shirt – its black on a white T..

    Loving your blog btw!

  835. neal

    Just stumbled onto your blog – good times!

    We have this engine on a T! Unfortunately its printed black on a white T – but here it is anyway..

    Loving the blog!

  836. Tizer

    As the Nexia obviously is a copy of the old Opel Kadett E (Vauxhall Astra), won’t the Kadett windshield fit too? You can find plenty of Kadett windshields here in Europe, as those Kadetts rust like crazy and you’ll find them in the scrapyard.

  837. Andrew

    You might want to get in contact with a few Australian glass suppliers. I got a replacement windscreen (windshield) for my AE86 2 years back no problem – They might not ship them that far, but they might be able to give you the name of their supplier who probably will.

    This is one of the larger auto glass chains:

  838. Justin P.


  839. Justin P.


  840. banpei

    The first generation Nexia was a direct copy of the Kadett E, but the second generation Nexia was not. So they do differ and won’t fit.

  841. banpei

    Thanks! I’ve sent them an email. ;)

  842. banpei

    It is a very beautiful car! Thanks for the additional picture!

  843. Anonymous

    What has been seen cannot be unseen

  844. B-san

    Why…? just why?!

  845. Nigel

    One persons gold, is another persons trash.
    Those two Skylines look to be super rare…gold in other words.

  846. gred

    haha,i knew you will post that soon here :D

  847. khalid

    its really a good car and i want to have more pictures and more information about prices. im waiting for your answer.

  848. joine jukas

    hmmm….this game is not easy..i tried play it and failed for 7 times. ( oh ya,i dont play with walktrhough )

  849. banpei

    The car is not mine and has been sold half a year ago.

  850. Nigel

    That is a nice one !!

  851. Mark

    This is my car LOL

    Totally stock, except the Zeitronix ZT2 AFR. I just found this page trough


  852. The Doctor

    wow, i’ve missed the KE25 with the 2T-G swap then! :P

  853. gred

    these are these taillights wich are pretty much popular around bosozoku,there is one example i knew its from some carina,now i know from wich one exactly,thx;D.

  854. banpei

    Euhm… A stupid typo: it must have read a KE20… |:(

  855. Mike

    How times change.

    The so called ugly duckling or white whale is now much in vogue – Redneck US Muscle is out, Old Skool JDM is in and with good reason.

    Fools are people who bag these things – get with the times or risk becoming boring and obsolete. Even better do some research don’t just talk shit from your arseholes.



  856. Fred

    is it still available ????

  857. Davy

    Man, this shape is so cool! 70’s were great for these little japanese coupes including of course the GTO, Celica and SR coupe, and i suppose you can count the 240/60/80Z’s but they were a bit longer in length.

  858. Philippe Heymans

    it’s sold chassis 003

  859. Coopey


    Really cool find! The US-Spec Celica liftback GT featured the 22R-EC engine, so its code was actually RA65.


    • Jun

      hey, and the above is incorrect, all gt and st models(84-85)are RA64, the gts models are ra65 with which includes the 82-83 with the gt “sport package,” not sport packaged 82-83 gt are RA64. all 82-85 celicas had the 22r. The above pictured is an 84-85 GT, RA64.

      • banpei

        Thanks! What did the sport package include then? Side skirts and well known Celica Supra seats?

  860. Kari

    Thank you. It´s nice to hear that someone else likes it also. It was a really awesome trip, no problems. Nice people, great scenaries, awesome events. It was first longer roadtrip for me and my HT, but I really hope this wasn´t last time.

  861. shyam

    pls leme knw hw much ur selling it 4!
    [email protected]
    plss email me so we can talk abt this

  862. Michael

    They’re not Longchamps, Art. ‘champs are 6 spokes. I forget their name just at the moment but I’ll try remember to find out for you. :)

  863. Yanky Mate

    I Think KIJANG means a deer in Indonesia

    While in our country here in Philippines we have also a version of KIJANG but it is called TOYOTA TAMARAW. Tamaraw means Dwarf Buffalo

  864. Anonymous

    Amazing. I have this truck a gmc truck. can i just do the same, like convert all it’s gmc truck parts into trueno haha! :). I was an initial D fan when back at school days aaand it was amazing having an exact replica of the car. :)

  865. anonymous

    That “demon camber” continue in that building also, maybe taking picture of a picture makes some unwanted things…

  866. Michael

    I’m not sure the name but I did find some available on YAJ;

  867. Your online Library

    I’m impressed. Very informative and trustworthy blog does exactly what it sets out to do. I’ll bookmark your weblog for future use.

    Your online Library

  868. Your online Library

    I’m impressed. Very informative and trustworthy blog does exactly what it sets out to do. I’ll bookmark your weblog for future use.

    Your online Library

  869. banpei

    You are right: did not realize that they were six spoke…
    At least we know now that they are Enkei and that gives a hint to see in what direction to find the name…

  870. Andrea

    Wonderful rally car! Nissan! I am waiting for 2011 Nissan sunny arrival.

  871. banpei

    Thanks! That explains the deer emblem on some of them!
    After two and a half weeks of exposure I’ve grown used to them already. Too bad they are all RHD: would have been a hoot to drive them back in the Netherlands. :)

  872. Edgar

    .. I feel the obligation to share a bit more about this Bemo thing. I guess its different between each provinces, Jakarta residents have completely different idea when you mention Bemo: Google for “Bemo Daihatsu Midget”. Those referred to as Bemo in Papua have different nickname in Jakarta which is Angkot, an abbreviation of Angkutan Perkotaan or City Transport and yes, they do sometimes showcase modifications you wouldn’t think of before! Once i saw one having the rare TRD Tosco rims!

    Sadly, Carinas are not common in Indonesia. Mostly they’re fully imported and. as such, have become more of collectors’ item.

  873. Andreas

    Hi there, this is a Nissan Cherry (or Langley on other markets), not a Sunny B11.

  874. banpei

    I think you are right: it is indeed a Cherry.
    I’ve just corrected it. Thanks for the hint! ;)

  875. Drive510

    Are you going to buy either of these cars?? This would be an awesome project.

  876. gred

    whats happening,why you dont doing updates on bosozokustyle now?

  877. banpei

    I was away on holiday, so I didn’t have time to post up stuff. Will start posting again soon. :P

  878. theman

    haha you right, the gas price was the pain in the pocket.

  879. Elizabeth

    I have this camera. I’m not looking forward to selling it, but it needs some fixing up. Does anyone know where I could go to get it fixed?

  880. Killua

    But there’s still hope. If Mazda can successfully apply the new SKYACTIV technology in the rotary engine, then we may see a new Mazda RX in a few years! :)

    And I can’t stop playing that video… the sound is addictive.

  881. BruneiClassicCelica

    she’s a beauty!

  882. eddie huoban

    so sick!

  883. Allar

    Are there any old Nissan skyline gc10 that would be offered for sale?:) My email [email protected]

  884. Nigel

    I like the new look.

  885. Killua

    Looks good, man!
    I indeed had a WTF moment at first…

  886. Sam

    Starting from scratch? Maaannn

    • banpei

      Not entirely from scratch: the old content should still be available… But indeed it looks a bit empty now.
      And thanks for the compliment Nigel & Killua! :)

  887. James Anony

    Jalan can mean walking or moving or simply a road or path…it has different meaning based on the type of sentence used…hahahaha…

    • banpei

      Thanks… Didn’t know that it could also mean other things as well..
      But are you hearing it in the song as well? :P

  888. Jarvis Boehmer

    Right now it looks like Drupal is the best blogging platform available right now. (from what I’ve read) Is that what you are using on your blog?

    • banpei

      Actually I’m moving away from drupal…

  889. BruneiClassicCelica

    to be honest, I like this one better

  890. Bob

    I like the new design. Everything seems to work for me!
    Keep up the good work

    • banpei

      Thanks! :)

  891. Bob

    Is there a chance to put me back in your blogroll?

    • banpei

      Will be back when I have time to continue on that: I’m only at about 30% of the old blogroll… :(

    • Kevin

      Do the manga gunsmith cats

  892. James Anony

    ya…hahaha..but i don’t think it mean jalan in the bahasa language…since its a japanese song…or I could be wrong…hahahaha..anyway, good spot too…lol

  893. Bob

    They are so sexy in 4-lug

  894. Fujimoto

    don’t forget the two AE92 Sedan at the reat left of the Skyline ! a classic to my eyes ! the best FF Corolla’s Toyota ever built !

  895. banpei

    I totally agree on that: they are great cars. Only a shame the sedans never got the 4AGZE…
    Also they are quite ubiquitous in the world, so it would miss my point there…

    • Fujimoto

      the most important thing is that YOU know in you heart that they are great cars ! personnaly i love it , i have so much fun with mine , and nobody in my region is having one and planning to do a monster with so it will be a very unique monster !

  896. B-san

    Yea they are great Retro cars and a not very common sight. They are quite a few imported during the last years indeed. There is a lime-green one in my town aswell. Sadly enough there still is a lack of Pao’s in the country though a Classic VW-importer named “Kieft & Klok” has a few for sale.

    • banpei

      That’s only 70 kilometers away from my house… That’s so close I really have to visit them!

      • B-san

        That would be awesome! I also have to visit kieft & klok one day. Cause besides the fact im a sucker for Japanese cars I also have a huge weakspot for classic VW vans which they have ALLOT. ^^

  897. Roley

    Yeah Figaro’s are cute! Natasja Froger and Lauren Verster also own one!

  898. Thomas

    it’s very beautifull for sure! :D
    Yellow and black works! hmm…

  899. ken nakajima

    im gonna take a shot in the dark here and say this little kei van creation is based off an subaru sanbar?

  900. Nigel

    Thank you for posting these.
    Always wanted to see photos of this show.

  901. ed

    I Have a pale aqua ( babybleu) Figaro for 2 years now, and it is a great car to own. It is all original with small minor dents in the doors of other cardoor jammers.They are really great to drive, the 1ltr turbo can keep up with nowaday’s traffic. All white leather, airco, automatic 3speed , cabrio top and special designed radio/cd player/ cassete player.
    One negative point: no quick visit possible at the supermarket because people always are asking what car it is.
    O another point, taking out parking tickets with a right hand driven car is a challenge.

  902. Nigel

    This makes me very sad.

  903. Jyap

    I think you might have mistaken the skyline for a C32 Laurel instead. The C pillars seem to be different compared to DR30 skylines.. =P

    • banpei

      I can understand the confusion: the Laurel C32 hardtop has a similar C pillar as the Skyline R31.


      But you can also see that the C32 has a sloping trunk/bootlid while the R31 is actually going upwards.

      And you can also see more photos of the Skyline vs Beemer here.

  904. gred

    first wheels actualy look like ssr focus racing ;)

    • banpei

      The bizarre thing is that the Focus Racing rims are credited both as SSR and Enkei.
      And to confuse it even more there were also Focus Racing Speedster rims! :P

  905. Nigel

    Impul Dish.
    I know they are not on the list.
    (Tomcats do not work well with the white R30)

    • banpei

      Totally agree on the Impuls… But the guy never got a set of impul rims. ;)

  906. James

    $43,000 is pretty high dont you think you can get you a GT-S in the states, with a $20,000 ultra high rev engine with a levin convt with money to spare on your suspen. Or you can buy a imported nissan R32 or R34(maybe) GT-R model. Unless you mean $4,300? then ya it’s good buy.

    • banpei

      It is 43.000 US dollars, not 4.300. ;)
      I do agree with you that you will get more value for money from a USDM GT-S with high revving engine, however it is actually a pretty good buy if you realize you are:
      1. the second owner
      2. the car had a complete overhaul
      3. No rust
      4. you get a super rare GT Apex with automatic gearbox and overdrive
      5. A USDM car will never be a JDM car

      It sounds ridiculous comparing it against a fully tuned package with the same value or a R34 GT-R, but this car is meant as a collectors item. For that purpose it is a small gem.

  907. James

    I love the hachi roku’s heck I own one and im the third owner not to mention I got for only $300 bucks(no bangs,dents,or rust) I guess thats why Im having trouble with the price but on the other hand this is a beautiful 8-6 thats RHD(Kinda looks like Keiichi’s first 8-6) if I had 43,000 to spend, I would get this. The more I look at it the more I want it.

    • banpei

      Totally agree that compared to 300 bucks its price is ridiculous and personally I would not buy it even if I had 43K… Maybe if I had 43M… :P

  908. kari

    you should allready know, that we have nice carinas in Finland :D

    • banpei

      Verrrry nice Carinas. :9

  909. Fujimoto

    wow … just wow … driving as a couple in such a beauty WITH a beauty on the wheel !! better go dream again …

  910. BruneiClassicCelica

    auto transmission, never seen one before this

    • banpei

      I did see one on the photos of an AE85 in the Ukraine, however that was a 3 speed without overdrive…
      Oh, and I did see the one above in this video:
      [video got removed]
      At 2:49 you can see it in “action”.

  911. jesus quiel

    muy bonito tu auto ya como esos no hay

  912. jesus quiel

    muy buen auto

  913. rory

    its a evo VI. love the sight by the way.

    • banpei

      You are right. It is odd… I do remember identifying it as a VI. Must have made a consistent typo there. :D

  914. Kid Karola

    I love the Trampio Levin Group A livery!

  915. Kid Karola

    “Trampio Trueno” is just as cool as a homage ;’)

    • banpei

      Indeed! I just wonder why Tramio chose the Levin over the Trueno… Looks much better IMO. :P

  916. Kid Karola

    Enkei Mosport (or Apache?) The Group.A Advan Levin AE86 #25 that Keiichi Tsuchiya drove in 1985 (Inter TEC) had these rims!

  917. Kid Karola

    At least 30! xD

  918. haridz

    hey is this in malaysia? lol.. im a malaysian.. and ive seen more unusual things than this… they can mix any thing up… i guess u must have seen plenty of proto-mitsu evo 3 on the road right? its actually our national car (proton) that have been converted to evo 3 bodykits and engine swap from a standard 1.5 mitsu engine to a 1.8 gsr turbo.. btw, i like your blog.. and it brings back memories of my time dreaming to have one of those japan sports cars like r32 skyline, the hachi-roku (:D), basically cars from the initial d comics… keep it up.. and dont stop… all the best..

  919. ken nakajima

    oh if only i had enough euros in my bank account id buy this

  920. 86life

    This is Ewan’s Celica. He runs a business out of Japan called Hayatonka exporting car parts from Yahoo Japan to New Zealand. He’s a Kiwi too.

  921. Mikko Kataja

    Video reply , VHTRacing 5k NA Starlet in Botniaring.. Not drifting, but pedal to the metal anyway.

  922. Nigel

    Lights from the baby Corvette.
    This one is cool, with a few nice ways to change the look of the car.

    • Art Van Scheppingen

      I’m happy the owner didn’t install the headlights of the baby corvette. ;)

  923. Art Van Scheppingen

    Cool! I didn’t know that!
    I’ll try to find some more of his awesome GA61!
    (I just noticed the typo in the title…)

  924. Kevin Goody

    you werent bullshittin when you sed that this wasnt for the faint of heart but it was good anyways :D

  925. Tizer

    Wow that is awesome! I have almost the entire series of Michel Vaillant, but I’ve never seen this before. I want one too!

    • banpei

      I’ll keep that in mind if I happen to find another one. ;)

  926. rory

    amazing post. seibu keisatsu is the epitome of a bubble era TV drama. my Japanese wifee just got a good nostalgic kick out of these videos. too bad so many good cars had to be blown up or rolled to make the viewers and I happy.

    • banpei

      Most cars are less than 10 years old, so it is just mind boggling how much money was spent on trashing cars in this series.
      Great to hear your wife likes these clips! Stay tuned for more mixes next week. ;)

  927. Guido

    Ha Leuk!
    Die 626 is van een vriend van mij. Heb je de foto toevallig in een groter formaat? Mooie foto namelijk! Ik zat er ook in bij jaf! Leuk om te zien dat er toch nog een paar oldtimers tussenstonden! :-D

    Groetjes Guido

    • banpei

      Geen probleem. Stuur maar even een maitje via het contact formulier en dan stuur ik je de grotere versie per mail op. :)
      Ik kan ook per post het orgineel opsturen mocht je die ook willen.

  928. Nigel

    Cool to see this, there was also a Mirage racing series.

  929. Park Baker

    So true, fender mirrors have a great balanced look!

  930. Neil Burrow

    hmmm it kinda works.

  931. Mohammad Adam

    But compare with those carina and lexus, the best car in this pic are the red Peugeot… Legendary car…

  932. Laurens

    Would be fun, if the creator of the add, would buy one.
    Because he is from the same town ^^

  933. Dave Mitchell

    If you were to do one, mine would have to say Twin Cam Supercharger ;-)

    • banpei

      That would be not a big problem I guess… My idea was to have the banners cut using three color vinyl, so one layer of black and then the white twin cam and turbo logo separately. Finding the supercharger logo would be possible I guess.

    • Faafa Araphat

      Do you know where i can get atwin cam gt carina on sale

  934. rory

    I am LOVING the jokers blog you linked to. Amazing time period.

  935. B-san

    Ooh nice spot!
    You sure the silver one is a Miata though?
    It looks like a MX-5 with just a Miata trunk to me.
    As far as I can see it has the MX-5 rear-panel and front fenders.

    • banpei

      The silver car is an import done in 2000 with its first registration in 1994. I assumed it was a Miata since it did not feature a foglight in the bumper. Obviously I could be wrong here…

  936. U.E.G.Dayarathna

    I want to buy body parts of Toyota carina KA 67, front and rear buffer and front sell, pls help, Thank you.

  937. Nigel

    The meanest Carina I have seen.

  938. Thomas

    4a-ge’d? NICE!

    I won’t be there though, got other things to do :(

  939. B-san

    I was there past year which was pretty epic. Sadly however I can’t make it this year… Maybe I quickly stop by on my way to Utrecht. Looking foward to the photo’s

  940. Anon

    1:04 – 1:40 is a Opel Rekord C

    • banpei

      Indeed! The reason I asked was because it is such a weird thing to see between all that J-tin. :)

  941. Carlos

    Será possivel facultar o pdf deste manual?? desde já obrigado!!!

    [email protected]

  942. Nigel

    Nice pictures, looking forward to the old school stuff !

  943. Ben T.

    Mmmmmmmm… nice article. Very informative. I sense you really appreciate the car. I have one and yeah, it’s a great car with a great engine. :)

  944. Tizer

    KN Jupiter wheels.. Never heard of them. I was already wondering what the wheels on the Suzuki where. Thanks, now I know!

    • banpei

      I’ve seen them before but I couldn’t come up with the name. solved it for me. :P

      • Ron

        I’m the sc100’s owner, at the time I really parked next to your carina on purpose :P. Anyway… really like your blog and noticed you have a few sc100 entries. You might like this full race spec fronte coupe for your Japanese rustoseum saga:

        • banpei

          Thanks for the complement and great to see you (and your sc100) around here!
          Same thing here: I always try to park my car next to another oldtimer, just like I did at the JAF2011 and JAF2012.
          That race spec fronte is awesome! Thanks for sharing and it will certainly be posted on the blog soon! :)

  945. Thomas

    That S12 was Dennis’ S12 a year ago! He bought it as an engine donor for his Bluebird, but sold the complete car. Guess what he’s looking for now… :P Yes, S12 parts to make the CA18ET in his 910 working …

    • banpei

      It’s a small world after all. ;)
      Well, apparently it is now well used.

  946. jotoa

    amazing sir, just amazing meeting.

    • banpei

      It was indeed. When took the pictured I didn’t have the feeling there were that many oldies around, but during writing I realized that about 30% of the pictures I took were pre-90s.

  947. seventhskyline

    Great pic!

    The bank was actually bypassed in the early 1970s. Vic Elford noted that unlike most bankings which rose up from the entry, you actually crested a hill and descended INTO the Fuji banking at 190-odd mph. This combined with the skills of budding sportscar pilots meant a number of brave but perhaps inexperienced racers met death or serious injury there.

  948. Nigel

    Great pictures, thanks for posting these.

  949. dido

    I have galant sigma hardtop cs ht 1984 ;) Great car! But is really rare… Here you can see my car:

  950. Unsightly Wagon

    It’s a Cressida grill.

    • banpei

      The MX73 Cressida grille is different than this one: its sloping sides are upside down and also the logo is different.

  951. jotoa

    a few days ago, an old guy stopped by my side on the traffic light with one of those.
    that moment when we looked to each other and smiled, because both of us had hondas was amazing :D

  952. stefan

    they also have the racing Hakosuka ;)

  953. stefan

    which you had the link for, sorry for the spam :D

  954. Nigel

    Cannot find these at all, here in Canada

  955. Art Van Scheppingen

    That’s what I thought at first: probably won’t be able to buy them in the Netherlands but apparently we got lucky. ;)
    But doesn’t Hot Wheels sell at all in Canada or just the 2011 series?

  956. Nigel

    The Hako came out first, and I have not seen one of those also.
    We have lots here, just no vintage Skylines.
    (R32 to R35 are easy to find).

    • banpei

      R35 is also easy to find here, but I never saw the R32 before…

  957. Rein van Mill

    Where can I get one?

  958. Simon DellaBarca

    man those lines are very similar to kp61 starlet!

  959. Nigel

    Cool, I use to drive an 83′.

  960. Simon DellaBarca

    hehe thats why i have 3 of them! cool little cars =)

    • banpei

      3 of them?? Pics!! :)

  961. gred

    what did you excepted,hotwheels is just toy for play,the carina is collectable :D

    • banpei

      +1! ;)

  962. Franczz93

    The car is not only resprayed, its complete renovation, including lots of carroserie work (there was no floor etc), brakes and suspension work, new paint, new interior (all new parts) and seats. The price is so faking low, right time for buying her!

    • banpei

      Also the interior is new??
      Can you arrange any pictures of that?
      And I totally agree on the price. ;)

  963. Wasin Sinchai

    ???? ?????? nice

  964. gred

    i see it,the car at front is skoda fabia and the car at back is carina ;D…lol,nice xD

  965. gred

    haha cool,i even have exactly this pic of this c210 :D

  966. rory

    tell me about it. my friend/coworker at has sold a bunch FROM Japan.

  967. Nigel

    Merry Christmas !!
    Hope it is/was a good one.

  968. Killua

    Aaa, poor car. I’m sure the owner has the money to fix that damage, though.

  969. Nitro

    Hey, check this out:
    I have two C10 Skylines for sale, as well as s30z BRE Treasure Hunts. And I saw that red R32 here in store – I have a brown R32 from previous year. :)

    • banpei

      Whoa! Nice collection mate! :)

  970. rory

    great post! happy new year!

  971. fernando

    for sale?

    • banpei

      No idea. I’ll put a note under the windscreen next time I’ll see the car. :)

  972. komang sumerta

    if you come offer to bali let me know, i will show you bali corolla club .
    amazing club all corolla are there. KE30 – ke 70.
    and most of them is in very good shape after restoration

    • banpei

      Thank you for the offer!
      I probably won’t return to Bali in the next few years, but I’ll keep it in mind. :)

  973. sekiguchi

    can i have the stock ones then?

    • banpei

      Sorry, but I already promised them to someone else…

  974. Killua

    I would love to have an old Civic like that. Very Kanjo racer style!

  975. DarkSupra

    Someone building it for real:

    • banpei

      Aaargh! :D

  976. jesus quiel

    amigo yo necesito esas lampara para mi toyota y tienes las traseras tambien te las compro y si tienes una web donde indique un lugar de ventas please envia una respuesta yo te escribo desde panama

    • banpei

      I still have them both but without wiring, also one of them contains a crack.
      Todavía las tengo dos, pero sin necesidad de cables, uno de ellos contiene una grieta.

  977. jesus quiel

    necesito comprar esas lampara para mi toyota y si tenes las traseras tambien las necesito o dime una web o lugar donde poder adquirirla please

  978. Jammes Pierre

    Is that in Japan ? Where ? I’d like to know more about it, as I “collect” the DS in Asia… See Thanks, Pierre

    • banpei

      According to the original source he was on his way to Toyama city.

  979. Scandy

    Looks like it’s dressed up like the old #67 soarer from Shakotan Boogie!

  980. Nitro

    Damn, that’s just WRONG! It’s a collectible classic and it should stay the same it came off factory! Drive your green shitty priuses and stuff and keep your electrical shit out of PROPER cars!..

  981. Tizer

    Poor, poor car.. Barnfind for sure. But who would neglect such an awesome car?!

  982. Tizer

    They even come in 10″, how about that :)

  983. Tizer

    The Car Sense Crown used to be much prettier, with a set of BBS’ with normal hellaflush stance, not this crazy onikan style.

  984. Tizer

    There are a few convertible ‘Supra’s’ floating around aswell. They are just Celica’s with a Supra nose, but still. Looks the same :)

    I really like the look

  985. James Yap

    Wooden pre production r30’s? I thought they might had just been camouflages on the the prototypes. I believe the 7 series was for test comparisons. A benchmark for the skyline…

    • banpei

      About the wooden prototype: I was referring to the one at the beginning where Shinichiro Sakurai sits inside a wooden prototype. The other (drive-able) prototypes are obviously camouflaged and not made of wood. ;)

      • James Yap

        Woops, my bad haha.. Watched this video before, missed out on that part in the beginning…

  986. James Yap

    I see what he did there… lol he probably started a family.

  987. Tijs Lochbaum

    Reminds me of the Z someone on the RCdrift forum is building

    • banpei

      Thanks for the link! I think the Z is a very nice car for rallies like the Tulpenrally.

  988. stefan

    Dude, the new posts dont show up on your main page no more. It´s stuck on the toyota 800 post nowadays, although the new ones does come up via the archive. weird.

    • banpei

      It sometimes happens and after a short while it pops back to normal again (like now). Don’t know why yet, but I’ll try to fix it. Thanks for the heads up

  989. gred

    even 2 trabants xD

    • banpei

      Actually they feature three Trabbis! But on the cover they cut away the least interesting one. ;)
      BTW: an eye opener to find such a following on Trabants, Dacias and such cars!

  990. Ben R

    here’s a pic:

    • banpei

      Thanks! Greatly appreciated!

  991. ae86?

    Does anyone know where i can find more pictures of the ae86 on the left side the Bosozoku style Toyota Mark II X3 photo from the front? thanks

  992. Kevin Goody

    it’s cool how owners of these rare classics arent afraid to drive their cars you know with all the dangers such as other motorists that drive like they got their heads up their butts the possibility of theft and so on

  993. Brad

    I love Z10/20s I plan on importing one to the US soon actually.

  994. Ben R

    Also spotted this Coupe for sale:

  995. Ben R

    That’s crazy! Now I really want to give it a home ;)
    Are they not so popular over there?

  996. Don

    That’s actually a PC10, short nose 4cyl. GC10 is 6 cyl long nose

    • banpei

      Strange but you are right: I was under the impression the P in the KPGC10 stood for the S20 engine, while the G stood for GT. But apparently I was misinformed as the combination of PG stands for S20, while the P without G stands for the 4 cylinder G series engines. See also here:

  997. ae101rulez

    Ouch..hurts quite alot especially since its the coupe 2 door version. what were people thinking then.

    • banpei

      I think they were thinking crushing worthless Japanese cars by an American monstertruck would be fun. ;)

  998. Peter

    Hi, I’m from Hungary. Can I help you solve your problem? Please, write down what you would like! P.

    • banpei

      I think I’ve already solved it through another fellow countrymen. But thanks for the offer!

  999. Brodie

    Such a shame to see such a car as that zenki in that state… crys :(

  1000. Kristijan

    Hey man! Love your text about AE86 and one thing in particular. That digital cluster gauge. Can you please scan that catalogue that contains the picture in high resolution so I can make a wallpaper out of it? I tried to find a decent picture for days, but I can’t. Thanks in advance!

    • banpei

      I’ll see what I can do. :)

      • Kristijan

        Hope you get it! It looks so amazing :)

  1001. Thomas

    Are you sure it’s a banger? Looks like a lot of work carried out on it for a Banger, looks more like a Stock-Rod or something like that, which is not for 1 event. Still a shame though :)

    • banpei

      I guess Stock-Rod and Banger Racer are almost synonyms in my dictionary. ;)

  1002. Miklos Mukics

    Oh! i’m very happy-that is my first gen. CRX!Nice to see it!Thanks!We are rebuilting complete car,I’ve got more photos…..later :-)

    • banpei

      Great to see you around here then! As I shot the photos over two and half years ago I would be very happy to see some more photos of how it looks today. :)

  1003. Sonnen

    This rims are RH TopLines

    • banpei

      Thanks! :)
      I was already wondering what they were.

  1004. rory

    well, two of them at least are for sale. I just hope they ALL go to a good home.

  1005. Ibrahim

    look good Art!

  1006. gred

    its allways cool to see TRD tosco wheels on another car that toyota :D

  1007. Roman

    Wow, nice find!

    They look to be in really good condition, maybe someone’s treated them to a bit of a polish.

  1008. Nigel

    Rare in North America…somebody ship it to me.

  1009. alvaro lazarte

    hola amigo te escribo desde bolivia tengo un toyota carina q es el mejor conservado de su tipo en mi pais pero yuve un problema y destroze el stop trasero y problema es que aqui ya no se vende su stop porfavor si me pudieras dar datos conseguirlos gracias

    • banpei

      Hi Alvaro, what part do you mean? It translates to “stop”.

  1010. Hapa

    Poor translate from Carina video.

    Basicly that thing has been laying there unused for few years, it’s a diesel and has 458.000km on the clock. They’re gonna try to start it up.
    He’s suprised, because the clutch is still working.

    When it starts, then they start to wonder how good is a japanese diesel engine.
    That lasts for a while.

    Then they are trying to find an exit hole of an exhaust pipe. Their conclusion is, that it might have more than one exit hole after few years of standing still :).

    They are saying lot of things, but 90% of it is pointless to translate.

  1011. stefan

    They are firing up that Carina for the first time, it´s been standing on that spot for 2-3 years and it´s “mileage” is a respectable 458 000 km. Basically just lots of goofing around and celebrating the japanese wonder. In the end they are trying to locate that “lost” exhaustpipe, which they found in the end. :D

  1012. banpei

    Thanks guys!
    458k on the odometer and standing still for a couple of years. It is indeed a wonder that it fired up on the first try! :D

  1013. gabriel

    that’s why I love honda. such an elegant car i want to buy a honda similar to that. :)


  1014. Brad

    This is awesome. Keep the great finds coming!

  1015. gob

    nice picture :)

  1016. gob


  1017. alvaro lazarte

    hola yo soy de BOLIVIA DEPARTAMENTO COCHABAMBA y aqui no exquisten repuestos para este auto nesecito REAR STOP del toyota carina GTR so hablo ni escribo ingles lo siento LA PIEZA DE LA FOTO

  1018. Brett

    Nice car. I have a 73 240k coupe for sale if anyone interested. It is fully engineered with 350 chev. Turbo 350 trans. B and m shifter dual stainless exhaust. R31 diff plus alloy mags. Ready for paint. No rust. Everything there and in very good condition. Open to offers

    • tariq

      iwant to see your car pic and ware are you from

      • banpei

        Well the car isn’t mine, but I’m from the Netherlands.

    • MAjed

      Do you still have the 240k for sale ?

      If so, you can contact me back on [email protected]

    • Anthony Newham

      Im interested. Still available???

  1019. Thomas Evanger

    What a shame! Grab those tails for me :)

  1020. rx5bitch

    hi does any know where i can find rx5 1980 series 2 parts i looking for a passanger side parker beside the headlight or any of those mad bodykits im on aus rotary just contact me rx5bitch thanks for any help kev all pms welcome for any info

  1021. Nigel

    Wow and all this time I thought the pronunciation was Silvia.
    It’s Shil-via. (ha-ha)
    Cool commercial.

  1022. Vladimir

    Yes? That’s VAZ-2105, Moscow car(registration number)
    I think the owner wanted a Japanese car, but money sufficed only on VAZ, And VAZ at Us this cheap bucket. Sorry if I make mistakes in translation.

  1023. Seth B

    did the trueno also come with this grille?

    • banpei

      Nope, this was Levin only. And also fortunately not: otherwise the whole front would just flip. ;)

  1024. Tony

    SF is having the Cherry Blossom festival in Japantown this and next weekend. There is usually a little car show with some old school nissans and toyotas. i’ll be there sunday taking my daughter to the cosplay parade. things you do as a father.

    • banpei

      Thanks for the tip!
      Unfortunately I won’t be able to make it as my flight back is already on Friday afternoon. Would have loved to be there! :(

  1025. michel

    From its very first edition, Skyline GTR has come fully loaded with all essential standard elements that are expected out of a speedy sports car.

  1026. Killua

    That’s the coolest R31 I have seen in a while. The Bayside Blue (?) colour looks pretty good on it.

  1027. Stefan

    Looking good! The drop and headlights will really make yours pop out!

  1028. Ibrahim Abd Ghani

    look good Art!

  1029. Brad

    Love it. Very jealous!

  1030. Nigel

    Cool, Toyota dealer parts catalog style !!!(Very nice).
    (Was it the TRD book or the Toyota book).

  1031. Willie Hermans

    Thank you for your complment on my car.
    The Crown has bin a lot of work, bud it came out real nice
    Thank you
    Willie Hermans
    The Netherlands

  1032. holger hot

    The diff is original and just well used :P

    Norwegia ae86 owner :)

    • banpei

      Thanks! Never knew the Carina open diff could handle that. Mine always slows down one side if I try to make it slide in turns. :(

  1033. Delian Kostov

    Thanks bro! Im very glad to see my car here :)Keep it up friend!

  1034. alad

    I think it’s a really impressive bargain for a 2011 Skyline GTR KPGC110, which is one of the latest sports car that many sports car enthusiasts would love to own.

  1035. Tor

    Wow, funny to see my car here :D
    It’s a stock diff, but it’s about to break :p
    This picture is taken 1 week later:

    • banpei

      That looks nasty! :o

  1036. Aram.

    Show us them pictures!! ;-)

  1037. Daryl

    Hi mate,quick question i have a set of banded wheels 195mm wide do you think 175mm tyres will have a nice strech on them? Many thanks :)

    • banpei

      What is the current width of the rims?

  1038. gred

    stickerbomb starting to make me sick already…

    • banpei

      Better get prepared then: more is coming up! ;)

  1039. kari

    Carina in Australia, quite rare I believe?

    • banpei

      I think not as rare as in Europe nowadays. :P
      As far as I know the Carina only made it as an import to Australia. They did get the Corona T140, so naturally they do have the Carina van with a slightly different nose.

  1040. gred

    i still dont know why they putting it on jdm styled cars…what it have to do with jdm?i actually never saw it on some japanese car…done before that shit started..

    • banpei

      They are applied to Japanese cars. Does that count as well? :D

      • gred

        not for me :P

  1041. Ricardo Severijns

    Wow i missed a lot of awesome cars :(
    I can spot that KP60 almost daily if the weather is good because the owner lives almost in the same street.

    • banpei

      Awesome car! I would be jealous of having such a beauty around the corner!
      Then again: I can enjoy my neighbors pimped up 2CV every day. ;)

  1042. Aram.

    Would be nice to have a group of classics there.
    Also some guys from abroad.

  1043. Nat

    This what us Australians would call a Street Stock or a Modified Production Speedway car. It is proper dirt track oval racing and certainyl not the same as banger racing over in the UK. Even our banger equivalent (fender benders) are built ot last more than one race.

    I’d rather see an old car used for racing rather than rot in a paddock somewhere

  1044. Nigel

    Lots of cool cars, I have to go to the US to see this many Japanese cars at once.
    Thanks for posting the pics.

  1045. Victor Neyra

    I´m from Peru,I´m looking for a manual for toyota Corona,engine 3T,model TT-141L year 1983,please help me to find it.
    Best regards
    Victor N.

    • banpei

      Hi Victor. Is the Corona powered by the normal 3T or the 3T-GTE engine?

  1046. Stefan

    wow, never realized it was that tiny :D

  1047. Nigel

    Nice !!

  1048. that4AGsound

    if you find out how this happened please update

  1049. Pierre

    In case you want to read the original article…

    Great blog!

    • banpei

      Thanks! Great to actually be able to read it in full. :)

  1050. gred

    that car is awesome,was done in late 80s,but it is still alive and still it look same,even plastic model was done out of it :)

  1051. Ron

    I’m always on the lookout for e23 urvans, I’d kill for a caravan like this, especially the blind spot window is just so funky.

  1052. ae101rulez

    did he not mentioned which was more practical in terms of both 3 cars??. would pick the coupe anyday with its 4 seater and big boot space rather than the ‘only summer’ mr2 or racerboy ae82…

    • banpei

      He only mentioned he thought the MR2 wasn’t practical because it is a two-seater and not too much space in the boot. Surely would pick the AE86 coupe any day over the other two. ;)

  1053. alvaro lazarte cespedes

    hello my name is alvaro would like to know where you got those tail lights I have a toyota carina carina my SA60 is the only state in my country and I find these pieces anywhere, if I could please give details of where you got or from somewhere in America where you think you have would be very grateful I am writing from Bolivia went up the picture of my car to the page in facebook hope banpei answer thanks!

    • banpei

      I got them from Japan as Toyota my Toyota dealer in the Netherlands is not willing to order JDM parts for me. Back in Amsterdam I had a bit more luck with the dealership.

      Anyway, I don’t think you will find them in America as they were never delivered with these lights outside Japan. I saw yours on Facebook and it appears as if it has been converted from RHD to LHD: the windshield wiper positions do give away that they are supposed to go from left to right.

  1054. alvaro lazarte cespedes

    thanks for the clarification I tell you that today I went to look the part and found only one of the pair and q is the same in your photos you buy it and now I only need one with luck I hope to find the q I need God as I love my car hehehehe , on the steering wheel of my car arrived in my country japan and the streets run counter to those of your country and according to the law of my country flyers should go left and to modify tuvieon

    • alvaro lazarte cespedes

      thanks for the clarification I tell you that today I went to look the part and found only one of the pair and q is the same in your photos you buy it and now I only need one with luck I hope to find the q I need God as I love my car hehehehe , on the steering wheel of my car arrived in my country japan and the streets run counter to those of your country and according to the law of my country flyers should go left and I had to modify

  1055. gred

    nope im not involved in this,but the autor is my friend :P

  1056. Eric Ah Lien

    I love reading your blog especially about nice toyotas and nissans. I own a CA67 Wagon my self and I love driving it to uni everyday.

    • banpei

      A CA67 wagon? Nice daily driver!
      Got any pictures of the wagon to share? :P

  1057. Thomas

    wow, Adriaan is looking very old indeed!

  1058. ivan

    damn video is no longer available

  1059. Eric Ah Lien

    That is cool, it is exactly like mine in NZ but minter and blue :)

  1060. Edison (Bafo)

    Hello everyone.

    My carina is not at US. I’m in Panama, Republic of Panama.

    The wheels are from my brothers 1985 Mitsubishi Starion Turbo (OEM)

  1061. Edison (Bafo)

    Hi Everyone.

    My car is not at U.S. I live in Panama, Republic of Panama. Carinas from all generations were sold here. I don´t really know what specs are (european, jdm, other country).

    The wheels are OEM´s 15×6.5 from my brother´s 1985 Mitsubishi Starion Turbo (you can see it parked, the red one).

    I´m really pleased to you for posting my video. I have some nice pics that I can share, if you tell me how.

    I`m in urgent need of te front corners. COuld anyone tell me where can I buy them. Here in my country, bodyparts for ta60´s are really hard to find, new or used.

    • banpei

      Thanks for sharing!
      I figured you were from the US as Youtube was stating that. Also the licenseplate has the same dimensions and looks as the US one, but then again: I’m from Europe where all plates look alike. ;)

    • Aaron

      Hey, Bafo amazing Carina, could you email me ([email protected]) So that I can ask you a few questions about the car? I need a hand with my own carina which is the same as this. thanks!

  1062. Edison (Bafo)

    Hi there

    As I posted on Carina Sightings (Bafo´s Lowered….), I need a place to buy bodyparts for my 1984 Carina DX.

    Please help …

    • banpei

      What type of bodyparts are you looking for?

  1063. Tijs Lochbaum

    Such a sad sight :(

  1064. QJin

    @Brett email me the info of your car (highly interested)
    [email protected]

  1065. QJin

    Am looking for vintage skylines out of Europe. Can you help? You have my email at the registration.
    I can help you or your friends get anything car related from Japan (new & used)

  1066. Nakai,SZH

    This is an estate model, but there also was a saloon model for use as Taxi in Japan,Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau & Pakistan,in the early 1990’s. There still are many in good running condition in Pakistan.

    • banpei

      Actually the saloon model is not the same as the taxi’s you are referring to: the taxi model was based on the sister model Corona T140 that shared the same front as this wagon. See also here:

  1067. GY

    Hi Did you ask anyone about it?
    Do you have the actual address?
    I may fly over and attempt to buy it.

  1068. U.E.G.Dayarathna

    I need to buy carina KA67 parts.

  1069. Bas Kuiper

    Dude… Niks Rota! Zijn echte Hayashi’s!

    • banpei

      Seriously? That’s something totally unexpected!
      Can I have a close up look at them anytime soon? :P

      • Bas Kuiper

        Yeah sure you can! You can add me on Facebook.

      • Bas Kuiper

        When do you want to meet? I’m going to refurbish the wheels. They won’t be on the car for very long.

  1070. Bas Kuiper

    It are genuine Hayashi’s.

  1071. Ron

    I purchased this guy’s oem aero frontbumper and oem aero sideskirts on the Japanese yahoo auctions a few years ago. They now reside in Belgium

  1072. rory

    Cool little car. I love your blog and not to offend you but I find it amusing how excited you get to see cool cars around town. I can totally understand it since I lived in the “countryside” of America my whole life and would freak out when I saw a cool car. But now that I have been living in Japan for four years and see these things everyday… I guess I take it for granted.

    Keep up the good work!

    • banpei

      Thanks for the compliment! :)

      I already understand that after visiting the States several times. The number of (surviving) old Japanese cars is quite low in Europe and Europe wasn’t really JDM sportscar minded until the arrival of the Mazda Miata/MX5/Roadster in the late 80s/early 90s. Even from then on it only picked up quite slowly.

      In the US you can basically see entry sports level cars on every street corner (Miatas/Integra/Impreza/etc) while here in Europe you can find Mercedes SL(C)/Porsche/BMW M series in the same quantities.

      I think the same accounts for Japan where all the “cool” cars are actually non-JDM cars. :P

  1073. gred

    mazda…some rotary one…my guess is luce

    • banpei

      Almost right… It is the cockpit of the Mazda Cosmo Sport 110

  1074. gred

    cool,i wasnt rly sure if cosmo,or luce,they are pretty similar,after all

  1075. Stefan

    what car are you searching for to be your summer ride?

    • banpei

      Just bought a Focus wagon. Basically economy beater that has a high ROI value. :)

  1076. gred

    the one at black/white photo actualy have stock cosmo wheels ;)

    • banpei

      Thanks! But they are referred to as Zona wheels as well, so just wondering what design they are. ;)

  1077. joe

    Hi My Friend:
    I was surprise with this big engine..
    In the Philippines I have 1968 toyota Hilux with a 2r engine.But it needs a overhaul
    .I would like to ask if you have a repair manual..
    Best Regards,

  1078. Artur


  1079. Azam

    Ouch.. what a waste.. Man.. the last one can be restored, but it would take a lot more than it’s original price.. :(

  1080. Stewart Farr

    It’s the one car I always regret selling.

    having driven both the AE86 and my sapporo. I would take the sapporo anyday. It was luxury.

    • banpei

      Sapporo over the AE86? Wow! That’s not something you hear every day! :)

      • gzuckier

        It was the kind of car that earned your affection after a while. I used to compare it to the labradoodle I owned at the same time; not the most brilliant entity, but solid, reliable, always eager and cooperative, and would never do anything nasty no matter what the provocation.
        The US/Canada version had a 2.6 liter (!) version of the engine not available anywhere else, I think. The US/Not Canada version also had an extra specialized valve which helped convert the thing to a lean-burn engine (more swirl), but the Achilles heel was cracking of the heads; maybe because the extra valve weakened them? Anyway, there was a closet industry of transplanting heads from either Canada or the same engine on the Mitsubishi pickup trucks, which also did not have the extra valve.
        An apparently fatal failing was the diaphragm-actuated secondary on the 2 barrel carb; eventually (like 10 years) the diaphragm would develop a hole which constituted a serious vacuum leak making the engine quit when you floored it. Rebuild kits and/or carbs were unavailable at that point. Lucky me discovered that you could buy adapters that would fit Weber two barrel downdrafts (nothing exciting like their sidedrafts; these were just their standard stock carbs that came on lots of European Fords), and that livened the thing right up, as well as making that nice ripping canvas Weber noise. Wouldn’t pass smog inspections though.

        • banpei

          Wow! I never knew about that extra valve. :)
          Then again: Japanese manufacturers did crazy things to pass environmental laws in the 70s and 80s.

  1081. chris

    Still Have the front end for sell? Been looking to finish my carina for a few years now all i need is right lights grill and right indicator lense. also How much? cheers chris

  1082. JohnnyRed

    Does anyone else notice the Chevy Astro behind it?
    Whats THAT doing in a Japanese scrapyard?

    • banpei

      It’s odd indeed but I’ve seen similarly weird cars on photos of Japanese junkyards… ;)

  1083. JohnnyRed

    Odds are that this poor Skyline was stolen and left there.

  1084. JohnnyRed

    I’m interested in the Toyota Corona and the two Daihatsu Midget 3-wheelers in the background.

  1085. ALBERT

    That’s an acurate title considering bunta drove a subie.

  1086. Nigel

    Cool picture !!

  1087. rory

    awesome awesome cars. as much as I would love a v12, I would take the Toyota powerplant for ease of tuning.

  1088. U.E.G.Dayarathna

    Pls send me your details abou Carina KA67 parts, I want to buy front and rear buffer and front grill with light set. Thank you. [email protected]

  1089. U.E.G.Dayarathna

    I want to buy front and rear buffers and front grill with light set.

  1090. that4AGsound

    The awesomeness levels! They’re over 9000(rpm)!!!

  1091. szett

    i think the GTV is not a sporty version…it’s just some other body version (or feature version)for kijang. So many version build by local body manufacturer for kijang in indonesia beside the original version from indonesian toyota.

  1092. Thomas

    i had a 1G-GTE for until about 2 weeks ago :P

    • banpei


  1093. Nigel

    Four doors !!

    • banpei

      That’s almost right: the 910 was a five door van.

  1094. Farzan

    Hi, i have a 1979 TA40 and looking for the original radio. you know one for sale?
    any other body or light part is also welcome!


    • banpei

      Perhaps the new owner of this TA40 has one for sale now. I’ll ask him after I return from holiday.

      • wj

        The new owner of this car does not want to sell the original stereo, sorry :)

  1095. RafRA25

    Mr. Dodo Bautista and Mr. Tito Cruz of Auto Trixx (Philippines) were able to acquire 30 sets of TRD Tosco wheels (if I am not mistaken) and imported to the Philippines.

    Its amazing how people acquire these rims considering the price of it (a whole j-tin already). Here’s the pic:


    • banpei

      Whoa! An amazing picture, but that’s just too much for me! :D
      When I’m back from vacation I’ll definitely try to get in contact with them. :)

      • RafRA25

        no prob, just showing love from the philippines. Great site sir!

  1096. alawi

    Hala if the car is for sale Please contact by email

  1097. Alan Franklin

    Damn near brought a teat to my eye, the thought that this could be my old, beloved AW11.

  1098. Kevin Goody

    werent these called sprinter caribs in japan??

    • banpei

      Correct. On one side bit weird they were accounted for the Sprinter range as they were clearly based on the Tercel body, but at the same time the parts for powering the rear were the Sprinter’s propshaft and live axle.

  1099. Junior Silverio

    hello friends.
    My name is Junior and I am the owner of Carina. 1.8d SG 1986. It really is the only one here in Brazil, got her to 12 years. I bought at an auction of the IRS, where the car had been seized from people who tried to import it, because our law only allows import vehicles 0km or used more than 30 years (collectors). Thanks for the compliments. Unfortunately, when we bought came missing the outside rearview, only the holes in the fenders, I wonder where I can buy these two mirrors, to import. If you know of any site and the numbering part I am very grateful.

    A hug to everyone

  1100. Nalinda

    please let me know the price of the set?

    • banpei

      It has been on Auctions Yahoo in January, so I don’t think it is for sale anymore…

  1101. AccordmkII

    Hy Banpei :) I1m Tomi from Hungary. Owner the Accord. Thanx a lot in this post my car. It’s very good news. Love it!

    • banpei

      Hi Tomi! Great to see you found your car here.
      I saw the videos from the Hungarian Japfest. Shame I didn’t know about it earlier as I was still in Hungary on the 12th…

  1102. Binci

    I’m really glad to see this post because I’m the editor in chief of the magazine. So we’re very happy to see that foreing people likes our work.
    If you want to subscribe, please contact us at [email protected], and we’ll respond to you as soon as possible. Maybe you sent your first e-mail in the time when we had a little server failure, sorry about that!
    Cheers: Binci

    • banpei

      Hi Binci!
      Thanks! I did try to arrange it though someone who greatly responded to help me out. Unfortunately, due to unresponsiveness from my side, it never got any further than that. So I’ll definitely resend the email.
      BTW: loved the bosozoku article in the summer edition!

  1103. Boomer


    Im the owner the carina…the engine is broken the crank bearings is off because the oil pump was cracked…the new project is the 5MGE and turbonetics T3T4…if we done then send some pictures…cheers :-))

    • banpei

      5MGE? Sounds you really like the inline 6-es over the original four pot. :)

      • Boomer

        Oh yes…:-) some people told me the 4age but i need the inline six sound and it…and unique…:-)

  1104. Boomer


  1105. Nigel

    That is one insane 86.

  1106. Nigel

    Maybe twenty ?!

    • banpei

      I think a little bit less than that…

  1107. Nigel

    No old photo’s like this in my family album.
    (Just me and my wife, no cool cars).

    • banpei

      LOL! :D
      Yeah I know the feeling… It is just odd that so many people post up these type of photos on the interwebs. ;)

  1108. Adam

    Hi mate! Glad to see the package made it your way safely – hope you enjoy it. The creative process took me ages but I think they turned out great!

    • banpei

      I’m enjoying it already a lot as it is holding the Carina’s keys currently. Unfortunately I haven’t driven the rina yet since, but I’ll make sure that gets changed soon.
      I can understand the cut-out 7 took some time, but it surely was worth it! :)

  1109. Robert Binder

    Hi, i am from Leverkusen Germany
    and i love the Remember Japanese Historic
    Car Graffiti 2010 Calendar.
    Where can i buy it ? ( I am a rebuilder from a
    Celica RA 28 and i like to buy the calendar from my garage ).
    I hope to here you soon
    Cheers Robert

  1110. farhan

    hai there…im farhan from malaysia…im looking for rear window and tail lamp do you have it?

    • banpei

      Are you looking for a rear window and tail lamp of a Soarer Z10?

  1111. Murathime

    Where can I get the NISSAN DOHC 16 Valve Windscreen Decal?
    I have original NISMO and ENKEI decals as featured on the works 240RS’s of the group B period. Any one interested?

  1112. Nigel

    Also a 510/610 vibe.

  1113. alaa mallak

  1114. alaa mallak

    this is my new video in toyota carina 1983 ta60 1.6 dx stock.

  1115. alaa mallak

    facebook: Alaa Mallak

  1116. Tijs Lochbaum

    Wow, this would be the perfect daily car for me! I love weird Kei cars!

    • banpei

      I would loved to have bought it as well, but for me it is too impractical and I don’t drive daily…

  1117. Tijs Lochbaum

    Too bad the price is so damn high… I would love this as a daily car. Imagine the looks you get :D

    • banpei

      I think you will get a lot of attention! ;)

  1118. Jayden

    Hi there I’m here in New Zealand this is a very interesting car as it happens I have one mine is 1980 Toyota celica camery it has a 3teu efi with a w55 gear box it’s labeled as a ta57 I’ve hunted for hours on the net to find out information on this do you know of any websites thanks. Jayden

  1119. goelianis

    Any friends around here?

  1120. arbab mansoor alam

    i want buy

    • banpei

      I have not seen the car again, but next time I could ask the owner. :)

  1121. Anzar Harun


  1122. miata

    nice spoiler! :) where did you buy it ?

    • banpei

      Awesome! Thanks! :)

  1123. gred

    is this is the mello yello one by team zlay?there are some pictures of it on theyr facebook

    • banpei

      Yes indeed it is the same Mello Yello!

      Thanks! :)

  1124. leong

    hi, i am looking for a EE80 toyota rear mirror..
    the whole mirror parts…
    can i know the price?

    • banpei

      I’m not selling a mirror here: it is a picture of a Corolla EE80 displayed on the mirror of my Carina TA60.

  1125. alec

    hi, not sure if this is correct way to contact u. the owner of the ta63 with 1u going in it is a member of our car club “yukai sendo motorsport”. please search for us on face book and you will find our club page. we have further updates of the ta63, aswell as tt141 corona, te71 sprinter truneo etc. say hi.

    • banpei

      Many thanks! I’ll search for it then!

  1126. gred

    yea,hopefully i will have my favorit welded too soon,its in ok condition,but at one place its quite bad,someone screwed the rear fender change long time ago lol…

    • banpei

      Better weld it before it gets into the same state as my Carina then. ;)

      • gred

        on that place its already in worster condition…

  1127. Thomas

    Merry Christmas to you too! And i know how you feel, allthough i have to scrap a car due to rust :P

    • banpei

      I kind of had that feeling before I sold my Trueno. The car needed some serious welding, so either sell, scrap or repair. In hind sight I should never have sold it anyway. ;)

  1128. banpei

    Looks more like red swiss cheese to me! :D :D
    So are you in for the hunt for another Cappuccino?

  1129. gred

    happy new year to you too…hope you had a better one than me…i was at home with fever lol

  1130. kees

    IT DOESNT FUCKING OUTRUN A BEEMER! Get your story straight!

    • banpei

      What’s this then?

      On the first video it manges to outrun the beemer, second and third it is a bit doubtful.

  1131. HachiRocker

    I can’t decide. I’d take any of them.

  1132. K's Garage

    Sharknose soarer

  1133. Tijs Lochbaum

    This is the soapbox racer build by 5 Axis to compete in the Redbull Soapbox race a few years ago. Dai Yoshihara was driving it :)

  1134. Tijs Lochbaum

    2nd one from the left, but with the sharknose and bumperlip of the first one :)

    • banpei

      Hehe… So a bit mix and match then. ;)

  1135. Mr Camouflage

    So are you saying that the car pictured is a KPC10 short nose? Because it is a KGC110 6 cylinder 2000GT (long nose).

  1136. madura perera

    i want to buy these tail lighhts

  1137. Naser

    Hello … i want buy your car c110 and all parts for c110 c210 c211 .. so please connect with me on [email protected] [email protected] thanks

  1138. Nigel

    Thanks for posting this, I had a great big smile during the whole video.
    Good to see they are still using JZX90 a lot. That one hairpin looked pretty tricky.

  1139. Ibrahim Abd Ghani


  1140. HachiRocker

    I don’t get why they would want our USDM parts, when the JDM parts are so much better.

    • banpei

      One good reason: the speedo goes all the way up to 150mph/240kmh. ;)

  1141. Thomas

    good that you decided not to sell!

    • banpei

      It was a tough decision to sell it and not so hard to revert that. :P

  1142. Stefan

    I feel you on the rust, would have a lot to do on our 86 cherry. But dont sell, or depending on what you have planned instead?

    • banpei

      Well, I was under the impression there was no rust on the floorpan as on the outside it was nice and clean. Shows you how you can be deceived by the looks on the outside. ;)
      And I won’t sell the car for now. Plans are first to stiffen and lower the suspension, then to put a bit more oomph in it by an engine swap.

  1143. alvaro lazarte cespedes

    Greetings I have a SA60 carina which I’m changing the original motor 1-its a nissan sr20 so I need to change the suspension for a sport is there any brand that manufactures suspension for this model? I was looking online and found the greddy type-s but I’m not ceguro that I do not expect him or help me answer this question I need to clarify thanks

    • banpei

      It depends on what suspension your SA60 got… AFAIK the rear of the SA60 should be the same as mine: the same as the Corona and Corolla got so you could use those springs (still need to verify this). Shocks is a bit more difficult as they are mounted differently from the Corolla.

      Front struts should be either the same ones as the KE70 Corolla got or the AE86 Corolla/AA63 Celica got. They do differ a bit in top mounts, but they take the same shocks. Springs are obviously dependent on the size, so either KE70 or AE86/AA63 items. But you should also be able to use the same coil over solutions here and that would solve the springs immediately. ;)

  1144. Nite Donkey

    I actually own an RZ-1 and although it isn’t panda two tone it has the same black & red two tone paint code as the Hasemi/Tomica Skyline super silhouette. The nearest (to panda) stock paint job you could get for an RZ-1 was white and silver, similar to the W10 MR2 ‘High Tech two tone’ finish. Good effort at an Initial D replica though!

    • banpei

      Same black and red two tone as the Tomica Skyline? Sounds very good and I would love to see pictures of that! :)

      • Nite Donkey

        I’ll get some sent over to you pronto!

  1145. Jack O'Souka

    1,2,3, err, 4, 5….. I guess “lots”.
    Do I win a prize ?

    • banpei

      LOL! :D
      There is a prize: you win…. (insert drum roll here…) ….a bucket full of brown rust!
      Now where do you wish to have it shipped? :P

      • Jack O'Souka

        Thanks. I got plenty here though, you keep it…
        Loving the site !

        • banpei

          Thank you for the compliment. :)

  1146. gred

    i see its from cz…for sure not from prague,we didnt had so many snow there xD

    • banpei

      Indeed from CZ. ;)

  1147. HachiRocker

    I’m going to guess 7

  1148. Nigel

    That is a nice one !!

  1149. RGeris

    Hey thats my post :).

    I’ll tell you guys the story. I found this picture online on Google Images. I used to play a racing game and met some guy from Puerto Rico. I still had him in my skype contacts i knew he liked AE86’s so i showed him this picture and asked him for fun: “Hey you know where this place is?” and he responded with: “OMG! Yes i know that place its in my street.” He told me he could get some parts for me aswell :).

  1150. Wasabicars

    That looks sweeeet! Btw, how’ve you been??

    • banpei

      Been under the radar for a while now… Too busy at work, conference in the US coming up and not much time to blog. :(

  1151. John

    Wow, couldn’t agree more, that modification is just “not great” – anyway its up to the owner to do what he like with his car, not much we can say apart from criticizing or praising the result – I drive this car now, it’s not the fastest but certainly a very cool car to have and drive – I never regret and love it so much. You can check out my post about this car from my blog below;

    Cheers and have a nice day!!!

    • banpei

      Hi John,
      That’s one awesome Carina Coupe you got there!
      Am I right that you are from Singapore?

  1152. chanaka prasad

    TOYOTA CARINA AA60 Head Lights (pries $)
    buffer and beeding
    tail lights

  1153. chanaka prasad

    Hi! Where can i order these headlamps? pries $

    • banpei

      You can find them now and then through Auctions Yahoo and use a man-in-the-middle to bid, receive and ship them to your doorstep.
      Currently there are, unfortunately, no headlamps for sale through Auctions Yahoo.

  1154. Nigel

    Yep, seen these on AutonGraphic.
    The flares match the Hayashi wheels nicely.

    • banpei

      Ah! Totally forgot to mention the Hayashi wheels! This Carina is probably one of the nicest applications for these deep dished Streets. ;)

  1155. Nigel

    Maybe the biggest Japanese car at the show.
    (Still like the Toyota Crown more).

  1156. Nigel

    Just like Option !!
    (And it has a black roof).

  1157. fahmi


  1158. kugan

    Hi. I am from south africa and I am looking for skyline body parts second hand fine. And complete rs turbo engine.

  1159. luke

    No such thing as a 20v Silvertop, all silvertops are 16v. Blacktop is 20v.
    So this is not a 4AGE 16v engine?

    • banpei

      Fourth Generation “Silver Top”
      The fourth-generation 4A-GE engine was produced from 1991 to 1995. It has silver cam covers with chrome lettering, hence the nickname “silver top”.

      And the Formula Atlantic engine in the picture is definitely a 16v and not a 20v. Just open it fully and enlarge it and you will read “twin cam 16 valve”. The two engine heads are very different from each other. As my posting said: the Formula Atlantic is not the one used in Initial D as the Formula Atlantic is a 16V engine. Whatever Wikipedia says about Initial D using the same engine as the Formula Atlantic is wrong as they clearly refer to that engine as a 20V engine and it also clearly features the 20V head.

      This is the wrong quote:
      Toyota sponsored the Champ Car Atlantic Championship from 1990 to 2005. A kit version of the 4A-GE 20-Valve from Toyota Racing Development was used to power Formula Atlantic cars during this period. This engine used a modified 16-valve head and produced approximately 240 bhp (179 kW) at 8,400 rpm, revving out up to 12,000 rpm – although such an engine would only last a couple races before requiring a full rebuild. This engine was featured as a plot turning device in the popular Japanese manga and anime series Initial D and is often referred to as a “monster” engine by street racers in the series.

  1160. carlos hemilove

    I have a 1971 Toyota hilux with a 3tc running on r1 carbs and a custom header I lowered it from the front by cutting the springs and then lowered the rear by adding some lowering blocks and got some grand marquis mesh rims and hellaflushed my baby

    • banpei

      Nice! :)
      Got any pictures to share? :P

  1161. Roley

    Cool to see my own car over here lol. Havent visited your blog for a while, but the 626 is mine, and she’s completely stock.

    • banpei

      Long time no see! ;)
      I didn’t know you had a 626 though…

  1162. MISERTA

    hello banpei, can you please send me a copy of the scanned version?

    my email is rufnek2k4(at)


  1163. Fez


    Here’s some pics of my Australian delivered gauge cluster for your collection.
    New Zealand has some very relaxed rules about car imports, so they would pretty much have the whole spectrum of Japanese spec gauges, i don’t think there was a special ‘NZ spec’ cluster.

    • banpei

      Thanks! Very much appreciated!
      I see the main difference is that the redline on the tacho is starting ad 6K

      • Fez

        Yep, we Aussies only got the lowly carburetted 4AC from the factory (all the 4age powered cars are either engine swaps or grey imports). You were lucky to get it up to 5.5K.

        We also only got the Zenki dash, as they stopped selling them in/before 1985.

  1164. Tony

    Here i leave a link of the best ae86 beams seap in the whole world , more than 2000 hours of work and 100.000 dolars spent fron this peopñe from south america

  1165. PunkFriday

    the celica wheels you are wondering about may be carroll shelby racing wheels, i have a set but the center caps should say shelby.

    • banpei

      Just learned a lot more about these wheels and I definitely like to get more info on the Carrol Shelby Toyota van. ;)

  1166. Stefan

    Gotto say that´s cheap considering the work done and condition! What project car are you buying, maybe a post about it soon? :)

    • banpei

      Thanks and I know… However not many people are willing to pay the full price, especially if they are not keen on the JDM stuff. ;)
      Once I have anything more conclusive I’ll post something on the upcoming project.

  1167. Tom


    The 86 with the celica wheels is mine, ill don’t no where they exactly came from. I bought the wheels from the guy with the white celica on our stand. The wheels are 5j and the centre caps say toyota.

    • banpei

      5J? Then they are even less wide than I thought they were. Starts to get a real puzzle now. ;)

  1168. gred

    :(…well,whats your next project then?

    • banpei

      Nothing concrete or official yet… But think of something starting with an A and ending with 86. :P

      • gred

        ae86?… :/ thats too mainstream,i would rather keep this :P

        • banpei

          Hehe… I know. It has been on my mind to turn this Carina into a four door AE86 (e.g. swap and retain the live axle) but for some reason there always comes something in between preventing this…

  1169. WasabiCars

    Wow. It does look new.

    • banpei

      Almost new! Almost… ;)
      But I would feel guilty driving it: any kilometer to the odometer makes it less pristine. ;)

  1170. WasabiCars

    I so want to see one of those Celestes.

    • banpei

      I’ll make more photos of the Mitsu corner next year!

  1171. Thomas

    The second lever is indeed a high/low gear lever, which gives 8 gears forward and 2 reverse! In reality the difference between the Sport and Economy ratio isn’t very big. My dad had the same gearbox in his Tredia back in the days.

    • banpei

      Hmmm, so not that useful. ;)
      Well, as long as the economy was high enough it would be bearable driving the highways. Then again: the person who designed the A40 three speed automatic must have had different things in mind than highway driving so it must have been the time spirit that low geared cars are more practical.

  1172. refuse compactors

    I thought they would make the wheels stand out a bit. I managed to find a set of used ones in perfect condition for $20 shipped on ebay. When I went to put them on I realized the car had a set of McGuard wheel lock bolts on it, after tearing through the car I realized that the key was there, however I have had nothing but bad luck with wheel locks and the keys, so I ordered 4 new wheel bolts, and removed the wheel locks while taking off the wheels to change the center caps.

  1173. gred

    now thats cool,also these wheels,jupiters are often used here at skoda 120,rapid etc too,since they were in 4×130 too :D,also i like kamei things,i have hand rest right for the favorit,not any universal in my car,also oldschool one,when favorit was new…actually i haz a forman now,but whatever,its just wagon lol

  1174. Rumbani

    Where were these pictures taken? I know a company that restores these babies, I may just have one restored for myself. Its sad to see them like this.

    • banpei

      Dunno where exactly they were taken. If the source would have revealed anything I would have put it in the posting for sure. :)

  1175. seno

    stupid cash for clunkers……..

  1176. wilson

    tengo un ke30 76 y me interesan los hup caps cuanto es el precio soy de puerto rico gracias por su atencion

  1177. cphTxU6FHR

    689083 561795I like you blog (d

  1178. Warren Thomas

    Far from boxy, these cars were ground breaking trend-setters in their day with the new ‘wedge’ shape, turbo charger, front wheel drive and full independent suspension which was found in very few cars in those days. With the GSR sports suspension, these things went around corners like they were on rails. They were a shade light in the back, but this was easily fixed by filling the 55 litre fuel tank!

  1179. Kenneth J Waller

    Needing front Bonnet, corolla sprinter ae86, 2dr hatchback.

    • banpei

      You can find those relatively easy on ebay in FRP or carbon.

  1180. Hamad

    I am looking for one. Please send me an email if you have one or you know some body is welling to sell.
    [email protected]

  1181. gred

    well maybe they painted engine bay too,some ppls do it,and this looks too proffesional for them to lack that :)

  1182. Thomas

    I’ve seen it for sale a couple of times, and i’m still not sure what it is. A TA/RA/AA6* Coupe with an MA61 front nose welded on, or an MA61 with the Coupe rear welded on. Both are HUGE jobs, but i still think it’s a Coupe with an MA61 Front on it.

  1183. WasabiCars

    Thanks for the info. :)

  1184. Abdulnaser

    If u still have the car for sale plz email me

  1185. Ryan Fels

    Hi there

    Any idea if this will be the same on the AA63 Celicas? Just trying to track down the tacho wire


    • banpei

      Dunno if it is the same for the JDM and EUDM Celicas as the ones in my EUDM Carina/Celica TA6x/RA6x repair book are different between the Celica and the Carina.
      Perhaps you can send a picture of the pin layout and I can check it against the Carina…

  1186. Alex

    I’m pretty sure this is a 3rd Gen Celica Convertible which has been offered by Schwan in Europe and Griffith in USA in the mid 80’s.
    It’s an aftermarked conversion, yes, but nobody “chopped off the roof” in a garage or something, a few hundred Celica Coupés have been modified this way and it’s quite official and street legal.
    The Supra front end and 5M-GE swap are modifications done by the owner. Looks pretty well done. The car has been modified early, it can be seen on old photo footage taken at European Celica Meetings in the late 1980’s / early 90’s. One of the few cars that have been built to last back in the days ;-)

  1187. Alex

    Edit: I was wrong. It obviously started its life as an MKII Celica Supra.
    But I was right with the Schwan conversion. Here’s a thread on the Celica Supra Board in which the owner tells the history of the car and shows a couple more pics:

    This must have been an extremely expensive toy back then, no wonder the owner took good care of it!

    • banpei

      Awesome find!
      And that thread is almost ten years old now. Amazing it is still available. ;)

      • Thomas

        awesome find indeed! I had a Celica GT Convertible, but that was made by Voll. They did strange things in Germany in the 80s/90s :D

        • banpei

          Just wondering: was your Celica GT convertible done by the same as the GT convertible in the forum link?

  1188. Ivan

    The ‘claws’ are airtab vortex generators Art.. they activate the boundary air layer @ the rear window transition so it attaches better.

    • banpei

      Thanks for clearing that up! Of course I could have expected only you to answer my question. ;)

  1189. Jason Lee

    The l20et wouldn’t fit, as this is a short-nose C210.

    • Jason Lee

      Actually, short-nosed C211

    • banpei

      Thanks! I think I did not spot that when I wrote it four years ago!

  1190. edison

    Hi Banpei. I wish I Could buy it…but import it to my country (Panama) would costs as much as twice te sale price. sale parts like the AA60 cluster, foha spoiler set, door panels, Celica wheels?. Name a price an let me know.
    If don’t remember me, you posted my Bafo’s lowered carina youtube video last year.

    • banpei

      Hi Bafo! Thanks for the heads up!
      I actually decided not to sell the Carina in the end. All I got were very low bids and the youngtimer car market in the Netherlands collapsed to due new legislation. Basically for an non-collector the car is worth next to nothing now.

  1191. edison

    Also interested in tail lights jdm or oem

  1192. edison

    Wasn’t this one?

    • banpei

      Great find but I don’t think they are the same. The one crashing has black side mouldings and the other one is red.

  1193. Richmond Blair


  1194. gred

    imho,both suck and i would keep carina,but if you realy need to do this,then i think i would actually take a new toyota auris,after a long time a first new car i like,but if you want only from there two,then i would take a mitsubishi,just because its roomier,wich is quite needed in a dayly ride i think :)

    • banpei

      I actually am keeping the Carina, so no worries there! ;)
      The reason for putting the Carina for sale was a different idea: basically replacing the daily and the Carina for something daily fun. In this case I’m keeping the fun and getting something smaller and decent (read: new) for daily.

      The Lancer is indeed roomier from the outside but actually on the inside they are a good match for each other.

      I actually went to the Toyota dealer and looked at their cars including the Auris. Even though I’m a (oldschool) Toyota nut the current inventory of the Dutch Toyota dealer, with the exception for the Urban Cruiser, RAV4 and GT86, was not my taste at all. Urban Cruiser is a different story I’d rather mail in private and the RAV4 and GT86 are not within my budget…

      • gred

        hmm,but isnt the urban cruiser abit too big? xD btw when youre buying a new car,i recently got one too lol….but in my case it was abit oposite,i got oldschool for fun :D

        • banpei

          Urban Cruiser is based on the Yaris so not that big…
          What car did you get yourself?

          • gred

            an ultimate classic of czech roads- skoda 120l :D

          • banpei

            Nothing can beat a 120 on its home turf!

  1195. Stefan

    Lancer! It looks tougher, is roomier, with the money saved you could buy a nice set of wheels and since the lancer is an “old” model, maybe you can get extra options if they´re clearing the stock from this model? + the Civic looks like a door wedge :) ps. dont like the back either.

    • banpei

      Yes, they are throwing in navigation as the added bonus and it actually is already on a set of decent wheels. On the other hand the Civic already features 17 inch wheels on 225/45 which is even nicer. :D
      I do agree the Civic does look like a door wedge but actually I do like the looks of this model over the previous one. That actually looked a bit more like an egg on wheels. ;)

      • Stefan

        ..sounds like you´ve made up your mind then :)

        • banpei

          In that sense: I guess I did. ;)

  1196. gred

    but it still have registration,it still could be driven…if its capable of drive anymore

    • banpei

      But you still need to get Shaken before you can actually drive it. ;)

      • kudu

        where is it located ? what country? :D

        • banpei

          Probably in Japan… ;)

        • gred

          japan…if it would be in cz i think i would went for a hunt:D

  1197. gred

    so civic after all…good:D

    • banpei

      Would have expected a reply like “not a Skoda after all…” ;)

      • gred

        nah,you wanted new car,and new skodas sucks lol,only new skoda i like is fabia monte carlo :D

  1198. Stefan

    Looking good man!

    • banpei

      Thanks! :)

  1199. gred

    this would fit more on bosozokustyle ;)

    • banpei

      I know… And I have a lot of content that I can post over there but there is simply not enough time…

  1200. Dennis

    Ouwsome cars !!!

  1201. Will

    That uh, looks like a mk1 vw golf rearend to me… A south African one.

    • banpei

      Good point! Looking back at this picture a year later I do agree it looks more like the rear end of a South African Golf MK1.
      To be a bit more clear: I never saw a SA Golf Mk1 in my life (I’m not a VW fan) and our European Golf Mk1 rear end looks very different to this one.

  1202. Hamad

    I am interested in your nissan Datsun 240kgt please let me know if you still have the car
    Thank you

    • banpei

      Unfortunately it is not my car and I was not selling it either. I guess it sold to someone abroad as the bidding was already very high after only a few days.

  1203. david macias garcia

    hola como estan quiero saber si uds. poseen la luces guias del nissan deluxe custom six 1968 por favor las necesitos y digamen cuanto es para comprarlas

  1204. AJ

    Any ideas on the owner of the Shakotan styled Toyota Corona T14?

    Would like to know where he got those side mirrors from!

  1205. fawazalazmi

    I would like to purchase

  1206. Jason

    Ma niggah, that ain’t no Corolla AE86, that taillight from the back of a Golf MK1 GTI…

  1207. Ibrahim Abd Ghani

    Look good art!

    • banpei

      Thanks! :)

  1208. Stefan

    Finland got quite a few new Datsun 240K´s back in the 70´s. Have been reading many stories about some rich Saudis etc. buyng them for a lot of money to the Middle east etc.. :´(

  1209. matt

  1210. Stefan

    haha, that´s crazy. Wish they would be more available here in Europe, the c110 is really a dreamcar

  1211. Nigel

    A nice selection of 86’s

  1212. Nigel

    Ok, does have a track vibe to it.

  1213. HachiRocker

    Absolutely sick! I want to see more deviations like this in the future. I like to see someone defying the norm with an 86.

  1214. HachiRocker

    Also, it makes it look like a 70s Celica, which is awesome.

    • banpei

      I always consider the 70s Celicas to look like a mean machine thanks to those quad round headlights!

  1215. gred

    nay,fuck usdm,lel

    • banpei

      LOL! :D

  1216. Praveuserie

    Hi, I just wanted to say hello. I read this forum for quite some time and finally I registered.

    PS. Sorry for my English is not perfect yet …

  1217. S1

    but..but it says ’92 on the photo :O

    • banpei

      Typo… :o

  1218. Nigel

    Nice !!!

  1219. 01007145564

    Please kindly know what the price of the headlights and taillights and mirrors Gannbh unnecessary Toyota Karina Model 1982

    • banpei

      Hate to disappoint you but I don’t really sell parts of my/the Carina…

  1220. victor

    hey what sup im looking for a nissan laurel c130 like yours for how much you selling it ????????

    • banpei

      Sorry not my car…
      I think the car by now has crumbled away completely…

  1221. gred

    good one,i believe i saw some of this old silvia there too also a good sauce for rustoleums,updated daily :D

  1222. gred

    i saw somewhere even testarossa styled skoda rapid lol,not that close,but you could say where owner took inspiration :D

    • banpei

      I think I saw that one also some time ago! LOL! :D

      • Gerrit

        It is mine now ;)

        • banpei

          That’s one very special RX7 you own! Will you bring it to car shows?

  1223. HachiRocker

    And a happy new year to you too! (Would wish you a merry christmas, but I’m a bit late. lol)

    • banpei

      Thanks! :)

  1224. Steve

    Hey, came across your site, and was interested to see a ALSI series Skyline, then noted your comment in regard to your birthday and then noticed the month…..April. I have a book about the Prince Skylines and Glorias which lists the release dates of each individual model, and guess what…..the Prince Skyline ALSI series was released during April 1957. Probably a little closer than what you thought :)

    • banpei

      Hehe, you uncovered my birthyear. ;)
      Just out of curiosity: could you make a picture of that list of the release dates of the Price lineup?

  1225. Steve

    Forgot to add…I have 1962 Prince Skyline Deluxe BLSID-3. It is still part of the 1st generation as the ALSI series, but is the 3rd facelift/update of the same body shape. Funnily enough, the BLSI series were released during April 1962.

    Vid of my car

    • banpei

      What an amazing car! You are very lucky to find a car like that!
      I managed to find your car on ratdat:

  1226. Rommi

    I was wondering if you still have this car and would like to sell it. 1981 Toyota Carina.
    If you know someone else have it and proper condition, then i would like to buy it.


    • banpei

      It is not mine…

  1227. rasika

    aa60 tail light how much ?

    • banpei

      I paid about 10000 yen for them in the auction price and back then that was about 120 dollars. Including shipping and all other costs I ended up paying something near 200 dollars.

  1228. S1

    Awesome find!

  1229. madfaber

    I am guessing cause the top srfaces of the cars get sunbsked till the paint peels then the salty ocean air goes to work and does the rest

    • banpei

      Yes, that could be a viable answer. Thanks! :)

  1230. Gbohnen

    Hi all,
    I have just seen my baby on this side. I have built this Car 1989 in Germany and sold it after I got 2 children in 2004. It was all the time a mystery on each Toyota meeting how the car was build. I can tell you that the base is a MA61 Supra Celica and with reworked rear part. There are existing only 3 cars worldwide and this was my first production of it. I see that still the Belgium buyer is owner of my babe. All the best!

    • banpei

      Thanks for the info!
      If I would have all the money in the world I would definitely buy it. :)

  1231. Kelly

    Hah, this is my friend’s car. That Ke70 also has a 1st gen 3sge mated to an sxe10 six speed.

    • banpei

      I even love it more now! :)
      Is the 3sge the latest (altezza) beams engine or an earlier model?

  1232. Skili19

    It could be because there is salt in the air from sea or maybe they have more aggressive rain or something like that.

    • banpei

      That would be viable answers I guess.

  1233. Fez

    I’m pretty sure the rims are the lesser 15×6 type. Side wall looks too small for 14″ and there isn’t much dish (15×6 version was +20, 14×7 was +8)

    • turbo-olio

      They sure are the P-type 14×7 ones.
      There isn’t much dish because:
      1. 7J isn’t really that wide.
      2. They shape of the wheel is kind of concave-ish.
      3. As the offset is +8, the wheel’s center part where it’s mounted to a car’s wheel hub might be thicker than you think because it cannot be seen from the outside. (I hope you understood, I’m not a native English speaker)

      And about the sidewall, the AE86 is considerably smaller car than the MA61. So, of course the owner is using lower profile and narrower tires on his car. Oh, and AE86 owners usually want small diameter and wide wheels on their cars, so that’s why the 14×7 wheel is so popular among tuners and drifters. I am pretty certain that’s the case here too.

    • banpei

      I have the “lesser” 15×6 type on my Carina and used to have 14×7 on my AE86 back in a day. The 15 inch rims are none concave, so the rims on this AE86 are definitely the 14×7 type.

      Also there is a rare “lesser” 14×5 type that is similar to the 15 inch rims without concave:
      Research proved to me that these 14 inch wheels are originating as an option on the EU/JDM Celica GT and GT-S (AA63).

  1234. Tizer (Tijs)

    Hey Art, these are pretty cool right :) If you ever want one of these bodyshells to build for yourself or even get it build by someone, let me know.

    • banpei

      Currently the only RC car that will exist in my house is a RC Playmobile truck, but once my son is a little bit older I would like to have one of these! ;)

  1235. Lorenzo Aprilini

    Good evening,

    this car is still available?


    • banpei

      It was for sale for a very long time but I guess it has been sold by now.

  1236. barry

    never seen this shots of my car, thanks ;)

    • banpei

      You’re welcome! :)

  1237. Sharm

    It’s a KC10. G stands for longnose. P for S20.

    • banpei

      See the blog posting above: it states the P can be either the S20 or the G series engine. Depending on the G the P will denote a longnose S20 or a shortnose G16 or G18.

  1238. Hamad

    I am very much interested in your car

  1239. chi

    taken in a junkyard.

  1240. hayashi86

    Hi banpei! May I know how can i get to Yokota Museum?
    Can’t find much information on how to go access to Yokota Museum.
    Can you send me an email how to go there?

    Thank you.

  1241. Fawaz

    Hi ;)
    Nice car
    If it still there send email plz or anybody how have c110

  1242. U.E.G.Dayaratne

    I need place to buy body parts for my car Toyota Crina KA67 , front and rear buffer and front light shell, new or used one olso ok . looking foreverable reply from you. Thank you .

    • banpei

      Hi Dayaratne,

      I personally don’t have many spare parts for sale and I might not live in your neighborhood either. Where are you from and perhaps we can find someone who can.


  1243. ishara gamage


  1244. bob

    I would wish to know how much it would cost in ugandan currency (shillings)
    Toyota comfort GT-Z No 1

  1245. gred

    there was one praire on our local wreckplace few weeks ago,obviously dumped in some kind of garden,didnt took the pic thought,not much to see…btw,do you have a personal facebook too?

    • banpei

      I do have a personal facebook but I’m not using it. But you can finde me on my name. ;)

  1246. gred

    if so and youre willing to share,let me know on mail or something ;)

  1247. indunil anushka

    can i buy this im from sri lanka.

    • banpei

      Hi Indunil,

      I think a man in the middle would be able to help you out. Nowadays I use Buyee. They are a bit more expensive than a single person exporter, however you are quite certain to win the action and they are quite transparent on the cost as well.

  1248. gagaga7310

    Thank u so much!!!

    • banpei

      You’re welcome!
      And thank you for those beautiful photos!

  1249. Azmat

    Great find and excellent photography . Where is this car located and I wonder if it’s available for sale. I do own one that was just as rusty and is now being refurbished.

  1250. Mark

    Hi Art,

    no its not mine. This is one of the other three in the Netherlands.
    If you want to follow mine just add me on fb:

    The Gotti rims are 15inch btw. 13 inch would never fit the front brakes.

    • banpei

      Good to hear it is not your S12 GP. :)
      Good to know about the Gotti rims. The ad on Marktplaats mentions the 13 inch, but I’ll update the posting with 15.

  1251. Alexis

    hello friends
    I need the alternator bracket 12511-16011
    please write me if you have
    thanks greetings

  1252. FRpilot

    Hi, this is an incredible blog you have.

    Keep it up!

    Do you have a contact email at all?


    • banpei

      You can use the contact page for that. It is available through the menu at the top. :)

    • Kevin Bourke

      Do manga cars in gunsmith cats

  1253. Laksen

    Corona Ct141 Nice Picthure

  1254. Alex

    Well, I don’t think that the lack of gliders in the ads is to blame for the lousy sales of the TA60 Carina. I could show you a Dutch brochure featuring airplanes and a futuristic building in front of an orange fainted sky. They did whatever they could to make it seem likely but maybe the basic problem was the car itself with its unfortunate combination of quirky modern design and the old-fashioned rear wheel drivetrain.

    Ford stopped the production of the Taunus because they noticed that the era of this kind of cars was about to end and Toyota just didn’t realize on time.
    The 3rd Generation Celica had the very same problem – the body, especially the coupe body, looked like a spaceship and was powered by an engine and drivetrain which were basically remains from the 1970 model year.

    Toyota had to learn that the 70’s were defenitely gone by 1982 and as a result of this learning process all engines ever offered in the TA/RA1X-2X-4X-6X Carinas and Celicas were dropped consequently and the drivetrains were completely redone for the next generation of these cars. And suddenly they sold very well – not because the marketing was better, they did well because Toyota recognized the signs of time and made them modern cars of the 1980’s instead of outdated leftovers from a decade ago.

    • banpei

      Thanks for the comment!
      I have the same brochure featuring the Louwman dome on the cover (you can also find it here: and it is one of the most beautiful Carina A60 brochures for sure, but in contrast their press photos are all as dull as the mustached man.

      I do agree partly with you on the old-fashioned RWD: the models that were imported to Europe were mostly featuring the old fashioned 2T-T50-live-axle formula, but at the same time the RA63 and AA63 Celicas did feature the new IRS (that also featured on similar models in the Carina lineup) that could also be found on the Celica-Supra and continued to live on in the Supra A70 series.
      Also the Taunus was discontinued in favor of the Sierra which was also RWD. The major difference between the Taunus and the Sierra was the spaceship styling combined with IRS and the Sierra survived till early 90s, so it was definitely not the old fashioned RWD that wasn’t wanted anymore.
      Of course this doesn’t mean Toyota should have soldiered on with modern engines and IRS as the FWD (and AWD) transition was getting inevitable by then, and this is the part that I do agree upon.

  1255. Petrushenkov Andrey

    Hi guys! My name is Andrey, I am from Russia. I have a Nissan skyline c211 1979 release. I’ve been doing its restoration. There is no desire to throw a car at the dump. It is very rare. Please help with the search of body parts or help find someone who could help. Thank you! (Google Translate. I’m sorry, my English bad)
    E-MAIL: [email protected]

  1256. silas manirakiza

    can i get this car?with cif to dar es salam?

    • banpei

      The car has been sold ages ago, so it is no longer available.

    • banpei

      Actually I made a big mistake here: the car is actually for sale right now on a Belgium page:
      The car is located in the Netherlands and not Belgium.

  1257. Mike

    Hello everyone,

    I am the owner of this car I purchased to its first owner (;-) Gbohnen) in April 2004 with 109.273km. Ten years later the car is doing fine with 111.521km. As you can see I enjoy every kilometer I drive in it. In that time the car has NEVER been driven or been standing outside in the rain…

    It is up for sale again at the bargain price of 10.500€ considering it is now 31yo and still in the same condition([email protected]).


    • banpei

      Thanks for sharing and I love the car!
      And now the posting has been commented by both owners of the car! How awesome is that?

    • Johnny

      Hi Mike. Thank you for sharing these cars with the world. I would like to modify my 85 Celica convertible to the Supra front and engine someday. Do you think it’s easier and cheaper to convert a Supra body and add the convertible or use a Celica convertible and modify the front end and engine to Supra? Any advice is very appreciated.

  1258. Nigel

    Greatness…thank you for posting this.

  1259. ar

    Contact me please

  1260. carlos alberto ciancaglini

    muy bueno.-

  1261. silas manirakiza

    hello is it possible to get a car carina ta 60?

  1262. silas manirakiza

    is it possible toget a ta40 carina?

  1263. silas manirakiza

    is it possible toget a ta40 carina?
    If yes someone can tell me the details on [email protected]

  1264. CarDoom

    Well then, people are really pulling Itsuki’s these days.

  1265. also finn

    I also have a sedan ta60 carina in finland :) i welded the body last winter and painted it matte white, put wide rims under it, lowered it and made some mods to the engine and did allkinds of stuff :) i drowe it one summer and now it’s time to continue modifying the car. Love these carinas :p

    • banpei

      Love to see photos!
      Got a profile page somewhere or perhaps send me some photos on banpei (at) banpei (dot) net

      • also finn

        I’m not wery good with computers so i don’t have a profile page but i can send you some pictures of my carina :)

        • banpei

          Please do! :)

  1266. Chris Burky

    Vroeger ben ik ook in het bezit geweest van deze geweldige auto.

    Ben benieuwd of deze nog te koop is en wat er voor gevraagd wordt.

    mvg, Chris Burky

  1267. origoni

    Good day

    Is the Datsun Silvia yet to Buy?

    regards Gianni

    • banpei

      No idea if it is for sale. Better try to ask that to the people in the links at the bottom of the post.

  1268. Fez

    Drill out the spot welds. Then you can re-attach it later if you need to.

    • banpei

      Thanks for the advice!
      I’ll have a look if I can have a go with it.

  1269. MHPALA

    PGC10!! Stop teasing.

    • banpei

      Right about the model, but the code is different: an HGLC10. The left hand drive European Nissan 2400GT

  1270. Arpad Boda

    Datsun Gloria 260C? :)

    • banpei

      Close, but no. It is a Nissan 2400GT

  1271. Mitchel

    Haha, how funny. This is my Skyline. Its the day I bought it myself, the front bumper got damaged while the previous owner tried to park it..

    I replaced the front bumper with a R33 GTR bumper, since the front bumper was too badly damaged. The GTR R33 bumper fits much better.

    If you wanna meet me in person let me know.
    Been like 10 months hehe, but never seen this article.

    • banpei

      Sure, would love to! ;)
      Perhaps drop me a message when you are in the neighborhood of the BNN building?

  1272. Mitchel

    This car belongs to Dennis Storm from BNN hehe.

    • banpei

      Thanks! To be honest: I haven’t watched tv for the past 4 to 5 years so I hardly know any of the current presenters of BNN anymore…

  1273. MB

    Nice to know that there is yet another one that has lived to see 2014. My God how it would benefit from a total cleanup/detail though!
    One a side note, the car in Portugal mentioned actually is the car in Sweden…

    • banpei

      Thanks! I’ll correct that! :)

  1274. Kelly Greenidge

    Great story and I wish I could see this car in real life :) .

  1275. fahad

    nice car du haf any des car or any GT240K old eg
    and nice to met uo

  1276. Corey

    haww man need this!!

  1277. origoni gianni

    Is the Mazda Cosmos to Sell?

    regards gianni

  1278. papa musa

    I have a toyota carina gtr 16 vulues twine cam,still in good condition.But am thinking of making it a rally car.So can you help me?

    • banpei

      What do you need from me for the conversion to a rally car?

  1279. SuperCasshern

    That is ABSOLUTELY Hajime’s Soarer from Shakotan Boogie.
    It breaks my heart to see such a pop culture icon just rusting away like that.

    • banpei

      I see what you mean:

  1280. carina finland

    I’m allso planning to put a first gen 3sge engine in to my ta60 some day :) the engine have waited many years to get in action. I’m not sure yet will i use fuel injection or twin carburetors but there is a long way to that point when i need to figure out what i’m gonna use becouse the rear axle needs to be changed and the gearbox and engine mounts need to be done and million other things but maby some day i finaly get started and the old 2t engine can finaly rest in peace :)

    • banpei

      Thanks for sharing!
      Yes, of course it is quite a lot that needs to be changed for such a swap. The 4AGE swap is more straightforward as at least the gearbox mounts will be the same and you can reuse the rear axle.
      Personally I would go for twin carburetors as you will have one worry less with the fuel system. For my Carina I want to retain the 4AGE with injectors so I need to change my fuel system to a high pressure system.

    • Miq

      Excellent stuff. Are you using a stand alone ecu to run the itbs? I am about to do the same swap and am not sure whether to just modify the 3sge inlet manifold to have the throttle body on the other side or run itbs. Thanks.

  1281. jose luis cabo lopez


  1282. François Lallement

    Do you know my car? It’s a 1973’s Nissan Skyline 2000GT-X:

    I live in France and I restored this car this year.

    • banpei

      It is beautiful!
      I’ll reply your email today. ;)

  1283. JOSELUIS


  1284. Indunil Anushka

    Hello.. i want to buy this .. How much/?

    • banpei

      You can find the tail lights and such on Auctions Yahoo for around 8000 to 10000 yen (about 100 dollars) and including shipping and handling it should not excess 200 dollars nowadays.

  1285. simon

    Hello,This is a fantastic photo,I think my friend now owns that subaru impreza.Is it possible that you could tell me the RA number of that impreza to check it against my friends RA? any help would be much appreciated

    thanks in advance simon

    • banpei

      I tried finding it out, but the page that originally this photo came from no longer exists, so I’m afraid I can’t help you with this one.

  1286. Bavarian Banshee

    What is a 200Z-T? I’ve never heard of it.

    • banpei

      According to the source it is a special edition of the Nissan Fairlady Z (aka 280Z) with the 2 litre turbo engine that was also in many Nissan Skyline C210s.
      Hence the name 200Z-T.

  1287. Nwag

    iwant this any praic

  1288. Nwag

    ليسَ كافياً أن نسمَع كلاماً جميلاً معسولاً دون أن نراهُ مُتوجاً بالبذل والتّضحية ،هُراء الصمت أحبّ إلينا من بعض الكلام !

  1289. Sara

    Hi, this is a very nice car!

    Where did you find it?


    • banpei

      I found it down the street next to the office, so that’s Hilversum in the Netherlands.

  1290. Dirk

    heb gisteren een toyota crown op de kop getikt. Was ik aan het kijken op internet voor wat meer informatie of een forum, kom ik deze website met een crown tegen. Laat het juist deze auto zijn die ik heb gekocht! Geweldige bak en technisch goed. Plaatwerk moet een keer worden gespoten, chassis is helemaal keihard! Flink aantal reservedelen en zelfs een complete automaatbak als spareparts erbij. Gaan we wat moois van maken!

  1291. Aleks

    So the owner of the tofu shop owns the 86 too ?

  1292. Robin

    I want this car !!

    • banpei

      I’m sorry but it has been crushed. See also:
      A friend of mine tried to buy it from the junkyard but they crushed the entire car (including engine) the very same day. Back in 2010 the Nissan Silvia S14 was only 17 or 18 years old, so worthless in the eyes of a junkyard.

  1293. Jim

    Cool, thats my car :) nice article ;)

    • banpei

      Thanks! :)
      I read the story on Skyline Benelux yesterday. Pretty nice deal you got there!

  1294. Otso

    I know 8 cars that are still existing here :D I have one under build.

    • banpei

      Hi Otso,

      I assume you are from Finland as most of the existing cars are from all the way up there.
      Do you have any photos/videos of your car?

      Art (banpei)

  1295. Wasantha

    Do you have these AA60 parts I want to buy..Thanks.

  1296. Stefan

    We´ve had two of those for sale here in Finland during the last +- 6 months. The last one (last week) had a price of 3500€ and was in a similar condition as this one (perhaps even better). No need to say it got sold very quickly..

  1297. Ishkhan Gasparyan

    I have a 1987 Nissan Datsun 280c 1981.
    Please let me know if you can help me buy front bumper complete,
    corner lamps / R, L /, and the door mirrors.
    If this is not possible then please let you sell your existing
    blog Nissan Datsun 280C and at what price.
    Best regards
    Ishkhan Gasparyan.

    • banpei

      Hi Ishkhan,

      I would wish that I owned a Datsun 280C, but unfortunately I’m don’t.


  1298. Nigel

    All really nice even the R31 ! The white Toyota Crown was crazy also.

  1299. madura

    iwant to buy aa60 parts pls help me

    • banpei

      Hi Madura,

      I don’t have many parts and I don’t know if I’m nearby, but what part would you need?


  1300. George

    hey do you still have the Starlet KP61? I need the front right side door glass.Some silly thief broke into my car.

    • banpei

      These cars aren’t mine and they were photographed by someone who does car spotting. I think the door glass might be obtainable via classifieds and such.

  1301. Saleh Almarri

    I need buy this

  1302. stevencychen

    hello banpei,I want to rebuild my T-type engine

    can you please send me a copy of the scanned version?

    my email is [email protected]

    Thank you

  1303. Ievhenii

    It’s not a Carina ED on photo! That is the Carina-FF on T150/160 chassis. That car was a sister of Corona on T150/160 chassis. But Corona had a more sleek lines and a more modern design for those years.

    • banpei

      Thanks for the correction!
      You are entirely right here and I have mistaken the Carina AT151 and Carina ED AT160, so I stand corrected here.
      I can’t edit the posting as the text would be out of context, so I made a small correction underneath.

  1304. David Lam

    Good article. It’s a Kouki Levin :)

    • banpei

      Thanks for the correction. Like I wrote in another comment: I wrote the article in a big hurry and messed up zenki and kouki!

  1305. Fez

    Sorry to nit pick, but isn’t that a Kouki Levin? Letterbox grill, wrap around bumper lights, whiteline tail lights.

    • banpei

      Thanks for the correction! I have written it in a hurry so I made a stupid mistake there.

      You are not nitpicking but correcting something I wrote wrongly, so don’t worry about it. ;)

  1306. Steve

    I think mitsubishi mightve stolen some design ideas from this for the SVX.

  1307. Liam

    I’ve got the same year AA60 hatch (1981, unsure of month it was made in). Exactly the same pin-striping and interior.

    • banpei

      Interesting. I’ll start digging and see if it actually either was an option or trim variant!
      Thanks for sharing!

  1308. Za

    I want a set of Ssr star shark… Cashing out asap

    • Za

      Cell phone to reach me… Please text me using the word ssr star shark so I would know
      Thank you

      • banpei

        Please get in contact with Doggy, he can help you with it.

  1309. Michael

    Hello, Honda City Turbo Owner here in Perth WA!

    • banpei

      Liked your FB page! Awesome!

  1310. Xraider927

    Take Note: Over Drivin’ is the Japanese Version of Need For Speed until NFS High Stakes(Over Drivin’ IV)in 1998

    • Xraider927

      for those who don’t know and who just came here like me :P

      • banpei

        Thanks for sharing! I didn’t know Over Drivin’ IV was the same as NFS High Stakes.

  1311. Mehmet Karaciga

    In the days that l need my sets

  1312. Mehmet Karaciga

    1982 toyota carina atation wagon surf aracima parca ariyarum bana yardimci olmabilirmisiniz

  1313. Mehmet Karaciga

    Bana facebook tan ulasabilorsiniz mehmet karaciğa

  1314. Mehmet Karaciga

    Iyi gunler bana bu far lazim sag ve sol olmak uzere bir takim bana facebook tan ulasabilirsiniz

    • banpei

      Hi Mehmet,
      What headlights do you seek?

      • dilan

        hii we need aa60 headlamp. if you able to find pls call 0094766063700

  1315. Kumara

    mama ganna kamate mata coll karanna 0770065722

  1316. alberto cidraes

    Dear Bampei, in 1993 I was at the center of a Suzuki Cultus launching, advertising campaign, as a ceramic artist based at the city of Kanazawa, with TV comertials, videos, radio and printed matter. I would like to have access to that video of which I don’t own a copy., Do you think you could help me on that?
    Thank you and regards
    Alberto Cidraes

    • banpei

      Hi Alberto,
      Can you give me a bit more information regarding the campaign?

  1317. Jino

    Hello ist this nissan datsun For Sale whens yes tell me about Love,

    • banpei

      It is not mine.

  1318. Leigh Carter

    Does anyone know where these wrecks are?

  1319. gred

    inb4 reveal of dead body :D

    • banpei

      Haha. The car was gone the next day so I guess they got rid of it. ;)

  1320. Skylinefreak

    This system was available on the R31 Skyline Passage GT as well.

    • banpei

      Thanks! Was the passage like the top level Skyline?

    • Sven_Q45

      According to some of my brochures and a Taiwanese page it was also aviable on the Cefiro A31, Laurel C33, Cedric/Gloria Y31 and the Cedric/Gloria Cima FY31.

  1321. tom

    Looks great but the bumper sticker kinda ruins it

  1322. uthen

    Dear sir.
    I just read it. I also one of the fan club for these model. I would like to check with you that thes ecar is still for sell or not, I would like to continue the project in my country, Thailand

    • banpei

      I haven’t seen the ad for months, so I guess it got sold after a while.

  1323. Adam

    Hi I would be interested in that datsun how we could arrange pick up ?

    Thanks for info

    • banpei

      I’m not selling the Datsun myself. It was for sale on over two years ago, so I guess it got sold after a while.

  1324. Graham Clayton

    The Silvia is a very nice looking car. I don’t think that Roger Moore would be able to squeeze into the Silvia!

  1325. Graham Clayton

    A LED digital dashboard screams the 80’s, doesn’t it?

  1326. Graham Clayton

    That Carina is getting some serious air underneath it!

  1327. Graham Clayton

    Wow – those saloon car drivers were brave being on full throttle in the rain!

  1328. Graham Clayton

    That scene from “Ninja Thunderbolt” is one of the funniest things I have ever seen!

  1329. Graham Clayton

    Why was the keyless entry card system abandoned? I suppose that if the card malfunctioned, there was no way to gain entry into the car?

  1330. Graham Clayton

    0:12 – 80’s fashion!

  1331. Graham Clayton

    Some great footage here – City turbo racing was pretty popular in Japan in the 1980’s.

  1332. carina finn

    i have a that white version :) i founded it by accident and i guess it actually made me paint my real carina white also :D

    • banpei

      LOL! :D
      What color did your Carina used to be?

  1333. carina finland

    I have dreamed of those tail lights so long but i cant find them anywhere. I guess i just make a “skyline” mod to the original light so the both side bulbs will do the normal light and brake light job and the midle ones will be a fog light.

    • banpei

      Haven’t seen these for sale in the past three months, but the do pop up on Auctions Yahoo occasionally.

  1334. Joakim Nyberg

    Those wheels would look so much better on my car than on that shelf :(

    • banpei

      Yes they would! ;)

  1335. gred

    these were rare allways here,but i saw few of them lately too,but noone of the owners looked like they have it because fans,but still

    • banpei

      Yes, it could be something typically Dutch. Small cheap car that is easily upgradable?

  1336. umar

    Hi I am looking for the 1.6 ta60 electric ignition distributor for the carina that fits the 2tb does anyone know where I can get hold of 1??

    • banpei

      Never seen one for sale, but I reckon if you ask around someone must have one as a spare

  1337. sekiguchi ueno

    i think it is Starion. orange car is citroen cx

    • banpei

      I think you are right with the Starion, but not so sure about the CX. The shape of the quarter window is triangular and does not have a kink in it.

  1338. Julius

    Hi Banpei,

    Good day.
    I would really appreciate if you send me a scanned copy of this manual.
    My email is [email protected].

    Thank you in advance.

  1339. James


    Wat leuk dat ik mijn eigen auto tegenkom op internet!
    Ik ben inderdaad de eerste eigenaar van dezs Nissan Silvia. Deze auto stond eerst op grijs kenteken, na inbouw originele achterbank over op normaal kenteken, heb de oude platen zelfs nog liggen. Auto heeft 26 jaar binnen gestaan dus geen roest en nog goede lak. Indien je geinteresseerd bent in deze unieke auto, ik heb hem te koop staan voor 3500 euro.

    Met vriendelijke groet,


    [email protected]

  1340. ben

    ive put up youtube. my account “SX CAMRY”

    ~fhat skid in camry
    ~82 camry
    ~sx ta57

    if u wanna veiw

    squirrel with rpg. i think is account pic sure. or black ta57

  1341. ben

  1342. ben

  1343. B-san

    I’d love to own a LeSeyde or Himiko though!
    The rest is are just cool because they are so hidious and different.
    Their are two Mitsuoka’s for sale in Holland atm though

    • banpei

      I only see one Galue for sale in Schiedam. Got a link to the other one?

      • B-san

        Bij; hebben ook een S-Cargo te koop staan (en figaros). Stond laatst ook een hele mooie President en Figaro op Marktplaats. Helaas heb ik de schuur als vol staan met Eunos’en en Miata’s… maar als er ooit een betaalbaar Figarootje langs komt…

        • banpei

          Right. Zal eens een bezoekje plegen binnenkort…

  1344. XRaider927

    hopefully there’s a skyline monster truck as a revenge….

    • banpei

      Could not find a Skyline monster truck, but its 240Z brother will take the revenge:

  1345. george

    I got a trueno ae 86 with a caburator engine.i would like to upgrade to an efi engine or import a full car .any one to help ??


    • banpei

      I would say it is easier to get the intake+loom+ecu and that should cover most of it. However I do think it would be easier to swap an entire engine with all ancillaries.

  1346. george

    i would love to have it whats your contact?

    • banpei

      It is not mine. The link to the owner’s blog is in here, but I think he doesn’t own it anymore since wrecked it 23 years ago. ;)

  1347. jotoa

    This is gold!

  1348. Irvin

    Can you scan that whole page of that ad and send it to my email please?

    Thanks :)

    • banpei

      Will do. But I think I only have time to do that late next week, so if by then I haven’t drop me an email. ;)

  1349. Joakim Nyberg

    Put that 4A-GE in the Carina! It’s a lot more fun. Do you know what kind of wheels those 5 spokes on the Celica are? They look just like the ones on my fathers AE86

  1350. Leo

    Datsun 510 Libre wheels?

  1351. Sedin

    I’m the owner of this Prelude. Someone hitted my car when I was working.

    I’m sorry for this late reply. I was sleeping in the car, because I was too tired to drive to my home(next to BNN)

    Atm I have a Red Prelude on Lpg too (:

    • banpei

      Sorry to hear someone hit your car.
      I have seen the red Prelude around town and I already suspected it would be owned by the same person as the one who owned the black one. The red one looks great! Any plans for modifications yet?

      • Sedin

        I still have the black one

        I want a Lpg-turbo on low boost(7-8psi)

        Still searching for the right color for my car. First I thought of candy Apple Red, but now I am thing of an gold Metallic Colour. Also bought the Greddy front lip and High Wing together with the roof spoiler.

        The car has a vMax of 225 km/h, but doesn’t go that hard above 200 km/h

        Also Tried to buy my old wheels back, but the present owner doesn’t want to ttrade or sell it for a reasonable price( €220).

        • banpei

          The red one still has the original wheels, right?

  1352. Alec

    Amazing, thanks for post.

  1353. Manny

    Hi there, if I decide to use the 3RZ… which transmission will go with this?

    • banpei

      Not entirely sure, but judging from the shape and large square rear section I’d say the W59.

  1354. Kevin breheny

    Hi just wondering have you still got this car for sale or are any of the New old stock parts available?

    • banpei

      Thanks for the interest, but I still have the Carina and decided to keep it in the end. I managed to find a nice and warm garage to put her in. ;)

    • Sachin mensi

      India has these cars in plenty. If you do need spares it me up I go by the name Sachin mensi.

  1355. B-san

    Thats one good looking car!

  1356. B-san

    Blijkbaar ben ik niet meer de enige met een black & tan Eunos in ‘t land. Helaas heeft dit exemplaar behoorlijk wat liefde nodig…

    • banpei

      Haha. Wist niet dat je inmiddels een Eunos in je bezit hebt.
      Komt binnenkort weer een video van een MX5 aan!

  1357. Paul Zangari

    Great to see this car after all these years. I worked for FRAM in the late 1980s and we used this car to highlight the importance of maintenance. It was almost as described above, but in fact it was made up of two cars that had been treated differently by their owners. One car (I forgot which color) had been well maintained when our builder got his hands on it; the other had been neglected.

    Although it MAY have been technically street legal I don’t remember it having been registered. (Two VINs???) I did tow it from FRAM headquarters in Rhode Island to Lime Rock Park, the racetrack in western Connecticut to show it off to automotive journalists at IMPA Test Day (IMPA = International Motor Press Association.) I wish I had driven it; I couldn’t use fourth (direct drive) in my towing Jeep’s transmission much and as a result the countershaft bearings in the tranny got noisy. Oh, well!

    • Paul Zangari

      I should have mentioned that the maintained and neglected cars were assembled together after they had already been driven by their respective owners for several years. BTW, it was called the FRAM Double Car.

      • banpei

        Wow! So actually they were two separate cars and got the separate treatment before they were joined? Good to know and thanks for sharing! :)

    • Steve

      Hi, my name is Steve Jasik, I have owned this car for a long time now. It has been quite an adventure owning this Datsun. It has been called Cat Dog, Ying and Yang, Push me Pull you by kids and adults of all ages. It has been written about in newspapers and magazines. It has won quite a few trophies, and placed in top 3 places during parades. I commissioned and artist by the name of Mike House to paint the CatDog character on both sides of the car. On one side the character was sitting on a lit firework rocket, and the other side it was holding American flags. Two 4th of July parades come to mind. One was in Santa Clarita Ca. It won 2nd in Commercial float which was Sponsored by Valencia Nissan at the time. The Signal, a local newspaper, wrote an article on it. I believe it said, Jaws dropped at the site of Steve Jasik’s CatDog car as it mysteriously glided across the asphalt. The cool thing with the car is that steering both wheels at the same time, with my long arms, I was able to drive the car sideways and in circles. The second 4th of July parade was in Frazier Park Ca. My niece and nephew were small kids at the time, so I decided to drive through the parade in reverse with them pretending to drive through the parade. Locking one wheel in place kept one end from steering. At one point they switched seats along the route, it was really a blast to see. In that parade the car placed 1st. The local paper, Mountainview, featured it on the front page after the parade.
      I purchased it from The Shriners and restored it back to original condition.
      I had it registered as a special construction vehicle. It was displayed at the Datsun Heritage Museum for a short while. It was also in the movie Herbie Fully Loaded. The car was at many California car shows and parades. To my understanding, the two cars were driven for thousands of miles, with the blue car being maintained with Fram, Bendix, and Autolite products. The red car did not, including no oil service. The cars were compared for fuel, and oil consumption, and smog ability. That is when they were welded back to back, only sharing a gas tank. They were toured at race track events with Bob Bondurant in 1989. It was seen across multiple race tracks
      between Forida and California. After the last race in California it was donated to the LA Shrine.
      It sat in a basement for years until the Shrine turned it into a parade vehicle, at which point it was painted white. It sat in a yard across from the local DMV for years. My dad hesitantly told me about this weird car that he has seen, knowing I would probably end up buying it. The house belonged to a local auto repair shop owner who’s business was down the street from my dad’s shop. I inquired Jay, owner of Auto Service Plus, to see if the car was available for purchase. He explained that it belonged to the LA Shrine, which his father was a member of. It was their parade vehicle and he would have to find out if they were interested in selling it. One year later one of Jay’s mechanics came to me with the news that the Shrine was ready to sell the car. I purchased it for $200 dollars. The day I picked up the car I found a few kids playing inside it. They were sad to see it go, since it was their playground in the back yard. When I brought it to my dad’s shop, German Autohaus, everyone there laughed at it. My dad couldn’t believe that I bought this weird contraption. I decided to restore it to the colors that were still visible in the door jams of the car. When I unbolted the seats and removed the carpet I found a double sided brochure with a picture of the half red and half blue Datsun. The brochure picturing the car, explained the cost savings of maintaining a vehicle with regular maintenance. I met a gentleman by the name of Ed Cote at a race car Drag Racing event in Pomona CA, who worked for Fram for decades. Ed connected some of the history, stating that Bob Bondurant, Dave Bowman, and he were part of the promotion. Fram, Bendix, Autolite were sold to the Honeywell corporation at which time all of the records were lost. This car has allot of interesting history, and belongs in a museum. I ran it through the Mecum Auctions, but decided not to sell it due to a low bid of $4,500. To this day Mecum is using the pics of it to draw people to their website, which I did not realize they would be able to use my car for personal gain long after the auction ended. I also met a man by the name of George Barris with this car. I was approached by one of his long time friends who set up a meeting with Barris. I explained to him how the car worked and tried to convince him to partner up and create a newer version of a two way car using two new VW Bugs. I showed him my New Beetle, which was painted with Dupont chrome Illusion paint, which changed color depending on the angle of sunlight. George Barris seemed interested in doing the project with me and told me that he would get back to me after his buzzy schedule was over. Two weeks later I found out that George Barris made his own version of a Two way car using Two Mini Cooper cars, using the Dupont Chrome Illusion paint, which was new at the time. George Barris was sponsored by Dupont and won The Sema Car Show that year in Las Vegas with the creation. That incident broke my heart and stopped me from pursuing
      my dream of creating my passion for customizing cars. To this day I meet people who tell me that the Datsun reminds them of The Mini Cooper. I guess that the Datsun inspired the supposedly great car customizer to build a show winning car, even though he went about it in a shady way.

      • banpei

        Hi Steve, great to see you ended up and thanks for sharing that story! :)

  1358. Tony

    Where dit you find this?
    I would love to buy this model, becourse i’m making mij Suzuki sc100gx the same way ;-)

    Regards Tony

  1359. Fez

    I wonder why they didn’t use an intercooler?

    • banpei

      Probably limited by the amount of space. It really looks tight around that Turbo setup and the Carina doesn’t have much space between the radiator and the front air dam either.

  1360. lennox

    Looking for these very long

    • banpei

      Keep an eye on Auctions Yahoo: they do pop up every now and then.

  1361. saman

    i want much price call me.

  1362. Domi

    “Supra seats” you are making me jealous :) :) good to see the car back on the road!

    • banpei

      Thanks! :)
      Yes I was quite lucky to find the seats in such a good condition. I still need to make the rear seats fit properly though as they are different in shape.

  1363. B-san

    Geweldige machine. Staat nog steeds hoog op mijn wishlist.
    Je zou vaker van dit soort uitgebreidere video’s moeten maken…
    Alleen de camera wat stabieler houden :)

    • banpei

      Bedankt! :)
      Helaas is het moeilijk op de fiets of (langs)lopend een Nexus telefoon stabiel te houden. Maar de Gopro heeft gelukking wel een “klein” beetje stabilisatie. Maar zoals ik al in de October Update video zei kosten dit soort videos erg veel tijd: denk dat ik in de Sunny GTI-R video wel een 8 a 9 uur had zitten. Vaker dan eens per twee weken is met mijn huidige werkschema niet mogelijk.

  1364. James kpangbala

    I want to buy this car. I live in Liberia

    • banpei

      It is not mine and it was parked somewhere down the street.

  1365. Dale

    First I would Just like to say what a great website, like you I have a huge passion for old Japanese cars.I was looking though your rustoseum blog pics
    and was wondering if you knew the location of the site? Or as much information as possible. Also would it be possible for you to contact me via my E-mail address provided. Thanks and I will look forward to hearing from you.

    • banpei

      Hi Dale,
      I’m sorry but I have no idea where these cars are located.

  1366. Looki

    Can u plz send me a scanned copy of this manual i really need it. .my email adress is: [email protected]

  1367. Andre

    Hey guys,

    always nice to find one of your cars on the web when you are just scrolling the internet :)

    This red one is still mine. The other 2 cars banpei is talking about are both sold 1,5 years ago. This one is my favourite.

    Cheers André

    • banpei

      Great to found your way here on Christmas-eve! ;)
      All three of them are really nice cars, but I agree with you: the red mk1 is the best of them.
      BTW: I haven’t seen any of your Hondas there lately. Have you moved since?

  1368. Leo

    I have a variation on the JDM Kouki dash cluster in my AE86:

    I doesn’t have an oil pressure gauge and different colours on the rpm meter.

    • banpei

      Thanks for sharing Leo!
      Looking at the colors on the tach I suspect that the cluster originally belongs to a 3A powered AE85. I’ll investigate that.

  1369. Nigel

    Nice hair, dori dori !! (1990 something ).

  1370. Nigel

    Happy New Year to you. (Sorry a bit late).

  1371. Zephile

    behind kyoskue cosplay should fit more to play ryoskue xD

  1372. Junior Silverio

    My name is Junior, so the owner of the Toyota Carina, I live in São Paulo, Brazil
    Actually it is the only one in Brazil.
    I bought it 15 years back.
    In Brazil it is forbidden to import used vehicles less than 30 years.
    What happened here was that tried to import and the Federal Police, seized the vehicle. Thereafter, as the vehicle was in good condition and all original, they decided to be auctioned. So I was where I had the chance to buy,
    The only thing that is not original are the wheels. The fender mirror, I cared, because when I bought the car at auction, someone had snatched or stolen, there was only the holes in the fenders.
    This with the original motor 1C, think about putting a turbine, but do not know if this engine can handle. Thing 0.8BAR
    If anyone can tell me about it, I thank you.

    If you want to see more pictures can access my facebook

    sorry for my english, but I used the google translator

    • banpei

      Oi júnior Silverio! Obrigado por cair por!
      E parece que você tem muita sorte com este carro!
      Houve uma versão 1C turbo, de modo que é possível, mas a conversão de seu 1C pode ser mais trabalho do que a importação de um motor de 1C-T utilizado. Mas se isso também é difícil você provavelmente pode comprar as peças necessárias e convertê-lo.
      Alternativamente, você pode encaixar um 3S-GE ou motor 3S-GTE ao bellhousing 1C na caixa de velocidades. Mas, então, você tem que converter o carro de diesel para combustíveis.

      Hi Junior Silverio! Thanks for dropping by!
      And it seems you are very lucky with this car!
      There was a 1C turbo version, so that is possible, but converting your 1C may be more work than importing a used 1C-T engine. But if that is also difficult you probably can buy the necessary parts and convert it.
      Alternatively you can fit a 3S-GE or 3S-GTE engine to the 1C bellhousing on the gearbox. But then you have to convert the car from diesel to petrol.

      • Junior Silverio

        thanks for the answer
        I was also thinking about starting the engine 2C or 3C
        And I saw here on the page, one carina with 2L-T engine
        It would also be possible one 3L and 5L engine?

  1373. Rizvi

    Hi I need carina aa60 side mirror and left side signal light with headlight frame, anyone know where I can find

  1374. RX8 specialist

    Mazda has revealed the concept of new Rotary power car Mazda RX Vision, Hopefully we will again see the legendary Rotary Engine like Mazda Rx8, with whole new dimensions in the new Mazda RX vision car.

  1375. Ash

    This photo originates from Australia, judging by the number plate its probably from the state of Victoria.

    You can tell from the P plate in the windshield which shows the driver is a novice (17-20 year olds).

    Next to the P plate you can see the registration sticker that is blue. Every year the sticker changed color until they got rid of it in 2013. So it will be quite easy to pin point what year this was taken in. Im guessing around 2010?.

    • Ash

      Ps. Another fun fact, the R30 and R31 were produced locally in Australia for the AUDM market.

      • banpei

        Thanks for the information! :)
        I thought only the R31 was produced in Australia… But may the R31 only stuck because of the RB30 engine. :P

  1376. Erik

    hello banpei, i have a aa60 and im lookin for tail lights, front lights, and few other parts, i would like to know if u have any for order and how much, would appreciate the car.

  1377. Lay

    Is this carina still for sale I am interested in it thanks

    • banpei

      Hi Lay,
      The car is no longer on Goo-Net, so I don’t think it is for sale anymore…

  1378. Lay

    Is this carina still for sale thank

    • banpei

      Hi Lay,
      The car is no longer on Goo-Net, so I don’t think it is for sale anymore…

  1379. khatchik

    Do you still have the LHD 240K C110 for sale?

    • banpei

      As I wrote in an earlier comment on the page it is not my car and the seller probably sold the car somewhere in 2010…

      • khatchik

        Do you think that he might still have the car for sale? Or could it still be in your area?

  1380. MDSurrey

    This is such a sad sight. A mint Cosmo was recently auctioned off for $120,000! Just goes to show how coveted the beauties are becoming.

    • banpei

      I agree and they are such rare cars. The problem is that even repairing these two rusty Cosmos will never justify the cost. For 120000 dollar you can do a lot and make it look like new, but as 90% of the car isn’t original anymore purists will never pay a lot of money for it. It is sad, but these two are doomed.

  1381. sunny

    are u sale yor toyota crown .plz tell me how much price for your car?or u can call me 0685558001

    • sunny

      are u sale yor toyota crown .plz tell me how much price for your car?or u can call me 0685558001

  1382. gred

    i had these on one of my previous skodas,aftermarket,was pretty good…i thinking about getting them for sunny too for a while now haha

    • banpei

      Yes they work really well. But it is still a novelty for the Carina as I only drive it occasionally.

  1383. ahmad

    Hi im looking for this tipe of car parts like tail lights and many others can u help me?

  1384. andi

    wow..i am so surprised. actually nissan skyline are never sold in here in indonesia. Nasi kuning/Yellow rice is traditional food originally from western java, but it also sold in irian jaya.

  1385. andi

    its kia sephia headlights and grille or also known as timor S515i

    • banpei

      Thanks! And I think you are right! :)

  1386. Javier

    I need black limited emblem front in gold

  1387. Andreas Bühler

    I have seen your Mazda 1500 SS over a Long Time on Internet:
    But my Questions are, is the Mazda at the Moment aviable or is she sold?
    The Motor has how many Kilometers and in which shape / Condition is the Engine now.
    It’s possible to shipping in another Country for Example Austriche / Switzerland and are all Documents aviable?
    Do you have a Delivery Company in Hungary wiche take the Car and ship she to Austriche or Switzerland?
    With best Regards
    A. Bühler

    • banpei

      I’m sorry, but the Mazda 1500 SS is not mine. I found it for sale in the link in the blog post.

  1388. Emre Goekbay

    Hello sir,

    Today I went to a children playstore in my hometown in Germany and realised, that what I need is a jdm coloring book with nice cars and interior etc.

    After looking up some tags in Google I just found your coloring books you made for your kid and realised also that I am a little bit too late for it.

    My question is, do you have maybe a few left. I would be totally happy if I can buy one of it.

    I would be happy if you could answer.

    With regards
    Emre Gökbay, a fan of your kind of art

  1389. sujith

    I won’t a Carina kà67 wagon headlight dream and full unite please replai soon

  1390. geeth

    Plz i have carina ka67. Front signal light.set you nubr send me. (my nubr .94715736452)

  1391. sidney cooper

    i know the guy who is selling the silvia with no lights

  1392. Akalanka

    I want buffer. light pream and ligt

  1393. Andrea Troncone

    I have Just seen now…
    Madness and sadness

  1394. Andrea Troncone

    When does the picture has been taken, and where ? If a friend offerte mine gets there, I will post present pictures.

    • Malcolm

      Do we know where this was taken or if the cars are still available?

  1395. Jelmer

    This Laurel is now mine! I just bought it. It has damage at the front but I bought 2 rust free fenders, a rust free bonnet/hood, NOS bumper and a NOS headlight.

    • banpei

      Wow, you really have a nice purchase with that Laurel! It really looked fantastic when I chased it! :)

  1396. Klutney

    I want one for my Y31 シーマ

  1397. Rey Santiago

    Is this toyota wheels bolt pattern 4 x 114.3 and if so how you fit this wheels when they only come in 4 x 100?

    • banpei

      To be honest: I wouldn’t know. I found the picture and was equally shocked it featured on a hachi. :)

  1398. lombe mutono

    Hi I am interested in the grille and headlights as well as dashboard for the Toyota coronation yt140. Please email me on [email protected]

    • banpei

      I’m sorry, but I can’t arrange this auction for you. If you are in need of someone getting it for you I’d recommend using a Yahoo Auctions purchaser like From Japan, Rinkya or Buyee.

  1399. Jelmer

    This Laurel is now mine! It will be back on the road next week. I bought it with front damage and it took me a while to source parts.

  1400. Cola

    The leather is genuine, these cars were superb and the engineering was second to none, rare and special.

  1401. Ajithkumar


    I’m from Srilanka, I need front and back tail lights set with cell for Toyota carina aa60 car.
    Please let me know that how can i have them.
    My email is:[email protected].
    Mobile phone: +94 714177522

  1402. Ajithkumar

    hello banpei, i have a aa60 and im looking for tail lights for front lights and back side and few other parts, i would like to know if u have any for order and how much, would appreciate it.

    Please send me a email.


    • banpei

      I’m sorry, but I don’t sell parts myself. You probably best buy them from Auctions Yahoo in Japan.

  1403. diecastscene

    Hard to find, but worth every penny :)

  1404. punithan meganathan

    hi… I am looking for corona ct141 rear lh tail lights and front headlight sets with cover and side marker lamps

  1405. punithan meganathan

    it is for my project car

    • banpei

      I’m sorry, but I don’t sell parts myself. You probably best buy them from Auctions Yahoo in Japan.

  1406. punithan meganathan

    I am rebuilding my own CT141 project car. Hopping to find rear left tail light and front side signal marker lamps

  1407. Guenter

    is the picture of the shiluette a fake or is it real?
    Do you know if the car´s still available?
    Best regards, Guenter

    • banpei

      Hi, which silhouette picture are you referring to? Your comment is on the about-me page, so I can’t tell. ;)

  1408. domi

    Hi Banpei,

    I just have some little thoughts on the video (which is great by the way, a nice, and complete summary of all the knowledge), hope you don’t mind :)
    1. The smallport indeed is a great engine, however if you want to build it and go above 200 bhp then you should probably use the bigport. According to Bill Sherwood’s page above 200 bhp the bigport is better because of having larger intake ports.

    2. VVT doesn’t use a stepper motor, it is an oil solenoid based simple system. Check out Bill’s page about this as well :)

    Cheers, and keep the videos coming if you can, I really like them!

  1409. Diane Krey-Weslesy

    Where is this?

    • banpei

      I tried figuring it out myself, but the origin states it is somewhere along highway 4 of Saitama.

  1410. gary

    hi iam looking some body panells can any one help

  1411. gary

    hi iam looking some body panells can any one help toyota ta60 carina

  1412. asitha wijetunga

    hi im from sri lanka and need even more headlight surroundings,city lights and indicator lights,tail lights and front and rear bumpers for toyota carina aa60 please let me know how can i get them. if u have the full set in the pic i want mind buying all my contact +94777810710 whats up and viber available

    • banpei

      I’m sorry, but I don’t have those for sale.
      They do popup on Yahoo Auctions regularly.

  1413. arham

    Hi I have aa60 Carina I want its 2 side headlight cover

  1414. Ling


    Would you happen to know where I can get the Initial D: AE86 Trueno Car 12-inch plush from?

    Do email me if you have the link/website to get the plushie.

    [email protected]

    • banpei

      I’m sorry, but I wasn’t able to find that pluche toy outside Amazon. And on Amazon it seems to be unavailable for quite a while.

  1415. Abdullah

    hey man…..
    please help me I have been looking for tail lights like these for 2 years…
    can you tell me where did you get them from???

    • banpei

      Yahoo Auctions. See also the updated text

  1416. Michael Zhou

    Can’t buy the Hongqi H7 in Germany

  1417. Jonny Rochester

    The twincam steering wheel with “TWIN CAM” in gold/orange is also common to the early AW11 MR2. I owned that steering wheel once. The regular AE86 twinc cam steering wheel has the letters in white.

    • banpei

      Yes I have the same steering wheel in my Carina from the AE82, and as I mentioned in the post the Black Limited has orange writing on it.

  1418. Jadeo Cato

    I need the corner lights/blinkers for my Toyota Carina TA60

    • banpei

      Which ones are you looking for? The single or double/quad headlight corner lights?

  1419. Sven_Q45

    Well the Skyline is a midsizecar so more like a 3 series BMW and Mercedes C-Class or the older /8.

  1420. Sven_Q45

    I have such a book (or two, both another year) from 1973 or 71. In that there´s even a picture of the Nissan rocket and the facility of them! :)

  1421. Sven_Q45

    I think I read about the Toyota one somewhere but can´t find the page.

  1422. Sven_Q45

    The Langley and Pulsar N13 were also great. I mean it had power windows and power mirrors, window wiper with intervall, optional automatic air conditioner, optional CD radio, 100 watt (!) JBL speakers and adjustable dampers (touring and sport).
    There was also a “F-Type” I think the womens edition (like the Pulsar Elle) which had a “slope stopper” (automatic braking on a slope that you don´t have to use your brakes! also aviable on the B12 Sunny), “back scanner” (a sonar parking sensor) and even an umbrella on the door (hiding in the b pillar).
    And in 1987 a permanently 4 WD (I think the worlds first electronical one) with viscous coupling and LSD (also since 1986 the LSD). And in 1988 it had LSD as well, 4WAS (4 wheel antiskid braking, like ABS) and again a newer 4 wheel drive with 3 (!) viscous couplings. One in the front axle, one in the back and one in the middle to transfer it between the front and the back (the pre ATTESA if you like).
    The latter version of the N13 nothing special today but this drivetrain back then was just super nice! Also the GA16DE had ECCS (Electronic Computer Control System), NDIS (Nissan Direct Ignition System and NCIS (Nissan Induction Control System). PLASMA of course. :)

    Sorry to get dreamily tend away but it´s just great! :)

  1423. Kalong

    Hi banpei. Did you sell Carina TA60 quadlight?

  1424. Roberto González Galván

    Hola buenos días , yo tengo un Civic como el rojo y me gustaría convertir repuestos y accesorios , si me pueden ayudar se los agradezco, un saludo

  1425. Nuwan

    Where can I get this lights????

  1426. Hyder

    AA60 toyatacarina rare 2 lights and frount 2 signal lights and 4 door wisers immediately.

    • Muhammad Aisy Akmal Bin Nasir

      Still avilable?

  1427. Hyder

    AA60 rare light 2.frount signals lights 2.and door wisers contact no 0777-270280 Sri Lanka. Pl call me.

  1428. Masood usman

    I want this pair of indicators how much woud be its cost

  1429. Masood usman

    Hi i want the parking(indicators) lights of carina aa69

  1430. Masood usman

    Hi i want the parking(indicators) lights of carina aa60

  1431. Khaled

    Hello everyone anyone still have the LHD 240K C110 for sale Communicates with me
    [email protected]

  1432. majdi

    what is the front bumper

    • banpei

      It’s a Sprinter AE92 front bumper. Probably the four/five door sedan.

  1433. HazelnutPi

    This is why you do dumb driving at night, where other car’s headlights let you know of imminent death.

  1434. Khaled

    I’m looking for Skyline 240K for sale

  1435. liam

    what spoiler is that? I’ve got an AA60 hatch with an SR20 thats been converted to run twin side draft dellorto’s… Am trying to build a TRD styled ducktale, or try modify a AW11 spoiler for the hatch…

  1436. Asitha

    Hi I like to buy on of this carina a60 how can I buy

  1437. RandomCommenter

    I guess his Tofu is now Tofucked

  1438. Mark Sutterby-Watts

    Woukd you know where I might be able to buy a frontė or its engine and gearbox?


  1439. Jassem alghfri

    Hi I want to inquire about the car, can I find a car, or a steering wheel in the left …… if the car is sold I can communicate with the buyer

  1440. Isuru

    hi dear,
    can i find toyota carina AA60 front grill ?

  1441. Ghalib

    Hi there just came across ur site.. I hav a coupe lisse nice car n all but the gauge is what i need.. any possibility i can keep the digital one? Please advice as the one I hav have has only the Speedo gauge with petrol n team gauge only… kinda boring. Waiting for ur soonest reply

  1442. Chew Yun Aun

    Dear All

    I’m having a 240RS and I’m looking for a brake caliper repair kit for the Sumitomo MK63 brake caliper. Both front and rear.

    Kindly email me at [email protected]

  1443. J. Ala-Jyystö

    Cool. Thanks for the research. I was wondering which kind of a model Murakami had in his mind! I didn’t know about 80s Carinas before the book and this site :)

  1444. Smith'Hot wheels guy'

    Hi, I’m Smith’Hot wheels guy’ who deals in Bham Al.,I have all kinds even a few Fast&Furious, this year is 50th for the Iconic cars I just got the Japanese Historics2 Set and they are Stunning! of course the 510 is the hottest one(by the way I live 10miles from famed NASCAR/BRE 510 Driver Bobby Allison’s Hometown).That is a cool way to use Hot wheels, and on another note: Official!-Toyota/Mazda plant will be built in Alabama!(I miss my last gen.929!). Hey so check me out. Thanks-Smith’Hot wheels guy’.

  1445. aruna

    How much

  1446. ali

    Hello bro
    im looking for cars and parts datsun skyline 240k c210 c211 c110
    So if you have anything or know anywhere just connect me
    [email protected]


  1447. Megarastik

    Honda Civic on the 9th slide is not an EG, the front bumper says it is the 4th generation Civic EF)

  1448. Khwaja waseem ul haq

    I need this

  1449. Khwaja waseem ul haq

    Tell me the price

  1450. Shubber

    Good evening ,
    I am from Hamburg
    I want buy this car from you
    Contact me please

    [email protected]

  1451. Muhammad Aisy Akmal Bin Nasir

    Is this still available

  1452. Malcolm

    Do you know where taken or if available still.

    • Martin

      Malcolm The photo was taken in Japan over 15 years ago.

  1453. Lonesome_Carboy

    Iv been doing some searching banpai, have you ever come across a TT140 series corona in black limited ? i have seen the XX celica black EDITION and a black limited MR2, Thanks ! :)

    • banpei

      Unfortunately no, never came across mentioning of a Corona Black Limited

  1454. Lonesome_Carboy

    Any more on this please ? :) Thanks !

  1455. Henk Platvoet

    Gevaagd 2 Marchal 850 mistlampen geel

  1456. A s g peiris

    How much will this cost?

  1457. Sébastien

    CADM Canadian cluster are the same as USDM but with Km/h main and MPH minus in orange. without ”unleaded fuel only”
    This picture is from my kouki 1987 Corolla GT-S

  1458. Rom

    this car bee sold and move to another Ukraine sity.

  1459. Eufemio

    Hola nesetito saber si alguien sabe como encuentro piezas para carina voupe

  1460. Jo Schmit

    Would you be able to source a set of crown coupé rear lights and centerpiece for me?

  1461. Andy

    There’s also a AE92 Sprinter Cielo, which in spanish means “Sky”.

  1462. Ahmed

    I would like to buy this car
    Contact me please
    [email protected]

  1463. Djuma

    Je vais carina Ta 40 manuel

  1464. Robert

    Beste Banpei,

    Probeer met je in contact te komen, maar het ‘contact’ form lijkt niet te werken.
    Heb je een bericht achtergelaten op instagram. Hoop graag van je te horen

  1465. Ngota Swaibu

    I’ve bought this model of car Toyota Carina TA 61 GT year 1982, in good running condition but the interior and seats are worn. It’s a good car

  1466. Martin

    I have some knowledge of these cars
    The picture is quite old, possibly 15 + years

  1467. Rama

    All these videos cant be seen anymore. What happened.

    • banpei

      Either the account of the original poster has been removed or the copyright was claimed on Youtube. I have not found a substitute yet

  1468. ahmed

    Good morning
    Look for double glass triangle back door
    My 1981 Skyline

  1469. Cam

    It’s definitely a pretty car, but if it started off as a true Supra then why change the rear end to standard Celica ST/GT tail lights? Toyota sold that gen Celica as a convertible (at least here in the US anyway) so it looks more like a standard 1984/85 Celica GT-S with a Celica Supra front end grafted on to it.

    • banpei

      I would say that’s a very interesting way to look at it… I have been told that was an original Celica Supra by various sources including the seller, but it’s a whole lot easier to swap the engine plus nose.

  1470. Leo

    Hello sir! I was wondering how this gauge cluster was done. Is it a one off?

  1471. Leo

    Would love to have a 220km/9k rpm cluster like this! How was this done sir?

    • banpei

      The fascia is probably taken from a European gauge cluster and the speedometer was adjusted with one from the European cluster as well. oldeskewltoy did something similar with an AW11 tachometer on his E7 gauge cluster:

  1472. thushara

    how much this unit

  1473. Neil

    Hey Banpei!

    Your contact form is not working for me, would love to contact you about some stuff. If you could email me your email address I would greatly appreciate it!


    – Neil

  1474. David Leong

    Hi, I am from Malaysia & have owned a 1966 RHD Yotahachi Toyota Sports 800 for many years. There are a few units here but most of therm are spending their time more in the workshops rather than on the road! A number of them are in Sabah, on the island of Borneo but sadly to say they are left to the elements. I first saw your website in YouTube when you posted the Yotahachi owned by the Belgian. Do you have his contact? It will be good to hear from a owner in Europe – very unusual. Wish I could post a pic of my car here. Thanks.

    • banpei

      I’m sorry, but I don’t have his contact address but the owner has a Toyota Garage named Holvoet in Belgium and they are specialized in restoring old Toyota’s:

  1475. Tore

    Hmm im trying ma61 seat in my ta60 now, the front left and right and rear right bolts are perfect fits but rear left is offset by 3mm so i cant get it in there.
    I guess not all that standardized :)

  1476. Maciek

    Hi mate! You still got those front fenders? I would be interested in buying them with shipping to Poland included. How much? Thanks!

  1477. LaurelC31

    i see more hardtops in Ukraine and Russia

  1478. Grant Knowles

    I have a 240k gl for sale
    Australian though
    [email protected]

  1479. Andreas

    I love those cars,and a friend of mine actually have one,here i Trondheim-Norway,imported from Finland to Norway by himself.

    • banpei

      That’s an awesome gallery and photography you have there and I added you on Flickr! Did your friend retain the original color or was this 2400GT in a different share before?

  1480. James

    Late to the party here, I’m surprised we didn’t talk about the digital dash, and this one is a bit of a stretch but tec arts aluminum meter panel.

  1481. George Collazo

    Although I have read that this car sold in very low numbers in the US, it is somewhat interesting that they were quite common in the island of Puerto Rico back in it’s peak time. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that Gómez Hermanos (Gómez Brothers) authorized Toyota dealer/importer was the highest Toyota selling dealer in Puerto Rico, Central and South America with multiple awards won from Toyota Japan.
    The AE86 sold in the island under the Corolla badge and a slightly different front grille. Other than that, it was the iconic AE86 we all come to love. I know the car very well because I wanted one very badly. But at $3.35 hr job, I could not afford the monthly payment. I almost ended up with the 2 door version in black which was a basic model but beautiful nonetheless. I was too young and didn’t have the credit background yet to get my loan qualified.

    The AE86 was the replacement to the 2 and 4 door sedan Corolla 1.8 and the last year of its run in the island (’83) it was presented as a 1.6L instead of the usual 1.8L from previous iterations. This was a downer for Puerto Rican buyers but soon the AE86 won the heart of Puerto Ricans in 1984 when it was introduced for the first time. I inherited a 1.6L, ’83 Corolla 2 doors with less than 15k miles from my father as he was battling cancer. Unfortunately months later the car was stolen and left bare bones from the parking lot at hospital in which my father was in San Juan. About 7 months later I also lost my father to the battle

  1482. andrew vary

    I was there in the 1992

  1483. Mahesh Kodikara


    i want toyota carina aa60 signal lights

  1484. Graham Clayton

    Was the Jack Nicklaus limited edition equipped with a set of golf clubs? :-)

  1485. Narin

    I have A photo of Cutaway LS400 at 14th Bangkok International Motor Show 1993,4 – 12 May 1993 how can i post to you

  1486. Eric Cherry

    Haha that’s me in the second picture. I am pretty sure I was the first person to cosplay from initial d in america by making the car.

  1487. Gus Meloni

    Found the ferry just last week,,great treasure you dug up,,,

  1488. Royan

    If any one love to see a diorama of this Fujiwara Tofu shop neighbourhood please check @royan.jdm2, ejoy

  1489. Daniel

    The 3tgte is only a 8 valve twincam turbo motor not As above stated as a twincam 16 turbo engine.

  1490. Octavio

    Me podrás conseguir la conexión de este tablero digital

  1491. Mohammed atheek

    I want to buy Toyota careena aa60 tail light

  1492. Daniel

    I have a 1984 TT142 Toyota Corona GT-T sedan with a 3TGTE. Great engine and a awsome car to drive. Its a great sleeper to the unknown…

  1493. Keith


  1494. Michael K

    Great article. On paper, Tom’s Angel T01 seems brilliant, but in my experience (in GT 2) it doesn’t quite live up to expectations even when fully tuned, but perhaps I’m “doing it wrong”, so to speak. I won it again just to re-modify and tune it (again) as I’d deleted it in disgust earlier, but this time I’m tuning w/a with a different emphasis and will switch up my driving tactics as well to determine if I can bring out its apparent potential. In any event, glad someone wrote this car up so well. Great work, and thanks.

  1495. Kyalwazi Ronald

    Does this car’s speed meter gauge ever clock beyond 240km/he top speed?

  1496. Kyalwazi Ronald

    Do you have a body kit of this car so that I can have a chance to own it as well?

  1497. Angel

    Puedes hacer más videos sobre Ae86 por que faltan muchas piezas interior y exterior por que e visto que ahí piezas eléctricas raras dentro y quisiera que hablaras sobre ello.

  1498. Jimmy

    Hello am interested with spare parts business

  1499. Jimmy

    I need a quote

  1500. Omer

    Hi I have just baught a mitsubishi Sapporo and looking for various small parts like lights but unable to find any vendors can any one recommend.

  1501. Angel

    Hola, podrías hacer un video de los interiores, desde su versión USA hasta el JDM, por que quiero hacer el mio GT Apex por que los cabezales JDM me gusta demasiado al igual que su interior, me di de cuenta que los acientos Gts son iguales q los Apex pero con diferentes cabezales. Espero que te llegue mi pregunta, Gracias desde Puerto Rico .

  1502. Vimukthi prabath

    I need this lights
    Im from sri lanka
    How to buy this

  1503. Flo

    Car Plushes are cute i have a miata plush in my miata

  1504. steeko

    any idea what the difference was between the GT-T and GT-TR Celica? The build plates are the same I believe. I wondered if the GT-TR got the digital dash and the GT-T did not? or was it just things like wheels and seats?

    • banpei

      Good question. I suspect it will be the same as with the Carina: the trim levels differed in their offerings and options.

      From what I could find is that the early GTs (so 2T-G and 18R-G) only featured the digital gauge clusters as optional:
      However in the facelift brochure the digital gauge cluster was default on the GT-TR and optional on the GT-T:
      Also what can be seen in the same brochure are the differences in wheels, seats, power steering. If only I owned the brochures myself I could probably better read the differences.

  1505. Job Stephen

    how can I be able to get these complete set of head lamps??

    • banpei

      I obtained them from Yahoo Auctions. You can’t buy directly from these sites, so I would recommend a service like Buyee or similar to buy these for you. They will charge you a small fee for the handling, but probably the shipping would be 10 times more expensive as these units are quite heavy.

  1506. Chris

    Thanks for sharing this video!

  1507. Marshall

    banpei, you said it right in the article, the other user who posted did not read correctly.

  1508. Ryosuke Takahoobastank

    the kid in the yellow car has been a professional drifter since before this post was made.

    • banpei

      Nice! What’s his name?

  1509. Thomas Bacher

    That Carina is mine. If you want to get in contact you´ll find me in facebook and instagram

  1510. @blugecko

    Spotted a JDM 10k/240kmh SLEEK SPEED meter on yaj. Link to pics and description:

    • banpei

      Thank you very much for these photos! I’m really happy you found them. They look similar to the TOM’s gauge cluster, but the needles and position of the km/h writing are different. I’ll add yours to the page later today.

  1511. German_Mazdafan

    Cool article about a pretty special car! :)

    I enjoyed reading it, although there are two errors in the article:

    1. Thie Spoiler on this car is not the original Eunos one. This would have more volume and features a third braking light.

    2. The engine is the 1.6 B6. Although the B3 was available for other 323 models, the 323F started with the B6.

    • banpei

      Thank you very much for these corrections! I have corrected both of them! Are you by any chance the (ex) owner of this car?

      About the B6 engine: I guess I should have searched a bit better on the Wikipedia page of the Mazda B Engine:
      In Japan, the United Kingdom, and Australia a fuel-injected version called the B6F was available. In Europe, the B6 also came in a 16-valve DOHC version, mostly found in the Mazda 323 BG and 323F BG models from 1989 to 1994. This engine was the same 1.6 liter fuel-injected, but with two camshafts and 88 hp.

  1512. awesome


  1513. Dani

    I need the yellow indicators and the grill. Where can I get them from?

  1514. chilugya chisenga

    please let me know if you still have the set in stock

  1515. banpei

    Hi Chilugya,

    We don’t keep these items in stock as it is a link to an auction of someone else.
    Unfortunately the action has ended over two and a half years ago, so if you seek the item you should be searching Auctions Yahoo for it.

  1516. Al Wickens

    Hi The motor is based on 2TG engine , bored and stroked from memory

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  129. No more future Delorean DMC 12 - Japanese Rustoseums -
  130. It's been 7300 days since I last heard your 4A-GE scream - Friday Video -
  131. The impulsive Impul March K11 and Impul March Classic - March-athon -
  132. Dutch panda red AE86 with BMW 5-series complex - AE86 Wall of Shame -

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