Remembering Japanese cars from the past

WTF: MR2 SW20 in British Cash for Clunkers

I spotted this picture on Jalopnik yesterday:
British Cash for Clunkers: 14000 clunkers
British Cash for Clunkers: 14000 clunkers

That’s 14K of pretty good drivable cars packed together on an airfield waiting to be destroyed. That’s even worse that the German CFC where the cars may be reused for parts…

Normally I wouldn’t have posted this here, but when I read the full article on the Daily Mail I spotted this:
British Cash for Clunkers: 14000 clunkers
British Cash for Clunkers: 14000 clunkers

What sick mind trades in their SW20 MR2 in a Cash for Clunkers arrangement?? I can understand trading in the Corolla EE80 above (or the AWD Subaru GL somewhere in the middle) because it is a good deal. However a MR2? Did the owner think it was worth less than 2000 pounds??

BTW: someone also traded in their (immitation?) Ford Racing Puma on the mid right… Weren’t those limited to 500 cars? Or is it an imitation bodykit?


  1. Thomas

    and what about the Nissan Prairie, in the middle, in front of the blue Golf :(

  2. banpei

    Well, it is probably worth as much as the EE80. Sounds like a good deal to me. :P

  3. B-San

    And what about the Ford Cougar and Fiat Coupe?! Such great and rare cars! And that Imprezza WRX. Such a shame ='[
    Oh, and isn’t that a K12 SRi on the mid left?

  4. banpei

    I see the Fiat coupe quite regularly in Hilversum, but still a shame to wreck it… The Impreza is not a WRX, no scoop on it and the body looks more like a AWD GL to me.

  5. B-San

    Funny, the Fiat Coupe is quite rare overhere.
    Btw, Tought the WRX didn’t have a scoob on the hood. (Only the WRX STi)
    Could be wrong tough. Not really “into” the scooby’s

  6. Vial

    At least someone had the good mind to drop off a G Whizz

  7. jotoa

    Sincerely, I think this is the most stupid cash back plan or whatever they call it.

    Most of the cars on the last photo are great.

    Here, in Portugal, 95% of them (except that Aixam-like car xD) would sell for a great price. I would take a hint you could sell anyone of them for at least the 2000 pounds.
    And the MR2 you could do some 9000€.

    Sad that some people don’t know what they have on their garage…

    I discovered your blog a few days ago and started reading it in the first post.
    You’ve made me wish (even more) go back to the 80’s.
    Thanks and congratulations for the job :D

  8. banpei

    I agree: it is a waste of resources and the cars are definitely worth more. But i think the people using the cashback actually don’t care that much: all they want is to get rid of their old car for a reasonable price without any hassle. So receiving the cashback triggers them to sell it off for a way too low price.

    BTW: Thanks for the compliment! :)

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