Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Category: Google

Google-images not indexing image tags with single quotes?

Just some plain weirdness: Google Images stopped indexing my images some time ago and I’ve already tried several things to improve this. Up so far I did not succeed…

I did just notice that most of the image tags of the images indexed were all done with double-quotes instead of the current single quote I’m using… Perhaps that’s the answer why! So, let’s see in a couple of days if the indexed images are better! :)


Someone created Googlopoly. Indeed: Google is getting more and more a monopoly, so it should be quite right.

As you can see on the board it contains a couple of names which Google didn’t acquire yet, however it’s only a matter of time… ;)

Googlopoly website
Click on the image to go to the original webpage of Googlopoly and see the full size image of the board.

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