A month ago I posted about this Nissan 350Z parked in my neighborhood. Apparently it is a regular or a new resident: I found it parked in the same parkinglot covered in snow!
DOTS: Nissan Fairlady 350Z
So I quickly took some nice snapshots with my EOS/Helios combo. :)
Everything gets more beautiful when covered in snow:
DOTS: Nissan Fairlady 350Z
The Z-logo looks even better when it is covered with a tiny film of snow:
DOTS: Nissan Fairlady 350Z
Unfortunately I focussed on the indicator light below the logo and not on the Z itself. :(
Also the mirror looks a bit lost when covered in snow!
DOTS: Nissan Fairlady 350Z
Last, but not least: what does the rear of the car remind you of? A Prius perhaps?
DOTS: Nissan Fairlady 350Z
Maybe a bit mean, but when I saw the rear covered in snow and I tilted my head a bit it really resembled the silhouette of a Prius. ;)
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