Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Carina Sightings: Carina CA67V in Garagem do Bellote

Carina Sightings: Brazilian Carina CA67V

If you expected the JDM Trivia #3: I’m sorry but this week was one where I stressed out too much and I simply haven’t had the time to narrate the JDM Trivia #3 yet. Will come in a couple of days… ;)
So instead I have found something way better: the only Toyota Carina CA67V in Brazil just got featured by Jason Torchinsky’s Brazilian counterpart who is named Renato Bellote:
Carina Sightings: Carina CA67V Garagem do Bellote
It is great to see someone bought it who appreciates it, added JDM fender mirrors, the Japanese rising sun on the fuel filler cap, a set of deep dished Centerline rims and a set of mudflaps. I think the (new) owner is actually driving the Carina at 8:05 in the video.

Garagem do Bellote

Even though my stepmother is Brazilian I can’t understand the language very well. To be honest: I understand more from the average Japanese Best Motoring video than all the things Renato Bellote said about this Toyota Carina CA67V van. What I do get is that the shows name Garagem do Bellote means Bellote’s Garage.


You can watch the video below:

I think I got it

I watched the entire video and from the fragemnts that I saw I kind of expect most of it to be like hey the indicator- and light-stalks are on the wrong side of the steering column and uphill the 1C diesel engine is quite powerful compared to a gasoline engine and This Carina CA67V was imported by a Japanese diplomat so there really is only one in the whole of Brazil!.
Now if you happen to be Brazilian, please let me know how far off I was. ;)

And since it is a Toyota Carina van and my father used to own one: I’m in love with it!

Direct link to video: Garagem do Bellote TV: Toyota Carina (diesel, JDM)


  1. Junior Silverio

    My name is Junior, so the owner of the Toyota Carina, I live in São Paulo, Brazil
    Actually it is the only one in Brazil.
    I bought it 15 years back.
    In Brazil it is forbidden to import used vehicles less than 30 years.
    What happened here was that tried to import and the Federal Police, seized the vehicle. Thereafter, as the vehicle was in good condition and all original, they decided to be auctioned. So I was where I had the chance to buy,
    The only thing that is not original are the wheels. The fender mirror, I cared, because when I bought the car at auction, someone had snatched or stolen, there was only the holes in the fenders.
    This with the original motor 1C, think about putting a turbine, but do not know if this engine can handle. Thing 0.8BAR
    If anyone can tell me about it, I thank you.

    If you want to see more pictures can access my facebook

    sorry for my english, but I used the google translator

    • banpei

      Oi júnior Silverio! Obrigado por cair por!
      E parece que você tem muita sorte com este carro!
      Houve uma versão 1C turbo, de modo que é possível, mas a conversão de seu 1C pode ser mais trabalho do que a importação de um motor de 1C-T utilizado. Mas se isso também é difícil você provavelmente pode comprar as peças necessárias e convertê-lo.
      Alternativamente, você pode encaixar um 3S-GE ou motor 3S-GTE ao bellhousing 1C na caixa de velocidades. Mas, então, você tem que converter o carro de diesel para combustíveis.

      Hi Junior Silverio! Thanks for dropping by!
      And it seems you are very lucky with this car!
      There was a 1C turbo version, so that is possible, but converting your 1C may be more work than importing a used 1C-T engine. But if that is also difficult you probably can buy the necessary parts and convert it.
      Alternatively you can fit a 3S-GE or 3S-GTE engine to the 1C bellhousing on the gearbox. But then you have to convert the car from diesel to petrol.

      • Junior Silverio

        thanks for the answer
        I was also thinking about starting the engine 2C or 3C
        And I saw here on the page, one carina with 2L-T engine
        It would also be possible one 3L and 5L engine?

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