The Mario character from Nintendo appeared for the first time in the Donkey Kong game that got released in 1981. So how could Mario show up on the inside of this 1975 Dutch Datsun Sunny 120Y brochure?
Super Mario Datsun Sunny 120Y
Miyamoto, the creator of Mario, never acknowledged anything about the origin of the character and the wildest stories have been told. Could it perhaps be modelled after this Datsun Sunny 120Y character?

The page shown above is taken from a Dutch brochure that is in typical mid 70s style:
Super Mario Datsun Sunny 120Y
The title on this page reads “Datsun springt er weer uit!” which translates roughly to “Datsun stands out again”. Yes Datsun did: being the grandfather of Mario. Sunny Mario 120Y. ;)

Brochure found here: Honda Brochures @ Flickr