Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Month: December 2010 (Page 5 of 5)

Hilarious: Celica AT182 commercial parody

The late 80s and early 90s were a golden era for Eddy Murphy. No wonder he made a commercial for the Toyota Celica in 1989. It was such a popular commercial that a parody with a bosozoku praising the Suzuki Cultus was made:

I love the soundtrack (The Fly) by Dr.? Dre. ;)

In case you are wondering what the original commercial looked like, here it is:

Carina Sightings: Impulse AA63 Carina coupe

From the front this Carina coupe is almost the spitting image of last weeks tekamens rival but you can see after the windhield it is clearly a coupe and not a sedan:
Carina AA63 coupe by Impulse
Carina AA63 coupe by Impulse

This Carina was tuned by Impulse (also known for their excellent AE86s) and the bigport 4AGE engine was swapped for a later type 20 valve blacktop. Also the deep dish gold mesh rims suit the coupe well.

As you can see they rerouted the waterlines, heatwrapped spaghetti exhaust headers and direct spark ignition:
Carina AA63 coupe by Impulse
Carina AA63 coupe by Impulse

Nice job! :)

Found at [Impulse]

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