Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: bluebird sss

Japanese Rustoseums: cutaway Nissan Bluebird SSS 910

Yesterday I posted a cutaway picture of a Suzuki Fronte Coupe LC10W and today I have an even more impressive cutaway car: a Nissan Bluebird SSS 910!
Japanese Rustoseums: cutaway Nissan Bluebird 910 SSS
Well, actually it isn’t drawn… It has been scavenged for panels, then standing outside too long and the whole body structure collapsed some time ago. So in other words: just like a cutaway picture you can see its inner bowels very well! ;)

Sorry for the very very low res photos but the source did not feature anything better…

This proves the provenance of the shell: Continue reading

Family Album Treasures: Bluebird 1600 SSS

Yesterday I finally finished a tribute video to the Bluebird for Bosozoku Style I had lying around unfinished for over a year. So I thought it would be nice to post up a Family Album Treasure including a Bluebird!
Nissan Bluebird 1600 SSS
The Bluebird in the picture is a Bluebird 710 1600 SSS and apparently the whole family is very proud of it too! If I were to own a Bluebird SSS model I’d definitely include a picture in my family album! ;)

In case you are curious about the Bluebird video I made, here it is: Continue reading

Borchures: the super line-up!

Even though Japan was already using unleaded fuel in the early 80s Nissan still made a super line-up!
The Nissan super line-up
This brochure covers all 1982 models by Nissan, but they pictured the Bluebird SSS 910 (Z18E powerd), March K10 and Liberty Villa (based upon the Pulsar N12) at the cover. Personally I would have left out the Liberty Villa from this line-up and replaced it with something with a little bit more oomph like the Leopard, but I guess the Nissan board of directors thought otherwise. ;)

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