Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: minkara guide

Minkara guide – Part three: add cars

Earlier we covered the registration process and setting up your profile, so let start adding cars now!
Minkara guide step 2: go to car listing
Minkara guide part 3: go to car listing

This is where you click to go to the car listing page…

You will see an empty page on which you have one big button. Now what should you do with that button then?
Minkara guide part 3: click on add car
Minkara guide part 3: click on add car

Click it of course! ;)

Which takes you to the edit car details page:
Minkara guide part 3: edit car details
Minkara guide part 3: edit car details

I tried to put in there whatever I could translate. The only tricky part is selecting the manufacturer and model! The lists are so long that I can’t really translate them. Least I can do is provide you with the most important manufacturers from the list:
???: Toyota
??: Nissan
???: Honda
??: Mitsubishi
???: Mazda
???: Subaru
???: Suzuki
????: Daihatsu
???: Isuzu
??: Mitsuoka

After you selected the manufacturer the page will reload and load the models by that manufacturer. What you can do is use Firefox, select the drop-down box containing the models, right-click on the selection and choose “view selection source”. This way you will get that list in html formatted text which you can put through Google-translate. It won’t work very well, but at least it is better than nothing. ;)

So, filled in all details? Click on the “Check” button to see how it is going to look on your profile:
Minkara guide part 3: confirm car details
Minkara guide part 3: confirm car details

Satisfied? Click on “Submit” button to confirm your car. Otherwise click on the “Edit” button to go back to the edit screen.

Minkara guide part 3: done!
Minkara guide part 3: done!

Well, we’re done! Congratulations: you just added your first car to your Minkara profile!

Next episode we will look into adding modifications to your cars!

Minkara guide – Part two: enable profile

After last weeks registration (Minkara guide part one) we now continue with the basic profile. After you have logged in you must go to your profile page first:
Minkara guide step 2: go to your profile page
Minkara guide step 2: go to your profile page

As you can see it is pretty empty there! First thing they ask you to do is to agree to the terms (yes, once again!):
Minkara guide step 2: agree to the terms
Minkara guide step 2: agree to the terms

So, check that checkbox and press continue…

After you have done that you will see a very very very long page with way too many options:
Minkara guide step 2: edit profile details
Minkara guide step 2: edit profile details

As you can see: it is a bit unclear if you don’t know what it says! I tried to put it all in one single image and tried to translate it properly but some thinks are a bit unclear for me as well…

You can also upload your default profile picture here. It will be used as an icon and also shown bigger on your public profile page.

After you have filled in everything and pressed the Submit button you will get a confirmatiobox asking if everything has been filled in correctly. Press OK to continue… And surprise surprise: your profile details have been filled in!

That’s it for this guide! In the next part (will be posted tomorrow!) we will start adding cars.

Minkara guide – Part one: register your account

I have been walking around with this plan for a long time now. I already have a Minkara account for some time now, but it took me some effort to register and set up the account properly. The biggest problem with it is that you can’t translate the whole page automatically because Minkara uses images as buttons and sessions to keep track of on which page you are in your personal profile.

So, this is part one of the Minkara guide: registration of your own personal account!

You may wonder why you would need one… Well, there are a few reasons why:
1. You can’t place comments on minkara pages without an account
2. You can’t send emails to other minkara users without an account
3. You can become friends with your favorite minkara users
4. Profilate yourself inside Japan!

So, let’s get started with the registration then! First of all you need to find the login page to actually get to the registration page. So go to the main page of Minkara first:
Minkara main page

Minkara guide: finding the login page
Minkara guide: finding the login page

So now you know where to login after your registration as well! ;)

On the login page you can also find the link to the registration page:
Minkara guide: finding the registration page
Minkara guide: finding the registration page

Click on it and you will go to the first step of the registration process.

Minkara guide: step 1 - fill in registration form
Minkara guide: step 1 – fill in registration form

So, fill in that form with all the information you want to provide. Input fields prefixed with an asterisk (*) are obliged to be filled in. Basically every field except the ones for the newsletters.

Please be careful: the Minkara ID is different than the Nickname! The ID is used to log in while the Nickname is the display name to other users. You can’t change the ID, but you can change your Nickname afterwards.

Also the prefecture needs to be filled in. Personally I always filled in the Gunma prefecture for obvious reasons. ;)

Now this is an example of how I filled in the AEU86 account:
Minkara guide: step 1 - example
Minkara guide: step 1 – example

So, press that Continue button and have Minkara your account credentials checked.

Minkara guide: step 2 - check your details
Minkara guide: step 2 – check your details

Check your details! If they are correct you can press the Register button. Otherwise you can press the other button to go back to step one and correct your details.

It may also happen that one of your details is wrong (ID taken for instance). It won’t continue to step two in that case and show the incorrect fields in step one marked red.

Minkara guide: step 3 - check your mail
Minkara guide: step 3 – check your mail

After you pressed the Register button Minkara will send an activation email to the email address you provided in step one. So go check your email!

Minkara guide: step 3 - open link in confirmation email
Minkara guide: step 3 – open link in confirmation email

If you did everything right you should have an email within 5 minutes. It could happen that the spamfilters of your email provider pick up the email as spam, so if you don’t receive an email within 15 minutes also check your junkmail folder. ;)

Click on the link and you will go to step four:
Minkara guide: step 4 - log in for the first time
Minkara guide: step 4 – log in for the first time

You just confirmed your email address and are now asked to log in for the first time. Put in the Minkara ID and password you provided in step one and press the Login button.

Minkara guide: registration done!
Minkara guide: registration done!

Congratulations! You just created your own Minkara account!

In part two we will describe the basics of how you can pimp your profile page and add your cars!

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