Remembering Japanese cars from the past

DOTS winter edition: Miata hunting part 3!

Yesterdays I already posted a snow covered Nissan 200SX S14 in the Down on the Street winter edition. Today I’m posting up some of the Mazda MX5s and Miatas I shot pictures of the day it had snowed!

First of all I took a picture of the white Miata near the nursery of my son:
White Mazda Miata covered in snow!
White Mazda Miata covered in snow!

I don’t think the color of this Miata can be called snow-white! ;)
As you may recall this Miata had a dent in its front fender. About two weeks ago this Miata disappeared for a few days and when it returned its front fender had been repaired! So it is certainly not going the same way as the Nissan 200SX! ;)

Red Mazda Miata covered in snow!
Red Mazda Miata covered in snow!

Of course I took a picture of the red Miata as well. I must say that a snow covered red Miata looks a lot better than a white snow covered Miata!

And last but not least, this Blue MX5 mk2:
Blue Mazda MX5 mk2 covered in snow!
Blue Mazda MX5 mk2 covered in snow!

I did not post this one before, but since all three of them were “on the way” from the nursery to my work I took a short detour to make the three pictures needed for this posting.

All pictures were kept as dark and gloomy as my EOS shot them: I took those pictures around sunrise so they are supposed to be a bit dark.


  1. B-San

    Red miata’s always look better O.-
    Lucky someone is still taking car over that NA and it would be left to the forces of nature like the S14.

  2. B-San

    Seconds try: “Lucky someone is still taking care of that NA so it wouldn’t be left over to the forces of nature like the S14.”

  3. banpei

    I suspect the owner just parks the car at the exact same spot and use the car only for “fun”. ;)

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