Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: HR blog

Site updates!

As you may have noticed I made some minor site updates in the past few days!

Logo changed
I changed the logo to a bit more car related logo. The old logo showed a set of Celica Supra rims in a close-up but it wasn’t really clear immediately that you are on a car related site. Hopefully it is clearer this way. ;)

I opened up a Banpei Facebook fan page!
It will contain all updates from all blogs I write for and some other interesting links I encounter daily.

If you are not a fan yet, you can become one directly by clicking on the link in the fanbox:

Sidebar from left to right
I changed the sidebar back from left to right. It simply wasn’t working correct under all browsers and I wanted to be able to post content to Facebook. Facebook interpreted the left sidebar as the actual content. :(
So, if anyone still has problems with the display of the sidebar: please contact me!

Changed banners
I removed the banner from the sidebar. It freed up a bit of space there and the sidebar looks a lot better now! Instead of that banner I put up a big leaderboard at the top of the page. There is not much content yet, but there will be a lot more interesting content there as well.
Also if you wish to advertise there or any other place at my site: please contact me! ;)

Now blogging for HR blog

Hachi Roku blog

As some people may have noticed: I started blogging for HR blog starting from today onwards! This will mean all my AE86 related ramblings will be posted on HR blog from now on! ;)

Of course you won’t see my non-AE86 ramblings over there, so I’ll just keep those here. It also does not mean I’m going to slack here either. Just have to type a bit faster than normal! :D

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