I have always been curious about how the Back Sonar of the Carina Jeune works. I mean, I know it works similarly to our modern parking sensors: ultrasonic sensors in the bumper and some processing unit calculating the distance. But how it actually operates in real life, I wouldn’t know. But lucky enough for you: I’m going to tell you exactly how in today’s post!

The brochure doesn’t tell us much more than that it is a back sonar parking aid. The Jeune TV ad does show us a bit more details:
But it isn’t much more than some parcel shelf installed pod with green, orange and red stripes making beeping noises whenever Kayoko Kishimoto makes her bunny hops towards the rear of the car.
Then I found this video of the later Carina SG Jeune AT151 of the generation after the one above and the creators explain exactly how it works:
You can switch the Back Sonar on and off using a switch on the dashboard. Then whenever an obstacle comes too close to the sensors, it will show the distance in the green, orange and red bars on the pod. It will also beep more erratically when an object comes too close to the sensors. And, the most important part for me, it will also show where the obstacle is: right, centre or left!
Thanks to Miwina2014 we now know how it works!
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