Carina Sightings: Brazilian Carina CA67V

If you expected the JDM Trivia #3: I’m sorry but this week was one where I stressed out too much and I simply haven’t had the time to narrate the JDM Trivia #3 yet. Will come in a couple of days… ;)
So instead I have found something way better: the only Toyota Carina CA67V in Brazil just got featured by Jason Torchinsky’s Brazilian counterpart who is named Renato Bellote:
Carina Sightings: Carina CA67V Garagem do Bellote
It is great to see someone bought it who appreciates it, added JDM fender mirrors, the Japanese rising sun on the fuel filler cap, a set of deep dished Centerline rims and a set of mudflaps. I think the (new) owner is actually driving the Carina at 8:05 in the video.

Garagem do Bellote

Even though my stepmother is Brazilian I can’t understand the language very well. To be honest: I understand more from the average Japanese Best Motoring video than all the things Renato Bellote said about this Toyota Carina CA67V van. What I do get is that the shows name Garagem do Bellote means Bellote’s Garage.


You can watch the video below: Continue reading