Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Category: rustoseums (Page 4 of 11)

Japanese Rustoseums: Toyota Celica 2000GT RA25

A few days ago I asked Daniel O’Grady a similar question: why do the Japanese cars in Japan rust from the top down while they rust from the bottom up on the European soil?
Japanese Rustoseums Toyota Celica 2000 GT RA25
It is funny because I can explain the European bottom up rust: we simply put salt on our roads during wintertime to fight ice and snow. However why the cars in Japan tend to rust from the top is a mystery to me…

Anyway, this beautifully crusty brown (photographed in black and white) Toyota Celica 2000GT RA25 is a good example of the top down rust:
Japanese Rustoseums Toyota Celica 2000 GT RA25
Anyone got the answer to my question?

Found at Gagaga7310

Japanese Rustoseums: Nissan Silvia CSP311 (part 2)

Continuing from last weeks hunting for Nissan Silvia CSP311 rustoseums I present you the second Silvia I found:
Japanese Rustoseums: Nissan Silvia CSP311
This one is in a slightly better shape than last week and it doesn’t require a forklift to retain it from falling apart… Let’s just say it is probably still restorable… As the penguins say in Madagascar 2: With grit, spit and a whole lota of duck tape…

From the rear it looks slightly better: Continue reading

Japanese Rustoseums: Nissan Silvia CSP311 (part 1)

Last weekend I watched Daniel O’Grady’s Wasabi Cars video about the Nissan Silvia CSP311 and got inspired by it… Actually it wasn’t finding one as clean as the Silvia in the video but rather more challenge myself to find a rusty one, one that crumbles away while staring at the photos! At least I think I managed to do a proper job here:
Japanese Rustoseums: Nissan Silvia CSP311
Just imagine: only 554 of these cars were made!

It isn’t that bad from this angle, but it gets a lot worse from the other side of the car: Continue reading

Japanese Rustoseums: Nissan Rasheen junkyard car

After Nissan’s success with the BE-1, the Pao and the Figaro Nissan must have smelled money. So next up for them was retro styling a SUV on top of the Sunny B14 platform and they called it the Nissan Rasheen and sold the car from 1994 to 2000.
Japanese Rustoseums: Nissan Rasheen
For some reason it looks very similar to the Wartburg 353 built in East Germany (DDR) but I don’t think they did that on purpose. I can’t imagine they would do that only that short after the Fall.

Anyway, BANKAKUEMIKO uploaded a video of this marvel at his local junkyard in Japan: Continue reading

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