It has happened: 2023 rolled over and now it’s 2024! Happy New Year!
What better way to celebrate New Year than with a few more AI-generated automotive artwork? I used the phrase “1992 Nissan Skyline GT-R with New Year fireworks. “Happy New Year” in bold white letters near the top.” to generate the following image:

That certainly does look like your typical Nissan Skyline GT-R mashup! I see bits and pieces of the R32, R33 and R34. The headlights and grill are clearly R34 items, but the side markers are R32. The bumper is clearly an R34 item. Also, the body shape behind the windshield is R32. But it is uncanny how well AI is able to render a Skyline that is universally accepted as a Skyline! (does that make sense?)
I did generate another one:

Again, anyone looking at this car will instantly recognize it as a Skyline. However, this one is a bit weirder than the previous one. The headlights have the R34 items mashed up with the R33 ones. The grill is also somewhere between the two generations. The bumper is clearly R34-inspired. It is also weird that it just says “Happy” and not “Happy New Year”. Maybe the New and Year are rendered behind the Skyline?
Any thoughts for the upcoming year?
I don’t really have any idea what the upcoming year will bring. On one hand, I’m happy I restarted the blogs as I once again have the creative freedom and write my thoughts and observations down. However, it does take some toll to keep the blogging going. I have more than enough ideas, but simply not enough time. That’s why I’m considering taking it a bit easier in the upcoming year and, perhaps, lowering the number of posts to three to four per week. I’ll also take a few days off in early January, so I expect postings will start again from January 8th onwards.

I will continue with the March-athon throughout January. My curiosity for AI will also remain a thing and I’m really curious how that evolves over the next year. Finally, more content of my Carina will follow as there are many plans I have for the car!

Happy New Year and let’s hope it’s a good one!
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