Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Month: August 2010 (Page 4 of 5)

Hilarious: hachi roku (AE86) day!

Happy Hachi Roku day! :)

Like you probably know or already read/heard it is today hachi roku day!
What is hachi roku day then? From Japanese hachi translates into 8, roku into 6 so in other words: 86. Today it is August sixth. Get it? If you are from Europe probably not, but in Japan and the US this date reads 8-6, hence it is hachi roku day today! ;)

To celebrate hachi roku day I have some funny AE86 videos for you today! Let’s kick off with the AE86 dry run:

So how about a Corolla E80 FWD vs RWD commercial comparison? South African FWD:

vs US RWD:

If it were for the moonwalks alone I’d surely pick the FWD!

Now how about the epic old man George doing donuts?

And to prove the hachi roku can also be cute:

hachirokuuuuuuuuuuuuu! :D
I think I still have to give some education on my son: he claims my Carina is a racecar (yay!) but he can’t say roku-rei yet!

Japanese rustoseums (part fourteen)

How can anyone leave a beautiful Mazda Luce Rotary gather dust and rust?
(R/D)usty Mazda Luce Rotary (RX4)
(R/D)usty Mazda Luce Rotary (RX4)

Judging from the amount of stuff around the Luce Rotary it must have been there for ages! There is even a pair of hedge shears on top of it! Apparently the owner of this RX4 didn’t have the time to repair or rebuild it, so it is currently gathering great amounts of dust and other junk!

This rusty Sprinter Trueno TE27 is also gathering a lot, but not dust! It is gathering plants:
Rusty Toyota Sprinter Trueno TE27
Rusty Toyota Sprinter Trueno TE27

How can you let such a rare car rust away? The foliage is even growing through the trunk outside! Apparently someone thought it would be fruitful to park his old Trueno in his front yard and hope its 2T-G will grow by itself!

Last but not least, behold the rust on this Daihatsu Mira L70:
Daihatsu Mira L70
Daihatsu Mira L70

There is nothing fancy about this car, but I thought the massive amount of rust looked kind of beautiful!

Found at Toyota80’s and White peach’s photozou.

Carina Sightings: Yokosuka’s deep blue Carina AA63 (part 2)

I spotted this great looking picture on PhilsCarBlog and recognized the car as Yokosuka’s deep blue AA63 I posted before:
Yokosuka's Carina AA63
Yokosuka’s Carina AA63

So I decided to have another look at his blog and found that he made quite a few updates in the past 10 months!

First of all he shot this beautiful sakura picture:
Yokosukas Carina AA63 under Cherry Blossom (sakura)
Yokosukas Carina AA63 under Cherry Blossom (sakura)

And what about getting a trim?
Yokosukas Carina AA63 haircut
Yokosukas Carina AA63 haircut

Well, he got the haircut, not the Carina. ;)

Or help your fellow Carina owner with an oil change:
Carina AA63 sedan and coupe
Carina AA63 sedan and coupe

The coupe is owned by a friend of him and they regularly do maintenance together on the Carinas!

Commerical time: Nissan Coupe Rz-1

I always liked the looks of the Nissan Sunny B12: sleek, boxy, fast and still looking normal enough to be a wolf in sheeps clothing! In Japan they were marketed as the Nissan Coupe Rz-1 which sounds a lot more 80s in my ears than the Sunny Coupe.

Somehow it may sound funny, but this commercial made me laugh: my Down on the Street regular started with a Nissan Sunny B12 used by a window cleaner and imagine this streamlined commercial with a big ladder on top of the car!

Only in Japan: spot a Nissan 240RS in the wild

Okay, maybe not 100% true: you can certainly spot a 240RS outside Japan, but probably not on the open roads! Outside Japan normally these cars end up somewhere in the corner of a museum or only be driven on circuits while the Japanese actually are very fond of driving heritage out on the open roads.
Only in Japan: spot a Nissan 240RS in the wild
Only in Japan: spot a Nissan 240RS in the wild

Imagine what it would be like to hear a deep growl coming closer and closer, you turn your neck to the direction the sound is coming from and all you can see is this very wide flared 240RS homologation special!

[ Found in Toyota08’s photozou]

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