Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: carina van (Page 2 of 4)

Auctions Yahoo: Carina van round headlights

Spotted this auction of a full set of Carina van TA67 round headlights yesterday on Auctions Yahoo:
Carina van TA67 headlights on Auctions Yahoo
Not only does it include the round headlights and its surroundings, but it also includes the grille. The headlights have been converted with clear lenses and are able to carry H4 (type 4) bulbs or an HID replacement! Ideal to transfer your Carina van (or normal Carina) into a Firevan replica!

This is how it looks on the seller’s Carina: Continue reading

Japanese rustoseums (part seventeen)

I’ll try to post as much Carina related stuff this week as possible, so be prepared for some overload of Carina goodness! Let’s kick off with some Carina rustoseums!

For starters I found this little 3A powered SG coupe rusting away on someones blog:
Carina SG AA60 coupe rustoseum
Carina SG AA60 coupe rustoseum

A small detail: the Carina sits on a set of Celica A40 rims.

This Carina TA67 wagon looks like an old delivery van. With the writing on its side it looks like what the Fujiwara Tofu Carina TA67 must have looked like:
Carina SG TA67 wagon rustoseum
Carina SG TA67 wagon rustoseum

Of course the 2T engine did not have enough power by itself, so naturally he would have swapped it for a 2T-G or 3T-GT. :D

Speaking about rusty vans. how about another TA67?
Carina SG TA67 wagon rustoseum
Carina SG TA67 wagon rustoseum

It was found near Rausu. This one really looks bad and way beyond repair.

Carina Sightings: Carina Surf

I’m not a fan of the rims on this Carina, but as you can see it is an original Carina Surf:
Original Carina Surf
Original Carina Surf

The Carina Surf was part of the original Carina lineup and seperate from the Van line-up. It did feature the live axle we know of the other vans (and non-IRS Carinas) but there was a major difference: it had coil springs instead of the leaf springs used on the van!
BTW: The two extra stripes are not original…

Carina Sightings: Carina crowd at NYM 2010

A few weeks back I already featured some pictures by Michinoku Grand at the HistoriX Japan meeting and during some browsing of his Photozou archives I came across a Carina crowd at the New Year Meeting 2010 in Odaiba:
Carina crowd at NYM 2010
Carina crowd at NYM 2010

Four Carina’s may not be that impressive, but given the age of the Carina A60 and the amount of cars at the meeting it is actually quite a lot! ;)

Michinoku Grand did like the black Carina van a lot:
Carina van and sedan at NYM 2010
Carina van and sedan at NYM 2010

And so do I!

Also note the rims on Carina sedan behind it: they look exactly like the Atiwe telephone rims on the European AE86 Haslback trim. They could very well be some licensed JDM manufactured rims of course. ;)

Carina van at NYM 2010
Carina van at NYM 2010

And another shot of that great looking Carina van! Why didn’t my dad paint his Carina van black in 1985? It sure does look better than gold! :P

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