Remembering Japanese cars from the past

DOTS: 1997 Subaru E-Wagon (Sambar)

Back in the 80s the keitora were flooding the Netherlands, including the mother of all keitoras: the Subaru E-Wagon. Also known as the Subaru Sambar (Japan), Libero, Sumo and Domingo. Most of the Keitora were used as delivery vans by the Dutch Joe the Plumber, but the E-Wagon was mainly used as family transportation.
Subaru E-Wagon SDX (Sambar)
Subaru E-Wagon SDX (Sambar)

This immaculate example really looks like a great way of transportation and if it would have aircon it would make a great car for daily transportation! It even has a 3 cylinder 1.2 liter engine in it that outpowers the homemarket supercharged 658cc EN07Y! Now if it only looked good as well it would have been a good option, but to be honest: I would never ever want to be seen driving such a thing… :o

1 Comment

  1. Steve

    This is indeed a nice transporter. Practical and a great eyecatcher .

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