Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: starlet (Page 2 of 2)

Japanese rustoseums (part two)

Time for some more Japanese rustoseums:
Rusty Toyota Carina TA63 GT-TR
Rusty Toyota Carina TA63 GT-TR

This rusty beaten up Carina GT-TR was found here.

Rusty Toyota Corolla Levin AE85
Rusty Toyota Corolla Levin AE85

I posted this rusty Corolla Levin AE85 before on It is painted in the infamous colorcode 879 and it has got a nice pair of fender mirrors! ;)

Rusty Toyota Starlet KP61
Rusty Toyota Starlet KP61

This KP61 Starlet interested me: it is sitting in a junkyard and yet it has a set of Watanabe rims! Who would throw out a pair of wats?
Also funny to see the foliage coming out of the grille! First thought is always that the foliage must have been picked up during a ride, but in reality it is just growing from under the car!

It wasn’t planned to make this a Toyota only rustoseum posting, but next time I’ll make it up by posting only non-Toyota rustoseums!

Video: Toyota Starlet Grand Cup 1994

I love the sight of an old P6 Starlet: both the bugeye and the facelifted version. One of my previous neighbors (an old guy) owned a white five door KP61 which he bought originally in 1982. I asked him if I could buy it from him whenever he wanted to part from it. He told me he would never do such a thing! So, that was exit Starlet, welcome Carina. :D

Anyway, I found this great video of the Starlet Grand Cup in Japan in 1994:

Here in Holland we also had a Starlet Cup in the 80s, but unfortunately that was the P7 Starlet Cup. I didn’t know they were still racing those 4K engined RWD Starlets in the 90s! Funny to see those Starlet with the N2 fenders and TRD decals driving like small go karts! Damn, now I want one too! :)

Touge drifting video from 1995

This amateur drift video (3 parts), made in 1995 on the Hakone Pass, also shows that AE86s back in those days were very popular as well. I counted at least 8 or 9 different hachi-rokus, however it is a bit difficult with so many stock hachis:

I did spot a Z10 Soarer, KE70 corolla and a KP61 starlet as well. Other popular cars are the RPS13 180sx and the S13 Silvia. Must say all these cars resemble the stock look of the early Initial D chapters, which of course is the same period. ;)

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