Remembering Japanese cars from the past

My Carina: Carina GT-R Cluster pin layout

This Carina GT-R AA63 Cluster has already been lying in my shed for two years now.
Carina GT-R AA63 cluster cleanup: opened up
Carina GT-R AA63 cluster cleanup: opened up

Why? Well, there are three modifications I need to make:
1. Speedo cable on the wrong side, so I need to modify the cable-bracket to be mounted on the other side
2. An additional hole for the odometer reset button on the dash
3. Rewire the connector to match the AA63 pin layout

1 and 2 are not really problematic, but can only be solved when I’m mounting the new cluster. 3 is a bit more difficult since these clusters are not documented outside Japan. So I started following all wiring paths and documented where they went and what their use should be.
This is the table of changes (I found so far) to make:
AA63 Cluster pin layout
AA63 Cluster pin layout

As you can see it is far from complete: there are still seven questionmarks. So, next time I’ll try to figure these out as well.

In case you are wondering where the numbers are located on the clusters:
AA63 Cluster layout
AA63 Cluster layout

Carina LHD Cluster layout
Carina LHD Cluster layout

Carina RHD Cluster layout
Carina RHD Cluster layout

I did find a CD with all Japanese workshop manuals for the A40 and A60 series at Auctions Yahoo, but a steep buy-me-now price of 48 euro (68 US dollar) refrained me from buying it. I’ve trieed to contact the seller by email and asked if they can sell it directly to me, but no answer so far… So if anyone has the AA63 cluster pin layout, please contact me! :)


  1. Ryan Fels

    Hi there

    Any idea if this will be the same on the AA63 Celicas? Just trying to track down the tacho wire


    • banpei

      Dunno if it is the same for the JDM and EUDM Celicas as the ones in my EUDM Carina/Celica TA6x/RA6x repair book are different between the Celica and the Carina.
      Perhaps you can send a picture of the pin layout and I can check it against the Carina…

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