Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: celica camry

Friday Video: amazing drive through Tokyo Sendagi area (1989 versus 2023)

This video of driving through the Tokyo Sendagi area in 1989 synchronized with a drive in 2023 is another amazing video by Kamepo! Last week I posted another one where he drives over the Shuto Expressway C1. In that video there were a few interesting cars, but today I found an enormous amount of interesting cars! So let’s start to identify them!

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Japanese Rustoseums: the very rare junkyard

From various sources (like WasabiCars) I understood that finding a junkyard in Japan is very rare. There are some private yards that are mostly owned by garage owners and use the cars in the yard as spare parts. When I saw this photo of a real junkyard on a Japanese blog I couldn’t believe what I saw:
Japanese Rustoseums: the rare junkyard
In this big pile of rust I detected: a Mercury Cougar, a four door Toyota Chaser X30, a Mitsubishi Galant Λ (aka the Mitsubishi/Plymouth Sapporo and Dodge Challenger), a Toyota Celica A60 (maybe an XX?), a Nissan Skyline C210, a Toyota Corona T130, a Toyota Crown MS50 and the nicest of them all: a Toyota Publica van.

More photos of this junkyard can be found here: route0030

Super rare: Toyota Celica Camry RA55

In 1980 Toyota launched a sedan Celica variant and called it the Celica Camry but in essence it was a face-lifted luxurious version of the Carina A40. In some countries it was simply called Toyota Camry and separated two years later into a FWD upmarket sedan and liftback.

But the first generation was still one of the most awesome mid-size sedans made by Toyota because of its engines and optional IRS. The first generation had a GT version of the Celica Camry featuring the 2 liter 18R-GEU DOHC engine (head by Yamaha) with an output of 135hp and nowadays this is the most sought after Celica/Carina of its generation. Imagine how rare this immaculate Celica Camry is:
Super rare Toyota Celica Camry
Super rare Toyota Celica Camry

This picture was taken at the Showa Meeting Ver.2 held in November last year.

Found at [Showa Meeting @ Minkara]

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