Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: skyline kgc10 (Page 1 of 2)

Japanese Rustoseums: two stacked Nissan Skyline KPGC10 GT-Rs

It doesn’t happen often to find a pair of stacked Nissan Skyline KPGC10 GT-Rs in a junkyard, let alone one of them chopped in half. A half rusted Skyline in a junkyard and half overgrown is obviously a great subject for photography. That’s why I found it not odd to find the same stacked (half) Nissan Skyline KPGC10 GT-R twice on the interwebs:
Japanese Rustoseums: Two stacked Nissan Skyline KPGC10 GT-Rs
First stack is a Nissan Skyline KPGC10 on top of a Nissan Skyline C210. The Mazda Savanna (RX-7) in front of these two Skylines still appears as if it could just drive off and fence off its (rusty) fate.

Getting a bit closer made me suspect that the top Skyline actually only exists out of the rear part: Continue reading

Japanese rustoseums (part twentyseven)

This little red shortnose Skyline Coupe KGC10 is rusting away somewhere on a junkyard. It must be there for a long time now: even a tree is growing out of the side windows!
shortnose Nissan Skyline KGC10
shortnose Nissan Skyline KGC10

This 1800GL coupe is probably the most unloved model of the hakosuka Skyline because it lacks both the extended wheelbase of the other coupes and at the same time it lacks the smooth lines of the sedan/wagon. You can’t even make GT-R replica out of it, so naturally everybody scraps these little coupes…

Found at [Busakkuma]

Random: Nissan Skyline coupe spy photos

They are not new but actually rather 40 years old spy photos of the Skyline KPGC10 coupe:
Nissan Skyline KGC10 spy photo
Nissan Skyline KPGC10 spy photo

Back in the late 1969 and early 1970 Nissan was already developing the coupe version of the Nissan Skyline. Presumably these pictures were taken at the Nissan Granddrive test circuit.

You can clearly see it is a KPGC10-version from its rear arches:
Nissan Skyline KPGC10 spy photo
Nissan Skyline KPGC10 spy photo

Nice to see automotive manufacturers were just as paranoid back then about a new car leaking to the public as nowadays.

Found at [Spirit of Skyline]

Japanese rustoseums (part eleven)

When I posted part 9 (with the Celica XX, MR2 and Silvia S13) on Facebook I replied to Matti Alasaari that there were even sadder pictures than that. As promised they are going to be posted here: three Nissan Skyline GC10s!

First of all this sad KGC10 coupe is rusting away:
Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-X KGC10
Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-X KGC10

This KGC10 is the coupe version of the Skyline 2000 GT-X, but it does have the tail lights of the KPGC10 GT-R. You can distinguish it from the KPGC10 by looking at the rear arches: they haven’t been cut nor flared. Of course it is a famous upgrade to flare the rear arches and sell it to some foreigner as a GT-R, so there is still potential in this car! ;)

Now it is unclear what trim this GC10 used to be:
Nissan Skyline GC10
Nissan Skyline GC10

Way beyond sanity and it will never be restored I guess…

This one is a bit easier:
Nissan Skyline GC10
Nissan Skyline GC10

It has no flared arches, got a zenki grille and headlight surrounding, so unmistakeably this is a Skyline 1500 GC10. :)

Now even putting the lowest grade (1500) of these Skylines on a junkyard is already a shame!

Expensive hobbies: Nissan Skyline GT-R owners trackday

Some hobbies can be very expensive: for instance owning a Nissan Skyline C10 GT-R can already be very expensive, but driving one hard on a owners trackday may become even more expensive!
Expensive hobbies: Nissan Skyline GT-R owners trackday
Expensive hobbies: Nissan Skyline GT-R owners trackday

I wonder what the total of this line of cars (without the Lambo) would be worth. I counted at least 2 genuine KPGC10s, 1 genuine KPGC110 and at least 6 GC10s. That’s probably worth at least half a million euros. :o

But there were many more cars than that line up:
Expensive hobbies: Nissan Skyline GT-R owners trackday
Expensive hobbies: Nissan Skyline GT-R owners trackday

The trackday was not only limited to GT-R owners alone: as you can see the tekamen DR30s were welcome as well. :)

And if you look closely you can also spot a white AA63 Carina GT-R in the top right corner (next to the Silvia S13)

This shot is my favorite:
Expensive hobbies: Nissan Skyline GT-R owners trackday
Expensive hobbies: Nissan Skyline GT-R owners trackday

Which of these three beauties would you choose?

More on this trackday here:
kgc10kai’s blog

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