Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Category: video (Page 20 of 23)

Video: Austrian actor sells Japanese car collection

In April last year Japanese Nostalgic Car blog wrote about the Austrian actor Roland Düringer selling his complete collection of Japanese cars. I kind of forgot about it afterwards (like most people do…) until I stumbled upon some videos on Youtube. ;)

The videos of Roland Düringer’s sales talks were shot after the posting by JNC blog and had the purpose to boost the auctions. I guess they certainly did: the Toyota Celica liftback sold for €16600!

Let’s enjoy some of the sales talks by Roland:

It is very difficult to understand and I hope your German is better than mine, otherwise it will be totally gibberish for you! :D

Basically what he said was that the Crown was immaculate, has the 4M 6 cylinder 2600 engine, Japanese fender mirrors, skai interior and bonkers looks. The Corolla liftback is praised for its glasshouse look and only having 53000km on the odometer!

The Crown was sold for 3800 euros and the Corolla Liftback was sold for 2300 euros. Way too low for they state they were in!

So, how about another Toyota Corolla KE25 then?

This KE25 sold for 3650. Sounds like a good price for a Toyota Corolla Coupe deluxe with only 79000km on the odometer!

Something older than this? How about the Honda S800:

Sold for a well deserved 9550 euros. I love the selling point: the foglights! :D

Something newer then? How about a 1980 Mitsubisi Sapporo:

Super rare in Austria: from what I understand this car was never sold in Austria. He had it imported (flown in to Austria) from the first owner and it still has its first paint. Sold for only 2650 euros.

Then the best car of the auction, the 1977 Toyota Celica RA28:

This car was sold by a dealer and but bought back from the buyer after 6000 kilometer! The rest of it is a bit gibberish to me, but apparently it was actually meant for the Austrian Toyota museum… The car eventually sold for 16600 euros!

A bit of a shame of the MS60, Liftback and the Sapporo, but at least the other cars sold for a good price! :)

Video: how to change a tire by a machine?

As a follow up on last Mondays How to change a tire by hand? an high tech machine to change tires automated:

Now that certainly is a big difference compared by doing that by hand! :D

Actually in both titles change should actually have been remove: in both videos the tires get removed and no new tires will be mounted on the rims again.

Also this machine was new to me: I’m still used to the old hub rotating machines where you stick an arm on the hub (and between the tire and the rim). Not anything near this machine with three different arms to loosen the tire from the bead and another arm to push the tire and another finger coming from the first arm to actually remove the tire… Maybe I only went to old fashioned tire shops in the past! :D :D

Video: how to change a tire by hand?

I have no idea why, but maybe this guy thought it would be bad for his power to weight ratio to bring along spare rims with tires on a drift session. So he only brings along a spare tire and some tire changing tools!

First he starts to separate the tire from the bead on both sides which takes him roughly six minutes to finish. Unfortunately the video stops after they guy explaining the next steps. But I can imagine he would be sitting there changing his tires the rest of the day! :D

Norwegian Toyota Celica A40 got milk?

At first I didn’t really understand what the Celica and drifting had to do with milk at all, but when they showed the punchline it was clear to me!

They show you how you drive when the windows of your car are covered with metal sheets and think can be compared to a fully blinded milk carton. Well I don’t know what they normally do with their milk cartons, but I always feel how much milk is left. ;)

So what’s left of the comparison between the milk carton and the (blinded) Toyota Celica? Something you can feel as well? :P

I do think the Celica used is real: it has got too many details! Take for instance the pizzacutter rims: they are not Celica A40 rims so they had to be added later on. The interior of the celica is also too detailed and if you look at 0:14 you can see the tape used to hold the “metal sheets” between the window and the sheets. So probably the CGI characters and bouncing tires are added later on…

And they have another commercial as well:

So, a screw cap is better than plunging open the carton?

BTW: it is nice to see those marketing guys use nostalgic Japanese cars for their advertising! :)

Doing the Itsuki IRL

TonyA. from FuzzyFeeling posted some old videos from some Silvias drifting on Mikuni pass way way back in 2003 by Youtube user kcrmsr. kcrmsr posted some other videos as well so naturally I browsed all of them till there was no video left to watch. ;)

This one was a quite funny one, where he is doing an Itsuki in one of the Silvias (starting at 1:09):

People who have seen Initial D will probably know exactly what I mean with doing an Itsuki, for others: in the episode “The Rainy Downhill!” from Stage One Kenta Nakamura (member of the Red Suns) challenges Takumi for a downhill race in the rain on Mt. Myogi. Takumi accepts and asks Itsuki (who hitched a ride from Takumi) to sit on the rear bench of the Trueno. In effect Itsuki adds extra weight on the rear wheels while tumbling from left to right (and vice versa) through the interior of the Trueno.

As you can see, IRL it is the same. The guy can’t even sit straight while cornering the first three turns and on the last turn he almost ticks over…

Video: Second Japanese Grand Prix 1964 at Suzuka Circuit

One of the people I’m following on Youtube, uncrowdedmonarch, posted this video of a typically 60s race at Suzuka Circuit and I think it’s the 1964 Japanese Grand Prix:

The second race is Touring Class V where the Prince Skylines easily won from their competion (Hino Contessa 900, Nissan Bluebird 410) and took al first six places!

Japanese Grand Prix 1964 Prince Skyline 2000GT vs Porsche 904 GT-II
Looking at the results of the first race (skip to 6:42) this must have been the legendary second Japanese Grand Prix (held on 2nd and 3rd of May 1964) in which the new Prince Skyline S54 2000GTs lost to a single (privately entered) Porsche 904 in the GT-II class! Even though the Skylines took consecutively 2nd to 6th place blowing away the competition (MG-Bs and Isuzu Bellet) this loss was so humiliating that Dr. Sakuri of Prince Motors initiated a project to create the ultimate racecar to defeat the Porsche the next time. This grudge still lives on in the battle between Nissan and Porsche for the fastest lap times around the Nürburgring. This learned Nissan what the best place is to humiliate someone: its home turf! ;)

The project resulted in the amazing legendary Prince R380. The next time Prince and Porsche met (1966 Japanese Grand Prix) the R380 proved to be worthy to its maker: Prince defeated the Porsche 906 by taking first and second place!

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