Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Category: 2t-b upgrade

2T-B upgrade: airfilter #1 arrived!

Got a phonecall during my vacation that this had arrived:
K&N open airfilter 2TB
K&N open airfilter 2TB

It is the open airfilter I ordered before going on holiday. At first I thought I’d go for the standard OEM Toyota 2T-B air filter housing, but The Doctor convinced me that I really should go for the open airfilter.

K&N open airfilter 2TB
K&N open airfilter 2TB

Especially since he offered me one of the two needed: his 3K engine died and after that he did not have any use for it anymore.

I’m glad I did make that decision: I test fitted the air filter on the 2T-B double carburetor setup:

Testfitting the K&N open airfilter on the 2T-B carburetor
Testfitting the K&N open airfilter on the 2T-B carburetor

The filter really looks bling and I can’t wait till I receive the second one! :)

2T-B upgrade: cleanup stage 1

The 2T-B upgrade is progressing slowly. After failing to find an original Celica TA60 2T-B airfilter house I ordered an open airfilter from K&H (part number 56-9138) and will get my second one once The Doctor will find his spare one. :P

Today I tried to clean the double carburetor setup from all its dirt and oil with a brush, a lot of paper kitchen towels and some petrol. After an hour I got exhausted (probably from inhaling too much petrol) and had to stop. The result is already a big difference:
2T-B upgrade: cleanup stage 1 - before
2T-B upgrade: cleanup stage 1 – before

2T-B upgrade: cleanup stage 1 - after
2T-B upgrade: cleanup stage 1 – after

I’ll give it a second try doing it this way and see if I can have it look clean enough. But as you can see: a lot of dirt and oil is unreachable for me, so I’m afraid I really have to take it apart to get it fully cleaned after all.

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