Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Carina Sightings: Yellow Carina GT AA63 that is NOT for sale!

My heart skipped a beat when I saw this beautiful yellow Carina GT AA63 for sale on Auctions Yahoo:
Yellow Carina GT AA63 not for sale!
It looked so perfect, immaculate and I just wished I had the money to buy it and ship it to the other side of this planet. But this picture gets even better if you squint your eyes! :P

So when I translated the auction it stated this at the bottom:
Please stop the questions in English. We will not ship internationally, thank you.
Normally that is not a real problem if you use a man-in-the-middle like Hayatonka, so actually you can still consider it for sale!

Anyway, the strange thing about this car is that it is actually a late GT:
Yellow Carina GT AA63 not for sale!
Why is that strange? Well most owners did buy the GT-R or GT-TR versions as its trim was much nicer (It said Twin Cam all over the place!).

But it isn’t looking that bad:
Yellow Carina GT AA63 not for sale!

Yellow Carina GT AA63 not for sale!
The engine looks a bit dirty and worn for a car that covered only 101K kilometers, but that doesn’t say anythings if you have seen the 2T in my 90K kilometer Carina! ;)

You can also see that there is a bit of a color difference between the current paint and the one under the hood. I guess it had a respray in a bit different shade of yellow but I still dig this shade though,

Yellow Carina GT AA63 not for sale!
As a big bonus, a full set of Takumi classics: 8 spoke RS Watanabes!

In case you are still interested, please use a man in the middle (like Hayatonka) and direct them to this auction: Yellow Carina GT AA63.


  1. Nigel

    That is a nice one !!

  2. Wasabicars

    That looks sweeeet! Btw, how’ve you been??

    • banpei

      Been under the radar for a while now… Too busy at work, conference in the US coming up and not much time to blog. :(

  3. punithan meganathan

    I am rebuilding my own CT141 project car. Hopping to find rear left tail light and front side signal marker lamps

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