Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: catalogue

The Carina A6 in the Toyota Family Tree

A couple of days ago Japanese Nostalgic Car posted (yes I do read their blog occasionally) that because of their 75th anniversary Toyota created a big family tree of all models they created. Of course I immediately looked up the third generation Carina in it:
Carina A60 in the Toyota family tree
The nice thing is that they have a fairly good description on the timelines and model and it even includes what plat produced the car. The whole Carina lineup was produced in the Tsutsumi plant. They do mention the addition of the 1C diesel, 4T-GTE and 4A-GE engines but they forgot to add them to the specification sheet.

Another fun fact is that they set the release date to a specific date and in the case of the third generation Carina it was 7th of September 1981: coincidentally my dads birthday. ;)

Direct links to the model pages:
Carina A60 sedan (RA63/TA61/TA63/SA60/AA60)
Carina A60 coupe (RA63/TA61/TA63/SA60/AA60)
Carina A60 Surf (SA60)
Carina A60 van (TA67)

You can also view the original/initial catalogs, but later ones are not included. Links to the catalogs:
Carina A60 sedan and coupe (September 1981)
Carina A60 Surf (February 1982)
Carina A67 van (September 1981)

If you really want to reverse engineer you can actually access the scanned pages of the catalogs directly. These are the first page and last page of the first catalog. ;)

BTW: I just realized the old site got broken after the server upgrade a few months ago and the old content has disappeared. I’ll see if I can fix that. :)

Brochures: Nissan Skyline VBC110 van

Some time ago I aquired a JDM brochure of the Nissan Skyline VBC110 van:
Nissan Skyline VBC110 van
Nissan Skyline VBC110 van

I spotted it on a local auction site for a cheap price. I can’t think any other way of how this brochure actually got into the Netherlands than with the help of a collector, but why it was sold for a decent price puzzles me…

Perhaps because a lot of people can’t appreciate the weird 70s lines of the Kenmeri Skyline?
Nissan Skyline VBC110 van
Nissan Skyline VBC110 van

I just love that thick C-pillar of the wagon! Imagine how big the blind spot of this wagon must be!

Nissan Skyline VBC110 van
Nissan Skyline VBC110 van

The interior is, of course, a lower grade than in the other C110s. Nevertheless it looks awesomely 70s!

And size matters:
Nissan Skyline VBC110 van
Nissan Skyline VBC110 van

What about having that Nissan Anti-Pollution System?
Nissan Skyline VBC110 van
Nissan Skyline VBC110 van

I have no idea what the NAPS anti pollution system is (probably means it got a hemi-head), but I think that became standard on all other Nissans over the years! ;)

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